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Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow.


I Do you know that not brushing your teeth regularly is not the only reason why you
have tooth decay? Many of us are not aware that among the causes of cavity are
food, smoking and diseases. From the time we were young, we have been told
not to eat too much sugary stuff because this would lead to dental problems,
especially tooth decay. Studies however, show that there are other factors 5
besides consuming too much sweets and bad oral hygiene that cause tooth

II The structure of the tooth, the shape of the jaw, the quality and quantity of saliva
are all important factors in determining a good set of teeth. These are some of
the reasons why some people are more prone to tooth decay than others. For 10
instance, some teeth may have pits or small cracks that allow bacteria and acids
to penetrate more easily. In some cases the structure of the jaw makes it difficult
for a person to clean or floss the teeth. Furthermore, the amount of saliva
produced and also the quality of the saliva determine the extent to which teeth are
exposed to decay. You will find that relatively fewer cavities are found in the lower 15
front part of the mouth where teeth are more in contact with saliva. This is
because the saliva helps reduce bacterial activity and the production of acid.

III Research has revealed that food rich in carbohydrate and starch such as, pasta,
rice, potato and bread can also lead to tooth decay. This is because starchy food
also has the potential to produce acid which is the by-product of bacteria in the 20
mouth reacting with the food that is eaten. In addition, studies also show that the
acid formation in plaque after eating bread or potato chips is greater and last
longer than after eating sugar. Therefore, you must be aware that each time you
nibble food or sip drinks containing carbohydrate, decay causing bacteria present
on the teeth start to produce acid and tooth decay begins. 25

IV The physical characteristics of food also influences tooth decay. Food that
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remains between the teeth increases the risk of tooth decay compared to food that
clears from the mouth quickly. For instance, crisps and biscuits stick to the teeth
for a longer period of time than food such as caramel and jelly beans. This is
because caramel and jelly beans contain soluble sugar that is washed away by 30
the saliva, unlike crisps and biscuits which remain in the mouth longer.
Consequently, bacteria will create an acidic environment and leach some of the
mineral content such as calcium out of the teeth’s enamel and leave it exposed to
further decay.

V Apart from food, smoking and certain diseases can also lead to tooth decay. In the 35
case of smokers, tobacco smoke interferes with the production of saliva that
keeps the surface of the teeth not only cleans but also reduces bacterial attack.
People suffering from certain health problems such as diabetes also experience
reduction in the production of saliva. As a result, they are more vulnerable to tooth
decay and plague build up. 40

VI It is quite obvious that food that is sweet is a major reason for tooth decay and
cavities. However, other factors like those mentioned above may have some
share in producing cavities in the teeth. Thus, both children and adults must be
aware that there are other factors that can do as much damage to the teeth as
sugar and sweets. 45

Adapted from http://www.medicalnewstoday/

What do the following words and phrases refer to?
a) this (line 4)
b) these (line 9)
c) where (line 16)
d) which (line 20)
e) they (line 39)
(5 marks)
Write the meaning of each of the following as it is used in the passage.
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a) determining (line 9)
b) exposed (line 15)
c) produce (line 25)
d) remain (line 31)

(4 marks)
Read the following statements and write T if it is True and F if it is False.
a) Sugary food is the main reason for tooth decay.
b) Starchy food is more likely to stick to the teeth compared to food that is less
c) Food that contains soluble sugar is less likely to cause tooth decay.
d) The less saliva you have, the less bacteria you produce.
(2 marks)

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Complete the table with information from the passage.


Factors Reasons

1.Physical factors a. pits and cracks in the teeth

b. structure of the _______________

c. quality and quantity of saliva

2.Types of food d. _________________

e. carbohydrate and __________________

3. Physical characteristics of f. some types of food remain on the teeth

food longer

g. food that contains ____________ is

washed away quickly in the mouth

4. Other factors h. smoking

i. diabetes

(4 marks)


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Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow.

The Effects of `Selfies’ on Youngsters

I ‘Selfies’ have been around for quite a while, but with the presence of social
network they have become a rage. The old, the young and celebrities are posting
pictures that they take of themselves and post these pictures on popular social
networks like Face Book, Instagram and Twitter. With the aid of modern
technology, uploading these selfies on the social network is done with ease. 5
When selfies are posted on the social network, they are there for everyone to see
and respond and these responses can affect especially, the young, both positively
and negatively.

II Most parents believe that selfies will do more harm than good to their children.
This perception need not be true. A recent study done by Common Sense Media 10
has revealed that three out of five teenagers who posted selfies feel more
confident because of the positive responses they get from their friends.
Responses like, “you are gorgeous,” and “you look great,” obviously boosted their
self-esteem and also their mood. The participants of the study also claimed that
they were able to overcome their shyness and feel less introverted when selfies 15
were posted on the social network.

III Selfies can also act as a window to understanding adolescent issues. Present day
psychiatrists and psychologists are using selfies in their therapy sessions, as
selfies provide useful insight into the problems youngsters face and ways to
address them. In cases where the youngsters find it hard to speak about certain 20
issues, selfies posted on the social media help the therapists to identify their
problems, which may otherwise go unnoticed. In addition, it also enables the
therapists to get acquainted with the youngsters easily.

IV Anything that is done moderately, sensibly and rationally will usually not go wrong.
This applies to ‘selfies’ too. However, youngsters who overindulge in posting 25
‘selfies’ end up with problems that they cannot handle and manage. According to
Dr. Jessamy Hibberd, youngsters are always seeking approval and attention from
their peers. However the `selfie’ trend leaves them vulnerable to abuse because
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the feedbacks and responses that they get are not always encouraging. Many of
them are left shaken by the negative comments that they receive from their peers. 30
Furthermore, these comments undermine their confidence and leave them feeling
rejected. Sometimes, when the abuse is taken to the extreme the youngsters
encounter cyber bullying, which may result in the development of psychological

V Apart from overindulging in selfies, some youngsters post selfies on social media 35
to market themselves. These selfies are usually edited and carry sexual
connotations in order to gain attention and recognition. According to psychologist,
Lucie Hemmen, people of this nature are not confident and they are insecure.
Moreover, they do not know what they really want in life and they also have
problems building real relationships. Consequently, they fall into the traps of 40
people who have bad intentions and may end up being hurt both physically and

VI Posting `selfies’ on the social media need not always be regarded negatively. It
can be fun and can give young people satisfaction and confidence. For this to
happen, youngsters must be aware of their shortcomings and stop posting selfies 45
for the wrong reasons.

Adapted from

List four (4) positive effects of `selfies’ on youngsters.
(2 marks)

Give two (2) reasons why psychiatrists and psychologists are using `selfies’
posted by the youngsters whom they treat?

(1 mark)
State two (2) effects that negative feedbacks and responses have on youngsters.
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(1 mark)

The discourse marker `However’ (line 25) connects two ideas. What are these two
(2 marks)

In your own words explain the meaning of this sentence “some youngsters post
selfies on the social media to market themselves.”
(2 marks)
What is the topic sentence of paragraph V?
(2 marks)

What are the two reasons insecure people post selfies?
(2 marks)
The writer feels that posting selfies on the social media can give youngsters
satisfaction and confidence. How can this be achieved?
(1 mark)


Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word in brackets.

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What is environmental science and who are environmental scientists? Environmental

science 0. is (verb – present tense) the study of our environment, our relationship and
interaction with other living and non-living things. 1. _____________ (pronoun) also studies
the impact of human activities on the environment, changes in the environment
2. _____________ (conjunction) the delicate balance of the ecosystems in our environment.

Environmental scientists are experts who study the environment. They study the
environment to see changes and differences that could help make people aware of what is
happening in our world. They have contributed 3. ______________ (adverb) in helping us
understand the detrimental effects of our activities and technologies on the environment.
They 4. ______________ (verb- present perfect tense) awareness about global warming
and the greenhouse effects. Environmental scientists have also made us aware of
5. ______________ (adjective) pollution. The role they play in our society becomes more
6. ______________ adjective) as they continue their quest to solve problems. In fact their
role even increases with the advent of the great green technology age.

Environmental scientists 7. ______________ (verb-present tense) an important part in

educating people on the concept of green technology and the need for it. They also educate
us 8. ______________ (preposition) its advantages and disadvantages and the impact on
our environment. They will also help investors and builders in evaluating the key areas that
need green technology as a 9. ______________ (noun) to prevent and rectify damage and
pollution. Their expertise will also be needed 10. ______________ (preposition)
policymaking, administration of governments, and education.

Adapted from ‘Environmental Science’, New Straits Times, March 03, 2014.


© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL

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