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(INDIAIR) 2021

Indonesian Film Studies





DATE 08 APRIL 2021

Write a short essay explaining your reading of TILIK.
1. What does Tilik want to say to the audiences?
2. How do you think Tilik reflecting Indonesian society cultures?

Tilik is a short film about a group of women from a village who ride in the back of a truck to
see their sick Bu Lurah (village female head). These women speak about Dian, a young woman
who is said to be doing inappropriate jobs and having an affair with Fikri, Bu Lurah's son, along
the way. The film mostly consists of a large number of divers. The film primarily features a varied
and nuanced representation of female characters, ranging from Bu Tejo, a "know-it-all" sort of
character, to Dian, a young and naive woman who is often discussed by the women in the truck.
Throughout the entire 30-minute film, a group of women are simply arguing and attempting to
prove each other's argument about Dian, even though they do not have any solid proof or facts to
back up their claims.

Tilik's main element to convey to the viewer is that women are stereotyped by society. The
first thing to mention in relation to this comment is Bu Tejo's "old-school" views on young people,
as well as Dian's counter-argument to Bu Tejo's old-school viewpoint. Dian and Bu Tejo are the
most significant characters in this short film because they teach the viewer how to practice
morality. Dian is a self-sufficient woman who priorities work and performance, as do many
modern-day women, like myself. Dian is self-aware of her priorities and ambitions, while Bu Tejo,
in my view, is narcistic; she believes in her own words, and probably the stereotype that women
can only concentrate on getting married and getting married early, which is incorrect because
women can have careers and goals of their own.

Next, we will also see how, in a group of people gossiping, there will still be someone who is
leading the conversation, which is similar to the main participant during the "gossiping session" in
the short film. Bu Tejo is the main character in the talk, and he is the one who is throwing the most
heat on it. She wants the group to believe what she's doing, even if we don't really know what's
going on and can't validate the information, but people believe what she's saying because the way
she speaks is so persuasive that people want to believe. Yu ning, on the other hand, supports her
own assertion that everything Bu Tejo says about Dian is false; this demonstrates that Yu ning
may have the optimistic thought characteristic, but most people really have no idea who Dian is.
Since we just don't know anything about someone in particular, gossiping isn't a smart thing to do.
When we are conversing with others, we can all mind our own business and chat about matters
that are helpful.

Furthermore, this film teaches a lot about basic cinematography. It does not reveal something
nuanced or cinematic, only focusing on providing the values and demonstrating Indonesian society
on the Java side. The camera movement in the film also focuses a lot on the characters, especially
Bu Tejo, who is both enthusiastic and irritated when it comes to delivering her speech and
expressing her point of view. Even though it is mostly a dialogue-driven film, it is still one of the
best short films that teaches audiences a lot.

According to Tilik, Indonesians have a tradition of travelling to the hospital with a party of
people sitting in the truck. I did some research about how travelling in a truck with a group of
people to the hospital or even to a wedding is a Central Java tradition. Aside from that, I believe
that in real life, Indonesian culture has a community of housewives who have a group of friends
who are also housewives who can meet frequently and gather to chat about a variety of topics. I
think this short film has many positive qualities that you can take an example or a lesson in our
daily lives as human beings who live in a society.

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