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Dear Mateo
For your final feedback you have to do a special project to present. Your work must
follow these instructions, please read carefully and do your best. If you need some help
or need extra instructions, please contact me to my personal e-mail:
Theme: Sports and Hobbies (Investigation/Research)
Grammar tense: Any grammar tense you need to create your essay.
With your theme you have to do:
 Introduction.
 1 general objective.
 2 specific objectives.
 Do a survey of 5 questions through and have at least 10
people answer the survey.
 After your subjects have answered your survey, analyze the answers from your
survey including the graphs and statistics
 Of the research you wrote, write 5 conclusions and a report of your survey with
their respective answer.
 Present your work with a cover page with: School’s Name and emblem, your
name, Teacher’s name (Teacher Caro Cazar), date and grade.
 For your written report you must use Times New Roman Font with size 12.
 Spacing 1.5.
 Must attach a screenshot of the graphs you got from your survey.
Good Luck!

To create google forms check the following tutorial:
How to check your answers of the survey in google forms.
Sample of how to analyze your answers. (screenshot of the graphs, then
analyze them)

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