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(Force and Moment)

Atul Mani
Amity University
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 2

Subject Overview

Fluid Mechanics Mechanics of solids

Mechanics of Rigid Mechanics of

Bodies Deformable Solids

Statics Dynamics

Kinematics Kinetics
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 3

• Mechanics: it is the oldest physical science, which
deals with the state of rest or motion of bodies under
the action of forces.
• Fluid Mechanics: it deals with study of liquid and
gases at rest or in motion.
• Mechanics of Solids: it deals with study of solid
objects at rest or in motion.
• Mechanics of deformable solids: it is study dealing
with internal force distribution and deformation
developed in actual engineering structures and
machine components.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 4

• Mechanics of Rigid Bodies: it is study of rest or
motion of rigid bodies under action of forces.
• Statics: Study of distribution and effect of forces on
bodies which are at rest and remains at rest or in
• Dynamics: study of motion of bodies and their
correlation with forces causing them.
• Kinematics: Study of motion without considering the
forces causing them.
• Kinetics: study of motion of bodies together with
forces causing the motion.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 5

Units and Measurements

• Measurement of physical quantities: Physics is a
quantitative science, based on measurement of
physical quantities. Certain physical quantities have
been chosen as fundamental or base quantities. The
fundamental quantities that are chosen are Length,
Mass, Time, electric current, thermodynamic
temperature, amount of substance, and luminous
• Fundamental Units: The units for the fundamental
base quantities are called fundamental or base units
and two supplementary units in relation to quantities
plane angle and solid angle radian, Ste radian.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 6

Units and Measurements

• Fundamental Units

Sr. Fundamental
Fundamental Units Symbol
No. Quantities
1. Length metre m
2. Mass kilogram kg
3. Time second S
4. Temperature kelvin kg
5 Electric current ampere A
6 Luminous intensity candela cd
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 7

Units and Measurements

• Derived units: Other physical quantities derived from
the base quantities can be expressed as a combination
of the base units and are called derived units. A
complete set of units both fundamental and derived
units are called a system of units. Example :- volume,
density etc.
• International System of units: The International
System of units based on seven base units is at present
internationally accepted unit system and is widely used
throughout the world.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 8

Units and Measurements

• CGS System In this system, the unit of length is centimetre,
the unit of mass is gram and the unit of time is second.
• FPS System In this system, the unit of length is foot, the unit
of mass is pound and the unit of time is second.
• MKS System In this system, the unit of length is metre, the
unit of mass is kilogram and the unit of time is second.
• SI System This system contain seven fundamental units and
two supplementary fundamental units. The SI units are used
in all physical measurements, for both the base quantities and
the derived quantities obtained from them. Certain derived
units are expressed by means of SI units of special names
such as Joule, Newton, watt etc.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 9

Vector and Scalar Quantities

• Scalar Quantities: Scalars are quantities that are fully
described by a magnitude (or numerical value) alone.
Example: distance, speed, energy.
• Vector Quantities: Vectors are quantities that are fully
described by both a magnitude and a direction. Example:
displacement, velocity, force.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 10

Force and its Characteristics

• Force: An action of a body on another, which tends to change
or change the state of rest or motion of the other body.
Example: Gravitational force, push, pull.
• Characteristics of Force: Force is vector quantity. Hence it
has following characteristics:
• Magnitude
• Direction
• Point of application
SI units of Force is Newton, and it is written as N,
example: 100 Newton or 100 N.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 11

Force: A Vector Quantity

• Representation of Force Vector: A force
vector is represented by an arrow, the length
of the arrow is proportional to magnitude of
the force and head of the arrow represents the
direction of the force. The line of arrow shows
the line of action of force.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 12

Effects of Force
• Force tends to deform an object causing
internal stresses within the body.
• Force tends to change state of a body (Rest or
• Tends to translate the body
• Tends to rotate a body about an axis
• Tends to translate and rotate a body
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 13

Law of Transmissibility

It states that the state of

rest or motion of a rigid
body is unaltered if a
force acting on the body
is replaced by another
force of the same
magnitude and direction
but acting anywhere on
the body in the line of
action of the replaced
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 14

Resolution of Force
• As two forces can be combined
to one resultant force; similarly
a force can be divided into its
two components, which would
produce same effect on the
body on which the original
force was applied.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 15

Rectangular Components
• If the two components of
resolved force are perpendicular
two each other, then it is called
rectangular components.

Fx + Fy = F
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 16

System of Forces
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 17

Composition of Forces

• To study the effect of a system of forces acting on a

body, it is customary to replace the system of forces
by its resultant.
• Resultant Force: It is defined as a single equivalent
force which produces the same effect on the body as
that of all given forces.
• This resultant is helpful in determining the motion of
the body.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 18

Methods to find Resultant

• Graphical Method: in this method forces are drawn as

vectors and resultant can be found by any of following
• Triangle Law of Force
• Parallelogram Law of Force
• Polygon Law of Force
• Analytical Method: A formula is used to find the
magnitude and direction of resultant force.
• Rectangular Component Method: All the forces are
broken into their components along x-axis and y-axis and
then added together to find the final resultant.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 19

Triangle Law of Force

If two forces acting at a

point are represented in
magnitude and direction
by the two adjacent sides
of a triangle taken in
order, then the closing
side of the triangle taken
in the reversed order
represents the resultant of
the forces in magnitude P+Q=R
and direction..
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 20

Parallelogram Law
of Force
The resultant of two vector
quantities represented in
magnitude, direction, and
sense by two adjacent sides
of a parallelogram both of
which are directed toward or
away from their point of A+ B = R
intersection is the diagonal
of the parallelogram through
that point.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 21

Polygon Law of Force

If a number of forces acting
simultaneously on a particle
be represented in magnitude
and direction by the sides of
a polygon taken in order,
their resultant may be
represented in magnitude
and direction by the closing
side of the polygon taken in A+B + C+ D= R
opposite order.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 22

Analytical Method

If there are only two forces

the magnitude and direction B R
of resultant can be found by
following formulae.

A+ B = R
Note: The angle of resultant
is given with force A.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 23

Component Method

Each force is broken in its

components and added
separately. Then magnitude
of resultant is found by :

And the angle of resultant

with x-axis is found by:
A+ B = R
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 24

Moment of Force
• The turning effect of a force is known as the moment. The
rotational analogue of force is moment of force.
• If a force acts on a single particle at a point P whose position with
respect to the origin O is given by the position vector r the moment
of the force acting on the particle with respect to the origin O is
defined as the vector product

M = r × F = r F sinΘ (Diagram on next Page)

• Torque is vector quantity.

• The moment of a force vanishes if either
• The magnitude of the force is zero, or
• The line of action of the force passes through the axis.
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 25

Moment of Force
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 26

Moment of Force
• Moment of a force about a point is defined as a measure of
the tendency of force to rotate a body about that point.
• The direction of moment vector is perpendicular to plane of
rotation. But in general moment is classified as tendency of
rotation as clockwise and anticlockwise.
• The anticlockwise moment is considered positive.
• The clockwise moment is considered negative.

• SI unit of moment is Newton-meter (N-m).

By: Atul Mani, Amity University 27

Law of Moments
• When an object is balanced (in equilibrium) the sum of the
clockwise moments is equal to the sum of the
anticlockwise moments.

Force 1 x its distance from pivot = Force 2 x distance from the pivot

F1 d1 = F2 d2
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 28

Verignon’s Theorem
• The algebraic sum of several concurrent forces about any
point is equal to the moments of the moments of their
resultant about the point.

If, P + Q = R
Then According to Verignon’s Theorem:
Moment of force P + moment of force Q = Moment of Resultant R
By: Atul Mani, Amity University 29

By: Atul Mani, Amity University 30

Couple: Properties
• The moment of a couple
does not depend on the
point of rotation and
direction of forces. It only
depends on the magnitude
of force and perpendicular
distance between their line
General Applications of Couple
of actions.
• Effect of couple on a body
is only rotation. There is no
resultant force, unlike with
the moment generated by a

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