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Hartandi Wisnumukti

BME C51 Sukolilo, Surabaya, | +6281217088438 | | |

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya, Indonesia
B.Eng. Electrical Engineering; Power System Engineering Expected Completion June of 2022
GPA: 3.78/4.00 (top 5% of class), Bank Of Indonesia Scholarship Awardee

PT.ITS Tekno Sains, Surabaya, Indonesia April 2020 - June 2020
Project Officer For PLN Bengkulu Transmission Planning Project
 Conducted power system identification for PLN Bengkulu transmission system to prevent system failure and power
quality under 85 %.
 Increased Transmission System efficiency by 10 – 15 % using network re-orientation and transformer tapping, while
ensuring economic factors.
 Electrical Application (ETAP) instructor of protection coordination topics for 15 trainees to get protection system
under 0,1 seconds for the final result.

Shibaura Institute Of Technology, Tokyo, Japan (Remote Work) March 2020

Global Project-Based Learning Team Lead, Unpaid Intern
 Drove a team of international students to create a solution for Tokita Seeds Ltd advertising during 10 days program.
 Handled research on virtual event feasibility and social media effectiveness data in 2020.
 Created website design mockup, social media advertising plans, and presentation for Tokita Seeds representative.

PT.Telkom Infra, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia January 2020 - February 2020

Network Optimization Intern
 Optimized Telkomsel Base Transceiver Station service to Service Level Agreement Standard by 90% using a new
workflow for maintenance and ticketing system.
 Managed real-time service & create a ticket for a system that down more than 3 hours at Operation Centre.

Society Of Renewable Energy Indonesia – ITS Student Chapter November 2020 - June 2021
Competency Development Staff
 Mentored renewable energy topics for 40 members during 4 months renewable energy boot camp program.
 Coordinate between Competency Development and HR staff to analyze member assignment progress reports.
 Conceptualized proposal and pitch presentation to SIEMENS to gain a 20 million rupiahs sponsorship for Wind
Turbine and Solar Panel project collaboration.

ITS Muay Thai Association January 2020 - December 2020

 Budgeted & Re-arranged expense to get 1-year period organization expense.
 Restructured works report and cash flow to fix the organization's money from minus 2 million to 40 million rupiahs.
 Planned and organized 2 new training materials every week using our social media for member improvement.


 Schneider Electric Go Green 2021 Country First Runner Up :
Digital Algae BioReactor For Carbon Capture
 Semar IoT International IoT Competition First Place Winner :
Machine Learning Using Tensorflow For Mask Detection To Prevent The Spread Of Covid
 2020 Latrobe University Smart City Innovation Challenge Finalist :
Machine Learning & Cloud Computing To Predict Red Light Timing Based On Vehicle Numbers For Reducing Traffic Jam
 Android-App Market, World GDP, Uber Data Analysis & Visualization :
Using Python Language and Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn Package
Technical Skills: MySQL(Intermediate); Python For Data Analysis(Proficient); Microsoft Office(Intermediate)
Certification: Alibaba Cloud Computing Associate, Linkedin Excel Skill Assessment badge
Language: Indonesia (Native), English (Fluent, Toefl: 647)

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