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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

C101.b Demolish individual structure ( or part thereof) up to and including ground floor
slab, temporarily leaving part of old eastern 200mm wall in position to act as
buttress Item
Clear site of all structures ( or part thereof) up to and including ground floor slab Item
Price on site all alteration works as described in the attached bills Item
Cut opening in old structure finished size ?mm wide x ?mm high through ?mm
solid concrete block walling, neatly trim around opening, including extending
plaster and paint to opening and making good all work disturbed Item
Supply and fix new semi-solid cored flush door/ window size ?mm wide x ?mm
high complete including ? x ?mm wrot camphor frame and ironmongery No
C201.c Block opening in old structure finished size ?mm wide x ?mm high with ?mm solid
concrete block walling, bond and secure the new wall to the old structure,
including extending plaster and paint to opening and making good all work
disturbed Item
C201.d Pull down part of old structure (walls, partitions, floors, roofs, staircases) size ?mm
long x ?mm high, including supporting the existing structure Item
C201.e Take down fittings and fixtures size ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?mm high and set
aside washbasin for re-fixing Item
Repair, adapt and re-fix bar counter size ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?mm high Item
C201.g Build temporary weatherproof timber and galvanised roof over existing water
tanks including temporary arrangements for draining rainwater around swimming
pool and proving temporary door to swimming pool SM
Timber shoring around swimming pool comprising ? x ?mm sawn cypress slats LM
Chemical anti termite treatment with an approved insecticide to sub-soil and filling SM
D101.b Remove termite's nests, destroy queen ants, impregnate holes and tunnels with
approved insecticide and fill voids to approval Item
Excavate average ?mm deep to remove vegetable top soil and spread on site or
preserve on site in permanent spoil heaps ? metres from the excavation SM
D103.a Cut down small trees not exceeding 600mm girth measured at a height of 1 metre
above ground and grub up their roots No
D103.b Cut down trees 600- 900 mm girth measured at a height of 1 metre above ground
and grub up their roots No
D103.c Cut down keiapple hedge 1200mm high and grub up their roots LM
D103.d Clear site of bushes, scrub, undergrowth and grub up their roots Ha.
D201 Excavate surfaces to reduce levels:-
D201.a Not exceeding 300mm deep SM
D201.b Over 300mm deep CM
D201.c Cuttings CM
D202 Excavate 0.00-1.50m deep starting from original ground level (or ?
metre deep from original ground level) to receive :-
D202.a Foundations CM
D202.b Bases of stanchions or isolated piers CM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
D202.c Basements CM
Excavate trench average depth 500mm starting from original ground
level (or ? metre deep from original ground level), including filling in,
compacting, grading bottoms and disposal of surplus spoil to receive:-
D203.a Service pipes or kerbs or cables LM
D204 Extra over excavation in any position for:-
D204.a Breaking up mass concrete or reinforced concrete work CM
D204.b Breaking up mass surface concrete or reinforced surface concrete or paving or
tarmac 100mm thick and cart away SM
D204.c Excavating in running silt or running sand CM
D204.d Excavating in rock or hard material CM
D204.e Excavating in compacted gravel or decomposed rock CM
D204.f Excavating in waterlogged material CM
D205 Cesspits:-
D205.a Clear out and remove contents of cesspit and dispose contents No
D206 Backfilling:-
D206.a Earth backfilling in making up levels average ?mm thick SM
D206.b Earth backfilling in making up levels over 300mm thick CM
D206.c Earth backfilling to be deposited and compacted in maximum 200mm thick layers
in making up levels over 300mm thick CM
D207 Disposal of Surplus Spoil:-
D207.a Remove surplus spoil from the site CM
D207.b Spread surplus spoil on site CM
Deposit surplus spoil in permanent spoil heaps average 1 km from the excavation CM
D208 Excavated surface treatment:-
Grade bottoms of excavations to falls or cambers or blind bottom of excavations SM
D208.b Compact surface of excavation with a smooth steel wheeled roller weighing 4 - 8
tonnes SM
D208.c Trim bottoms of excavations in rock SM
D208.d Trim sides of cuttings or sides of embankments to slope SM
D208.e Trim sides of excavations in rock to produce fair face SM
D209 Planting
D209.a Supply red soil lightly rolled to a compacted thickness of ?mm and break to a fine
tilth free from stones SM
D209.b Supply and plant Kikuyu or Maadi River or Cape Royal or Bradeley grass runners
at 225mm centres, water, roll and cut until well established SM
Supply ? kgs fertiliser square metre and thoroughly mix evenly with soil provided SM
D301.a Keep excavations free from all water except spring or running water Item
D301.b Provide a Provisional Sum of Shs. ?.00 for keeping excavations free from spring or
running water Item
D401.a Allow for normal planking and strutting to uphold sides of excavations (except
special shoring or sheet steel piling) Item
D501 Hardcore Filling:-
D501.a In making up levels ?mm thick SM
D501.b In making up levels over 300mm thick CM
D501.c Deposited and compacted in maximum 200mm thick layers in making up levels
over 300mm thick CM
D502 Labours on Hardcore Filling:-
D502.a Grade surface of hardcore to falls or cambers SM
D502.b 50mm thick fine crushed stone, sand or gravel blinding to surface of filling,
including watering and rolling to achieve satisfactory compaction SM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
D502.c Compact surface of excavation with a smooth steel wheeled roller weighing 4 - 8
tonnes SM
D502.d Hand packing hardcore to form vertical or battering face ?mm wide LM
Hand packing hardcore to form vertical or battering face over 300mm wide SM
D502.f Form sinking in hardcore ?mm (average) wide x ?mm deep LM
E101.a Supply wood piles ?mm diameter LM
E101.b Supply wood piles ?mm diameter and 10.00-13.00 metres long LM
E101.c Extra over ?mm diameter wood piles for pointed ends filled with metal sleeves 3
kgs heavy No
Handle, transport and pitch single poles ?mm diameter x 10.00 metres long No
E101.e Handle, transport and pitch poles clusters of 4 each ?mm diameter x 10.00 metres
long No
E101.f Drive ?mm diameter wood piles in ordinary ground LM
E101.g Drive ?mm diameter wood piles in ordinary ground on rake LM
E101.h Drive ?mm diameter wood piles in water LM
E101.I Extra over ?mm diameter wood piles for cutting off tops and ringing with steel
band 100mm wide x 150mm diameter No
E101.j Extra over ?mm diameter wood piles for cutting off tops in water and ringing with
steel band ?mm wide x ?mm diameter No
E102.a Supply cast concrete piles ?mm diameter (In No. = ?) LM
E102.b Ditto but cast off site and transported to site (In No. = ?) LM
E102.c Extra over ?mm diameter concrete piles for ringing with steel band 4mm thick x
150mm high No
Extra over ?mm diameter concrete piles for metal shoe 4mm thick x ?mm high No
Handle, transport and pitch single poles ?mm diameter x 10.00 metres long No
E102.f Handle, transport and pitch poles in clusters of ? each pole 200mm diameter x
10.00 metres long No
E102.g Drive ?mm diameter concrete piles in ordinary ground LM
E102.h Drive ?mm diameter concrete piles in ordinary ground on rake LM
E102.I Drive ?mm diameter concrete piles in water LM
E102.j Extra over ?mm diameter concrete piles for cutting off tops including preparing
reinforcement No
E102.k Extra over ?mm diameter concrete piles for cutting off tops in water including
preparing reinforcement No
E102.l Bore pile hole ?mm diameter for ?mm diameter pile and fill with concrete Class
20/20 ( In No. = ?) LM
E102.m Concrete Class 15/20 blinding pile hole ?mm diameter for ?mm diameter pile from
pile top to formation (In No. = ?) LM
E102.n Trial piles on site ?mm diameter x 10.0m long driven 3.0m into ground including
loading to a maximum of 10 tonnes No
E201.a Contractor designed concrete piles ?mm diameter x 120.0m long to carry a
superimposed load of 10 tonnes including removal of surplus spoil No
?mm Diameter x 6.0m long pile driven to finish ?mm below formation level No
E301 ?mm Thick sheet steel piling :-
E301.a Nominal size 3.0m long x 6.0m high SM
E301.b Nominal size 10.0-13.0m long x 6.0m high SM
Driving sheet steel piling 0.0 - 6.0m deep including withdrawing same afterwards SM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
E301.d Driving sheet steel piling 6.0 - 9.0m deep in water including withdrawing same
afterwards SM
E301.e Extra over sheet piling for corner or junction piles SM
E301.f Extra over sheet piling for cutting or burning through sheet LM
E301.g Extra over sheet piling for cutting through sheet under water 6.0m below water
level LM
F101 Mass Concrete Class P (1:4:8) , 40mm maximum aggregate as described
F101.a Blinding 50mm thick under foundation concrete or column or pier bases
or ground beams
F102 Mass Concrete Class Q (1:3:6), 40mm maximum aggregate as described
F102.a Beds ?mm thick SM
F102.b Beds ?mm thick laid to slope not exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
F102.c Beds ?mm thick laid to slope exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
F102.d Beds 150mm thick cast in bays 6.0m long x 3.0m wide including formwork
between bays SM
F102.e Beds over 300mm thick CM
F103 Reinforced Concrete Class 20/20mm maximum aggregate as described
Foundation trenches, columns and piers combined with foundation trenches CM
F103.b Ground beams and casings to steel ground beams CM
F103.c Casings to steel grillages CM
F103.d Grouting under steel stanchion bases and steel grillages CM
F103.e Machine bases CM
F103.f Roads, footpaths and pavings ?mm thick SM
F103.g Roads, footpaths and pavings exceeding ?mm thick CM
F103.h Roads, footpaths and pavings ?mm thick laid to slope not exceeding 150 from
horizontal SM
F103.I Roads, footpaths and pavings ?mm thick laid to slope exceeding 150 from
horizontal SM
F103.j Roads, footpaths and pavings ?mm thick cast in bays ?m long x ?m wide including
formwork between bays SM
F103.k Steps, staircases and strings CM
F103.l Solid balustrades and landings 150mm thick SM
F103.m Kerbs 100mm wide x 200mm high LM
F104 Guaranteed Strength Reinforced Concrete Class 20/20mm maximum
aggregate as described in:-
F104.a Horizontal suspended floor or roofs ?mm thick SM
F104.b Horizontal suspended floor or roofs ?mm thick laid to slope not exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
F104.c Horizontal suspended floor or roofs ?mm thick laid to slope exceeding 150 from
horizontal SM
F104.d Vertical suspended floor or roofs ?mm thick SM
F104.e Curved, conical, spherical or elliptical roofs ?mm thick SM
F104.f Tops and cheeks of dormers ?mm thick SM
F104.g Walls ?mm thick SM
F104.h Walls over 300mm thick CM
F104.I Projections in walls to form cornices or bands CM
F104.j Filling to cavities of hollow walls ?mm wide SM
F105 Guaranteed Strength Reinforced Concrete Class 25/20mm maximum
aggregate as described in:-
F105.a Isolated stanchions, columns and piers CM
F105.b Casings to steel beams, lintels, stanchions laid horizontal and sloping not
exceeding 150 from horizontal CM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
F105.c Sloping casings to steel beams, lintels and stanchions exceeding 150 from
horizontal CM
F105.d Beams, lintels and columns laid horizontal and sloping not exceeding 150 from
horizontal CM
F105.e Sloping beams, lintels and columns exceeding 150 from horizontal CM
F106 Labours and Sundries
F106.a Build in and grout anchor bolts 0 - 150mm long with concrete Class 20/20mm
maximum aggregate No
F106.b Build in and grout anchor bolts 150 - 300mm long with mass concrete Class
20/20mm maximum aggregate No
F106.c Extra over concrete slab for lining formwork with 20mm thick granolithic, cast
stone, terrazzo or mosaic SM
F106.d Tamp, grade or trowel unset concrete floor slab over 300mm thick SM
F106.e Form channels and chases in the surface of unset concrete floor slab over 300mm
thick SM
F106.f Form channels and chases to falls in the surface of unset concrete floor slab over
300mm thick SM
F106.g ?mm Thick expansion joint ?mm wide including formwork LM
F106.h ?mm Thick expansion joint over 300mm wide including formwork SM
F201 Hot Rolled Mild Steel Bars to B.S. 4449, Including Bends, Hooks, Tying
Wire, Distance Blocks and Ordinary Spacers:-
F202 Hot Rolled High Yield Steel Deformed Bars to B.S.4449, Including Bends,
Hooks, Tying wire, Distance Blocks and Ordinary Spacers:-
F203 Cold Worked Steel Deformed Bars to B.S.4461, Including Bends, Hooks,
Tying Wire, Distance Blocks and Ordinary Spacers:-
F203.a ?mm Diameter Kgs
F203.b ?mm Diameter, 12.0 - 14.0 m long Kgs
F203.c ?mm Diameter, bent to curve Kgs
F204 Fabric Reinforcement Mesh Size ? x ?mm Weighing ? kgs Per m2 ,
Including Bends, Tying Wire and Distance Blocks:-
F204.a Fabric reinforcement with minimum ?mm wide side and end laps SM
One width fabric reinforcement ?mm wide with minimum ?mm wide end laps LM
F204.c Self-centering fabric reinforcement with minimum ?mm wide side and end laps,
including temporary strutting SM
F204.d Self-centering fabric reinforcement with minimum ?mm wide side and end laps,
including temporary strutting 3.5-5.0m high SM
Raking cutting fabric reinforcement mesh size ? x ?mm weighing ? kgs per m2 LM
Curved cutting fabric reinforcement mesh size ? x ?mm weighing ? kgs per m2 LM
Formwork to sloping upper surfaces exceeding 150 from horizontal
F300.b Formwork to troughed or similarly shaped face of concrete, measured
along the face
F300.c Formwork to curved or conical or spherical surfaces curved to 1.0m
F300.d Formwork to elliptical surfaces curved to more than one radius and to
1.0m radii
F300.e Formwork to curved linear surfaces
F300.f Formwork coated with a retarding agent
F300.g Formwork left in
F300.h Wrough formwork to surfaces; alternatively, extra over formwork for
wrought face including rubbing down concrete surfaces with
carborundum after removal of formwork
Formwork to surfaces, including cutting fins or filling or small voids

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
F300.j Formwork to surfaces, lined with wallboard or hard-board to plywood or
F301 Sawn Formwork as described to:-
F301.a Horizontal soffites of floors, roofs or landings SM
F301.b Soffites requiring formwork 3.5 - 5.0m high SM
F301.c Soffites of solid concrete floors or solid roofs over 250mm thick SM
F301.d Sloping soffites of floors, roofs or staircases SM
F301.e Sloping upper surfaces of floors or roofs exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
Vertical or battering sides of foundations, ground beams or machine bases SM
F301.g Vertical or battering sides of walls or solid balustrades SM
F301.h Vertical or battering sides of stanchion-casings, columns, piers or pilasters SM
F301.I Sides and soffites of openings in walls, recesses in walls or projecting panels in
walls SM
F301.j Sides and soffites of dormers or goblets SM
F301.k Sides and soffites of horizontal beam casings, beams and lintels SM
F301.l Sides and soffites of beams requiring formwork 3.5 - 5.0m high SM
F301.m Sides and soffites of sloping beam casings and staircase-strings SM
F301.n Sloping upper surface of beam casings, beams and staircase-strings exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
F301.o Isolated beam-casings or isolated beams detached from floors or roofs SM
F301.p Isolated beam-casings or isolated beams 3.5 - 5.0 m high detached from floors or
roofs SM
F302 Sawn Formwork as described to Edges:-
F302.a Of beds, roads, footpaths and pavings 0 - 75mm wide LM
F302.b Of beds, roads, footpaths and pavings 75 - 150mm wide LM
F302.c Of suspended floors, landings and roofs 0 - 75mm wide LM
F302.d Of suspended floors, landings and roofs 75 - 150mm wide LM
F302.e Of kerbs and upstands 0 - 75mm wide LM
F302.f Of kerbs and upstands 75 - 150mm wide LM
F302.g Risers of steps and staircases 0 - 75mm wide LM
F302.h Risers of steps and staircases 75 - 150mm wide LM
Projecting or sunk bands or cornices not exceeding 300mm and 0-75mm wide LM
Projecting or sunk bands or cornices not exceeding 300mm and 75-150mm wide LM
F302.k Projecting or sunk bands or cornices exceeding 300mm wide SM
F302.l Throats, grooves, chases or chamfers over 50mm wide and 75mm wide LM
F302.m Splayed internal angles over 25mm wide and 50mm wide LM
F302.n Mouldings size 40mm wide x 50mm high LM
F303 Labours on Formwork
F303.a Raking cutting formwork LM
F303.b Curved cutting formwork LM
Cut and fit formwork around projecting 50mm diameter pipe to be cast in No
F401 Precast Concrete:-
F401.a Structural stanchion ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.b Structural beam ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.c Structural purlin ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.d Structural truss ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.e Step extreme size 1?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.f Landing extreme size ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.g Solid balustrade extreme size ?m long x ?mm wide x ?mm thick No
F401.h Kerb size ?mm high x ?mm thick LM
F401.I Edging size ?mm high x ?mm thick LM
F401.j Shelf size ?mm wide x ?mm thick LM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
F401.k Division size ?mm wide x ?mm thick LM
F401.l Sill size ?mm wide x ?mm thick LM
F401.m Lintel size ?mm wide x ?mm thick LM
F401.n Coping size ?mm wide x ?mm thick LM
F401.o Template size ?mm long x ?mm thick x ?mm thick No
F401.p Base to post size ?mm long x ?mm thick x ?mm thick No
F401.q Chimney cap size ?mm long x ?mm thick x ?mm thick cast with tapering top
surface from thickness ?mm thick at centre to ?mm thick edges No
F501.a ?mm Thick hollow block suspended floor comprising 380 x 225 x ?mm thick
concrete hollow blocks laid at 480mm centres between rows, reinforced concrete
Class 20/20 topping 70mm thick and 100mm wide ribs, 25 x 100mm slip tiles to
soffites of concrete ribs, and plain or keyed finish to exposed soffites of blocks and
slip tiles SM
F501.b Tops and cheeks of dormers ?mm thick SM
F501.c Form hips and valleys ?mm thick SM
F501.d Fixing-clips or metal clips cast in concrete No
F601.a Grinding to the surface of concrete SM
F601.b Grinding to soffites of concrete SM
F601.c Sand-blasting to the surface of concrete SM
F601.d Sand-blasting to soffites of concrete SM
F601.e Bush hammering to the surface of concrete SM
F601.f Bush hammering to soffites of concrete SM
F601.g Brushing to expose aggregate of concrete SM
F601.h Brushing to expose aggregate of soffites of concrete SM
F601.I Cut groove in concrete ?mm wide x ?mm deep LM
F601.j Cut chase in concrete ?mm wide x ?mm deep LM
F601.k Cut rebate in concrete ?mm wide x ?mm deep LM
F601.l Cut chamfer in concrete ?mm wide LM
F601.m Hole through ?mm thick reinforced concrete slab for small pipe or large pipe or
extra large pipe and make good concrete No
F601.n Small hole through ?mm thick reinforced concrete slab for ducting and
conduits 15mm diameter and make good concrete
F601.o Mortice in concrete ?mm deep to receive end of ?mm diameter baluster, including
running mortice in mortar No
F601.p Sinking in concrete ?mm deep to receive end of ?mm diameter rod, including
running sinking in mortar No
G101 Solid Concrete Block Walling With Concrete Blocks to BS 2028, Type "A"
with Minimum Crushing Strength of 3.7N/mm2 at 28 Days, Bedded,
Jointed and Pointed in Cement Mortar (1:5):-
G102 Solid Concrete Block Walling With Concrete Blocks to BS 2028, Type "A"
with Minimum Crushing Strength of 3.7N/mm2 at 28 Days, Reinforced
with 20 swg Hoop Iron at every third course, Bedded, Jointed and
Pointed in Cement Mortar (1:5):-
G102.a ?mm Thick walling SM
G102.b ?mm Thick walling as filling in existing openings SM
G102.c ?mm Thick solid walling as skins of hollow walls SM
G102.d ?mm Thick walling as backings or facings SM
G102.e ?mm Thick walling built battering SM
G102.f ?mm walling average ?mm thick built with both sides battered at the rate of ?mm
per course SM
G102.g ?mm Thick walling used as formwork, including temporary strutting SM
G102.h ?mm Thick walling in thickening to existing walls, including cutting and bonding
new to existing and extra material for bonding LM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
?mm Thick walling in projections on existing walls of attached piers, including
cutting and bonding new to existing and extra material for bonding LM
?mm Thick walling in projections on existing walls of chimney breasts, including
cutting and bonding new to existing and extra material for bonding LM
G102.k Walling in chimney breasts CM
G102.l Walling in chimney stacks CM
G102.m Walling in stepped footings CM
G102.n Walling in isolated piers and columns CM
G102.o Walling in projections ?mm wide x ?mm high LM
G102.p Walling in bands ?mm wide x ?mm high LM
G102.q Walling in over-sailing courses ?mm wide x ?mm high LM
G103 Extra over ?mm thick walling for:-
G103.a Grooved blocks SM
G103.b Rough arches LM
G103.c Attached piers ?mm wide projecting ?mm from the face of the wall LM
G103.d ?mm Thick glass blockwork in walls and panels SM
G104 Labours
G104.a Fair raking cutting LM
G104.b Fair splayed cutting LM
G104.c Fair curved cutting LM
G104.d Labours on different kinds of new work LM
G104.e Labours on different kinds of existing work LM
G104.f Bed the perimeter of glass blockwork in special bonding material supplied by the
glass block manufacturer LM
G104.g Form cavity ?mm wide in hollow walls including wall ties laid staggered and spaced
at ?mm centres horizontally and vertically SM
G104.h Close end of ?mm wide wall cavity with mass concrete Class ? LM
Close jamb of ?mm wide wall cavity at opening with mass concrete Class ? LM
G104.j Labour and material in eaves filling to ?mm thick walling to a maximum height
of ?mm, including splay cutting top of filling to slope of roof LM
G104.k Horizontal rough chase ?mm deep to existing walling for edge of ?mm thick floor,
landing or roof LM
G104.l Bond end of ?mm thick block walling to existing ?mm thick walling, including
forming pockets in existing wall and bonding in cement mortar LM
G201.a Prepare top of old ?mm thick concrete block walling to receive new wall LM
G201.b Straight or curved weather or angle fillet ?mm wide LM
Wedge and pin up new ?mm thick solid concrete block walling to underside of old
floor slab with ?mm diameter mild steel bars cast in concrete and built into wall LM
G201.d Cut groove ?mm wide x ?mm deep in walling for water bar LM
Rake out horizontal joint for turned-in edge of flashing and point in cement mortar LM
G201.f Cut raking or vertical or curved groove for turned-in edge of flashing and point in
cement mortar LM
Rake out and enlarge horizontal joint for nib of asphalt and point in cement mortar LM
G201.h Cut raking or vertical or curved groove for nib of asphalt and point in cement
mortar LM
G201.I Build in metal window size ?mm wide x ?mm high, including building in lugs,
bedding frame in cement mortar and pointing one side with mastic No
Build in metal window size ?mm wide x ?mm high, including cutting and pinning
lugs, bedding frame in cement mortar and pointing one side with mastic No

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Build in strong room door or safe door overall size ?mm wide x ?mm high,,
approximate weight ? kgs., on second floor, including building in lugs, bedding
frame in cement mortar and pointing both sides with mastic No
Cut and pin end of lintel or steel section or step or tubular rail or timber or bracket No
G201.m Hole through 150mm thick concrete floor slab for small pipe (or tube or cable or
conduit 0-55mm diameter) No
G201.n Hole through ?mm thick concrete floor slab for large pipe (or tube or cable or
conduit 55-110mm diameter) No
G201.o Hole through ?mm thick concrete floor slab for extra large pipe (or tube or cable
or conduit over 110mm diameter) No
G201.p Hole through ?mm thick concrete floor slab for extra large pipe, including fixing
pipe sleeve No
G201.q Hole through ?mm thick concrete floor slab for ducting or trunking or tray size ?
mm wide x ?mm high No
G201.r Mortices for rag-bolts or bars or rails, 0 -100mm deep including running mortice in
cement mortar No
G201.s Mortices for rag-bolts or bars or rails,100 -200mm deep including running mortice
in cement mortar No
G201.t Form opening in size ?mm wide x ?mm high through ?mm thick concrete block
walling and provide air-bricks or ventilating grating or soot door, including building
in lintel ?mm wide x ?mm deep over opening No
G201.u Parge and core flue internal size ? x ?mm (over 0.25 m2 in sectional area) in
cement sand (1:3) mortar ?mm thick LM
G201.v Fire-clay linings or precast concrete linings to flues size ? x ?mm including cutting
to form bends in lining and cutting wall around linings LM
G201.w Precast concrete chimney pot size ? x ? x ?mm thick, including setting and
flaunching No
G201.x Stove or mantel or grate size ?mm wide x ?mm high No
G201.y Tile or marble surrounds or hearths ?mm long x ?mm wide No
One layer bitumen felt damp proof course to B.S. 743, Type A, hessian base,
weighing 3.8 kgs. per m2 ?mm wide with 150mm laps, bedded in cement mortar LM
G202.a One layer bitumen felt damp proof course to B.S. 743, Type A, hessian base,
weighing 3.8 kgs. per m2 over 300mm wide with 150mm laps, bedded in cement
mortar SM
G202.b Two layers sheet lead damp proof course ?mm wide weighing 6 kgs. per square
metre with 150mm laps, bedded in cement mortar LM
G202.c Two layers sheet copper damp proof course ?mm wide weighing 3kgs. per square
metre with 150mm laps, bedded in cement mortar LM
Two layers sheet copper damp proof course 300mm wide weighing 3kgs. per
square metre , with cavity gutter in hollow wall, bedded in cement mortar LM
G202.e ? Gauge polythene damp-proof membrane laid with 150mm welted laps at joints,
laid over blinding SM
G202.f 15mm Thick bitumen impregnated softboard as expansion joint filler between
vertical walling and walling SM
25 x 15mm Wide polysulphide heavy duty sealer dressed into expansion joints
including filling with primer and raking out softboard filled as necessary LM
G202.h 10 x 10mm Thick polysulphide sealer between concrete and blockwork LM
G202.I ?mm Diameter precast concrete or clay pipe ventilation pipe ?mm long in two
halves with two layers of non-corroding metal or plastic mosquito gauze
sandwiched between halves No
G3 Hollow Concrete Block Walling With Concrete Blocks to BS 2028, Type
"A" with Minimum Crushing Strength of 3.7N/mm2 at 28 Days, Bedded,
Jointed and Pointed in Cement Mortar (1:5):- SM
G301.a Extra over ?mm thick hollow concrete block walling for providing special blocks
with solid ends LM

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Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
G4 Natural Stone Block Walling Equal in Standard and Quality to "Nairobi
Blue Stone", Quarry-Faced or Rock-Faced or Medium Chisel Dressed or
Fine Chisel Dressed or Machine Dressed, Bedded, Jointed and Pointed in
Cement Mortar (1:5):- SM
G401.a ?mm Thick stone walling faced both sides, built with blocks extending the full
thickness of the wall SM
G401.b Fair ends of walls or reveals of openings SM
G5 Brickwork in Ordinary Quality Clay Common Bricks size 225 x 113 x
75mm, laid to English Bond or Flemish Bond or Stretching Bond, in
Coloured Cement Mortar (1:5) to match colour of bricks:- SM
G501.a Half-brick or one-brick wall built fair both sides SM
G501.b Half-brick or one-brick wall built entirely of facings SM
G501.c Extra over ?mm thick brickwork for grooved bricks SM
G501.d 100mm Thick refractory brick lining to flues, bonded to surrounding walls SM
G601 Extra Over 200mm Solid Concrete Walling for Fine Chisel Dressed
Natural Stone Block Facework with Flush-pointed Horizontal and Vertical
Joints, Bonded to the Backing With Cement Mortar (1:4):-
G601.a ?mm Thick facework SM
G601.b ?mm Thick curved facework SM
G601.c ?mm Thick facework built overhand SM
G601.d ?mm Thick facework built battered SM
G601.e ?mm Thick facework sunk or projecting ?mm SM
G601.f ?mm Thick facework built vaulting SM
G601.g Fair chases to 30mm wide x 40mm deep to stone facework LM
G601.h ?mm Thick facework to flush quoins formed with facing blocks differing in kind or
size from the general facing, ?mm average girth LM
?mm Thick facework to sunk or projecting quoins ?mm deep formed with facing
blocks differing in kind or size from the general facing, ?mm average girth LM
G601.j ?mm Thick facework to tumblings of buttresses ?mm wide x ?mm wide x ?mm
long No
G602 Brick Facework
G602.a ?mm Thick horizontal or raking or vertical or curved facework to sunk or projecting
plain bands ?mm deep formed with facing bricks differing in kind or size from the
general facing, ?mm wide LM
?mm Thick horizontal or raking or vertical or curved facework to flush or sunk or
projecting brick-on-edge or dentilled or basket-pattern bands ?mm deep formed
with facing bricks differing in kind or size from the general facing, ?mm wide LM
G602.c ?mm Thick horizontal or raking or vertical or curved sills or thresholds or copings
or steps built of fair-faced brick or entirely of facings LM
G602.d ?mm Thick brick facework to segmental arches ?mm wide on face and ?mm wide
on the exposed soffite LM
G701.a ?mm Thick random rubble stone walling in cement mortar with a rough dressed
finish SM
200mm Thick dry random rubble stone walling in with a hammer dressed finish SM
G701.c ?mm Thick squared stones rubble walling in courses average ?mm high, laid in
cement mortar with a rough dressed finish SM
G701.d Levelling un-coursed rubble work ?mm wide for damp proof courses, band-
courses, sills, or copings LM
G701.e Dressed margin on rubble work 200mm wide LM
G701.f Coping on rubble work formed of rough stones ?mm wide and average height ?
mm LM
J100 Asphalt Tanking

Gakuya Associates 10 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
J101 Mastic Asphalt (Limestone Aggregate) to B.S. 1097 Tanking in Three
J101.a ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete wall coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
?mm Total thickness on sloping concrete surfaces 150 - 450 from horizontal SM
J101.c ?mm Total thickness on vertical or sloping concrete surfaces over 450 from
horizontal SM
J101.d ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete wall coverings which will be subsequently
covered, coverings to falls and cross-falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
J101.e ?mm Total thickness to concrete soffites SM
Internal angles to asphalt in two coats formed in solid filets minimum 50mm wide LM
J101.g Extra labour and material in turning coverings into grooves LM
Skirtings minimum 150mm high and 13mm total thickness in two equal coats LM
J101.I Internal coved or angle fillet and tilting fillets LM
J101.j Covering to kerbs ?mm girth LM
J101.k Lining to channels ?mm girth LM
J101.l Extra over for forming channels ?mm girth including additional materials LM
J101.m Stopped end or outlet to channel ?mm girth No
J101.n Lining to cesspool or sump ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?mm deep, including internal
angle fillets and ?mm diameter outlet No
J101.o Lining to bonding pockets or covering to bonding block ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?
mm high, including external angle fillets No
J101.p Collars around small pipe with angle fillet in two coats at junctions No
J101.q Collars around large pipe with angle fillet in two coats at junctions No
J101.r Collars around extra large pipe with angle fillet in two coats at junctions No
J200 Asphalt Wall Covering
J201 Mastic Asphalt (Limestone Aggregate) to B.S. 1097 Wall Covering in
Three Coats:-
J201.a ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete wall coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
?mm Total thickness on sloping concrete surfaces 150 - 450 from horizontal SM
J201.c ?mm Total thickness on vertical or sloping concrete surfaces over 450 from
horizontal SM
J201.d ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete wall coverings which will be subsequently
covered, coverings to falls and cross-falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
J201.e ?mm Total thickness to concrete soffites SM
J300 Asphalt Roof Covering
J301 Mastic Asphalt (Limestone Aggregate) to B.S. 988 Roof Covering in Three
J301.a ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete roof coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
?mm Total thickness on sloping concrete surfaces 150 - 450 from horizontal SM
J301.c ?mm Total thickness on vertical or sloping concrete surfaces over 450 from
horizontal SM
J301.d ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete roof coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal, which will be
subsequently covered with chippings, gravel, or tiles SM
J301.e ?mm Total thickness to concrete soffites SM
J400 APP Cabroshield Roof Covering
J401 APP Cabroshield Roof Covering as manufactured by M/s Cabroworks or
other equal and approved:-

Gakuya Associates 11 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
J401.a ?mm Total thickness on flat concrete roof coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
?mm Total thickness on sloping concrete surfaces 150 - 450 from horizontal SM
J401.c ?mm Total thickness on vertical or sloping concrete surfaces over 450 from
horizontal SM
?mm Total thickness on flat concrete roof coverings, coverings to falls and cross-
falls and sloping coverings not exceeding 150 from horizontal, which will be
subsequently covered with chippings, gravel, or precast concrete interlocking tiles SM
J401.e ?mm Total thickness on sloping coverings not exceeding 150 -450 from horizontal,
which will be subsequently covered with chippings, gravel, or precast concrete
interlocking tiles
?mm Total thickness on sloping coverings over 450 from horizontal, which will be
subsequently covered with chippings, gravel, or precast concrete interlocking tiles
Concrete, double roll, single lap interlocking roof tiles laid with
minimum lap 75mm on and including sawn cypress (Grade 2) battens
size 50 x 25mm pressure impregnated with approved preservative:-
K101.a Roof tiles SM
K101.b Roof tiles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K101.c Square cutting tiles around openings LM
K101.d Raking cutting tiles LM
K101.e Curved cutting tiles LM
K101.f Hole through tiles for small pipe No
K101.g Hole through tiles for extra large pipe No
K101.h Double course at eaves and extra under-course bedded in cement sand (1:4)
mortar LM
K101.I Verges including extra under-cloak course and bedding and pointing in cement
sand (1:4) mortar and finishing with cement fillet LM
K101.j Raking verges including extra under-cloak course and bedding and pointing in
cement sand (1:4) mortar and finishing with cement fillet LM
K101.k Curved verges including extra under-cloak course and bedding and pointing in
cement sand (1:4) mortar and finishing with cement fillet LM
Verges with purpose made or special tiles including extra under-cloak course and
bedding and pointing in cement sand (1:4) mortar and finishing with cement fillet LM
K101.m Cutting to valleys, including bedding and pointing in cement sand (1:4) mortar
(measured both sides) LM
K102 Extra over roofing tiles for:-
K102.a Valley tiles LM
K102.b Purpose-made valley tiles LM
K102.c Extra over for laced or swept valleys LM
K102.d Cutting to hips (measured both sides) LM
K102.e Cutting to vertical angles (measured both sides) LM
K102.f Hip tiles LM
K102.g Vertical angle tiles LM
K102.h Filled ends of hip tiles No
Ridge capping including bedding and pointing in cement sand (1:4) mortar LM
K102.j Hip capping including bedding and pointing in cement sand (1:4) mortar LM
K102.k Filled ends of ridge capping or hip capping No
K102.l Tile slips and other fillings including bedding and pointing in cement sand (1:4)
mortar LM

Gakuya Associates 12 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
K102.m 25 x 6mm Thick steel hip iron slips galvanised after manufacture, bent up one end
to support hip tiles, extending 400mm up hip rafter, holed for and including 2 No.
wood-screws No
K102.n Extra over for obscured glass or translucent plastic tiles to match the shape and
profile of tiles No
Reinforced bitumen underlay weighing minimum 1.1 kg. per m2 with coating
material on one side reinforced with an embedded layer of jute hessian , lapped
150mm horizontally and 300mm vertically, and nailed at maximum 300mm centres SM
K102.p ? Gauge polythene underlay lapped 150mm horizontally and 300mm vertically, and
nailed at maximum 300mm centres SM
Fine chicken mesh wire laid and nailed across rafters as support to underlay SM
K201 Clay, single lap interlocking roof tiles (Mangalore tiles) size 410mm
long x 250mm wide laid with minimum lap 75mm on and including sawn
cypress (Grade 2) battens size 50 x 25mm pressure impregnated with
approved preservative:-
K201.a Roof tiles SM
K201.b Roof tiles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K202 Clay, single lap interlocking roof tiles (Portuguese tiles) size 410mm
long x 250mm wide laid with minimum lap 75mm on and including sawn
cypress (Grade 2) battens size 50 x 25mm pressure impregnated with
approved preservative:-
K202.a Roof tiles SM
K202.b Roof tiles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K203 Clay, single lap interlocking roof tiles (Spanish tiles) size 430mm long x
180mm wide laid with minimum lap 75mm on and including sawn
cypress (Grade 2) battens size 50 x 25mm pressure impregnated with
approved preservative:-
K203.a Roof tiles SM
K203.b Roof tiles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K204 Clay, single lap interlocking roof tiles (Brosley tiles) size 260mm long x
150mm wide laid with minimum lap 75mm on and including sawn
cypress (Grade 2) battens size 50 x 25mm pressure impregnated with
approved preservative:-
K204.a Roof tiles SM
K204.b Roof tiles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K301 First grade local cedar end grain shingles 400mm nominal length x
100mm wide and tapering in thickness approximately 13mm to 5mm laid
with a minimum side lap 40mm, laid to double head-lap minimum
125mm and nailed to battens at every course, laid on and including
battens laid to a gauge not exceeding 125mm nailed through the
underlay to each rafter:-
K301.a Roof shingles SM
K301.b Roof shingles, laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K401 24 Gauge 75mm standard corrugated sheets laid with 150mm end laps
and one-and-a-half corrugation side lap fixed to timber with roofing
screws and washers :-
K401.a Roofing sheets laid flat or to falls and cross-falls or to slope not exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
K401.b Roofing sheets laid vertical or sloping over 450 from horizontal SM
K401.c Roofing sheets fixed through an underlining layer laid over purlins SM
K402 24 Gauge galvanised IT4 or LT5 Long Trough Steel Sheets Pre-painted
with a "Resincot" Finish laid with 150mm end laps and single
corrugation side lap fixed to steelwork with hook-bolts, nuts and
washers as described:-
K402.a Roofing sheets SM

Gakuya Associates 13 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
K402.b Roofing sheets laid vertical or sloping over 450 from horizontal SM
K402.c Roofing sheets fixed through an underlining layer laid over purlins SM
K402.d Extra over roofing sheets for cranks and upstands LM
K402.e Square cutting corrugated sheeting around openings LM
K402.f Curved cutting corrugated sheeting around openings LM
K402.g Hole through corrugated sheeting for small pipe No
K402.h Filler piece at eaves and jambs and openings LM
K402.I Filler piece above roof glazing and over lintels LM
K402.j Filler piece at eaves and jambs and openings LM
K402.k Filler piece under roof glazing LM
K402.l Bed and point roof sheeting at eaves and verges LM
K403 24 Gauge Galvanised Mild Steel :-
K403.a Ridge or hip or vertical angle capping of a profile to fit 200 pitch, and minimum
300mm wide LM
K403.b Barge board or corner piece minimum 300mm wide LM
K403.c Flashing or expansion joint 575mm overall girth LM
K403.d Flashing around small or large or extra large pipe or standard No
K403.e Louvre blade 200mm wide (In No. = ?) LM
K500 Sundries
K501.a Capped ends or capped angles or capped intersections or capped vents or capped
finials No
K501.b Extra over roof sheeting for fixed or opening roof light (excluding glass) size ?mm
long x ?mm wide No
Extra over roof sheeting for corrugated glass fibre reinforced translucent plastic
sheet size ?mm long x ?mm wide to match size and profile of roofing sheets No
K501.d Extra over roof sheeting for ventilator sheet size ?mm long x ?mm wide to match
size and profile of roofing sheets No
K501.e Extra over roof sheeting for sheet with soaker flange for large pipe, size ?mm long
x?mm wide to match size and profile of roofing sheets No
K501.f Roof ventilator size ?mm long x ?mm wide No
K601 Makuti Thatch Roofing 150mm Thick Securely Tied with Sisal Rope to
Timber Rafters:-
K601.a Thatch roofing SM
K601.b Thatch roofing laid vertical or to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K601.c Thatch roofing to dormers ?mm long x ?mm wide No
K601.d Thatch roofing to cylindrical turrets ?mm diameter at base and ?mm high from
base to apex No
K601.e Strip old thatch roofing and prepare roof for re-thatching SM
K601.f Cut and fit thatch roofing to abutments or side abutments or tile valleys or metal
valleys or chimneys LM
K601.g Hole through thatch roofing for extra large pipe No
K601.h Extra material to make eaves or verges or hips or valleys or ridges LM
K601.I 16 Gauge wire-netting with 50mm mesh size and with minimum 150mm side and
end laps stapled to timber roof members SM
16 Gauge wire-netting strip to ridges or eaves or verges with 50mm mesh size and
with minimum 150mm side and end laps stapled to timber roof members LM
K601.k Raking cutting thatch roofing LM
K601.l Curved cutting thatch roofing LM
K701 Roof Decking ?mm Thick Nailed to Timber Structural Supports Spaced at
600mm Centres:-
K701.a Woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking SM
K701.b Woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking laid vertical or to slope
exceeding 450 from horizontal, SM

Gakuya Associates 14 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
K701.c Square cutting ?mm thick woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking
around openings over 0.5 square metres LM
Raking cutting ?mm thick woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking LM
Curved cutting ?mm thick woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking LM
K701.f Hole through ?mm thick woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking for
extra large pipe No
K701.g Woodwool slabs or steel or aluminium roof decking bearings or eaves or kerbs or
flashings or abutments with nibs built into chases and bedded to walls in cement
mortar (1:4) LM
Bitumen felt roof covering in three layers each layer bonded with hot
bonding compound to previous layer, comprising saturated bitumen
asbestos felt under-layer weighing 7kgs/10m2 partially bonded, self-
finished intermediate layer weighing 13kgs/10m2 fully bonded, mineral
surfaced bitumen felt top layer weighing 36kgs/10m2 fully bonded:-
K801.a Roof covering laid horizontal, to falls or cross falls or sloping not exceeding 450
from horizontal SM
K801.b Roof covering laid to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal SM
K801.c Raking cutting or curved cutting or fair edges or wedging or turning into grooved
bitumen felt roof covering LM
K801.d Work felt into outlet pipes, dish felt to gullies No
K801.e Roofing felt turndown at eaves or verges or aprons ?mm wide LM
K801.f Bitumen felt flashing ?mm high LM
K801.g Horizontal or stepped or raking bitumen felt turn-up of main roofing at
abutments ?mm girth, including turning into grooves LM
K801.h Bitumen felt lining to gutters or channels or valleys or covering to kerbs ?mm girth,
including turning into grooves LM
K801.I Stop ends or outlets to gutters No
K801.j 24 Gauge galvanised steel metal lining to gutters or channels or valleys or covering
to kerbs ?mm girth, including turning into grooves LM
K801.k Extra over bitumen felt roofing for forming shallow channels ?mm girth including
additional material required LM
K801.l Stop ends or outlets to shallow channels No
K801.m Bitumen felt lining to sumps ?mm long x ?mm wide, including sump outlet ?mm
diameter No
K801.n Bitumen felt collar to large pipe No
Sawn Cypress Grade II, Maximum Moisture Content 15%, Seasoned and
Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
L101.a ? x ?mm Rafter LM
L101.b Scarfed joint to ? x ?mm timber No
L101.c ? x ?mm Rafter 6.0m to 7.0m long LM
L101.d Rebates or grooves or chamfers or rounded edges or moulded edges of ? x ?mm
timber LM
L101.e Wrought ends of ? x ?mm timber LM
L101.f Shaped or turned or moulded ends of ? x ?mm timber LM
L101.g ? x ?mm Brandering or nogging pieces between joists LM
L101.h ? x ?mm Cleats or sprockets ?mm long No
L201 6mm Thick Plywood to B.S. 1455, Grade 2, Maximum Moisture Content
12%, of Approved Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L201.a Plywood laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
Plywood laid to slope not exceeding 150 from horizontal on timber bearers SM

Gakuya Associates 15 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Plywood laid vertical or to slope exceeding 450 from horizontal on timber bearers SM
L201.d Plywood laid to falls and cross-falls on timber bearers SM
L201.e Plywood laid diagonally on timber bearers SM
L202 6mm Thick Asbestos Cement Sheets to B.S. 690, Part2, Type 1, of
Approved Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L202.a Asbestos cement sheets laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
25mm Thick Blockboard Sheets to B.S. 3444, Grade 2 Veneer, Maximum
Moisture Content 12%, of Approved Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L203.a Blockboard sheets laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
L204 20mm Thick Chipboard Sheets to B.S. 2604, Part 2, Density 480 - 640
kgs/m2, of Approved Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L204.a Chipboard sheets laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
20mm Thick High-Density Chipboard Sheets to B.S. 2604, Part 2, Density
Exceeding 640 kgs/m2, of Approved Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L205.a Chipboard sheets laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
L206 50mm Thick Woodwool Slabs to B.S. 1105, Type B, Table 1 of Approved
Local or Imported Manufacture:-
L206.a Woodwool slabs laid horizontal on timber bearers SM
Sawn or Wrot Cypress Grade II, Maximum Moisture Content 15%,
Seasoned and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
?mm (Extreme) thick weather-boarding with ?mm wide boards lapped ?mm SM
L207.b ?mm Thick gutter boarding or gutter sides average width ?mm laid on and
including ? x ?mm sawn cypress Grade II bearers LM
L207.c ?mm Thick gutter boarding or gutter sides over300mm wide laid on and
including ? x ?mm sawn cypress Grade II bearers SM
L207.d Gutter ends or drips or sumps No
L207.e ?mm Thick eaves or verge boarding ?0mm wide laid on and including ? x ?mm
sawn cypress Grade II bearers LM
L207.f ?mm Thick eaves or verge boarding over 300mm wide laid on and including ? x ?
mm sawn cypress Grade II bearers SM
L207.g Raking cutting or curved cutting or scribed edges on boarding or perimeter cutting
on diagonally laid boards LM
L207.h Rebates or grooves or chamfers or rounded edges or mitred angles of timber
boarding LM
L207.I ? x ?mm Thick fascia-board or barge board with three labours nailed to feet of
rafters LM
?mm Thick Wrot Prime Grade Camphor, Maximum Moisture Content
12%, Seasoned and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
M101.a Tongued and grooved flooring laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II bearers
spaced at 600mm both ways SM
M101.b Tongued and grooved flooring laid diagonally on and including sawn cypress Grade
II bearers spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M101.c ?mm Wide board and strip flooring laid diagonally on and including sawn cypress
Grade II bearers spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M101.d Raking cutting or curved cutting or scribed edges on boarding or perimeter cutting
on diagonally laid boards LM
Extra over flooring for nosings or bed moulds or margins ?mm thick x ?mm wide
with tongued or rounded or moulded edges or grooves ?mm wide x ?mm deep LM
M101.f Extra over flooring for trap door ?mm wide x ?mm long, including wrot cypress
Grade II bearers all round door No

Gakuya Associates 16 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
?mm Thick Wrot Prime Grade Camphor, Maximum Moisture Content
12%, Seasoned and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
M201.a Tongued and grooved panelling laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II
framing spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M201.b Tongued and grooved panelling with mouldings worked on the solid or planted on
one side, laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II framing spaced at ?mm both
ways SM
M201.c Tongued and grooved panelled work with fielded panels or raised panels or raised
and fielded panels on one side, laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II
framing spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M201.d Tongued and grooved panelled work with stiles or top rails or muntings over
100mm wide on one side, laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II framing
spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M201.e Tongued and grooved panelled work with intermediate or bottom rails over ?mm
wide on one side, laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II framing spaced at ?
mm both ways SM
M201.f Tongued and grooved panelled work with segmental or semi-circular or elliptical
curved heads , laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II framing spaced at ?
mm both ways SM
M201.g Lining ?mm wide to walls and ceilings LM
M201.h Lining over 300mm wide and ?mm wide to walls and ceilings LM
M201.I Lining ?mm wide to ceilings over 3.5m high from floor LM
M201.j Lining ?mm wide and 350mm wide to ceilings over 3.5m high from floor LM
M201.k Lining ?mm wide to framed on rake to walls and ceilings LM
M201.l Tongued and grooved casings around sides and soffites of beams, lintels,
cantilevers, pilasters and columns laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II
framing spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M201.m Tongued and grooved casings around sides and soffites of beams over 3.5m high
from ground level, laid on and including sawn cypress Grade II framing spaced at ?
mm both ways SM
M201.n Tongued and grooved panelled casings framed on rake around sides and soffites
of beams, lintels, cantilevers, pilasters and columns laid on and including sawn
cypress Grade II framing spaced at ?mm both ways SM
M201.o Applied mouldings or capping or inlays size ?mm thick x ?mm wide LM
M201.p ?mm Thick cap or base to column or pilaster 200mm wide x ?mm long with
chamfer or moulding on all sides No
M201.q Tongued and grooved casings around pipe, ?mm girth laid on three, sides laid on
and including sawn cypress Grade II bearers LM
M201.r Extra over for trap door ?mm wide x ?mm long in lining or casing, including wrot
cypress Grade II bearers all round door No
M301 45mm Thick Semi-Solid Cored Flush Door Faced Both Sides With 4mm
Thick Interior Quality Plywood and With 4mm Thick Hardwood Lipping
All Round:-
M301.a Door size 720mm wide x 2070mm high No
M302 45mm Thick Solid Cored Flush Door Faced Both Sides With 4mm Thick
Exterior Quality Plywood and With 4mm Thick Hardwood Lipping All
M302.a Door size 820mm wide x 2070mm high No
M302.b Door size 820mm wide x 2070mm high, and with a weather moulding bedded in
water-proof compound externally No
M302.c Extra over for opening in flush door for glass size ?mm wide x ?mm high No
M303 25mm Thick Blockboard Door With 4mm Thick Hardwood Lipping All
M303.a Door size 400mm wide x 1200mm high No
M304 45mm Thick Second Grade Wrot Cypress Framed, Ledged, Braced and
Match-boarded Door With 50 x 125mm Side Framing, Top Ledge and
Braces, 50 x 150mm Bottom and Middle Ledges and 25 x 100mm
Tongued, Grooved and V-Jointed Match-boarding:-

Gakuya Associates 17 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
M304.a Door size 820mm wide x 2070mm high No
M305 45mm Thick Prime Grade Wrot Camphor Panelled Door With 50 x
100mm Side and Top Rails, 50 x 150mm Bottom and Middle Rails, In-
filled With 8 No. 25mm Thick Moulded and Fielded Panels Worked on the
Solid and Housed in Grooves in Framing:-
M305.a Door size 820mm wide x 2070mm high No
M306 45mm Thick Prime Grade Wrot Camphor Panelled Door With 50 x
100mm Side and Top Rails, 50 x 150mm Bottom and Middle Rails, and
with 8 No. Panels In-filled with 6mm Thick Obscure Glass Housed in
Rebates in Framing and including Glazing Beads:-
M306.a Door size 820mm wide x 2070mm high No
M307 45mm Thick Prime Grade Wrot Camphor Panelled Door with 50 x
100mm Side and Top Rails, 50 x 150mm Bottom and Middle Rails, In-
filled With 4 No. 25mm thick Moulded and Fielded Panels Worked on the
Solid and Housed in Grooves in Framing:-
M307.a Door not exceeding 1.0m2 and not exceeding 1.0m high size 500mm wide x
1000mm high No
M307.b Door of irregular shape extreme size 820mm wide x 2070mm high No
M307.c Door of with semi-circular or segmental or elliptical head extreme size 820mm
wide x 2070mm high No
M308 Wrot Prime Grade Wrot Camphor Windows and Casements
M308.a 45mm Thick casement size ?mm wide x ?mm high divided into ? No. panes each ?
mm wide x ?mm high each in-filled with 6mm thick obscure glass housed in
rebates in framing and including glazing beads No
M308.b 45mm Thick bulls-eye casement ?mm diameter divided into ? No. panes each in-
filled with 6mm thick obscure glass housed in rebates in framing and including
glazing beads No
M308.c 45mm Thick casement with semi-circular or segmental or elliptical head extreme
size ?mm wide x ?mm high divided into ? No. panes each ?mm wide x ?mm high
each in-filled with 6mm thick obscure glass housed in rebates in framing and
including glazing beads No
M308.d 45mm Thick double-hung sash window size ?mm wide x ?mm high divided into ?
sashes each ?mm wide and each sash with ? No. panes each ?mm wide x ?mm
high each in-filled with 6mm thick obscure glass housed in rebates in framing and
including glazing beads No
M308.e ?mm Thick window board or nosing ?mm wide, including rounded edges and ? x ?
mm wrot cypress bearer (In No. = ?)
Wrot Cypress Grade II, Maximum Moisture Content 15%, Seasoned and
Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
M401.a ?mm Wide x ?mm (minimum) thick internal door lining fixed to wall with and
including 250mm girth x 25 x 1.6mm galvanised mild steel cramps fixed at
maximum 600mm centres on each jamb LM
M401.b 50mm Wide x 32mm thick grounds plugged and screwed to wall with plastic or
wood fibre plugs LM
Wrot Prime Grade Camphor, Maximum Moisture Content 12%, Seasoned
and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
M402.a 115mm (Minimum) wide x 55mm (minimum) thick external door frame fixed to
wall with and including 250mm girth x 25 x 1.6mm galvanised mild steel cramps
fixed at maximum 600mm centres on each jamb LM
M402.b 115mm (Minimum) wide x 55mm (minimum) thick external door frame or mullion
or transome or sill 6.0 - 7.0m long LM
M402.c 115mm (Minimum) wide x 55mm (minimum) thick frame to bulls-eye window
800mm overall diameter LM
M402.d 45mm wide x 10mm thick door stop with mitred joints pinned to door lining at
maximum 225mm centres LM
M402.e 25mm wide x 10mm thick glazing bead with mitred joints pinned to door lining at
maximum 225mm centres LM

Gakuya Associates 18 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
M402.f 100mm Wide x 25mm thick skirting or architrave or picture-rail or dado-rail or wall
moulding or cornice or cover fillet plugged and screwed to wall with plastic or
wood fibre plugs LM
M402.g 100mm Wide x 150mm high pelmet-box comprising 100 x 25mm thick Second
Grade wrot cypress top and ends and 150 x 25mm thick Prime Grade wrot
camphor front ,including 50 x 25mm bearers plugged and screwed to wall with
plastic or wood fibre plugs LM
M402.h 150mm long x 100mm high x 25mm thick plinth block to skirting plugged and
screwed to wall with plastic or wood fibre plugs No
M501 25mm Thick Blockboard:-
M501.a Shelves or divisions or work-tops or counter tops or seats ?mm wide with 4mm
thick hardwood lipping all round LM
M501.b Shelves or divisions or work-tops or counter tops or seats over 300mm wide with
4mm thick hardwood lipping all round SM
Sawn or Wrot Cypress Grade II, Maximum Moisture Content 15%,
Seasoned and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
Slatted shelves or seats comprising ? x ?mm thick slats equally spaced at ?mm
centres nailed to and including ? x ?mm bearers spaced at ?mm centres No
M502.b ? x ?mm Thick bearers or legs LM
M502.c Raking cutting or curved cutting or scribed edges on boarding or perimeter cutting
on table tops ?mm thick LM
M502.d Rounded corner to ?mm thick frame ?mm girth LM
Housing or tongued and grooved joints to ship-lap joints to timber ?mm thick LM
M601 The following in 4 No. cupboards or tables or work-benches or counters
or dressers or book-cases size 3000mm long x 600mm wide x 900mm
high (Measure All Components in Detail in Accordance With Clauses P12
- P15 of the SMM):-
M602 Drawers No
Drawer size ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?mm deep comprising 15mm thick Prime
Grade wrot camphor front, 12mm thick Second Grade wrot cypress sides dove-
tailed to front and grooved for bottom, back and runners, 12mm thick softwood
back, 4mm thick plywood bottom, and 2 No. 20 x 6mm thick hardwood runners No
M603 Decorative Laminated Plastics No
M603.a 1.5mm Thick decorative laminated plastics sheet glued to blockboard top SM
M603.b 1.5mm Thick decorative laminated plastics sheet 200mm wide glued to blockboard
side LM
Wrot Prime Grade Camphor, Maximum Moisture Content 12%, Seasoned
and Pressure Impregnated With Approved Preservative:-
?mm Thick tongued and grooved landing laid on and including ? x ?mm thick
Second Grade sawn cypress bearers spaced at ?mm centres both ways SM
Raking cutting or curved cutting on tongued and grooved boarding ?mm thick LM
?mm Thick treads and risers with the top edge of risers tongued ?mm into treads SM
M701.d ?mm Thick treads and risers in winders with the top edge of risers tongued ?mm
into treads SM
M701.e Raking cutting or curved cutting on treads ?mm thick LM
M701.f Returned ends or rounded ends or quadrant ends or curtail ends of steps ?mm
thick No
M701.g ?mm Thick x ?mm high strings or apron-lining LM
M701.h ?mm Thick x ?mm high ramped or wreathed strings or apron-lining LM

Gakuya Associates 19 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
M701.I Extra over ?mm Thick x ?mm high strings or apron-lining for short ramps or short
wreaths No
Quadrant-piece ?mm Thick x ?mm long x ?mm high to strings or apron-lining No
M701.k ? x ?mm Thick Prime Grade camphor handrail with four labours LM
M701.l ? x ?mm Thick Prime Grade camphor curved or ramped or wreathed handrail with
four labours LM
M701.m Extra over ? x ?mm handrail for quadrants or ramps or wreaths nor exceeding
500mm girth No
M701.n Framed or housed or dowelled or rounded or moulded or scrolled ends to ? x ?mm
thick camphor handrail No
M701.o ? x ?mm Thick Prime Grade camphor baluster ?mm long with both ends housed
into timber No
M701.p ? x ?mm Thick newels or storey-posts ?mm long No
M701.q ?mm Long x ?mmm deep sunk panel in newel or storey-post No
? x ? x ?mm Thick newel cap with rounded top end tongued into top of newel No
M801.a Hole or countersunk hole through ?mm thick timber for ?mm diameter bolt,
including pellating on one end of hole No
M801.b Hole through ?mm thick timber for small pipe, including pipe sleeve jammed into
hole in timber No
M801.c Hole through ?mm thick timber for ? x ?mm ducting or trunking or tray No
M901.a ?mm Diameter mild steel dowel ?mm long galvanised after manufacture, including
hole through ?mm thick timber for dowel No
M901.b 250mm girth x 25 x 1.6mm galvanised mild steel cramps fixed at maximum
600mm centres on each jamb No
?mm Diameter mild steel bolt ?mm long, with head, nut and 2 No. washers No
N101 Plain Grillages Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N101.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N101.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N101.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N101.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N101.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N101.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N101.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N101.h Compound single grillages consisting of one joist or channel with one or more
flange-plates Kgs
N101.I Compound multiple grillages consisting of two or more joists or channels with one
or more flange-plates Kgs
N102 Plain Girders Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N102.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N102.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N102.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N102.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N102.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N102.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N102.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N102.h Compound single girders consisting of one joist or channel with one or more
flange-plates Kgs
N102.I Compound multiple girders consisting of two or more joists or channels with one or
more flange-plates Kgs
N102.j Plain plate girders consisting of one web-plate with angle-flanges Kgs

Gakuya Associates 20 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
N102.k Compound plate girders consisting of one web-plate with angle-flanges and one
or more flange-plates Kgs
N102.l Box plate girders consisting of two web-plates with angle-flanges and two or more
flange-plates Kgs
N103 Shelf-angles and Stiffener-angles on Girders :-
N103.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N103.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N103.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N103.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N103.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N103.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N103.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
Latticed girder ?m long x ?mm deep consisting of ? No. ? x ? x ?mm thick
rectangular hollow sections and ? x ? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?mm centres Kgs
N103.I I-section runway rails for travelling cranes attached to latticed girder ?m long x ?
mm deep consisting of ? No. ? x ? x ?mm thick rectangular hollow sections and ? x
? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?mm centres Kgs
N201 Plain Stanchions Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N201.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N201.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N201.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N201.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N201.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N201.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N201.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N201.h Compound single stanchions consisting of one joist or channel with one or more
flange-plates Kgs
N201.I Compound multiple stanchions consisting of two or more joists or channels with
one or more flange-plates Kgs
N201.j Latticed or battened stanchion 6.0m long x 300mm deep consisting of 2 No. ? x ?
x ?mm thick (In No.=?) Kgs
N201.k ?mm Diameter solid steel column (In No. = ?) Kgs
N201.l ?mm Diameter x ?mm thick steel column (In No. = ?) LM
N201.m Portal frame ?m span x ?mm deep consisting of ? No. ? x ? x ?mm thick
rectangular hollow sections and ? x ? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?mm centres
(In No. = ?) Kgs
N301 Roof Trusses
N301.a Roof truss 0.0 - 3.0m span x ?mm high from base to apex consisting of ? No. ? x ?
x ?mm thick rectangular hollow sections and ? x ? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?
mm centres (In No. = ?) Kgs
N301.b Roof truss 3.0 - 6.0m span x ?mm high from base to apex consisting of ? No. ? x ?
x ?mm thick rectangular hollow sections and ? x ? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?
mm centres (In No. = ?) Kgs
Gable-truss or hip-truss or half-truss or valley-truss 3.0 - 6.0m span x ?mm high
from base to apex consisting of ? No. ? x ? x ?mm thick rectangular hollow
sections and ? x ? x ?mm thick braces spaced at ?mm centres (In No. = ?) Kgs
N302 Gable-members or Hip-members or Valley-members Consisting of Joists
and Channels:-
N302.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N302.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N302.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N302.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N302.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N302.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs

Gakuya Associates 21 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
N302.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N303 Plain Purlins or Rails Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N303.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N303.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N303.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N303.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N303.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N303.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N303.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N303.h Zed Purlin or rail size 152.4 x 50.8 x 19.0 x 2mm weighing 4.34 kgs per linear
metre Kgs
N304 Compound Purlins or Rails Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N304.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N304.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N304.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N304.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N304.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N304.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N304.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N305 Braces or Struts Consisting of Joists and Channels:-
N305.a Not exceeding 5 kgs Kgs
N305.b Over 5 kgs but not exceeding 10 kgs Kgs
N305.c Over 10 kgs but not exceeding 20 kgs Kgs
N305.d Over 20 kgs but not exceeding 50 kgs Kgs
N305.e Over 50 kgs but not exceeding 100 kgs Kgs
N305.f Over 100 kgs but not exceeding 150 kgs Kgs
N305.g Over 150 kgs Kgs
N306.a Caps or bases or splice-plates or cleats or brackets or stiffeners or distance pieces
or separators as fittings to unframed steelwork, welded on to unframed steelwork
members No
N306.b ?mm Diameter holes or countersunk holes or tapped holes to be made on site
through ?mm thick steel member for other trades No
N306.c Countersinking rivet-heads on site No
N306.d Wedging under stanchion bases or under grillages No
Turned-bolts ?mm diameter and ?mm long, including nut and 2 No. washers No
Anchor-bolts ?mm diameter and ?mm long, including nut and 2 No. washers Kgs
N306.g Prepare, touch up primer and apply three coats first quality hard gloss paint on
mild steel roof members Kgs
P101.a ?mm Thick floor-plates, average size ?mm long x ?mm wide SM
P101.b ?mm Thick chequered plates or perforated plates as floor-plates, average size ?
mm long x ?mm wide SM
P101.c ?mm Thick duct-covers ?mm wide LM
?mm Thick chequered plates or perforated plates as duct-covers ?mm wide LM
P101.e ? x ? x ?mm Thick rectangular hollow section mild steel tubes as frames for duct
covers, including fixing lugs at ?mm centres LM
P101.f Ends or angles or intersections to ? x ? x ?mm thick rectangular hollow section
mild steel tubes as frames for duct covers No
P101.g Raking cutting or curved cutting on ?mm thick mild steel plate LM
P101.h ?mm Square bar as burglar bar LM
P101.I Fanged end or twist or bend to ?mm square bar No

Gakuya Associates 22 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Ornamental grille size ?mm long x ?mm wide made out of ?mm diameter square
bar spaced at ?mm centres both ways, including all necessary welding of bars No
P101.k Burglar proofing of flat bars ? x ?mm thick as panes forming part of and attached
to window No
P101.l ? x ? x ?mm Thick rectangular hollow section mild steel tubes as handrails or core-
rails LM
P101.m Fanged end or rounded end or scrolled end or mitred angle or bend or ramp or
wreath to ? x ? x ?mm thick rectangular hollow section mild steel handrails or
core-rails No
P101.n ?mm wide x ?mm Thick handrail bracket ?mm girth welded to ? x ? x ?mm thick
rectangular hollow section mild steel handrails or core-rails No
P101.o ? x ? x ?mm Thick rectangular hollow section mild steel tubes as arch-bars or
bearers or stays LM
P101.p ?mm wide x ?mm Thick straps or collars or hangers or cantilever-bracket ?mm
girth No
P101.q Mat-frame overall size ?mm long x ?mm wide comprising ? x ? x ?mm thick mild
steel angle framing all round, in-filled with ? x ?mm thick mild steel flats welded to
frame at ?mm centres No
P201.a 2mm Thick galvanised mild steel sheet covering to door or bench-top or counter-
top SM
P201.b 3mm Thick galvanised mild steel sheet lining to safe or cistern or sink SM
P201.c Raking cutting or curved cutting on 3mm thick mild steel plate LM
P201.d Welted or beaded edges or burned or brazed or welded angles or welted seams to
3mm thick galvanised mild steel sheet lining LM
P201.e Dressing 3mm thick galvanised mild steel sheet into hollows size ?mm wide x ?
mm deep LM
P201.f Dressing 3mm thick galvanised mild steel sheet over kerbs size ?mm wide x ?mm
high LM
P201.g Bossed or brazed or welded angles and intersections of 3mm thick galvanised mild
steel sheet lining LM
P201.h Clout nailing or copper nailing or screwing at edges of 3mm thick galvanised mild
steel sheet covering LM
P201.I Close clout nailing or copper nailing or screwing spaced not exceeding 50mm at
edges of ?mm thick galvanised mild steel sheet covering LM
Mesh covering or expanded metal covering ?mm wide with mesh size ? x ?mm to
partition or door panel or window, fixed with beads or staples or welded LM
P301.b Raking cutting or curved cutting on mesh covering or expanded metal covering
with mesh size ? x ?mm LM
P400 The Following in 4 No. Units Each 3000mm Long x 900mm High
(Measure All Components in Detail in Accordance With Clauses P12 - P15
of the SMM):-
P400.a Level balustrade units
P400.b Raking balustrade units
P400.c Level railing units
P400.d Raking railing units
P400.e Gates
P400.f Grilles and gratings
P400.g Cloak-room fittings
P400.h Cycle-racks or storage-racks
P400.I Ladders
P400.j Staircases or landings
P400.k Frameworks and other supports for partitions or false ceilings or lift
P400.l Tubular roof trusses each ?mm long x ?mm wide

Gakuya Associates 23 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Rectangular tanks ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?mm high
P401 Sundries
P401.a Extra over for opening portions of balustrades or railings ?mm wide x ?mm high,
including all necessary hinges and fastenings No
P401.b Cleated or plated connections with cleat or plate size ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?
mm thick, including all necessary bolts or welds or rivets No
P401.c Bolted or screwed connections with cleat or plate size ?mm long x ?mm wide x ?
mm thick, including all necessary bolts or screws No
P401.d Special metal window or special door overall size ?mm wide x ?mm high, made out
of standard metal sections, with ? No. opening portions No
P501 Supply and Fix the following Standard Steel Casement Windows Or
Doors with one coat lead oxide primer complete with opening
accessories, standard pressed metal permanent vent filled with non-
corroding metal or plastic mosquito gauze to full width of sash, including
cutting and pinning fixing lugs to walling and bedding and pointing
around frames in cement mortar (1:4):-
P501.a Window type ? size ? x ?mm high No
P501.b Metal door type ? size ? x ?mm high No
P501.c Window/Door combination comprising window type ? size ? x ?mm high coupled
with mullion coupling to single door type ? size ? x ?mm high No
P501.d Steel sub-frames or sub-sills or window boards or surrounds ?mm long x ?mm
wide No
P501.e Steel door-frames ?mm long x ?mm wide No
P501.f Fire-proof door or strong-room door type ? overall size ?mm wide x ?mm high
complete with frames, hinges, fastenings and fixing lugs No
Lantern-lights or skylights to laylights overall size ?mm wide x ?mm high complete
with frames, mullions, ridges, hips, hinges, fastenings and fixing lugs No
P501.h Pavement-lights size ?mm long x ?mm wide complete with frames, glass lenses
and fixing lugs No
Hole or countersunk hole or slot through ?mm thick steel for ?mm diameter bolt No
P601.b Hole through ?mm thick steel for small pipe No
P601.c ?mm Diameter mild steel bolt or anchor bolt or ragbolt 1?mm long, with head, nut
and 2 No. spring washers No
Q100 Groups and Headings
Q100.a Rainwater installation
Q100.b Sanitary installation
Q100.c Cold and hot water installation
Q100.d Heating installation stating the type
Q100.e Ventilation and air-conditioning installation stating the type
Q100.f Fire fighting installation
Q100.g Hydraulic installation
Q100.h Compressed air installation
Q100.I Gas installation stating the type
24 swg Light Pressed Galvanised Steel Pipes, Gutters and Fittings:-
Q1012.a Down-pipe ?mm diameter with seamed or welded joints, fixed to wall with
holderbats of galvanised malleable iron or galvanised mild steel with two-piece
circled strap, galvanised steel bolt and washer and ragged tail mimimum 75mm
long, fixed at minimum 900mm centres LM

Gakuya Associates 24 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Extra over down-pipe ?mm diameter for shoe or swan-neck offset ?mm projection No
Gutters ?mm diameter pre-painted with a "Resincot" finish, fixed to falls minimum
1:300 with overlap in the direction of fall, fixed to steel purlin with suitable
brackets or straps or lugs cast on to the gutter at minimum 900mm centres LM
Q1012.d Gutters ?mm diameter curved to ?mm radius pre-painted with a "Resincot" finish,
fixed to falls minimum 1:300 with overlap in the direction of fall, fixed to steel
purlin with suitable brackets or straps or lugs cast on to the gutter at minimum
900mm centres LM
Q1012.e Extra over gutters 333mm diameter for bends or elbows or junctions or stopped
ends or nozzle outlets No
Q1021 Unplasticised Polyvinyl Chloride (UPVC) Pipes, Gutters and Fittings
Joined in Accordance with the Manufacturer's Instructions:-
Q1021.a Down-pipe ?mm diameter fixed to wall with gutter brackets at minimum 900mm
centres LM
Q1021.b Extra over down-pipe ?mm diameter for offsets or branches or shoes or rainwater
heads obtained from the pipe manufacturer No
Q1021.c Half-round pattern gutters ?mm diameter fixed to falls minimum 1:300 jointed with
rubber sealing rings supplied with the gutters, fixed to steel purlin with gutter
brackets at minimum 900mm centres LM
Half-round pattern gutters ?mm diameter curved to ?mm diameter fixed to falls
minimum 1:300 jointed with rubber sealing rings supplied with the gutters, fixed to
steel purlin with gutter brackets at minimum 900mm centres LM
Q1021.e Extra over gutters ?mm diameter for angles or nozzles or stopends or dropends
obtained from the pipe manufacturer No
Q1032 Supply and fix the following in uPVC and in MuPVC soil and waste system
to BS 4514 with fittings fixed to manufacturer's printed instructions and
B.S. 5572:1978 and manufactured by 'Key Terrain' as described or equal
and approved, including pipe fixing clips or holderbats, plugged and
Q1033 "Key Terrain" System 1800 P.V.C. Underground Pipes Class 41 (Golden
Brown) and Fittings to B.S. 5481:-
?mm Diameter pipe Ref: 1800.?.30, laid and jointed in trench LM
Q104 Extra Over uPVC and MuPVC pipework for:-
Q104.a Long radius bend Ref: 1805.4.87 No
Q104.b "P"-trap Ref: 1849.4 No
Q104.c Square hopper Ref: 1849.4M No
Q104.d Square grating Ref: 1845.4.501 No
Q105 "Key Terrain" System 2100 P.V.C. Rainwater Pipes and Fittings to B.S.
Q105.a Rainwater pipe 3" Ref: 2100.3.40 LM
"Key Terrain" System 100 P.V.C. Soil Pipes and Fittings to B.S. 5452:-
Q106.a Soil pipe 4" Ref: 100.4.40 LM
Q107 Extra Over uPVC and MuPVC pipework for:- No
Q107.a Single branch Ref: 104.4.92 No
Q107.b Sweep bend Ref: 101.3.92 No
Q107.c Sweep bend Ref: 101.3.135 No
Q107.d Seal ring adaptor Ref: 109.4 No
Q107.e Straight coupling (adaptor) Ref: 111.4 No
Q107.f Boss connector Ref: 114.4.15 No

Gakuya Associates 25 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Q107.g W.C. connector Ref: 125.4.5 No
Q107.h Access door Ref: 135.4 No
Q107.I Access cap Ref: 136.4 No
Q107.j Access Plug Ref: 237.15 No
Q107.k Screw to wall holderbat Ref: 140.4 No
Q107.l Weathering apron Ref: 131.4 No
Q107.m Weathering slate Ref: 149.18.22 No
Q107.n Vent cowl Ref: 150.4 No
Q108 "Key Terrain" System 200 & 300 P.V.C. Waste Pipes and Fittings to B.S.
Q108.a Waste pipe 32mm diameter Ref: 200.125.40 LM
Q108.b Waste pipe 50mm diameter Ref: 200.15.40 LM
Q109 Extra Over uPVC and MuPVC pipework for:-
Q109.a Sweep bend Ref: 201.125.91 No
Q109.b Sweep tee Ref: 204.125.91 No
Q109.c Level invert taper Ref: 223.2.125 No
Q109.d Access plug Ref: 237.125 No
Q109.e Pipe fixing clip screw to wall) Ref: 240.125 No
Q109.f Bottle "P" trap Ref: 371.125 No
Q109.g Chromium plated brass basin and sink waste outlet Ref: 352.125 complete with
plug and chain No
Q109.h 38mm Sink tubular "P" trap and waste outlet Refs. 361.15 and 352.15, complete
with plug and chain No
Q109.I 38mm Combined bath "P" trap with waste and overflow outlets refs.381.15,353.15
and 387.15 complete with plug and chain No
Q109.j Gulley piece Ref: 1844.4.25 No
Q109.k Gulley grating Ref: 1849.4 'P' No
Q110 Gulley Trap Chamber
Gulley trap chamber internal size 203 x 203 x 150mm high with 75mm thick sides
and rebated top edge for and including 210 x 210 x 63mm thick precast concrete
cover including bedding UPVC gulley (m.s.) in concrete (1:3:6), dishing base of
gulley, all necessary formwork, excavation, backfillng and disposal of surplus spoil No
Q2011 ?mm Diameter pipe temporarily fixed in position, dismantled for chromium plating
and subsequently re- fixed to wall LM
Q201.a ?mm Diameter pipe fixed in duct, or in trench or in chase LM
Q201.b ?mm Diameter pipe embedded in floor screed LM
Q201.c ?mm Diameter pipe, curved to 600mm radius, fixed in duct, or in trench or in
chase LM
Q201.d ?mm Diameter wrapped or coated or lined pipe fixed to wall or in duct LM
Q201.e ?mm Diameter pipe temporarily fixed in position, dismantled for chromium plating
and subsequently re- fixed to wall LM
Q202 Extra over ?mm diameter pipe for:-
Q202.a Ornamental joint in the running length No
Q202.b Soldered reducing joint No
Q202.c Welded reducing joint No
Q202.d Soldered branch joint No
Q202.e Welded square or angle or sweep branch joint No
Q202.f Made bends or made springs or made offsets No
Q202.g Bends or springs or swan-necks or offsets or Y-junctions or double Y-junctions or
shoes or blank flanges or bushes or reducers or elbows or twin elbows or tees or
crosses or unions No
Q202.h Screwed sockets or tappings or bosses or welding necks welded to ?mm diameter
pipe No
Q202.I Special connection between ?mm diameter galvanised pipe and ?mm diameter
uPVC pipe No

Gakuya Associates 26 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Q202.j Special connection between ?mm diameter galvanised pipe and boss of hot water
cylinder No
Special connection between ?mm diameter galvanised pipe and galvanised sheet
steel water storage tank, including back-nuts and neoprene washers No
Q202.l Bellows or sliding expansion joint to ?mm diameter galvanised pipe to allow
minimum 10mm expansion No
Brackets or rollers or chairs or hangers or back-plates or girder-lugs or anchors and
guides?mm long as pipe supports for ?mm diameter galvanised mild steel pipe No
Pipe stays or collars ?mm long for ?mm diameter galvanised mild steel pipe No
Q202.o Wall plates or floor plates or ceiling plates ?mm long with ?mm diameter
galvanised mild steel pipe passing through No
Q202.p Stop valve chamber internal size 500 x 500 x 150mm deep comprising 100mm
thick concrete Class Q (1:3:6) base size 700 x 700mm, 100mm thick stone wall to
sides,75mm thick precast concrete Class 20/20 cover slab size 700 x 700mm
reinforced with BRC mesh No. 14 with and including 80mm girth x 10mm diameter
bar lifting handle, including all necessary formwork, excavation, backfilling and
disposal of surplus spoil No
Water meter chamber internal size 650 x 450 x 225mm deep comprising 50mm
thick concrete Class 20/20 sides reinforced with BRC mesh No. 14 with and
including 25mm thick precast concrete Class 20/20 cover slab reinforced with BRC
mesh No. 14 with and including 80mm girth x 10mm diameter bar lifting handle
and 25 x 25mm rebate around chamber walls, including all necessary formwork,
excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil No
Allow for providing the necessary sterilizing chemicals in the proportions
recommended by their manufacturers, or bleaching powder at the rate of 0.15Kgs.
per 1000 litres of water, and flushing out thoroughly with water after completion of
tests to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Local Authority Item
Q202.s Allow for water-testing the whole of the water reticulation installation to the test
pressure agreed with the Engineer, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Local
Authority Item
Q202.t Allow the Prime Cost Sum of Shillings Fifty Thousand (KShs. 50,000.00) for
connecting end or 20mm diameter galvanised mild steel pipe and making good
public highway and any other work to be carried out by a public undertaking or
local authority Item
200 Litres rectangular expansion or water-storage tank made of galvanised mild
steel sheet material gauge 18 size 600 x 600 x 600mm high complete with 15mm
inlet connection, 20mm outlet and overflow connections and fittings, 15mm
diameter medium pressure ball valve and tank cover, including applying two coats
of black bitumen solution suitable for drinking water internally No
1000 Litres pressed steel sectional cistern size 1000mm long x 1000mm wide x
1000mm high made of galvanised mild steel plates each 1219 x1219mm with
external flanges , assembled as recommended by the manufacturer using
recommended jointing material, complete with inlet, outlet and overflow
connections and fittings, medium pressure ball valve and tank cover, including
applying two coats of black bitumen solution suitable for drinking water internally No
30 Gallon capacity hot water cylinder manufactured from 14 gauge galvanised mild
steel, with 15mm inlet connection and washout and 20mm outlet connection,
including 3 kW immersion heater with 20 Ampere D.P. water heater switch with
pilot lamp box and outlet for connection cable and three core asbestos cable
connection to immersion heater No

Gakuya Associates 27 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Q301.d "Twyfords" Vitreous China 'Classic' B.O. low level W.C. comprising W.C. bowl with
bottom outlet, No. C.C. 1138 WH Low level 7.5 litre cistern and fittings with side
inlet overflow C.C. 2841 WH Seat and Cover, No. ST 1302 BK S-trap connector
No. WF1241 WH No
Q301.e "Twyfords" Vitreous China toilet roll holder mounted on concealed screw to wall
wedges ref: SG 6851 WH No
Q301.f "Twyfords" Vitreous China 'Nocturne 500' washbasin comprising Washbasin with
one tap-hole and chain stay hole, No. 4112WH, Wall support SR1319 XX, Wall
bolts SR 1018 XX, Two 1/2" taps AM 5200 CP Amazon chrome plated handles, AM
5800 CP chrome plated chain waste 11/4" WF 4330CP, White plastic bottle 'P'
11/4" WF 8482 XX No
Q301.g "Twyfords" chrome plated 25mm diameter x 650mm long towel rail ref: PB 0363
CP screwed to wall, complete with wall brackets No
"Hindware Vitreous" 150x150mm recessed into wall soap ITALIA tray ref.40052 No
Chromium plated glass mirror size 450 x 300mm with bevelled edges and C1119 No
Q301.j "Twyfords" Spectrum' 610 x 457mm plate glass mirror ref. PB 0383 XX screwed to
wall No
Q301.k "Carron Sapphire" single bowl double drainer (SBDD) stainless steel sink size 1500
x 500mm or equal and approved complete with 2 No. high neck pillar taps 54211,
white plastic tubular 'P' trap 11/2" WF 8493 XX and 11/2" chain waste fittings
(slotted) WF 4372 XX No
"Carron Sapphire" single bowl double drainer (SBDD) stainless steel sink size 1800
x 500mm or equal and approved complete with "Twyfords" Cordova Mono-block
sink mixer chrome plated ref. CR 5995CP, White plastic tubular 'P' trap 1 1/2" WF
8493 XX, 11/2" chain waste fitting (slotted) WF 4333 CP No
Black vulcathene laboratory sink internal size 450 x 300 x 200mm deep as "ALLIED
FOUNDERS UK Model 602" complete with waste fitting and butyl rubber sealing
gasket including fixing into prepared hole in concrete worktop No
Q301.n "Twyfords" cast iron bath tub No. 78473 HW2 size 1700 x 700mm with interior
finished with an even coat of opaque and high gloss porcelain enamel and exterior
treated with an approved anti-corrosive finish, complete with 2No. Aztec taps No.
5410CP5 1/2", Chain waste No. 54650CPO, 32mm diameter overflow, 40mm
diameter tubular 'P' trap No
"Twyfords" exposed single controlled chrome plated shower with fixed rose, 2 taps
and mixer ref. 7236 CP and 1 No. extended exposed inlet bib tap ref. SF 5204 CP No
White enamelled fire-clay urinal range for two persons to line one wall as
"Twyfords" No. 33170 with 2 No. 33669 back seats 1065mm high, 1 No. 33673
division 1065mm long, 2 No. 33674 end slabs 1065mm high x 305mm wide, No.
33284 channel 200 x 120mm, No. 52812 stainless steel flush-pipe and clips, No.
54363 chromium plated outlet grating, No. 54470 cast iron urinal "P"-trap 21/2",
No. 12617 automatic flushing cistern 9 litres with syphon, drip tap and wall hanger
including all necessary fixing No
Q301.q 15mm Diameter high pressure screw-down full-way non-rising stem gate valve as
"Pegler" with couplings and two red lead joints No
Q301.r 15mm Diameter bib cock with hose union No
Q301.s 15mm Diameter copper tubing, 300mm long bent as required with flared ends for
connecting pipework to fittings. No
Q301.t 30 Metres long x 20mm diameter hose open wall type fire hose-reel as "Angus
Model 2B" including all necessary fixing in position No
Q301.u 9 Litres water extinguisher as "Angus Model 25" hose and nozzle pattern including
all necessary fixing in position No
Q401.a Approved high density flexible glass fibre sheet or jute scrim thermal insulation to
hot water cylinder ?mm diameter x ?mm high, including chicken wire protection
around insulation No

Gakuya Associates 28 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Approved high density flexible glass fibre sheet or jute scrim thermal insulation
to ?mm diameter pipe, including chicken wire protection around insulation LM
Allow for cutting and leaving all necessary holes, notches, mortices,
sinkings and chases both in the structure and its finishes and for all
making good in connection with the following (All Provisional):-
Q501.a Make hole through ?mm thick stone wall for small pipe and make good after the
plumber No
Q501.b Make hole through ?mm thick reinforced concrete slab for extra large pipe and
make good after the plumber No
Q501.c Make hole through ?mm thick softwood ceiling for large pipe and make good after
the plumber No
Q501.d Cut chase in solid concrete block wall for small pipe and make good after the
plumber LM
Q501.e Cut mortice or sinking ?mm deep in solid concrete block wall for end of extra large
pipe and make good after the plumber No
Allow for cutting and leaving all necessary holes, notches, mortices,
sinkings and chases both in the structure and its finishes and for all
making good in connection with the following (All Provisional):-
R101.a Lighting points and associated switch points No
R101.b Socket outlet points No
R101.c Cooker control unit No
R101.d Fire alarm points No
R101.e Telephone points No
R101.f Television aerial points No
R101.g Isolator points No
R101.h Main distribution board No
R101.I Sub-mains switchboard positions No
R101.j Consumer units and distribution board points No
S101 Internal Plaster in Two Coats, Undercoat Comprising Cement- Lime
putty- Sand (1:2:9) and Finishing Coat Comprising Cement- Lime putty-
Sand (1:1:6) Finished Smooth with a Steel trowel:-
S101.a 12mm (minimum) Thick to wall or concrete surfaces SM
S102 External Rendering in Two Coats, Undercoat Comprising Cement - Sand
(1:5) and Finishing Coat Comprising Cement- Sand (1:5) Finished with a
Dry Wood Float:-
S102.a 12mm (minimum) Thick to walls or concrete surfaces SM
Spatter-dash (Tyrolean) Finish in Two Coats, Backing Coat Comprising
Cement - Sand Mortar (1:4) Gauged with 10% Lime to a Thickness of
10mm and Finishing Coat Comprising Cement- Sand (1:4) Applied with
an Approved Machine to Even and Uniform Texture to a Minimum
Thickness of 5mm, Including an Approved Coloured Pigment:-
S103.a 15mm (minimum) Thick to wall or concrete surfaces SM
S201 Cement-Sand-Blacktrap Aggregate (1:1:3) Floor or Paving in One Coat,
Well Bonded to Concrete Base, with Surface Finished with a Steel Trowel
or Steel Float (use coloured cement if required)
S201.a 40mm Thick floor or paving SM

Gakuya Associates 29 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S201.b 40mm Thick floor or paving, laid to falls, cross-falls and slopes not exceeding 150
from horizontal SM
40mm Thick floor or paving , laid to slopes exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
40mm Thick floor or paving, laid in one operation with the base concrete SM
S202 Cement-Sand-Blacktrap Aggregate (1:1:3) Floor or Paving in One Coat,
Well Bonded to Walling, with Surface Finished with a Steel Trowel or
Steel Float (use coloured cement if required)
S202.a 15mm Thick paving laid vertical or battering SM
S202.b 15mm Thick paving laid battering SM
Cement-Sand-Blacktrap Aggregate (1:1:3) Floor or Paving in One Coat,
Well Bonded to Concrete Soffites, with Surface Finished with a Steel
Trowel or Steel Float (use coloured cement if required)
S203.a 15mm Thick paving to horizontal concrete ceiling soffites SM
S203.b 15mm Thick paving to sloping concrete ceiling or stairs soffites SM
S203.c 15mm Thick paving to horizontal concrete ceiling soffites 3.5-5.0m high SM
S203.d 15mm Thick paving to sides and soffites of beams SM
S203.e 40mm Thick paving in one coat to quarter-space and half-space landings SM
Cement-Sand-Blacktrap Aggregate (1:1:3) Floor or Paving in One Coat,
Well Bonded to Concrete Staircases, with Surface Finished with a Steel
Trowel or Steel Float (use coloured cement if required)
S204.a 25mm Thick paving to treads or risers or edges of landings 200mm wide LM
S204.b 25mm Thick paving to under-cut risers 150mm high LM
S204.c 25mm Thick paving to wall-strings or open strings 275mm extreme wide LM
S204.d 25mm Thick paving to kerb strings 450mm girth LM
S204.e 15mm Thick paving to top and sides of kerbs 300mm girth LM
15mm Thick paving to top and sides of raking or vertical kerbs 300mm girth LM
S204.g 15mm Thick lining to channels 350mm girth on face, including rounded arrises or
coves LM
S204.h 15mm Thick lining to channels laid to falls 350mm girth on face, including rounded
arrises or coves LM
S204.I 15mm Thick paving to architraves or mouldings or ceiling-ribs or cornices 350mm
girth of visible contour, including rounded arrises or coves LM
15mm Thick paving to raking or vertical architraves or mouldings or ceiling-ribs or
cornices 350mm girth of visible contour, including rounded arrises or coves LM
S204.k 15mm Thick paving to cornices with weathered tops 350mm width of visible
contour, including rounded arrises or coves LM
Granolithic Paving Comprising Base Course Cement-Sand Screed (1:3)
Minimum 20mm Thick Well Bonded to the Base and Granolithic Cement-
Blacktrap Aggregate (1:3) Topping Minimum 15mm Thick, With Surface
Finished With a Steel Trowel or Steel Float:-
S205.a Granolithic paving SM
Granolithic Paving Comprising Base Course Cement-Sand Screed (1:3)
Minimum 20mm Thick Well Bonded to the Base and Granolithic Cement-
Blacktrap Aggregate (1:3) Topping Minimum 15mm Thick, With Surface
Fine Polished By Approved Mechanical Means:-
S206.a Granolithic paving SM
S207 Terrazzo Paving Comprising Base Course Cement-Sand Screed (1:3)
Minimum 20mm Thick Well Bonded to the Base and Terrazzo Topping
Cement-Marble Aggregate (1:21/2), Minimum 15mm Thick, Using White
or Coloured Cement as Directed, With Surface Fine Polished by
Approved Mechanical Means:-
S207.a Terrazzo paving SM

Gakuya Associates 30 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S208 Bonded Cement-Sand (1:4) Screed, Bed or Backing in One Coat, Well
Bonded to Concrete Base, With Surface Finished With a Steel Trowel or
Steel Float:-
S208.a 40mm Thick screed or bed or backing SM
S208.b 40mm Thick screed, with abrasion-resistant material trowelled into surface of finish
while still plastic SM
S209 Un-Bonded Cement-Sand (1:3) Screed to Receive Thin Sheet or Tile Finishes In
Two Coats, Each Minimum 20mm Thick, With Surface Finished With a Steel Hand
Trowel or Power Floated:- SM
S209.a Screed SM
S210 Un-Bonded Cement-Sand (1:3) Screed to Receive Thick Tile or Block
Finishes In Two Coats, Each Minimum 20mm Thick, With Surface
Finished With a Wood Float to Give an Even Texture:-
S210.a Screed SM
S211 Lightweight Cement-Vermiculite (1:6) Roof Screed 50mm Thick Well
Bonded to the Base and Finished With 13mm Cement-Sand (1:4)
Topping Trowelled Smooth With a Steel Trowel:-
S211.a 75mm Thick screed SM
S211.b 75mm Thick screed, laid to falls, cross-falls and slopes not exceeding 150 from
horizontal SM
S211.c 75mm Thick screed, laid to slopes exceeding 150 from horizontal SM
S212.a Extra over paving for carborrundum non-slip inserts to treads of steps or sloping
floors LM
S212.b Fair joints or coved joints to flush edges of existing finishings LM
S212.c Quirks or beaded edges or moulded edges or chamfered external angles over
25mm wide and 65mm girth LM
S212.d Rounded external angles or coved internal angles over 25mm radius and 90mm
girth LM
Extra over for working finishings into recessed duct cover 100-200mm wide LM
S212.f Extra over for working finishings into shaped insets or recessed manhole covers or
mat sinkings size 600mm long x 450mm wide LM
S212.g Dish finishings around gullies and outlets No
S212.h Mortice or sinking in finishings 50mm deep to receive end of pipe No
S212.I 3mm Thick x 40mm wide plastic or aluminium dividing strip set in terrazzo paving
or between differing finishes LM
S212.j 100mm High skirting with fair or rounded or beaded or moulded top edge and
coved junction with paving LM
S212.k 100mm High raking skirting or vertical skirting with fair or rounded or beaded or
moulded top edge and coved junction with paving LM
S212.l Extra over paving for flush or raised or sunk bands in contrasting colours in floor
or wall finishings, 100 - 200mm wide LM
S212.m Extra over paving for raking or vertical flush or raised or sunk bands in contrasting
colours in floor or wall finishings, 200 - 300mm wide LM
S212.n Extra over for working finishings into shallow channels 150mm girth on face,
including rounded arrises LM
S212.o Extra over for working finishings into shallow channels to falls 150mm girth on
face, including rounded arrises LM
S212.p Extra over paving for flush or raised or sunk panels in contrasting colours in floor
or wall finishings, 100 - 200mm wide LM
S212.q Metal angle beads or screed-beads or casing beads in plasterwork 50mm wide
fixed to wall with lugs at 300mm centres LM
S212.r Apply sodium silicate solution (1 part to 4 parts water) in three coats to finished
floor surfaces SM
S212.s Apply two coats of water-wax emulsion polish to cement pavings in accordance
with the manufacturer's recommendation SM

Gakuya Associates 31 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S301.a 50mm Thick concrete paving slabs of size 600 x 600mm , with slabs size 600 x
450mm for bonding laid to breaking joint or herringbone or draughtboard or
basket pattern with 3mm wide joints grouted in lime-sand mortar (1:3) worked
well into the joint and key-draw pointed SM
S301.b 25mm Thick lime-sand mortar (1:3) bed to receive concrete paving slabs SM
S301.c 40mm Thick bed of sand or stone dust to receive concrete paving slabs SM
S301.d 50mm Thick precast concrete or terrazzo or mosaic or asphalt tiles or slabs or
blocks size 300 x 300mm laid to breaking joint or herringbone or draughtboard or
basket pattern, bedded in 25mm thick lime-sand (1:3) mortar, with 3mm wide
joints grouted in lime-sand mortar (1:3) worked well into the joint and key-draw
pointed SM
S301.e 50mm Thick precast concrete or terrazzo or mosaic or asphalt tiles or slabs or
blocks size 300 x 300mm laid to breaking joint or herringbone or draughtboard or
basket pattern, with plain block borders, bedded in 25mm thick lime-sand (1:3)
mortar, with 3mm wide joints grouted in lime-sand mortar (1:3) worked well into
the joint and key-draw pointed SM
S301.f 50mm Thick clayware or bricks or natural stone or cast stone or slate or marble or
glass or plastics or composition or woodblocks or metal or linoleum or cork or
rubber blocks size 300 x 300mm laid to breaking joint or herringbone or
draughtboard or basket pattern, bedded in 25mm thick lime-sand (1:3) mortar,
with 3mm wide joints grouted in lime-sand mortar (1:3) worked well into the joint
and key-draw pointed SM
50mm Thick precast concrete or terrazzo or mosaic or asphalt interlocking roofing
tiles or slabs or blocks size 300 x 300mm laid to breaking joint or herringbone or
draughtboard or basket pattern, laid with 3mm wide joints on a 3mm thick
cement-sand slurry (1:1) spread over roofing screed, with 3mm wide joints
grouted in lime-sand mortar (1:3) worked well into the joint SM
S302 Labours and Sundries
S302.a Raking cutting 50mm thick tiles or slabs or block units LM
S302.b Fair plain or rebated or rounded or chamfered of splayed or bevelled edges to
50mm thick tiles or slabs or block units LM
Moulded or grooved or fluted edges to 50mm thick tiles or slabs or block units LM
S302.d Extra over for cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units into recessed duct
cover 100-200mm wide LM
Extra over for cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units into shaped insets or
recessed manhole covers or mat sinkings size 600mm long x 450mm wide LM
S302.f Cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units around steel joists or channels or
angles or tees size 75 x 50mm wide No
S302.g Cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units around small or large or extra large
pipe No
S302.h Cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units around ducting or trunking or
brackets or newels or WC pedestals size 75 x 50mm wide No
Cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or block units around profile of steps 350mm girth No
S302.j Mortice or sinking or notches or rounded corners to tiles or slabs or block units
50mm deep to receive end of pipe No
S302.k Extra over for forming access panels in tiles or slabs or block units size 600mm
long x 450mm wide fitted into rebate in the finished work No
S302.l Dish tiles or slabs or block units around gullies and outlets No
S302.m Special tiles or slabs or block units to form coved internal or rounded external
angle extreme size 75mm LM
S302.n Special tiles or slabs or block units to form raking or vertical coved internal or
rounded external angle extreme size 75mm LM
S302.o Extra over tiles or slabs or block units for flush or raised or sunk bands in
contrasting colours in floor or wall finishings, 100 - 200mm wide LM

Gakuya Associates 32 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S303.a Concrete floor tiles size 150 x 150 x 15mm thick, laid with 3mm wide joints on a
3mm thick cement-sand slurry (1:1) spread over a 25mm thick cement-sand
mortar (1:4) bed SM
S303.b Terrazzo floor tiles size 200 x 200 x22mm thick, laid with 3mm wide joints on a
3mm thick cement-sand slurry (1:1) spread over a 25mm thick cement-sand
mortar (1:4) bed SM
S303.c Clay flooring tiles size 150 x 150 x 22mm thick, laid with 3mm wide joints on a
3mm thick cement-sand slurry (1:1) spread over a 25mm thick cement-sand
mortar (1:4) bed SM
Ceramic flooring tiles, laid with 3mm wide joints on a 3mm thick cement-sand
slurry (1:1) spread over a 25mm thick cement-sand mortar (1:4) bed SM
S303.e Glazed ceramic wall tiles size 152 x 152 x 6mm thick aid with 3mm wide joints on
a 3mm thick cement-based adhesive spread over a 13mm thick cement-sand
mortar (1:4) backing SM
Wood blocks for flooring, finished thickness minimum 19mm and maximum
moisture content 12%, laid to a single herringbone pattern with two-block border,
laid with hot bitumen based adhesive or hot coal-tar adhesive to BS 3940 SM
Wood mosaic for flooring, finished thickness minimum 19mm and maximum
moisture content 12%, laid to a plain basket pattern with fingers parallel to walls,
laid with hot bitumen based adhesive or hot coal-tar adhesive to BS 3940 SM
S401 Glazed ceramic bathroom accessories
S501 Labours and Finishes on Rigid Tiles
S501.a Sand surface of wood block or wood mosaic flooring with an approved mechanical
sander to a smooth even surface SM
S501.b Apply two coats of an approved floor seal to surfaces of wood block or wood
mosaic flooring in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions SM
S501.c Prepare and apply two coats of water/wax emulsion polish to surfaces of wood
block or wood mosaic flooring SM
S601.a Glazed ceramic wall tiles size 152 x 152 x 6mm thick, fixed proud of wall plaster,
laid with 2mm wide joints on a 12mm thick cement-sand bedding mortar (1:5)
buttered on to back of tiles and pressed on to wetted render coat (m.s.), and
grouting joints in cement SM
Glazed ceramic wall tiles size 152 x 152 x 6mm thick, fixed proud of wall plaster,
laid with 2mm wide joints and pressed on to a 3mm thick adhesive applied
continuously to render coat (m.s.), and grouting joints in cement SM
Prepare and apply two coats of water/wax emulsion polish to surfaces of tiles SM
1.6mm (Minimum) Thick PVC To BS 3261, of Approved Manufacture,
Colour and Pattern, Laid with Adhesive to Manufacturer's Instructions:-
S701.a Tiles size 225 x 225mm or 300 x 300mm SM
S701.b Sheet laid with joints overlapped, cut in a straight edge and cold welded with
solvent approved by the manufacturer SM
S702 Thermoplastic Tiles to BS 2592, of Approved Manufacture, Colour and
Pattern, Laid with Adhesive To Manufacturer's Instructions:-
S702.1 Tiles size 225 x 225mm or 300 x 300mm SM
S703 1.6mm (Minimum) Thick PVC (Vinyl Asbestos) To BS 3260, of Approved
Manufacture, Colour and Pattern, Laid with Adhesive to Manufacturer's
S703.1 Tiles size 225 x 225mm or 300 x 300mm SM
S703.2 Prepare and apply two coats of water/wax emulsion polish to surfaces of tiles or
sheets SM

Gakuya Associates 33 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S8011 12mm Thick Chipboard or Fibreboard or Asbestos Cement Ceiling Lining
Set Out in Symmetrical Panels With V-joints and Nailed to Brandering
(measured separately) With Clout Headed Nails:-
S8011.a Ceiling lining SM
12mm Cornice 50mm high, plugged LM
S8011.c Extra over ceiling lining for forming removable access trap door size 600 x 600mm
with 100 x 38 mm sawn treated cypress trimming joists between tie beams, 120
x20mm (finished ) wrot cypress frame all round and 20mm blockboard removable
panel set loose on top of framing No
S8021 6mm Thick Plywood or Plasterboard or Wall-board or Linoleum or Cork
Set Out in Symmetrical Panels and Nailed to Timber Bearers (Measured
S8021.a Wall lining SM
1.5mm Thick Plastics or Rubber Set Out in Symmetrical Panels, Lapped
100mm and Cold-welded With Approved Solvent or Hot-welded With
Approved Equipment at Joints and Laid With Adhesive to Manufacturer's
Instructions (No Allowance Made For Laps):-
S8022.a Wall lining SM
1mm Thick Steel or Lead or Zinc or Aluminium or Copper Sheets Set Out
in Symmetrical Panels, Lapped 25mm and Seam-jointed and Nailed to
Timber Bearers (Measured Separately) (No Allowance Made For Laps):-
S8023.a Wall lining SM
2mm Thick x 50mm wide steel or lead or zinc or aluminium or copper cover-strips
over joints nailed through sheet to timber bearers (measured separately) LM
S8031 20mm Thick Fibreboard or Acoustic Suspended Ceiling lining Set Out in
Symmetrical Panels and Fixed to and Including Galvanised Steel
Channels Size 50 x 50mm Spaced at 600mm Centres Both Ways With
Suitable Hangers 500mm Long Fixed to Soffites of Suspended Slab at
1000mm Centres Both Ways:-
S8031.a Suspended ceiling lining SM
Suspended ceiling lining 100-200mm wide LM
S8031.c Suspended ceiling lining under purlins of sheet steel roof SM
Suspended ceiling lining 3.5 - 5.0m high from support level SM
Raking cutting or curved cutting 20mm thick ceiling units No
S8031.f Cutting and fitting tiles or slabs or around profile of steps 350mm girth No
Form opening through 20mm thick ceiling size 75 x 50mm wide No
S8031.h 2mm Thick x 50mm wide metal trim at edges of linings nailed through sheet to
timber bearers (measured separately) LM
1.5mm Thick Plastics or Rubber Set Out in Symmetrical Panels, Lapped
100mm and Cold-welded With Approved Solvent or Hot-welded With
Approved Equipment at Joints and Fixed to Base With Adhesive to
Manufacturer's Instructions (No Allowance Made For Laps):-
S804.a Ceiling lining SM
1mm Thick Steel or Lead or Zinc or Aluminium or Copper Sheets Set Out
in Symmetrical Panels, Lapped 25mm and Seam-jointed and Nailed to
Timber Bearers (Measured Separately) (No Allowance Made for Laps):-
S805.a Ceiling lining SM

Gakuya Associates 34 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
S805.b 2mm Thick x 50mm wide metal trim at edges of ceiling lining nailed through lining
to timber bearers (measured separately) LM
T101 4mm Thick Glass Ordinary Glazing Quality To BS 9512, Free From Flaws,
Bubbles, Specks and Other Imperfections:-
T101.a In panes not exceeding 0.10 m2 No
T101.b In panes 0.10 - 0.50 m2 SM
T101.c In panes 0.50 - 1.00 m2 SM
T101.d In panes 1.00 - 1.50 m2 SM
T101.e In panes of irregular shape 1.50 -2.00 m2 (measured as the smallest rectangular
area from which the shape can be obtained) SM
T101.f In panes in double-glazed lights not hermetically sealed 1.50 -2.00 m2 (each pane
m.s) SM
T101.g In panes 2.00m wide x 1.40m high ( normal maximum size) SM
T101.h Drilled pane size 250 x 500mm with 6 No. 4mm diameter holes or countersunk
holes No
T101.I Coloured or gold silvered pane size 500 x 700mm No
Double or multiple factory-made hermetically-sealed units size 600 x 1200mm No
T101.k 152mm Wide x ?mm long glass louvres with rounded and polished edges fixed to
adjustable louvre sets (m.s) No
T101.l 152mm Wide glass louvres with rounded and polished edges fixed to adjustable
louvre sets (m.s) (In No. = ?) LM
T101.m 6mm Thick select quality clear silvered plate or float glass mirror size ? x ?mm with
plain polished edges pre-drilled for fixing screws at centres not exceeding 600mm,
including chromium plated dome shaped screws with screw caps plugged and
screwed to wall No
T102 Labour on Glass
T102.a Curved cutting glass LM
T102.b Ground and polished straight or curved edges of glass LM
T102.c Bevelled straight or curved edges of glass with bevel 3mm wide LM
T102.d Grind or sandblast glass to wholly or partially obscured pane SM
T102.e Emboss glass with acid to wholly or partially obscured pane SM
T102.f Design emboss glass with acid to wholly or partially obscured pane SM
T102.g Bed edges of panes in strips or channels with metal casement putty LM
T102.h Hack out old glass and prepare rebates LM
T103 6mm Thick Clear Float Glass To BS 9512, Free From Flaws, Bubbles,
Specks and Other Imperfections:-
T103.a In panes 3.00m wide x 2.20m high (normal maximum size) SM
T104 6mm Thick Polished Plate Glass To BS 9512, Free From Flaws, Bubbles, Specks
and Other Imperfections:-
T104.a In panes 2.20m wide x 3.80m high (normal maximum size) SM
T105 6mm Thick Roughcast Glass To BS 9512, Free From Flaws, Bubbles,
Specks and Other Imperfections:-
T105.a In panes 3.00m wide x 2.20m high (normal maximum size) SM
T106 6mm Thick Obscured Glass of Approved Pattern To BS 9512, Free From
Flaws, Bubbles, Specks and Other Imperfections:-
T106.a In panes 3.00m wide x 2.20m high (normal maximum size) SM
6mm Thick Wired Roughcast Glass, With 12.5mm Square Pattern, To BS
9512, Free From Flaws, Bubbles, Specks and Other Imperfections:-
T107.a In panes 3.00m wide x 2.20m high (normal maximum size) SM
T108 6mm Thick Wired Ground and Polished Glass, With 12.5mm Square
Pattern, To BS 9512, Free From Flaws, Bubbles, Specks and Other
T108.1 In panes 3.00m wide x 2.20m high (normal maximum size) SM

Gakuya Associates 35 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
U101 On Walls
U101.a On walls and friezes and piers and columns SM
U101.b On corrugated or fluted or carved surfaces (measured flat overall) SM
U101.c On honeycomb walling or plain or ornamental concrete grilles (measured flat
overall) SM
U101.d On walls in multi-colours SM
U102 On Ceilings
U102.a On ceilings and beams and cornices and friezes SM
U102.b On ceilings and beams and cornices and friezes (having no applied finish other
than the painting) requiring scaffolding 3.5-5.0m high SM
U102.c On ceilings or cornices in multi-colours SM
U103 On Floors
U104 On Other General Surfaces
On wood frames, linings, architraves, mullions and transomes in multi-colours LM
U104.b On wood sashes, wood casements and glazed wood doors (measured each side
over glass) SM
U104.c On metal windows including metal sub-sills and glazed metal doors (measured
each side over glass) SM
U104.d On structural steelwork SM
U104.e On roof trusses and lattice steelwork SM
U104.f On ornamental grilles or ornamental balustrades or ornamental railings or
ornamental gates (measured each side) SM
On mesh or chain-link or expanded metal or welded mesh (measured each side) SM
U104.h On valley gutters and parapet gutters 200-300mm girth LM
U104.I On valley gutters and parapet gutters over 300mm girth SM
U104.j On eaves gutters 200-300mm girth LM
U104.k On eaves gutters 400-500mm girth LM
U104.l On small pipes LM
U104.m On large pipes LM
U104.n On extra large pipes SM
U104.o On lagged pipes SM
U104.p On small pipes in different colours LM
U104.q On large pipes in different colours LM
U104.r On extra large pipes in different colours SM
U104.s On bars, cables, conduits standards, straps, ducting, trunking and trays 0-10mm
girth LM
U104.t On bars, cables, conduits standards, straps, ducting, trunking and trays over
300mm girth SM
U104.u On ventilating grating or soot door or flushing cistern or rainwater-head size 450 x
250mm No
U201.a Letters or numerals or stops or direction-indicators in "Arial-Bold" style with letters
and numerals 150mm high in three coats gloss paint No
U201.b Letters or numerals or stops or direction-indicators in "Arial-Bold" style with letters
and numerals 150mm high in three coats gold leaf paint No
Excavate pipe trench for pipe not exceeding 150mm diameter 0.00-
1.50m deep starting from original ground level or 1 metre deep from
original ground level, including grading bottoms, planking and strutting,
filling in, compacting and disposal of surplus spoil
V101.a Average depth 250mm LM
V101.b Average depth 1500mm LM

Gakuya Associates 36 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
V102 Excavate pipe trench for 200mm Diameter pipe 0.00-1.50m deep starting
from original ground level or 1 metre deep from original ground level,
including grading bottoms, planking and strutting, filling in, compacting
and disposal of surplus spoil
V102.a Average depth 250mm LM
V102.b Average depth 1500mm LM
Excavate Curved pipe trench for pipe not exceeding 150mm diameter
0.00-1.50m deep starting from original ground level or 1 metre deep
from original ground level, including grading bottoms, planking and
strutting, filling in, compacting and disposal of surplus spoil
V103.a Average depth 250mm LM
V103.b Average depth 1500mm LM
V104 Excavate Curved pipe trench for 200mm Diameter pipe 0.00-1.50m deep
starting from original ground level or 1 metre deep from original ground
level, including grading bottoms, planking and strutting, filling in,
compacting and disposal of surplus spoil
V104.a Average depth 250mm LM
V104.b Average depth 1500mm LM
Excavate pipe trench for pipe not exceeding 150mm diameter 1.50-
3.00m deep starting from original ground level or 1 metre deep from
original ground level, including grading bottoms, planking and strutting,
filling in, compacting and disposal of surplus spoil
V105.a Average depth 1750mm LM
V105.b Average depth 3000mm LM
V106 Excavate pipe trench for 200mm Diameter Pipe 1.50-3.00m deep starting
from original ground level or 1 metre deep from original ground level,
including grading bottoms, planking and strutting, filling in, compacting
and disposal of surplus spoil
V106.a Average depth 1750mm LM
V106.b Average depth 3000mm LM
V107 Extra over all kinds of trenches, irrespective of depth, for :-
V107.a Excavating in running silt or running sand CM
V107.b Breaking up rock or hard material in trenches (minimum width measured = Pipe
diameter + 300mm for concrete beds) CM
V107.c Breaking up rock or hard material in trenches (minimum width measured = Pipe
diameter + 400mm for murram beds) CM
V107.d Breaking up compacted gravel or decomposed rock in trenches (minimum width
measured = Pipe diameter + 300mm for concrete beds) CM
V107.e reaking up compacted gravel or decomposed rock in trenches (minimum width
measured = Pipe diameter + 400mm for murram beds) CM
V107.f Excavating in water-logged material (minimum width measured = Pipe diameter +
300mm for concrete beds) CM
V107.g Excavating in water-logged material (minimum width measured = Pipe diameter +
400mm for murram beds) CM
V107.h Breaking up concrete or reinforced concrete or stonework CM
V107.I Breaking up surface concrete or reinforced surface concrete or stone paving or
tarmacadam SM
V108 Keep excavations free from water
V108.a Keep excavations free from all water except spring or running water Item
V108.b Provide a Provisional Sum of Shs. 50,000.00 for keeping excavations free from
spring or running water Item
V201 Mass Concrete Class Q (1:3:6) -40mm Aggregate as described in:-
Bed to 100mm diameter pipe, 400mm wide x 100mm thick, including compacted
fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 250mm overall thick and 150mm
thick from the top of the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM

Gakuya Associates 37 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Bed and haunch to 100mm diameter pipe, 400mm wide x 200mm minimum thick,
including compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 200mm overall
thick and 150mm thick from the top of the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM
V201.c Bed and surround to 100mm diameter pipe, 400mm wide x 400mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to fill trench, and all necessary
formwork LM
Bed to 150mm diameter pipe, 450mm wide x 100mm thick, including compacted
fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 300mm overall thick and 150mm
thick from the top of the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM
Bed and haunch to 150mm diameter pipe, 450mm wide x 225mm minimum thick,
including compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 225mm overall
thick and 150mm thick from the top of the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM
V201.f Bed and surround to 150mm diameter pipe, 450mm wide x 450mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to fill trench, and all necessary
formwork LM
Reinforced Concrete Class Q (1:3:6) -40mm Aggregate as described in:-
Bed and haunch to 100mm diameter pipe, 400mm wide x 350mm minimum thick
reinforced with 4 No. 16mm diameter bars, including compacted fill selected from
excavated soil to cover pipe 200mm overall thick and 150mm thick from the top of
the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM
Bed and haunch to 150mm diameter pipe, 450mm wide x 375mm minimum thick
reinforced with 4 No. 16mm diameter bars, including compacted fill selected from
excavated soil to cover pipe 225mm overall thick and 150mm thick from the top of
the pipe, and all necessary formwork LM
V203 Compacted Sand or Granular Material Bedding as described in:-
V203.a Bed to 100mm diameter rigid pipe, 500mm wide x 200mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 200mm overall thick and
150mm thick from the top of the pipe LM
V203.b Bed to 100mm diameter flexible pipe, 500mm wide x 200mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 150mm thick from the
top of the pipe LM
V203.c Bed to 150mm diameter rigid pipe, 550mm wide x 225mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 225mm overall thick and
150mm thick from the top of the pipe LM
V203.d Bed to 150mm diameter flexible pipe, 550mm wide x 250mm thick, including
compacted fill selected from excavated soil to cover pipe 150mm thick from the
top of the pipe LM
V301 Pipes Laid and Jointed in Trenches
V301.a 150mm Diameter concrete flexibly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS 556,
Part 2 laid and jointed in trench LM
V301.b 150mm Diameter concrete rigidly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS 556,
Part 2 laid and jointed in trench LM
V301.c 150mm Diameter asbestos cement flexibly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS
3656,Table 1 laid and jointed in trench LM
V301.d 150mm Diameter asbestos cement rigidly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS
3656,Table 1 laid and jointed in trench LM
150mm Diameter concrete porous pipes to BS 1194, laid and jointed in trench LM
150mm Diameter clayware field drain pipes to BS 1196, laid and jointed in trench LM
150mm Diameter vitrified clay flexibly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS 65
& 540, Part 1 for foul or surface water drains, laid and jointed in trench LM

Gakuya Associates 38 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
150mm Diameter vitrified clay flexibly jointed pipes, bends and junctions to BS 65
& 540, Part 1 for surface water drains only, laid and jointed in trench LM
V301.I 100mm Diameter cast iron spigot and socket pipes, bends and junctions to BS 437,
Part 1 laid and jointed in trench LM
100mm Diameter cast iron (spun) spigot and socket pipes to BS 1211, Class B,
with bends and junctions to BS 1130, coated by the manufacturer with tar-based
or bitumen-based solution suitable for use in tropical conditions LM
100mm Diameter pitch fibre plain or perforated pipes to BS 2760, Part 1, with
bends and junctions to BS 12760, Part 2, with snap ring or taper coupling joints LM
V302 Extra over Pipes for:-
V302.a 100mm Diameter long radius bend No
V302.b 150mm Diameter pipe diminishing to 100mm diameter No
V302.c 150mm Diameter "Y"-junction with a 100mm connection No
V302.d 100mm Diameter connection to "Y"-pattern drain pipe 150mm diameter No
V303 "Key Terrain" System 1800 P.V.C. Underground Pipes Class 41 (Golden
Brown) and Fittings to B.S. 5481:-
V303.a 100mm Diameter pipe Ref: 1800.4.30, laid and jointed in trench LM
V304 Extra Over uPVC and MuPVC pipework for :-
V304.a Long radius bend Ref: 1805.4.87 No
V304.b "P"-trap Ref: 1849.4 No
V304.c Square hopper Ref: 1849.4M No
V304.d Square grating Ref: 1845.4.501 No
V304.e 100mm Diameter gully or trap or inspection shoe or fresh air inlet or non-return
flap No
V401 Stormwater Drains
Shallow drain consisting of 600mm long x 550mm wide x 150mm deep precast
concrete shallow drain blocks, 150mm wide at invert and 65mm deep at centre,
including tongue on one end and groove on other end of block, laid and jointed in
trench, including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM
V401.b Standard 300mm diameter invert block channel to B.S. 340 consisting of precast
concrete channel blocks 450mm wide x 225mm deep x 610mm long laid and
jointed in trench, including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of
surplus spoil LM
V401.c Standard 300mm diameter invert block channel to B.S. 340 consisting of precast
concrete channel blocks 450mm wide x 225mm deep x 610mm long with one side
slab on each side, laid and jointed in trench, including all necessary excavation,
backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM
French drain consisting of 100mm diameter agricultural drain pipe laid to falls in
trench of minimum depth 900mm from ground level, trench filled with 20-60mm
crushed stone to a depth of 550mm from bottom with a layer of 200mm thick
compacted murram on top of the stone and balance filled with soil, including all
necessary excavation and disposal of surplus spoil LM
V501 The Following in ? No. Catch Pits or Road Gullies or Culverts:-(Measure in
Detail under an Appropriate Heading)
V502 The Following in ? No. Inspection Chambers or Manholes or Soakaways:-
(Measure in Detail under an Appropriate Heading)
V503 The Following in ? No. Cesspits or Septic Tanks:-(Measure in Detail under
an Appropriate Heading)
V504 The Following in Work to Existing ? No. Inspection Chambers or
Manholes or Soakaways or Cesspits or Septic Tanks:-(Measure in Detail
under an Appropriate Heading)

Gakuya Associates 39 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
V601 Form the Following Channels with External Rounded Angles With Sloping
Top of Benching:-
V601.a 100mm Diameter half round section straight main channel 600mm long No
V601.b 100mm Diameter half round section curved main channel 675mm girth No
V601.c 100mm Diameter three-quarter-section branch channel 400mm long set to
discharge over main channel including fair junction with main channel No
V601.d Build in end of 100mm diameter pipe to 200mm thick wall No
V601.e Concrete Class Q (1:3:6) benching to bottom of chamber internal size 450 x
600mm including flaunching to a height of 225mm about channel and rendering in
cement mortar (1:1) trowelled smooth No
V601.f 150mm Diameter backdrop 750mm high from invert to invert, with access plug
and chain at top and bend at bottom, secured in position with and including
100mm thick concrete Class Q (1:3:6)-40mm aggregate surround and all
necessary formwork No
V601.g 150mm Diameter uPVC backdrop 750mm high from invert to invert, with access
plug and chain at top and bend at bottom, secured in position with and including
approved holderbats with one end built into wall No
150mm Diameter composite uPVC drop-pipe and vent-cowl comprising 150mm
diameter equal tee and 1 No. 150mm diameter pipe 550mm long jointed to tee,
with one end of 150mm pipe built into wall, including making good No
V601.I 110mm Diameter uPVC fresh air inlet comprising Ref: 150.4 vent cowl, 2 No.
110mm diameter pipes each 350mm long and 1 No. 110mm diameter pipe bend,
including building 1 No. 110mm pipe to 250mm thick reinforced concrete Class
20/20mm wall and making good No
V601.j 20mm Diameter mild steel bar as step iron 600mm girth, twice bent, with two fish-
tailed ends built into sides of chamber at 300mm vertical and horizontal centres,
including making good No
V601.k Cast iron Grade "C" (Light Duty) single seal flat type manhole cover and frame size
610 x 452mm to B.S. 497: 1967, minimum weight 37 Kgs. and setting frame in
cement mortar and cover in water-proof grease No
V601.l Cast iron Grade "B" (Medium Duty) single seal flat type manhole cover and frame
size 610 x 452mm to B.S. 497: 1967, minimum weight 143 Kgs. and setting frame
in cement mortar and cover in water-proof grease No
Cast iron Grade "B" (Medium Duty) circular type manhole cover and frame size 711
x 711mm to B.S. 497: 1967: Ref: B4-20, total weight 114.2 Kgs., cover infilled with
vibrated reinforced concrete Class 25/20, including haunching with concrete Class
20/20 around frame and all necessary reinforcement No
Cast iron Grade "B" (Medium Duty) single triangular type manhole cover and frame
size 762 x 762mm to B.S. 497: 1967: Ref: B4-20, total weight 114.2 Kgs., and
setting frame in cement mortar and cover in water-proof grease No
Cast iron Grade "A" (Heavy Duty) single triangular type manhole cover and frame
size 762 x 762mm to B.S. 497: 1967: Ref: A2-191/2, total weight 203.2 Kgs., and
setting frame in cement mortar and cover in water-proof grease No
Allow the Prime Cost Sum of Shillings Fifty Thousand (KShs. 50,000.00) for
connecting end of 200mm diameter pipe and making good public highway and any
other work to be carried out by a public undertaking or local authority Item
Allow for water-testing the whole of the drainage installation during the progress
and at completion of the Works to the test pressure agreed with the Engineer, all
to the satisfaction of the Engineer and Local Authority Item

Gakuya Associates 40 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Chain-link fence with concrete posts and struts to B.S. 1722: Part 1, Table 3
consisting of 100 x 100mm or 125 x 125mm precast reinforced concrete posts
cranked at top and spaced at 3.0m centres, galvanised or plastics coated chain link
to B.S. 4102, Table 6 with mesh size 50mm and 1800mm high from ground and
stapled to the ground, woven with 2mm diameter galvanised or plastics coated
tying wire to three strands of 3 mm galvanised or plastics coated line wire strained
between posts and including three strands of barbed wire to B.S. 4102 on the
cranked section, with posts built into and including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm
deep concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and including all necessary excavation, backfilling
and disposal of surplus spoil LM
Chain-link fence with steel angle posts and struts to B.S. 1722: Part 1, Table 4A
consisting of 38 x 38 x 4.7mm or 45 x 45 x 4.7mm steel angle posts cranked at
top and spaced at 3.0m centres, galvanised or plastics coated chain link to B.S.
4102, Table 6 with mesh size 50mm and 1800mm high from ground and stapled to
the ground, woven with 2mm diameter galvanised or plastics coated tying wire to
three strands of 3 mm galvanised or plastics coated line wire strained between
posts and including three strands of barbed wire to B.S. 4102 on the cranked
section, with posts built into and including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep
concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and including all necessary excavation, backfilling and
disposal of surplus spoil LM
Chain-link fence with steel hollow section posts and struts to B.S. 1722: Part 1,
Table 4A consisting of 38.1 x 38.1 x 2.6mm or 38.1 x 38.1 x 3.2mm steel angle
posts cranked at top and spaced at 3.0m centres, galvanised or plastics coated
chain link to B.S. 4102, Table 6 with mesh size 50mm and 1800mm high from
ground and stapled to the ground, woven with 2mm diameter galvanised or
plastics coated tying wire to three strands of 3 mm galvanised or plastics coated
line wire strained between posts and including three strands of barbed wire to
B.S. 4102 on the cranked section, with posts built into and including 450 x 450 x
600mm or 750mm deep concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and including all necessary
excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM
Concrete posts and strained wire fence with concrete posts and struts to B.S.
1722: Part 3, Table 2 consisting of 100 x 100mm or 125 x 125mm precast
reinforced concrete posts spaced at 3.0m centres, with six strands of 4 mm
galvanised or plastics coated line wire strained between posts, with posts built into
and including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and
including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM
Steel angle posts and strained wire fence with steel angle posts and struts to B.S.
1722: Part 1, Table 4A consisting of 38 x 38 x 4.7mm or 45 x 45 x 4.7mm steel
angle posts spaced at 3.0m centres, with six strands of 4 mm galvanised or
plastics coated line wire strained between posts, with posts built into and including
450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and including all
necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM
W102.c Steel hollow sections posts and strained wire fence with steel hollow section
posts and struts to B.S. 1722: Part 1, Table 4A consisting of 38.1 x 38.1 x 2.6mm
or 38.1 x 38.1 x 3.2mm steel angle posts spaced at 3.0m centres, with six strands
of 4 mm galvanised or plastics coated line wire strained between posts, with posts
built into and including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep concrete Class Q
(1:3:6) and including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus
spoil LM
Timber posts and strained wire fence with cedar posts 125 or 150mm diameter
spaced at 3.0m centres, with six strands of 4 mm galvanised or plastics coated
line wire strained between posts, with bottom end of posts coated with bitumen
below ground level and to a height 300mm above ground level and built into and
including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep concrete Class Q (1:3:6) and
including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil LM

Gakuya Associates 41 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
W102.e Timber posts and strained barbed wire fence with cedar posts 125 or 150mm
diameter spaced at 3.0m centres, with six strands of galvanised barbed wire to
B.S. 4102 wire strained between posts stapled to posts, with bottom end of posts
coated with bitumen below ground level and to a height 300mm above ground
level and built into and including 450 x 450 x 600mm or 750mm deep concrete
Class Q (1:3:6) and including all necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of
surplus spoil LM
Timber slats fencing 2.0m high comprising 100 x 100mm cedar posts at
2.3m centres cast 350mm into concrete Class Q (1:3:6) base size 300 x
300 x 450mm deep and coated with bitumen below ground level and to a
height of 300mm above ground level, 3 No. 100 x 50mm cedar rails and
100 x 25mm vertical timber slats nailed to rails at 125mm centres,
including applying dark brown wood preservative to fence, and all
necessary excavation, backfilling and disposal of surplus spoil
W104.a Metal bar fencing LM
W105.a Close boarded fencing LM
W106.a Built-up concrete fencing LM
W107.1 Corrugated fencing LM
W108 Extra Over Fencing for:-
W108.a Concrete end posts cranked at top size 125 x 125mm No
W108.b Concrete straining posts cranked at top size 125 x 125mm No
W108.c Concrete angle posts cranked at top size 125 x 125mm No
W108.d Concrete gate posts cranked at top size 125 x 125mm No
W108.e Concrete struts size 100 x 85mm No
W108.f Steel angle end posts cranked at top size 64 x 64 x 6.3mm No
W108.g Steel angle straining posts cranked at top size 64 x 64 x 6.3mm No
W108.h Steel angle angle posts cranked at top size 64 x 64 x 6.3mm No
W108.I Steel angle gate posts cranked at top size 64 x 64 x 6.3mm No
W108.j Steel angle struts size 45 x 45 x 4.7mm No
W108.k Steel hollow sections end posts cranked at top size 50.8 x 50.8 x 3.2mm No
Steel hollow sections straining posts cranked at top size 50.8 x 50.8 x 3.2mm No
Steel hollow sections angle posts cranked at top size 50.8 x 50.8 x 3.2mm No
Steel hollow sections gate posts cranked at top size 50.8 x 50.8 x 3.2mm No
W108.o Steel hollow section struts size 50.8 x 50.8 x 3.2mm No
W108.p Cedar end posts 175mm diameter No
W108.q Cedar straining posts 175mm diameter No
W108.r Cedar angle posts 175mm diameter No
W108.s Cedar gate posts 175mm diameter No
W108.t Cedar struts 150mm diameter No
Metal gate ?m clear opening x ?m high in two equal leaves, each leaf comprising
150 x 50mm rectangular hollow section frame all round, 150 x 50mm middle rail
and 50 x 25mm vertical rails at 100mm centres, each vertical rail welded to
framing and shaped to a spear-shaped finial at top, including 3 No. suitable hinges
per leaf welded to frame and gate piers (m.s.), 1 No. bolt and padlock ring welded
on, and priming with one coat metal primer after fabrication No

Gakuya Associates 42 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
W109.b Bold pad and keeper comprising concrete Class Q (1:3:6) pad 200mm diameter
and 200mm deep and 20mm diameter x 100mm long galvanised mild steel pipe as
bolt keeper cast into concrete pad, including all necessary excavation, backfilling
and disposal of surplus spoil No
W109.c Gate-stops or gate-catches or independent gate stays No
X101 Excavation and Sub-Base
X101.a Excavate unsuitable material up to a depth of 1.00 metre from the finished road
level and remove from site CM
X101.b Excavate to formation for re-useable material and store on site for re-use as
directed CM
X101.c Prepare in-site sub-grade surface including trimming excavations accurately to
levels, cross-falls and longitudinal falls, removal of loose material, filling to soft
spots and rolling to 98% of maximum compaction at optimum moisture content as
directed SM
Transport re-useable stock-piled materials as fill and compact in layers not
exceeding 300mm to a density of 95% of maximum compaction at optimum
moisture content, with the top 300mm going to 98% of maximum compaction at
optimum moisture content to carriageway as directed CM
Provide, place and compact approved fill material to carriageway and compact in
layers not exceeding 300mm to a density of 95% of maximum compaction at
optimum moisture content, with the top 300mm going to 98% of maximum
compaction at optimum moisture content to carriageway as directed CM
X101.f Provide, lay and compact 150mm thick approved gravel to carriageway base,
including for watering and stone dust blinding as directed SM
X101.g Provide, lay and compact 150mm thick approved hand-packed quarry chips
including for watering and stone dust blinding as directed SM
Provide approved hand-packed quarry chips with the greatest dimension vertical
and the flatter short side at bottom to form a layer minimum 150mm thick, fill
interstices sufficiently with smaller stones, roll with a 8-10 Mg. roller until no
further movement takes place, and spread and brush stone screenings and roll
with a 2 Mg. vibrating roller or vibrating plate compactor until no more fines are
accepted, including watering as directed SM
X102 Prime Coat
X102.a Apply bitumen prime coat at the rate of 1 litre per m2 sprayed from an approved
pressure distributor and lightly sand sprayed surface SM
X103 Base Courses
Premix fine and coarse aggregate in an approved mechanical mixer, add 2-5% of
water by weight, lay, spread and roll with an 8-10Mg. smooth steel wheeled roller SM
Mix cement and dry soil in a ratio of 5% cement in weight in an approved large
capacity mixer, add water, lay, spread and compact with an 8-10Mg. smooth steel
wheeled roller in layers of equal thickness not exceeding 150mm SM
Spread dry soil , add dry cement evenly by hand at the required rate, add water to
the mix and compact with an 8-10Mg. smooth steel wheeled roller SM
X104 Surfacing
Apply a priming coat of medium curing cutback bitumen (MC30) or straight run
bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 at a rate of 0.8 - 1.1 litres per m2 , a first
seal coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 at a rate of 1.1 - 1.7
litres per m2 covered with a 20mm single sized aggregate at the rate of 1m3 to
50m2, and a second seal coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100
at a rate of 0.9 - 1.2 litres per m2 covered at the rate of 1m3 to 75m2 SM

Gakuya Associates 43 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Apply a priming coat of medium curing cutback bitumen (MC30) or straight run
bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 at a rate of 0.8 - 1.1 litres per m2 , a first
seal coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 at a rate of 1.1 - 1.7
litres per m2 covered with a 20mm single sized aggregate at the rate of 1m3 to
50m2, and a second seal coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100
at a rate of 0.9 - 1.2 litres per m2 covered at the rate of 1m3 to 75m2 a bitumen
emulsion tack coat and a slurry seal surface of stone aggregate in bitumen
emulsion binder with water SM
Apply a tack coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 or bitumen
emulsion, a 50mm minimum thick base course of 25mm single sized aggregate
with 4-5% by weight of 80/100 grade straight run bitumen, and a 15mm minimum
thick wearing course of 12mm single sized aggregate with 5-6% by weight of
60/70 grade straight run bitumen SM
Apply a tack coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 or bitumen
emulsion, a base course of 25mm single sized aggregate with 4-5% by weight of
80/100 grade straight run bitumen, and a wearing course of 8mm single sized
aggregate with 5-7% by weight of 60/70 grade straight run bitumen SM
Apply 50mm nominal size coarse aggregate to specified thickness, a binder of
straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 applied at the rate of 1litre per
m2 per 10mm thickness of compacted coarse aggregate and spread choke stones
as required to fill interstices in coarse aggregate SM
X1046.a Apply a tack coat of bitumen emulsion on a dry sub-base and a finish coat of
6mm single sized aggregate with 5-7% by weight of 80/100 grade straight run
bitumen SM
Apply a priming coat of bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.0 -1.2 litres/m2, a first
seal coat of bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.0 -1.2 litres/m2 covered with 12mm
single size chippings at the rate of 1m3 to 75m2, and a second seal coat of
bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.2 -1.6 litres/m2 covered with 6mm single size
chippings at the rate of 1m3 to 90m2 SM
X1048 Paving Blocks Surfacing
X1048.a Provide, lay, level out and compact 40mm thick sand as directed SM
X1048.b Provide and lay medium duty "Cabro" or other equal and approved paving blocks
to design finished road level and in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions SM
Y101 Excavation and Sub-Base
Y101.a Excavate top 150mm to foot-paths and cart away to tips as directed SM
Y101.b Roll compact in-site sub-grade below footpaths to 95% of compaction at optimum
moisture content SM
Y101.c Re-use excavated murram or rock stock-piled on site to footpaths attaining
minimum 150mm thickness including compaction to 96% of compaction at
optimum moisture content as directed CM
Provide and lay 150mm murram to footpaths including watering and compaction
to 96% of compaction at optimum moisture content as directed SM

Gakuya Associates 44 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
Apply a tack coat of straight run bitumen of penetration grade 80/100 or bitumen
emulsion, a base course of 25mm single sized aggregate with 4-5% by weight of
80/100 grade straight run bitumen, and a wearing course of 8mm single sized
aggregate with 5-7% by weight of 60/70 grade straight run bitumen SM
Apply a priming coat of bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.0 -1.2 litres/m2, a first
seal coat of bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.0 -1.2 litres/m2 covered with 12mm
single size chippings at the rate of 1m3 to 75m2, and a second seal coat of
bitumen emulsion at the rate of 1.2 -1.6 litres/m2 covered with 6mm single size
chippings at the rate of 1m3 to 90m2, SM
Provide and lay surface dressing laid on and including 20mm thick aggregate SM
Y103.c Prime surface of hardcore and apply 12mm thick cold asphalt surfacing as
described SM
Y103.d Prepare, moisten and treat sub-grade with a totally persistent herbicide as
described SM
Y104 Kerbs and Channels
Y104.a 125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand straight road kerb
finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including
concrete Class Q (1:3:6)100 mm thick x 325mm wide bed and 100mm thick
haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand road kerb laid to 3.0m
radius finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and
including concrete Class Q (1:3:6)100 mm thick x 325mm wide bed and 100mm
thick haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
Y104.c 125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed straight road kerb laid flat,
finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including
concrete Class Q (1:3:6)100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick
haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
Y104.d 125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand straight road kerb with
and including precast concrete channel size 125 x 100mm., both finished smooth
and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including concrete Class Q
(1:3:6) 100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick haunch and all
necessary excavation and formwork LM
125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand road kerb laid to 3.0m
radius with and including precast concrete channel size 125 x 100mm., both
finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including
concrete Class Q (1:3:6) 100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick
haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
Y104.f 450 x 250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 quadrant finished smooth and set on
and including concrete Class Q (1:3:6) bed 100mm thick and all necessary
excavation and formwork No
125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand road kerb laid to 3.0m
radius with and including precast concrete channel size 125 x 100mm., both
finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including
concrete Class Q (1:3:6) 100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick
haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
Y104.f 450 x 250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 quadrant finished smooth and set on
and including concrete Class Q (1:3:6) bed 100mm thick and all necessary
excavation and formwork No
Y104.d 125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand straight road kerb with
and including precast concrete channel size 125 x 100mm., both finished smooth
and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including concrete Class Q
(1:3:6) 100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick haunch and all
necessary excavation and formwork LM

Gakuya Associates 45 of 46 SMM Bills

Ref: Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
125x250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 splayed upstand road kerb laid to 3.0m
radius with and including precast concrete channel size 125 x 100mm., both
finished smooth and laid and jointed in cement mortar (1:4), set on and including
concrete Class Q (1:3:6) 100 mm thick x 450mm wide bed and 100mm thick
haunch and all necessary excavation and formwork LM
Y104.f 450 x 250mm Precast concrete Class 20/20 quadrant finished smooth and set on
and including concrete Class Q (1:3:6) bed 100mm thick and all necessary
excavation and formwork No

Gakuya Associates 46 of 46 SMM Bills

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