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TITLE: HISTORY AND CAUSES OF AIR POLLUTION Heading Lntroduetion What is Air Pollution? Air pollution é a mic ofsoft and lquid partes and gases that can reach harmfulconcentrations both Cutie and indoor. There partes and gate ar bad forthe planet and for our heath 2 leeping tackof them § important soot, smoke, mol pollen, methane, ani carbon dive are usta fev erampks of common air polit Where Does Air Pollution Come From? WHAT ARE THE SOURCES Airguns ar recased mothe atom OF AIR POLLUTION? Sah named ase + Buming of fossil fuels during electrichy generation, transport, industry and households + Industrias, ke chemical production and mining + Agricukure + Landfill + Natural sources, including valeanic eruptions, windblown dust, sea-salt spray and emissions of volatile organic ‘compounds (VOCS) from plant, pain, and gasoline CLEANARFORKEALH —sartouten — @DE Good Up High, Bad Nearby — What is Ozone? ‘zone high upinouratmosphere (found in the stratosphere) a good thing. helps block harmful energy from the sun called Fadiation. sur, whenozone & cleserto the ground (found inthe troposphere}, tcan be eal bad for ourhealth Ground-velozone i created whensunlght acts with certzinchemicak that come from burning fossil fue eye en tity cet ‘ann 0) ingress iGathprecltnrcarane WEF 2004 Oxone Be Inthe sree cee eons eee srg dle Secsent OE ep ‘when particles inthe aircombine withozone, they create smog. STOR tools ie smoky fog and males it Aifcutto see. smog contributes to respiratory problems, suchas asthe, History Of Air Pollution > Fist t vas wood fires inancient homes, the effects of which ave been found inthe blackened lungs of ‘murmifedtesue from &gypt, Peruapd Great Britain. ind the Romans earn the dubious credit of being perhaps the fst to spew metallc pollutants into the air, og before the Industral Revolution. The estes ofancient Pome referred totheirct/s smoke cloud as grauioris cael (heavy heaven’) and infeanis ‘aer (“famous air) > Roman cours consiered civilcbims oversmote polation 2000 year ago the jurét arto declared, for ‘xampk, hata cheese shop cull not dickarge smoke imo the builings above The empire even tred 2 very early version ofthe clean air Act. n535, then Emperor ustinan proclaimed the importance of clean air aeabith nig, > tate, smelting to create lad and copper came along, fouling medivalair. amass of ce cores fromthe [Ant reveal that extractionand smeting onthe Iberian Penineul, England, Greece ad ekewhere increased lead inthe environment by afactorof ten > 8y2200, tondon tad been deforested and aswitch beganto"se2coa"coalthat uashed upon beaches. #5 ‘arly athe 1280s, there were complints about smote from burning coal attempts to ban burning then and 250 years terduring the regn of Queen Eabeth fad > europeans imported air pollution tothe New Worl. spansh conquistadors mining iver in what is now. ‘solvian3572 wed amalgamation a technique that grinds or info povaderand tht shot lad plumes into the air > ay the 1600s, smote from burning coal was damaging the architecture in Londonand other majpr cies. The iventionand eventually widespread use ofthe stam engine, really accelerated pollution. Untithen, bucineszes were atean shops dipered throughout acy. But centralized factories ona ge scale meant ‘even more air polation, > The shift oss fuels eliminated constrains on urban expansions factories, powered by steamcreated by burning coal atracted new vores. n800, there vere justskcites worlwide with more than 500,000, people. 81900, there were 43. silent of emerging indstralgants—Birmingham, Leeds, Manchester, Chicago, itsburghand St Lous, among others—found acre smote stung theireyes and hindered their breathing > Thick fogs, especialy incoMler weather, Manketed the cites. societies to campaign against the smoke scourge ‘emerged among te fist ina842 vere the Committee forthe consumption of smoke at Leeds and the ‘Manchester sssecation forthe Prevention of mole. By the te 1890s, the campatgs had extended 10 US. ies, including Chicago, Cleveland, St. ou and Patsburgh > tas were passed in artain the United states, and Germany, but with ttle teeth. They called for “best practicabk” solutions—aneasy out—kved insignificant fines and contained numerous exemptions. coal Femined cheap. No one was wing to slow the industrial engine > The Smole problem intensified 2s new coal burning industrial tes proMerated fromthe ter 8th century ‘onvarts; ist n Brain and then Europe and the wider vor. By the turn ofthe 20th century, the respiratory ddzeaze bronchitis was Brain's best hier” > sustaround the comer was a new soure of air pollaion: the automobile. 671940, Los Angeles ad more ‘hana million cas. atthe time, noone realzed the effec ofall that exhaust, so when the ety wes smogged in ‘on uly 26,1943, residents feared i was some kindof apanese chemcalatack Four yeas ltr, the County testable the fist ir polation control istrict inthe country. Calforia vent onto become 2 kaderin regubting air pollution. > sutittooktwo othersinog incest galanke actin inthe United states and Great Britain lonoctober 27,2948 theksmog began to cover the rer to¥n of Donor, Penngyhania, storm roll in four faye bterthat cared the ai but inthe aftermath 20 died and 6000 vere sclened. In 3963, the US. Congrest fenacted the fist Clean Air Act. Two years later, nationalemisionsstandanis orcas were set. Gut t vasn't unt ‘the 1970 clean Ai Act that Congress set the fram work or air pollution regulation tied to publ health, (similar, across the pond on Decembers, 1952, fog emeloped London ling rough 3,000 people before t dlspated four days later. Parkament acted with patch, passing the Ux. Clean Air Actin 1956, efectvely reducing the burning ofcoal > Legislation nthe United state, Great artainand othercountris fae generally improved airquallty (and, ar 3 by-product, vaterquaity). en Los Angels and tondonare breathing ease. Sut worldwide & another ston. tmernationaleforts to deal withair pollution began in 1972 and continue with ited sucess. The World Health Oganéation sas seven milion premature deaths esuted from ir pollution exposure isi and ‘ouside in 2012 Diny air, WHO says, & the world's largest environmental health risk Ea Heading 2: References in Maward style hegre gv pda fs docemestgsodepigh ss 2ivp-tanv. sani pow trevor abs te Be eaoeicbd crecteradned wth ace wise tom te femnunanensrenmer esr sia) 735-405 > yond (se) nsorenvicaneraletece on paucity Poste of ntorAiconre 56, egos npn > teey aot) romana srtry orton ane Pometor fons, eum # smecanere at 8208 5 > Seka hdewsnsnonmnnny tomer foros snuncegantnuny nesta nay

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