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CONFIDENTIAL EMIDEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE MEMS575/KJP585/450 EXAMINATION DECEMBER 2016 TIME : 3HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 This question paper consists of three (3) parts : PART A (7 Questions) PART B (5 Questions) PART C (2 Questions) 2. Answer five (5) questions from PART A, ALL questions from PART B and PART C in the ‘Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3 Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4 Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of i) the Question Paper ii) an Answer Booklet ~ provided by the Faculty 5. ‘Answer ALL questions in English. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 9 printed pages © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 2 EM/DEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 PART A (Answer five (5) questions only out of the following seven (7) questions) QUESTION 1 Operations management is the set of activities that creates value in the form of goods and services by transforming inputs into outputs. Illustrate the transformation process diagram for manufacturing a wooden chair. (5 marks) QUESTION 2 Ahmad is going to open a new branch for his new bakery shop. Determine his objective of finding the best location for his new branch. List down three (3) reasons why an organization finally decide on the location decisions. (5 marks) QUESTION 3 Describe Methods Analysis and the two (2) Methods Analysis that can be used for Human Resource and Job Design in company Teras Jaya Sdn. Bhd. (5 marks) QUESTION 4 One of the factors to ensure the success of managing a supply chain is to form strategic partnership with the suppliers. In your opinion, describe five (5) benefits of Supply Chain Management. (5 marks) QUESTION 5 Aggregate Planning has been used in determining the quantity and timing of production for immediate future. Determine five (5) strategies of Aggregate Planning. (5 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 EM/DEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 6 ‘When you have a serious problem, it is important to explore all of the things that could cause it, before you start to think about the solution. By using Ishikawa Diagram or Cause and Effect Diagram, identify the cause of a problem for poor quality product in a manufacturing company. (S marks) QUESTION 7 Describe the breakdown programs that can be used by a company in order to avoi machining line stoppage for a CNC lathe machine in a manufacturing company. (S marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 EMIDEC 201 6/MEMS75/KJP585/450 PART B (Answer ALL questions) QUESTION 1 Imani Sdn. Bhd., an established local furniture company, is trying to determine what forecasting method is to be best used for the company. Based on demand historical data in Table Q1, calculate the following forecast and specify what forecasting method should the company implement. Table Q1 Month Demand Jan 115 Feb 140 Mar 141 ‘Apr 168 May 158 June 183 July 144 Aug 135 Sept 145 i) Determine the forecast for Apr through Sept using Naive method. (1 mark) ji) Forecast Apr through Sept using three-month moving average. (1 mark) iii) Use simple exponential smoothing with a of 0.2 to estimate May through Sept. Given the forecast for Apr is 132 (1: mark) iv) Caloulate the MAD for the forecasts made in i), ii) and iii) for periods April to Sept. Which forecasting method should the company used? (7 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 5 EMIDEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 2 UITM is considering several locations for a new campus. Four factors have been identified to be important for their location decision. The top management have assigned scores to the three locations, with a higher score indicating a more favorable location. Use the information in the following Table Q2 to perform a factor rating to select the best location. Table Q2 Factors ight | LocationA | Location Location C Facilities 40 30 75 90 Lecturers Availability 30 40 70 40° Land Price [15 80 40 90 Utilities 15, 75 60 10 | (10 marks) QUESTION 3 Demand for a certain subassembly in a speaker manufacturing facility is 96 items per eight hour shift. The task required to produce one subassembly is listed in Table Q3. i) Drawa precedence diagram. (2 marks) ji) Calculate the required cycle time. (1 mark) iii) | Determine the actual workstation in the line. (3.5 marks) iv) Whats the idle time and line efficiency? (3.5 marks) Table Q3 Task Task time (minute) _| Immediate Predecessor (s) A 4 5 B 5 aa c 3 A D 2 B | Ea 1 BC F [ 5 DE (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 6 EM/DEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 4 Fatimah Sdn. Bhd. is planning to conduct a recycle project. The processes from collecting recycled bottles to producing the recycled craft products comprises of six activities, with procedure relationships and activity time estimates as in Table Q4: Table Q4 Activity Predecessor Time (Days) P 5 3 Q Pp 5 R Q 3 s QR 6 a R 4 a) ST 3 i) Construct a network diagram (1 mark) ii) Determine the earliest and latest activity start and finish times. (6 marks) ili) Determine the critical path and project duration. (2 marks) iv) Determine the slack for each activity. (1 mark) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 EMIDEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 5 Table Q5 represents the data of time-study observations on an assembly line with six work elements. Based on these observations, find the standard time for the process, assuming a 9% allowance factor. Table Q5 Element | Performance Rating ; Se = pst eel 1 105% 1102 | 1108 | 1123 | 1087 | 2 90% a7 [1187 | 1148 | 1142 3 115% jo9.2 | 1093 | 1092 | 1089 4 95% 100.3 111.5 105.2 117.0 5 80% 103.3 | 1102 | 1082 | 1075 6 70% 104.2 | 103.4 102.6 101.7 | (10 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 8 EM/DEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 PART C (Answer ALL questions) QUESTION 1 The current demand for a new signature product by Kamal special Sarawak cake is 3000 piece per year. The holding cost is $4.50 per piece and the ordering cost is $40.00. The price of the cake is $10.00 per piece. The company works 52 weeks yearly. i) Determine the optimal order quantity. (1 mark) ii) Determine the number of order and duration between order. (2 marks) ili) Calculate the total cost. (2 marks) iv) The supplier has offered the company to become a main distributor in the region. The demand is expected to increase to 10,000 pieces. As a distributor, the company will be given a special quantity discount as listed in Table Q1. If the company accepted the offer, determine the optimum order quantity, (5 marks) Table Q1 Order Quantity | Unit price ($) < 1000 9.80 1001 - 2000 9.50 2001 - 3000 9.20 > 3000 9.00 (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 9 EM/DEC 2016/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 2 ‘The demand for subassembly $ is 100 units in week 7. Each unit of S requires 1 unit of T and 2 units of U. Each unit of T requires 1 unit of V, 2 units of W and 1 unit of X. Finally each unit of U requires 2 units of Y and 3 units of Z. One firm manufactures all items. It takes 2 weeks to make S, 1 week to make T, 2 weeks to make U, 2 weeks to make V , 3 weeks to make W, 1 week to make X,2 weeks to make Y and 1 week to make Z. i) Construct a product structure. Identify all levels, parents and components. (5 marks) ii) Construct a gross material requirement plan by deciding the quantity required for gross requirement and for order to release. (10 marks) END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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