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IBM Business Process Management

(BPM 8.5)

Rafie Tarabay
Why we may need BPM

To computerized all documents work-flow in the
company, for example if the employee need
vacation he just fill a form then submit to take
manager approval and if approved goes
automatically to HR and if rejected back to
employee and send notification on his mail.

The implementation of work-flow will need no
coding in most cases!, just drug and drop the
sequence of the process.
BPM Final Screen Sample
BPM Architecture
Example of developing hiring

The user will use BPM to draw the
sequence process in the
Process Designer

Flow will divided to leans according
to who will apply the step
in this case we have 3 leans
(Hiring Manager, General Manager,
Human Resources)
What is BPM?

BPM: is a comprehensive change management of
business processes that results in continuous
process improvement.

BPM Goal: efficient business process with visibility.

BPM System: manages People2People,
System2System, and Person2System.

BPM Results: improve in financial, customer, and
employee satisfaction.
BPM Vision
BPM Vision: is to improve operations by using
internal business expertise,
business people directly engaging in Design, in
Definition, and in Creation of the process.

BPM life cycle

Design → Modeling → Execution → Optimization
BPM Modeling
Design → Modeling → Execution → Optimization

Modeling: capture the ordered sequence of the

business process tasks and the roles of doing
the activity.
Modeling approach
Describe → Analyze → Implement (Execute)

Describe: Vision, Goals, KPIs …

Analyze: Business requirement, Process

requirement, Function requirement.

Implement: Development requirement, Solution

Processing Model

A graphical representation, or diagram, of the

business process.
BPM Teams Responsibilities
Sponsor: define Project Goal
Owner: success execution of the process, know the process E2E in high level.
PM: Project Success
Subject Matter Expert: selected by owner, know specific process.
Core Team Member: (Analysis, Developer, Architect)
Administrators: Install, Update, Configure BPM system.
Facilitators: manage the meetings.
1) Process Center (Development)
(a) Process Designer Interface
(b) Process Center Console
(c) Process Servers
(d) Performance data warehouse (PDW)
2) Process Servers (Production)
(a) Process Servers
(b) Performance data warehouse (PDW)
Process Designer Interface
Process Designer Interface
Desktop application save its data to process center
Allow developer to create, manage, test and
optimize BPD( business process definition)
BPD: reusable shared model of the process,
define what is common in all runtime instance of
the process.
Process Designer Interface
Consists of

- Designer: allow create, modify, implement BP model

- Inspector: allow test process during modeling & implementation
- Optimizer: evaluate the business process model simulation scenarios
Process Center Console
Process Center Console
This tool is used to deploy process application to
the production servers.
Developer should create a Snap Shot first then
Process Center Console deploy this Snap Shot.
Process Center
Process Center
Central repository, where process application are
created and stored.

It consists of
- Process server (PS): run business process in
development and store history, versions of
- Performance data warehouse (PDW) :
collect performance data during development.
Process Servers
Process Server
Application server run on webSphere.
Provide the workflow facilities, such as task
management, routing, and simulation.

- BPD engine
- Service engine
- Event manager
Performance data warehouse (PDW)
Performance data warehouse
It is application runs on webSphere to collect
performance data.
Working with BPM 8.5
How to start PBM 8.5
Another way to start BPM
We can start BPM on
two steps
- Start the deployment manager
- Start the node agent
Now BPM is start
How to get Business Process
Create new project
and create new BPD inside it
Open Process Designer
Create New Process App
Create new Business Process Definition (BPD)
Process Designer Elements
Process Designer Elements
Simple hire process
Start Event
End Event
Leans VS Phases
Lean : Group of users complete some tasks
Phases : Logical organization unit in the flowchart
Activity: Nested Process
Intermediate & Boundary Events
Nested Process
Types of Nested Process

Subprocess: create a subprocess flow

Linked Process: linked to another reusable flow
Event Subprocess: not linked on the flow, it is fire
automatically when certain event is happened
Subprocess implementation

Define it as subprocess the double click on it to

set its implementation sequence
Linked Process Implementation
1) Exclusive Gateway (one nested IF condition)

2) Inclusive Split Gateway (many IF conditions)

3) Inclusive Join Gateway (OR condition) wait for any

4) Parallel Split Gateway (send to all)

5) Parallel Join Gateway (wait for all)
Control Gateway Behavior
Exclusive Gateway (IF condition)

One condition only are evaluated

if ()

else if ()


end if
Exclusive Gateway (IF condition)

Evaluate conditions one by one from top to bottom

if one are true cancel evaluate the other conditions
Inclusive Gateway
All conditions are evaluated

if ()

end if

if ()

end if

if ()

end if
Inclusive Join (OR condition)

Wait to any incoming tasks to continue

Parallel Join
Wait for all incoming
tasks to complete first
before continue.
Parallel gateway

Many steps must complete regardless of its

sequence, and these steps can run in parallel.
Boundary Event vs Intermediate event
Intermediate event

Pause the flow until event occurred

Boundary Event
Timer Intermediate event
Message Intermediate event
Content Intermediate event
Tracking Intermediate event
Error Boundary Event
Default toolkits
BPM has by default 5 toolkits
(1) Coaches
(2) System Data
(3) Content Management
(4) System Governance
(5) Dashboards

the 1st two items are included by default in any

new project
Add new toolkit to exist project
Develop new BPM project steps
Development iterations
To develop any work flow, it is normal to have 6
iterations, from playback 0 to playback 5.

Playback 0 Iteration (Defined the process):

Capture →Document → Map → Refine

Playback (1-5) Iterations (Develop the process):

(Playback1 to Palyback5 steps):
Requirement →Design → Build → Test
Playbacks objectives
Playback 0: Describe the current state (as is) and how it should be
(to be).
Playback 1: Manage variables and dataflow and gateways and
Playback2: Business data flow, business objects
Playback3: create services for integration to get the real data for
web service/Databases …
Playback4: focus on the user screens to create a better user
Playback5: focus on handle process errors, error handling
Playback 0
Draw Business flow
Playback 1
Focus on the next items:
Local Variables

Input, Output, and Private

Variable Namespace
All variables are java script objects"Loan Officers").users
Implement timers
Implement Gateways
Implement Routing Task
Playback 2
Focus on the next items:
Playback 3
Focus on the next items:
Playback 4
Focus on the next items:
Playback 5
Focus on the next items:

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