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Facilitation: Is a tool for interpersonal skill.

Guide the group to reach to a

successful decision and solution
Corrective Action: An intentional activity that realigns performance of the project
work with project management plan
Preventive Action: An intentional activity that aligns future performance of the
work with project management plan
Earned value analysis: Provides integrated perspective on scope, schedule and
cost performance.
Cost-Benefit analysis: Helps you to determine best corrective action in case of
deviation from project baseline.
Alternative analysis: Is used to select corrective action or preventive action or
Variance analysis: Reviews variances between plan and actual in cost, schedule,
resources etc.
Work performance information ………………> Work performance report
Before Baseline established, Changes are not required go through the CCB.
Configuration management plan: Identifies the items that need to be recorded
and updated
Monte Carlo: Is a simulation technique for risk analysis
Rough order of magnitude (ROM): It’s a cost estimation technique, at the startup
phase of the project is -25% - +75%. Later in the project, -5% - +10% when we
have more know available.
Expected Monetary Value (EMV): Probability X Impact…………> Decision Tree …..>
Risk Analysis
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM): A grid that shows project resources
assigned to each work package.
RACI: Shows roles of assigned resources
Scatter Diagram: Shows planned vs actual (Quality)
Scope Management Plan:
Requirement Traceability Matrix: Assesses the impact of the changes to the
project scope
Decision Making: A) Voting B) Autocratic Decision Making C) Multicriteria
Decision Analysis
Voting: Unanimity, Majority, Plurality
Autocratic: One individual takes responsibility for the groups
Inter Personal Skills: Nominal Group Technique: Enhances brainstorming with a
voting process used to rank the most useful idea.
Observation/Conversation, Facilitation.
Facilitation: Is used with focused session that brings key stakeholder together to
define product requirement.
Facilitation is used in the following situation: Joint Application Design (JAD),
Quality Function Deployment (QFD), and User Stories
Scope Model: Context Diagram
Control Account……> Planning Package………..> Work Package. Control Account:
Budget, Schedule and Scope are integrated and compared to the earn value.
WBS Dictionary: Is a document that provides detailed deliverable, activity,
schedule, information about each component in WBS.
Validate Scope vs. Control Quality: Validate Scope is concerned with acceptance
of deliverable. Control Quality is concerned with correctness of deliverable.
Control Quality is generally performs before Validate Scope or at the same time.
Validate Scope Tools: Inspection
Control Scope: Ensures that all changes, corrective actions and preventive actions
are processed through the change control board.
Control Scope Tools: A) Variance Analysis (compares the actual vs baseline) B)
Trend Analysis (checks the project performance over time, improving or
Schedule Management Plan:
Precedence Diagram Method (PDM): Represented by nodes and more logical
relationship to show the sequences of activities. Start – to – Finish is rarely used.
Leads and Lags: Leads (Finish to Start), Lags (Start to Start)
The factors that influence Estimated Activity Duration: A) Law of Diminishing
Retunes B) Number of Resources C) Advances on Technology D) Motivation of
Bottom-Up Duration Estimate: Aggregating the duration of lower level WBS to
upper level.
Resource Leveling: Resource Limited Scheduling. Changes the critical path on
the project
Resource smoothing: Time Limited Scheduling. Is used on free and total float.
The critical path will not change. Activities may be delayed within their floats but
completion date will not change.
What-If- Scenario Analysis: Assess various scenarios from risk management plan
to bring schedule onto alignment with approved baseline.
Control Schedule Tools: A) Data Analysis earned value analysis, iteration
burndown chart, performance review, trend analysis, variance analysis, what if
scenario) B) Critical Path Method C) PMIS D) Resource optimization E) Leads and
Lags F) Schedule Compression
Cost Management Plan:
Estimating A) Triangle distribution P+O+M/3 B) Beta Distribution P+O+M/6
Determine Budget: Aggregating of estimating cost of activities or work
package to establish an authorized baseline.
A project budget includes all funds authorized to execute the project. The cost
baseline is approved version of Time-Phased project budget that includes
contingency reserves but excludes management reserves.
Reserve Analysis: During the cost/schedule control, the reserve analysis is
used to monitor the status of contingency or management reserves for the
project to determine if these reserves are still needed or need to be requested.
Quality Management Plan:
Manage Quality Tools: A) Data Gathering B) Data Analysis C) Decision Making D)
Data Representation E) Audits F) Design for X G) Quality Improvement Method
(PDCA and Six Sigma)
Data Representation: Control Chart: Shows whether or not a process is
stable and has predictable performance. Upper and lower limits are based on the
Resource Management Plan:
Examples of failing to manage and control resources are A) Failing to secure
critical equipment on time B) Ordering low quality material C) Keeping too much
To optimize resource management we use these tools: A) Resource management
method (JIT manufacturing, Kaizen, TPM, TOC) B) Emotional Intelligent (EI) C) Self-
Organizing Team D) Virtual Team/Distributed Team.
Resource Colander: Shows working days, holidays, working hours etc.
Risk Management Plan:
Data Gathering Tanique for Risk: A) Brainstorming B) Checklist C) Interview
Data Analysis Tanique: A) Root Cause Analysis B) Assumption and Constrain
Analysis C) SWOT Analysis D) Document Analysis

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