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Embryonic period

Third to Eighth Week:

The embryonic period (organogenesis)

is the time when each of the three germ
layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm,
gives rise to a number of specific tissues and
• the main organ systems have been
established, rendering the major features of
the external body form recognizable by the
end of the
second month.
Derivatives of the Ectodermal
Germ Layer
• has the shape of a disc that is broader in the
cephalic than the caudal region
• Appearance of the notochord and prechordal
mesoderm induces the overlying ectoderm to
thicken and form the neural plate
• Cells of the plate make up the neuroectoderm.
• Neurulation induced .
1- induction of neural plate .
2- elongation , expands
3- elevation of lateral edges & neural
crest .
4- formation of neural folds & the
neural groove
5- Gradually, fusion at midline,
formation of the neural tube.
6- Closure of cranial then caudal
7- bilateral ectodermal thickenings,
the otic placodes and the lens placodes,
lenses of the eyes
Neural tube :
central nervous system is represented by a closed tubular structure
composed of :
1) Brain vesicles characterized by a number of broad dilations cranially
2) spinal cord. narrow caudal portion

Neural crest cells migrate

1) A dorsal pathway to form melanocytes
2) A ventral pathway to become sensory ganglia, sympathetic and
enteric neurons, Schwann cells, and cells of the adrenal medulla .
3) A cranial neural folds contribute to the craniofacial skeleton as well
as neurons for cranial ganglia, glial cells & Other cells .
• the ectodermal germ layer gives rise to organs
and structures that maintain contact with the
outside world:
– (a) the central nervous system;
– (b) the peripheral nervous system;
– (c) the sensory epithelium of the ear, nose, and eye.
– (d) the epidermis, including the hair and nails.
• In addition, it gives rise to subcutaneous glands,
the mammary glands, the pituitary gland, and
enamel of the teeth.
Derivatives of the Mesodermal Germ

cells of the mesodermal

germ layer form a thin
sheet of loosely woven
tissue on each side of
the midline.
Derivatives of the Mesodermal Germ
proliferation & form
– (a ) paraxial mesoderm –
thick - close to the midline

– (b) lateral plate – thin -

More laterally , divided in
to 2 layers
• (a) somatic or parietal
mesoderm layer
• (b) splanchnic or visceral
mesoderm layer
* these layers line the
intraembryonic cavity

– (c ) Intermediate
mesoderm connects
paraxial and lateral plate
organized into segments ( somitomeres)
their formation proceeds cephalocaudally.
Each somitomere consists of mesodermal cells.
somitomeres further organize into

form the axial skeleton

During this period, the age of the

embryo is expressed in number of
somites. .
- Somites appears first at
occipital region at the end of
the 3rd week

- Give rise to axial skeleton

(bone of head, neck and
trunk), associated
musculature and dermis of

- Somites are so prominent as

to be a criteria for
determining the age of
embryo in 4th and 5th weeks.
29 day embryo
(this is when the heart starts pumping, about 4 weeks or 1
month, ½ cm size)
Development of somites
Myotome- Skeletal muscle of neck, limb
Dermatome- Connective tissue, Skin dermis
Sclerotome- Vertebrate
• differentiates into urogenital structures.
(future nephrotomes & nephrogenic cord) &
Divisions of the mesodermal lateral
• Somatic mesoderm: apposed to the ectoderm
• Splanchnic mesoderm: apposed to the
• Coelom in between will become the serous
cavities of the ventral body cavity:
– Peritoneal
– Pericardial
– Pleural
splits into parietal and visceral layers, which line the
intraembryonic cavity and surround the organs.
- parietal layer, together with overlying ectoderm, will form the
lateral and ventral body wall.
- The visceral layer and embryonic endoderm will form the wall
of the gut .
Folding begins
at week 4

(main difference
between the 3
week embryo
and the adult
body is that the
embryo is still
a flat disc)
24 day
into amniotic
Day 23, beginning
to fold

Lateral folds
will join ventrally
human body
plan, day 28
(about ½ cm)

cross section
abdomen of
an adult
(essentially the
same as above)
Major derivatives of the embryonic germ layers

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