KM Group Assignment-1

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Table of Contents


An overview of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology.....................................2

Background Theory........................................................................................................3

THE MANAGERIAL INFRASTRUCTURE.....................................................................3

TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (TI)................................................................4

SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE........................................................................................6



It is no gainsaying the fact that knowledge management is a veritable tool for the
improvement of services and process and for growth and productivity. Knowledge
management infrastructure capability refers to modular products and organizational
designs that encourage knowledge management activities in an organization.

Most companies that succeed in their everyday activities and operations are those
which practice the knowledge management infrastructures. The universities as
knowledge based institutions are expected to manage knowledge for sustainable
competitive advantage, growth and innovation. This paper addresses the advantages of
knowledge management infrastructure in the organization. The organization which the
paper is all about is Limkokwing University of Creative Technology LUCT.

An overview of Limkokwing University of Creative Technology

Limkokwing University equips its students with the practical knowledge in information
technology, film development and design industry, constructing their minds to think
beyond. The programs are designed in such a way that students will focus more on
skill-based learning which will prepare them for the industry. The university also
implements innovative teaching methodologies and approaches to include technological
advancements, contemporary practices and trends applicable to higher level education.
Apart from that, the university is at the level to enable students to apply skills and
knowledge to a rapidly changing industry (About Limkokwing University- 2020/2021,

Limkokwing University brings out the best in young people so that they are empowered
to transform the impossible into the possible. Creativity is a mental process needed to
respond to the tremendous challenges that all of us face in today's fast-paced world
(About Limkokwing University- 2020/2021, 2021).

The Limkokwing Institute of Creative Technology (as it was known then) was
established to play an active role enabling much needed technology transfer in the area
of creative education. The Institute had started to create strategic links with reputable
and well-established universities and colleges in UK, USA, Canada, Australia and New
Zealand. At the same time the Institute had forged strong connections with industry to
provide guidance and support to enable the right environment of learning to students
(Limkokwing History @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, 2021).

The Institute was the first step forward towards achieving a successful and rewarding
career for students. For parents the Institute was an eye-opener as they began to see
the wide-ranging possibilities in creative careers. For industry it gave them an
opportunity to participate in nurturing much needed creative capability (Limkokwing
History @ Limkokwing University of Creative Technology, 2021).

Further, the university’s collaboration gave wonderful opportunities for students to

engage their creative expressions in real work experience. These included work
developed for restaurants, hospitals, manufacturers, resorts, publishers, humanitarian
foundations, societies and clan associations, councils, public relations companies,
municipal councils, government ministries, and non- government organizations. The
work has been wide-ranging from the type of creative input needed to the type of
organization that required the input (Limkokwing History @ Limkokwing University of
Creative Technology, 2021).

Background Theory
(Of Knowledge management infrastructure)

LUCT (Its activities regarding KM Infrastructure capabilities)



In order to improve organizational performance and create value in LUCT, the
management should conduct meetings and motivate its stakeholders. the management
should motivate knowledge sharing by clearly communicating KM strategies and goals

to its stakeholders and provide incentives or rewards to the members who are achieving
desired knowledge sharing behavior, (Maertensson, 2000).

In addition, researchers have reported that one of the most significant elements of
management for knowledge sharing to consider is trust. High levels of trust reduce the
reluctance of individuals to share knowledge and decrease the associated risk of losing
competitiveness, (Kushwaha and Rao, 2015). Therefore, LUCT management should
create a culture that allows easy access of knowledge from the top of management to
the lower levels of management and also to its employees.

The LUCT management should also Encourage Networking. They should help their
employees to share knowledge by providing opportunities for collaboration through the
use of social software. Gold, Malhotra, and Segars (2001) also supported that
hardware, networking, and bandwidth elements of technology are important, but they
are not sufficient to perform the KM activities of sharing, storing, disseminating, and
maintaining knowledge. Other tools are thus required, like social media, content
repositories, and dynamic websites.

They should also make sure that each departments store the right knowledge that leads
to the design of better policy, modification of action, and delivery of results. They should
develop infrastructure capabilities not only in terms of hardware and software, but also
in terms of culture, structure, people, and technology. Davenport, Delong, and Beers
(1998) supported this by indicating that organizations that utilize both technical and
organizational infrastructures are more likely to implement successful knowledge
management projects.


In accordance with Singh, Narain and Kant (2007a), technological Infrastructure
provides a stronger platform to Knowledge Management and enhances its impact in an
organization, by helping and leveraging its knowledge systematically and actively.
Despite that, they also mentioned that the wide varieties of technology such as business
intelligence, knowledge base, collaboration, portals, management systems, data mining

and workflow support Knowledge Management activities and the selection of
appropriate technology improves the performance of organizations.

On the word of Agus and Suhadak (2013), organizations can enhance their
performance by acquiring and using technologies that facilitate knowledge discovery,
creation and application and adopting cultures that facilitates interaction among
employees. For that reason, Limkokwing University must adopt the stated technologies
to ease interaction between lecturers and students. This is to encourage lecturers to
teach, tutor and progress their other relevant discussions with students by the use of
online industry. Moreover, it is very valuable for the university management to develop
this kind of learning platform because it will definitely aid in the ongoing learning
processes regardless of the restrictions due to pandemic-COVID-19.

Furthermore, in the online learning platform, lecturers will be allowed to attend to

students’ issues any time. On the contrary, technological infrastructure helps the
organizations with the authority to share and disseminate certain kinds of knowledge
beyond physical and time barriers more easily than ever. So, this will definitely help the
university lecturers to easily share knowledge at any time because there will not be any
restrictions like, students having to wait for lecturers to show up at school or set an
appointment for the consultations and course discussions.

However, development of technological infrastructure also aids in the creation of portals

for the university that will enhance knowledge management activities, improving the
annual performance of the organization. The innovative portal typically includes the
application and registration navigations that will help learners to apply and register for
courses available within the university, cutting the costs and creating innovative
processes. The university portal has to take account of the available courses, providing
the preview for each course to make the applicants understand the kind of programs
they opt for before they are admitted.

In addition, technological infrastructure has the technology capabilities to store

information in the university’s management system for easy retrieval. This enables a
firm to use its existing knowledge; and the opportunity generation technologies allow a

firm to generate and store knowledge about its customers, partners, employees, or
suppliers (Agus and Suhadak, 2013).Therefore, individuals, both lecturers and students
at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology will be enabled to track any knowledge
when in need of it, knowing where that knowledge resides. This capability also helps the
university to easily generate and store knowledge about students, lecturers and other
employees through the creation of student management system and employee
management system.

Despite that, technological infrastructure allows for advanced communications networks

and the technologies are used to facilitate communication, interaction and flow of
knowledge between various distinctive parties (Obeidat et al., 2016). Through this
capability, Limkokwing University of Creative Technology will be able to use
technologies that facilitate interaction and flow of knowledge with other related
universities, for instance, Botho University of Botswana. This will aid in sharing the
latest innovative knowledge to utilize in faculties like; Faculty of Information and
Communication Technology and Faculty of Design. Thus, helping lecturers within both
stated faculties to implement new and latest ways of producing creative and innovative

The implementation of social infrastructure should ideally be based on an ongoing
dialogue among multiple stakeholders in order to reap the full benefits in terms of
learning outcomes. This dialogue should continue over the long term to encompass
ongoing changes in demography and pedagogy.

Social infrastructure plays an important role in developing strong and inclusive

connections. Limkokwing has to provide opportunities for its clients to be together that
is to bring different groups of students from different institutions together.Again it must
implement the activities and team buildings between the lecturers from different
programs in order to build the strong connection among the stuff and same must apply

to its students. This will benefit the school in building a strong internal and external
relationship and unity always wins.

The LUCT current thinking should be that the potential of each student should be
maximized by providing students with strong education guidance and by teaching them
in small groups. This policy fosters a closer relationship between teacher and students,
and strengthens the commitment to education from all stakeholders. There is strong
evidence from around the world about the benefits of smaller classes, including better
academic results(Antonyuka, 2015)

Physical characteristics of learning spaces have a significant impact on educational

progress (Mahat et al, 2017). Good natural conditions, age-appropriate learning spaces
that offer flexible learning opportunities that pupils can adapt and personalize,
Connections between learning spaces that are easy to navigate and that may provide
additional learning opportunities play a huge part in improving student learning
programs. LUCT has to improve its physical space conditions and make sure that they
provide everything a student may require where they sit and perform the school work for
instance strong WI-FI and charging plugs.

The study examined the management and performance as well as the effectiveness of
knowledge management infrastructure in Limkokwing University. In this new era, the
universities must understand knowledge management infrastructure and systems and
ensure they are in place. The fact that an organization is effective now does not mean it
should rest on it oars but should continuously upgrade its knowledge management
infrastructure for continuous growth and competitiveness.

The study has also looked at the effectiveness of KM infrastructure among LUCT and
has come to the conclusion that KM infrastructure influences organizational
performance of innovation, growth and competitive advantage Therefore in order to
innovate, grow and be competitive, LUCT must as a matter of necessity be able to
identify the knowledge management programmers to assist the universities authorities,

and implementing changes that foster successful knowledge management

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Student's full names:

Polo Mohlominyane 901009918

Ts’eane Mapeshoane 901008779

Nthabiseng Rasetsoto 901010103

Hlalefang Motoai 901009479


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