Mem575 KJP585 450

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CONFIDENTIAL EM/JAN 2018/MEMS75/KJP585/450 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE : MEM575/KJP585/450 EXAMINATION JANUARY 2018 TIME : 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1 This question paper consists of three (3) parts : PART A (7 Questions) PART B (5 Questions) PART C (2 Questions) 2. ‘Answer five (5) questions from PART A, ALL questions from PART B and PART C in the ‘Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. 3, Do not bring any material into the examination room unless permission is given by the invigilator. 4. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of i) the Question Paper ji) an Answer Booklet - provided by the Faculty 5. ‘Answer ALL questions in English. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO This examination paper consists of 9 printed pages (© Hak Cipta Universiti Toknologi MARA. CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL 2 EM/JAN 2018/MEMS75/KJP585/450 PART A (Answer five (5) questions only out of the following seven (7) questions) QUESTION 1 Describe five (5) managerial duties of an operations engineer managers and five (5) critical decisions areas in production/operations management. [CO1/PO1/C2] (5 marks) QUESTION 2 Define the meaning of tangible and intangible costs. Give three (3) examples to differentiate between tangible and intangible costs for plant location. [CO1/PO1/C2] (5 marks) QUESTION 3 A great deal of research has been conducted since the Hawthorne studies regarding the psychological components of job design. Give five (5) cores of job design characteristics that have been suggested by those researches. [CO1/PO1/C2] (5 marks) QUESTION 4 One of the factor to ensure the success of managing a supply chain is to form strategic partnership with the suppliers so that everyone will be able to supply Just-In Time to their customers. In your opinion, describe five (5) benefits of Just-In-Time System. [CO1/PO1/C2} (5 marks) QUESTION 5 When demand is low, a company will opt to influence the demand in its aggregate planning strategies. Describe the activities a company needs to carry out to influence the positive demand for its products. [CO1/PO1/C2] (5 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 3 EM/JAN 2018/MEMS575/KJP585/450 QUESTION 6 Determine five (5) processes chart symbols and give examples of each symbols in order to produce apple sauce. [CO1/PO1/C2} (5 marks) QUESTION 7 Tepat Padu Sdn. Bhd. is facing machining line stoppage for their grinding machine. Describe the breakdown programs that can be used to overcome the problems. [CO1/PO1/C2} (5 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 4 EMIJAN 2018/MEMS75/KJP585/450 PART B (Answer ALL five (5) questions) QUESTION 1 Weekly sales of copy paper at Cubicle Suppliers are in the Table Q1. Determine a three- period moving average and a four-period moving averages separately. Determine MSE for each forecast and then forecast week 8 with the more accurate method (either the three or four week moving average. Finally determine the best forecast method for the company. [CO1PO2/C3] (10 marks) Table Q1 | Week Sales (cases) | 1 17 | 2 { 21 | [ 3, a7 4 34 5 i 6 17, 7 21 QUESTION 2 Universiti Rakyat is planning to build a new sport complex. The university management need to determine the best location for the complex relative to the four main concentrations of students’ dormitories. Table Q2 indicates the dormitories’ coordinates and the students’ population. Determine the suitable site for the sport complex should be built. [CO1/PO2/C3} (10 marks) Table @2 Student Dormitory Coordinates —_| Daily Student Population Intan Dorm Complex (10, 12.5) 700 Berlian Dorm Complex (15,27) 900 Mutiara Dorm Complex (20,7) 1,150 Nilam Dorm Complex (22,20) 430 (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL QUESTION 3 EM/JAN 2018/MEMS75/KJP585/450 ‘A company is designing a product layout for a new product. It plans to use this production line eight hours a day in order to meet a schedule of 400 units per day. The tasks necessary to produce this product are detailed in the Table Q3 below: b) d) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA Table Q3 Task Task Time (seconds) Predecessor A 50 : B 36 A c 6 : D 22 _ x E 70 B,D F 30 CE Draw a precedence diagram. [CO1/PO2/C3] (2 marks) Calculate the required cycle time and the theoretical number of workstations. [CO1/PO2/C3] (2 marks) Determine the actual workstation in the line. Use longest processing times for your de What is the idle time and line efficiency? [CO1/PO2/C3] (3.5 marks) [CO1PO2/C3] (2.5 marks) CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 6 EM/JAN 2018/MEMS575/KJP585/450 QUESTION 4 Kamaliyah Kamal Sdn. Bhd. is planning to improve the current process of manufacturing a custom-made sofa. Table Q4 indicates all the required information. a) b) °c) d) Table Q4 Time Activity | Predecessor | (pave) P Q QR R - st | ¢}4}0|2|0}-0 oe} a}o}ol alo Construct a network diagram. [CO2/PO2/C3} (1 mark) Determine the earliest and latest activity start and finish times. [CO2/PO2/C3] (6 marks) Determine the critical path and project duration. [Coz/PO2/C3} (2 marks) Determine the slack for each activity. [Co2/PO2/C3] (1 mark) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 EM/JAN 2018/MEM575/KJP585/450 QUESTION 5 Megah Plastik Sdn Bhd has received an order from Universiti Teknologi MARA, which is 80 kilograms of thermoplastic pellets. Time study data for the filing activity are shown in the following Table Q5. Due to the high physical demands of the job, the company's policy allows an allowance of 23% for workers. Compute a) the standard time for the bag-packing task. {CO2/PO2IC3] (5 marks) b) number of observations needed for 99% confidence, within 5% accuracy. [CO2/PO2IC3] (5 marks) Table Q5 Observations (seconds) | Performance Element 1 2 3 4 5 __| @ Rating (%) | Grasp & place bag 8 9 8 1 7 110 Fill bag 36 | 41 | 39 | 35 | 112 8 | Seal bag 15 17 | 13 20 18 105 [Place bag on conveyor | 8 | 6 9 | 30 | 35° 90 "Bag breaks open; included as delay in the allowance factor Conveyor jams; included as delay in the allowance factor Given; T saat ie + Desired confidence (%) | *¥alue (standard deviation recur for desired level of | 90.0 | 1.65 95.0 1.96 95.45 2.00 | 99.0 2.58 99.73 3.00 (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 8 EM/JAN 2018/MEM575/KJP585/450 PART C (Answer ALL questions) QUESTION 1 Maya Enterprise, a popular even management company consumed 550 hand-made roses per week for various entertainment event. The company operates 52 week yearly and the holding cost is $1.00 per roses. The roses are supplied by Sakura Industries with the prices of $1.50 per roses and the ordering cost is $150. a) Calculate the EOQ and number of order for Maya Enterprise. [CO3/PO12/C5] (5 marks) b) Sakura Industries has offered Maya Enterprise to be a distributor supplying the roses around the region. The projection of the demand is expected to exceed 5000 per week. The ordering cost will be charged with 20% increment and the price will depend on the ordering quantity as listed in Table Q1. Evaluate whether Maya Enterprise should accept the offer with considering on optimum inventory management. [CO3/PO12/C5] (5 marks) Table Q1 Less than 10000 roses | $1.50 per rose 10000 to 25000 roses | $1.30 per rose 25001 to 50000 roses. | $1.10 per rose More than 50000 roses | $1.00 per rose (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 9 EM/JAN 2018/MEMS75/KJP585/450 QUESTION 2 a) Eighty units of end item E are needed at the beginning of week 6. Three cases (30 units per case) of J have been ordered and one case is scheduled to arrive in week 3, one in week 4, and one in week 5. Note: J must be ordered by the case, and B must be produced in multiples of 120 units. There are 60 units of B and 20 units of J now on hand. Lead times are two weeks each for E and B, and one week for J. Prepare a material requirements plan for component J with the information given in Figure Q2. [CO3/PO12/C5] (10 marks) E B(2) (3) (4) F(2) igure Q2 b) Develop an assignment plan that will minimize processing costs (in RM), given the formation shown in Table Q2, and interpret your answer. [C03/P012/C5] (5 marks) Table Q2 MACHINE A B c 1 12 8 4 2 13. 10 8 JOB 3 14 9 14 4 10 7 12 END OF QUESTION PAPER © Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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