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E 1119
Module for Remedial English
SPM 1119



Datuk Hajah Azuyah Hassan
Director of Kedah Education Department

Mr. Abdul Aziz bin Selaiman
Head of the Academic Sector

Mr. Choong Kok Hung
The Principal Assistant Director (English Language)

Committee Members
Mr. Thamil Selvan a/l Perinan (Academic Sector)
Mr. Saw Beng Hup (Academic Sector)
Mr. Mat Shaari bin Abu Hassan (Academic Sector)
Mr. Syed Fazli bin Syed Zainol Abidin (Academic Sector)
Mdm. Abriza binti Baharom (Academic Sector)
Mdm. Siti Masyura binti Mohamad (Academic Sector)

Module Writers
Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar (SMK Kulim)

Zanurin bin Mohamad Safar (Head) (SMK Kulim)
Mohamad Iqram bin Khalid (SMK Keladi)
Ahmad Azrul Afeze bin Ahmad Rosdi (SMK Keladi)

Sarb Jeet Kaur d/o Kashmir Singh (Head) (SMK Pendang)
Tan Shi Min (SMK Syed Ibrahim)
Siti Sarah binti Udzir (SMK Kubor Panjang)


Lim Ju Vian (SMK St. Theresa)
Parimala Devi d/o Kesavan (SMK Convent Father Barre)

Rozita binti Abdul Razak (Head) (SMK Jitra)
Nor Azira binti Aziz (SMK Hosba)
Mohammad Kamal bin Ayub (SMK Megat Dewa)

Sharon Taty binti Mokhtar (Head) (SMK Changlun)
Yusnianida binti Yazid (SMK Paya Kemunting)
Masnida binti Mokhtarudin (SMK Sanglang)



1. Information Transfer How to answer: SPM 2015 Section B 6
(Section B) Common keywords 7
Tips to answer Section B (SPM 2015) 9
Practice 1 14
Practice 2 16
Practice 3 18
Practice 4 20
Practice 5 22
Practice 6 24
Practice 7 26
Practice 8 28
Practice 9 30
Practice 10 32
Answer scheme 34

2. Reading Preamble for Section C 37

Comprehension Passage 1 39
Passage 2 41
Passage 3 46
Passage 4 50
Passage 5 54
Passage 6 58
Passage 7 61
Passage 8 64
Passage 9 67
Passage 10 70

3. Novel Synopsis 74
Characters 75
Characteristics 77
Plot 80
Themes 81
Moral values 82
Guidelines on answering the novel question 83
Marking method 84
Practice 1 85
Practice 2 86
Practice 3 87
Practice 4 90
Practice 5 92
Practice 6 93

4. Directed Writing Types of format 95

Common structures in Directed Writing 99
Expanding the content points 100
Elaborating the content points 102
Task for expanding and elaborating the content 105
Informal letter 107
Practice 1 109
Practice 2 112
Formal letter 113
Practice 1 115
Speech 116
Practice 1 118
Practice 2 120
Article 121
Practice 1 123
Practice 2 126
Practice 3 129
Report 130
Practice 1 132
Practice 2 135
Practice 3 138
Practice 4 139

5. Continuous Writing Sentence Construction Practice

Sentence Construction Practice 1 (Task) 142
Sentence Construction Practice 2 (Task) 144
Sentence Construction Practice 3 (Task) 145
Sentence Construction Practice 4 (Task) 146
Sentence Construction Practice 5 (Task) 147
Sentence Construction Practice 6 (Task) 148
Sentence Construction Practice 7 (Task) 149
Sentence Construction Practice 8 (Task) 150
Sentence Construction Practice 9 (Task) 151
Paragraph Writing Practice
Paragraph Writing Practice 1 (Task) 153
Paragraph Writing Practice 2 (Task) 155
Paragraph Writing Practice 3 (Task) 156
Paragraph Writing Practice 4 (Task) 157
Paragraph Writing Practice 5 (Task) 158
Paragraph Writing Practice 6 (Task) 159
Paragraph Writing Practice 7 (Task) 160
Paragraph Writing Practice 8 (Task) 161
Paragraph Writing Practice 9 (Task) 162
Essay Writing Practices 1-10 (Task) 163
Sample sentences, paragraphs and essays 164

What to transfer?

Ten questions will be asked based on the given stimulus which can be in a graphic or non-
graphic form. Students need to find the correct information based on the stimulus.

How to transfer?

1. Study the stimulus carefully –read everything printed to get the general idea.
a. The stimulus can be a/an passage, advertisement, notice, brochure, movie/book review,
news report, catalogue or factual extract.
2. Pay attention to the details (title, date, time, names, etc.)
3. Read and study each question carefully.
4. Take note of the ways to answer the questions. It is not fixed; it can be a graphic organiser,
table, flow chart or short text with blanks.
5. Look for common vocabulary or keywords that have similar meaning in the questions and
stimulus. Underline the keywords.
6. Answers should be short and straight to the point.
a. Transfer only what is needed (if your answer is too long, your answer might not be
b. Avoid over lifting. Over lifting occurs when you include irrelevant part/s in your answer.
7. Spell the words correctly.
8. Use correct grammar forms (pronoun, punctuation, tenses and subject-verb-agreement).
a. You might need to change the words to suit the required answer.
For example, you might need to change 1st person pronoun into 3rd person
pronoun to answer what the individual in the stimulus did.
b. Make sure that proper noun is written using appropriate capital letter/s. Refer to the
c. Look at the word / parts of speech before the blank.


1. Only give ONE answer per question.

2. Do not lift the part which does not answer the question.
3. Do not over lift.

These are the common words/ keywords that you should know:
1 Title Headline / topic Tajuk
2 Purpose Objective / aim Tujuan
3 Quantity Amount Kuantiti, bilangan
4 Price Cost Harga
5 Fare Harga / tambang
6 Rent Sewa
7 Free gift Free of charge, complimentary Hadiah percuma
8 Discount Less Potongan harga
9 Souvenir Cenderamata
10 Menu Senarai
11 Dishes Lauk pauk
12 Meal Makanan
13 Category Group Kumpulan, kategori
14 Date Tarikh
15 Location Place / venue Tempat
16 Contact number Nombor untuk dihubungi
17 Organiser Penganjur
18 Event Ceremony Majlis
19 Registration Pendaftaran
20 Membership Keahlian
21 Fee Payment Bayaran
22 Author Writer Penulis
23 Prize Hadiah kepada pemenang
24 Consolation Hadiah saguhati
25 Benefits Advantages Kebaikan, kelebihan
26 Sponsor Penaja / Menaja
27 Time Masa
28 Duration Period Jangka masa
29 Deadline Closing date / Not later than Tarikh tamat/ tutup
30 Attire Costume Pakaian
31 Accommodation Lodging / put up Penginapan
32 Function Fungsi
33 Ingredients Materials Bahan
34 Competition Contest Pertandingan
35 Slogan Slogan
36 In conjunction with Bersempena
37 In collaboration with Dengan kerjasama
38 Transport Pengangkutan
39 Facility Equipment Kemudahan, Kelengkapan
40 Expiry date Used by Tarikh luput
Tips to answer (SPM 2015)
Two situations when texting is
Sample answers (SPM 2015):
*Take a look at the sample answers given.
*Pay attention to the words in bold in the question as they serve as keywords for you to find the
information in the stimulus.

Question 16
Topic of Survey:

 Do you text/message at the dinner table? (correct answer)

 Around the world with one question… do you text/message at the dinner table?
(wrong - over lifting)

Question 17
Number of countries surveyed:

 *16 (correct answer)

 *sixteen (correct answer but not recommended to avoid spelling mistake)
 16 countries (correct answer)
 Of the 16 countries that we polled, only three had majority of respondents answering
yes to mealtime texting. (wrong – over lifting)

Questions 18 and 19
(Answers are inter-changeable. Write one answer for each question. Do not write both answers
in one question)
Two situations when texting is acceptable:
18. during snack (correct answer)
19. when you are alone (correct answer)
18. during snack and when you are alone.
18. if you just want to have a snack or you are by yourself in the kitchen.
(both answers are correct but NOT ADVISABLE)
Question 20
If you really need to text:

 Excuse yourself and return as soon as possible (correct answer)

 If you absolutely need to communicate with someone who is not at the table, excuse
yourself and then return as soon as you can. (wrong - over lifting)
Question 21
People from 21.........................................text the least at mealtimes.

 Canada (Correct answer)

 canada (wrong answer – proper noun – capitalized word)
 resident of Canada are…. (Wrong – over lifting)

Question 22
The young generation text less than the older generation in 22…………………

 Brazil (correct answer)

 brazil (wrong answer – proper noun – capitalized word)
 brazil is the only country in which residents…(Wrong – over lifting)

Question 23
Women text more than men in most countries except in 23……………….

 Thailand (correct answer)

 thailand (wrong answer – proper noun – capitalized word)
 only in Thailand did the male texter out-number females (wrong – over lifting)

Question 24 (rephrasing idea – you have to rephrase the information that you found in your own
Phillip Lassner and Han Chew are of the opinion that 24………………………..

 It is okay to use/text at the dinner table. (correct answer)

 Using phone at the dinner table is not wrong. (correct answer)
 Using phone during mealtime is fine/okay. (correct answer)
 Texting during mealtime is okay/fine. (correct answer)
 If I receive a text message at dinner table. I’d reply to it immediately. What’s wrong
with that? / yes, I text at the table. And use Google and Twitter. I don’t see why it’s a
problem. (wrong answer – over lifting – did not change pronoun)
Question 25
25...........................................responded that texting at the dinner table is impolite.

 Stephanie Kumfort (correct answer)

 Stephanie Kumfort, 33, (correct answer)
 Stephanie Kumfort, 33, Montreal, Canada (correct answer)
 Stepanie kumfort (wrong answer – spelling error – proper noun – capitalised word)
Practice 1

Read the following notice and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

I know, I was a bit sceptical

about this one too. But I
promise that you will get many
new friends.
Welcome to Drama Club
Alif, 15
hemselves! Through Drama Club, students will learn acting warm ups and techniques, play improvisational games, perform scenes and

I used to be scared to do
class presentation but not

will receive a monthly newsletter with updates and drama ideas. Located at Jalan Teluk Wanjah, Alor
every 1 and 3 Monday
0 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

st rd

-Age: 12 – 17 years
-Registration fee: RM100 per student To register, contact Mrs. Wong at:
Academy of Fine Arts
Questions 1 to 10
Using the information from the notice, complete the graphic organiser below.


 Acting warm ups and techniques

 Playing improvisational games

 2.

 3.

Benefits of joining the club: Venue:

9. 4.

10. Improve _

__ Notice on:

Build confidence to present in class Participant:



Those who are interested to join need to write to Mrs. Wong via:


Enrolment fee for two students: 7.

[10 marks]
Practice 2
Read the survey report below and answer the following questions.

How you spend your leisure time?

The survey found that all the respondents had a hobby. The majority of the respondents said that they ha
ore than 5 years. The most popular hobby was reading books with 40% of respondents having this hobby. 50% of them read books at s
). Some of the respondents were interested in other hobbies like watching movies, shopping, playing table tennis, collecting stamps (a
the respondents had the hobby that they wanted to try. They were playing chess (20%), roller-blading (20%), cycling, playing
the piano and taking photos (a total of 60%).

I have worked all my life,

so I really don’t have
any hobby.
Robert Chong, 35.

People with many People are spending more on

hobbies live not only the their hobbies to make their
longest but the happiest. free time more enjoyable.
Shariman, 62. Zulaikha, 22.
Questions 1 to 6
Using the information from the survey report, complete the flow chart below.

Title of Survey:
How People Spend Their Leisure Time

Most Liked Hobby: 1. Other favourite pastimes:

Watching movies
Collecting stamps


 5.
 Interesting
Questions 6 to 10
Complete the sentences with appropriate information from the survey report.

6. Half of the respondents gave into keeping up with their

hobbies and activities.

7. Robert Chong could not find time for a hobby because .

8. Shariman is of the opinion that those with hobbies are

and live the longest.

9. Those who like reading did the hobby at .

10. The respondents spent or more for their hobbies in a week.

[10 marks]
Practice 3
Read the article and answer the questions on the following page.


The first reason is that you will be exposed to different cultures. People who have culture are
people who are knowledgeable and who know their way around life. If you know another
language, you will be more cultured simply because this would permit you to travel more and
you will know the world better.
The second reason is because people will like you. People admire those with knowledge,
whom they can learn from, as long as you are not showing off. People like listening to stories
from other countries, so by telling them about your travels and experiences learning new
language, you may develop new friendships.
The third reason is because you will discover many new things. Not only will you be more
open to a whole new culture, you will be able to meet thousands of other people. No one
knows where life will take us, and knowing other languages might just make your life
completely different.
The fourth reason is because you will develop your mind. By learning, you are exercising
your brain, and you will be better at memorising and doing simple mental exercises. When
you learn a new language you need to put words together, which works your brain. You will
be very good at associating other things as well.
The fifth reason why you should learn another language is because it is fun. By integrating
interactive games, you will enjoy the experience and have a lot of fun. You can also learn
from or with someone else, which should be amusing for both of you.

In my advanced Japanese course,

we are taught entirely in Japanese
and the reading materials have no
translations. The method has made
me master the language in no time.
Sharon, Penang

Studying a language builds my

overall language abilities and
strengthens my skills in
interpretation and understanding.
Kamal, Megat Dewa

“You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one
language, you live only once”

Czech Proverb
Questions 1 to 6

Using the information in the article, complete the graphic organiser below.




 Knowledgeable
 Permits you to travel more

 You will be liked by many people

 People like knowledgeable individuals

 2. _ _

 3.

 Meeting a lot of people

 You will develop your mind

 A good brain exercise

 4.

 5. _

Questions 6 to 10
Complete the sentences using the information in the article.

6. Kolej Height Selatan offers foreign language courses.

7. is the most popular foreign language course at Kolej Height Selatan.

8. of the students at Kolej Height Selatan chose French for foreign language

9. Sharon because she was

taught entirely in the language.
10. According to Kamal, studying a language develops _ .
[10 marks]
Practice 4

Read the following article and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

Heat Can Be Deadly for High School Athletes

Football season kicked off at high schools across the country last week,
smack in the middle of one of the hottest weather on record for many states. For high
school athletes, high temperatures can be deadly.
According to a recent report a total of 40 high school football players have died
from heat stroke since 1995, with 5 of those deaths occurring in 2011. Dozens more
are hospitalised each year with heat-related illness.
Precautions should be taken to prevent the death caused by heat stroke. The
precaution that can be taken are such as limiting the number of practices in one day,
giving athletes extended breaks and making sure players stay hydrated.
Parents should also play an important role to safeguard teen athletes from the
heat by ensuring that they are hydrated before and after practices. Parents could also
replenish any nutrients they lost during practice by putting extra salt in the meals.

Problem Symptoms Treatment

- Flush skin - Move to cooler place
- Heavy sweating - Remove or loosen clothing
- Nausea and vomiting - Apply cool and wet cloth
Heat Exhaustion
- Headache - Give half a glass of water every
15 minutes

- Hot and red skin - Call 999

- Confusion - Immerse in cool bath
- Rapid or weak pulse - If the victim vomits or loses
- Rapid, shallow consciousness, do not give
Heat Stroke
breathing anything to eat or drink
- High body temperature
- Skin may be wet or dry
Questions 1 to 10
Using the information given, complete the graphic organiser below.

Heat Can Be Deadly for School Athletes

Total fatalities: Preventive measures: Parents’ Roles:

1.  2.  4. Ensure athletes are __

 3. _

 Players must stay hydrated.  5. __



 Effect on complexion: 6.  Hot and red skin

 Heavy sweating  You feel doubt: 8.
 7.  Rapid, shallow breathing

 To add liquid in body: 9.  Call 999

 To lower the body temperature:
 Apply cool and wet cloth 10.

[10 marks]
Practice 5
Read the article and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

Kuala Wok, Malaysia - High up in the remote mountain jungles
of Malaysia's eastern state of Kelantan, massive deforestation
and the country's worst flood in decades have left indigenous
tribes reeling. Excessive clearing of forest causes global warming.
Siti Saleha, Alor Setar.
According to a 2012 study by the University of Maryland
Malaysia has one of the highest rate of deforestation in the
world. Most of the land is cleared for palm oil or rubber
plantations, which have played a major role in Malaysia's
economic growth. After decades of rapid development, the
country is now one of the richest in the region.

While Orang Asli in Kuala Wok have been told by local

contractors that 3,000 hectares of land will be left
Environment to themis after
protection an integral part of the development process; it canno
the logging, no formal contract hasWorld
signed 2002
- and already,
the entire forests surrounding the villages have been cleared.
The same University of Maryland study estimated that the state
of Kelantan lost around 15% of its natural forest between 2001
and 2012.

According to the CIA World Factbook, almost 12% of

Malaysia's population belongs to one of dozens of indigenous
ethnic groups, each with their own individual language and
culture. Most indigenous Malaysians live in the states of “Humans
Sabah are to be blamed for the problems faced toda
and Sarawak on the island of Borneo. -Dr. Mostafa K. Tolba, Director, United Nations Environm
The term Orang Asli is used to refer to the various indigenous
tribes of peninsular Malaysia. The roughly 180,000 Orang Asli
make up less than one percent of the country's population.
Questions 1 to 10
Using the information given, complete the graphic organiser below.

Headline: 1.

Affected region: Purposes of land clearing:

To open:
Country: 2.

Area: 3. 4.


Malaysia has the highest rate of deforestation based on a 6.

conducted by a foreign university. Between the period of 7.

Kelantan lost around 50% of its natural forest. 8. who live

in Kuala Wok are badly affected by deforestation. Forests around their settlements

9. . All these environmental issues 10. by

those Orang Asli today are due to humans.

[10 marks]
Practice 6
Read the following article and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

PETALING JAYA: The number of dengue cases last year paints a scary picture. There was a
more than 50% jump in the number of deaths caused by dengue compared to 2014. This,
according to the Health Ministry, was the highest number of dengue deaths ever recorded in the

The ministry also identified a number of dengue hotspots in the country, with Selangor having the
highest number of hotspots at 107. Other hotspots are in Johor (23), Perak (9), and Penang (3),
while Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Negeri Sembilan and Sabah have one each.

“Climate change could be one of the factors contributing to the spike in dengue cases.
Alternate rainy and hot seasons cause the Aedes breeding to increase. Water collected in
stagnant containers could worsen the situation. Another factor is serotype changes in the
dengue virus. Poor community behaviour also contributes to the prevalence of the Aedes
mosquitoes. Littering and inappropriate solid waste disposal could result in the high Aedes
breeding index.”
- Dr Ammar Muaz, an epidemiologist.

“Most Malaysians are quite aware of the dangers of dengue but they don’t proactively
go around and try and prevent it. They just take care of the areas around their house.
The main breeding areas for Aedes mosquitoes are construction sites and places with
a lot of debris and litter. Many of the hotspots are close to construction areas. The
community could take part in preventing Aedes breeding by cleaning their
neighbourhood and the council could visit construction sites to check on the
- Dr Ashok Zachariah Phillip, Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) president
Questions 1 to 10
Using the information given, complete the graphic organiser below.

Number of cases
Lowest: 19 884 (2011)

Highest: 1.

Number of deaths (2010-2015)


Number of 3.

Contributing factors: 146


Serotype changes in the dengue virus

Humans’ bad habits


6. Preventive measures:
Action by residents:


Action by authorities:

Aedes breeding spots:

Places with a lot of debris and rubbish


[10 marks]
Practice 7

Read the following report and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

Cigarette Smoking
Smoking damages our health and can lead to serious diseases like lung cancer and
heart disease. Non-smokers who are passive smokers, also have a 25 per cent increased
risk of the diseases. Children who are exposed to tobacco smoke at home have increased
risks of developing lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia.
Our government has tried to discourage smoking by putting warning labels on
cigarette packets and banning the advertising of tobacco products. Despite this, the
number of smokers in Malaysia continues to increase. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), about half of all Malaysian men and about 30 per cent of adolescent
Malaysian boys (aged 12 to 18) smoke.

Poisonous Chemical Substances in Cigarettes and the Use:

Chemical substance Used in
Carbon Monoxide Car exhaust
DDT Insecticides
Vinyl Chloride Plastic
Arsenic Rat poison
Methoprene Pesticide
Sulfuric Acid Car batteries
Nicotine Bug sprays
Hydrogen Cyanide Gas chamber poison
Formaldehyde Preserving dead bodies
Tar Road material
Butane Cigarette lighter
Ammonia Cleaning products
Acetone Nail-polish remover

Why teenagers smoke?

Reasons %
Smoking parents 20
Peer influence 45
Advertisements 15
Coping with stress 20

* 200 students of SMK Panglima Awang participated in the survey

Questions 1 to 5
Using the information given, complete the graphic organiser below.

Cigarette Smoking

Effects of tobacco smoke on children

 Smoking parents: 40 respondents

 Peer influence: 3.
Reasons for smoking
 Advertisements: 30 respondents

 Coping with stress: 40 respondents

Efforts by the government to discourage

Questions 6 to 10

Using the information from the report, complete the sentences below.

6. Two serious illnesses caused by smoking are _.

7. Passive smokers face more risk of diseases caused by smokers.

8. , a chemical substance found in cigarette is also used to keep dead

bodies in good condition.

9. Cigarettes are harmful because they contain thirteen types of chemicals.

10. The total of respondents cited smoking parents and coping with stress for
their smoking.
[10 marks]
Practice 8
Read the following advertisement and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.


Packed with skin-softening oleic acid, olive oil has been
used for centuries throughout the Mediterranean as a
moisturizer. Legend has it that athletes in ancient
Greece would rub olive oil onto their bodies. So it is
only natural that our Community Trade organic olive oil
should come from southern Italy where it is grown on
family farms. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid and natural
antioxidants that help to restore skin’s natural moisture
level. It is a natural moisturizer for normal to dry skin.


Lather up in the bath or shower using hands or a bath

lily. Rinse thoroughly. Recommended to be used with
other products from the Olive collection as part of a
body care layering regime.

from the trees and caught in nets to prevent bruising, then washed and cold-pressed. The co-op also runs courses on traditional cooking, as well as
“I got it as Christmas gift, fall for it! After comparing with many other brands, I still find this olive shower g
- Siew Mei

“My new favourite product that makes me leave the bathroom feeling fresh and smell good!”
- Nasrul
Questions 1 to 5
Using the information given, complete the graphic organiser below.

Jumbo Olive Bath and Shower Gel

Main ingredient: How to use:

Step 1: 4.
Step 2: 5.

2. __


Questions 6 to 10

Using the information given, complete the radio advertisement below.

Introducing a new best seller bath and shower gel!!! This product is rated

. The main ingredient, organic olive oil, is produced using

. It is originated from 8. .

Compared with other brands in the market, Jumbo Olive Bath and Shower Gel is

9. . It makes you 10. after leaving the bathroom. Get your bottle now!!

[10 marks]
Practice 9
Read the article and complete the graphic organiser on the following page.

The Impact of Technology on Education

 Today’s college students are also able

to annotate and share notes with study-
Technology is the application of scientific
group participants by using cloud-
knowledge for practical purposes, especially
based tools such as Evernote and
in industry.
Google Drive. These powerful tools
 Technology has made it easy for enhance collaboration by allowing
students to use their computers and students to access their notes from any
mobile devices to continue learning device, add comments and track
outside of traditional classrooms. changes.
 The ability to take notes electronically  Technology enables learning to take
during class results in the conservation place outside of the classroom and the
of valuable study time. In addition, many library. Students use technology to
students find they are able to use digital meet, collaborate and create content
notes more effectively than handwritten virtually.
notes by conducting keyword searches  Technology also helps students make
to locate specific information quickly. valuable networking connections with
others in their field of study.

62% - Updated daily on

children’s homework
assignments, projects and
32% - Tools to upcoming tests.
facilitate collaboration
and communication
among children, 22% - Videos and
teachers and parents. podcasts of lectures
from teachers.



74% - Access to
curriculum materials 51% - Special alerts
and online textbooks to when children are
use at home. missing assignments,
low grades, or is
42% - Updates from failing a class.
teachers about class
activities and topics
Questions 1 to 6
Using the information given, complete the mind map below.

Questions 6 to 10
Using the information given, complete the sentences below.

6. Digital notes are more effective because


7. are some cloud-based tools used by students to share notes.

8. Students are meeting to collaborate and create learning content.

9. Majority of parents and students responded that technology provides


10. of parents use technology to have updates on children’s homework

assignments, projects and upcoming tests.

[10 marks]
Practice 10
Read the article and answer the following questions.

Global warming worsens with record widespread coral bleaching

Six months after 195 nations vowed tougher action to curb global warming, the problem has only
grown worse, with higher accumulations of greenhouse gas emissions, record worldwide
temperatures and widespread coral bleaching from hotter ocean waters.

The primary greenhouse gas that leaders at a global summit in Paris last December agreed to
reduce — carbon dioxide (CO2) released from burning of fossil fuels — is now fixed above the
historic milestone of 400 parts per million that was reached for the first time last year.

A direct result of accumulating CO2 is warmer, more

acidic ocean waters creating havoc with coral Seasonal adjusted CO2 concentration at Mauna Loa Observatory:
formations by bleaching great stretches of reefs
in the world's oceans. The bleaching occurs when
algae that live inside and nourish coral, providing
their brilliant colours, wither from the warming waters
and die, leaving behind white coral skeletons.

Coral Bleaching In Northeastern Australia


BleachingSevere Bleaching

Adapted from: USA Today News

Questions 1 to 6
Using the information given in the article, complete the table below.

Where 1.

When 2.

Global Summit 3.

Number of 5.
countries involved

Questions 6 to 10

Using the information given in the article, complete the following sentences.

6. The accumulating carbon dioxide causes the seawater to be .

7. Coral bleaching occurs when

because of the warming water.

8. produces nutrients for the coral.

9. 81% of the north eastern Australia is facing .

10. According to the text, are the most affected by air


[10 marks]

Practice 1: Practice 2:

1. Drama Club 1. Reading (books)

2. Performing scenes and monologues 2. (Could) learn more knowledge
3. Rehearsing on a real stage 3. Shopping
4. Jalan Teluk Wanjah, Alor Setar 4. Playing table tennis
5. Students aged 12 to 17 (years old) 5. Educational
6. (monthly) newsletter (with updates and 6. some effort
drama ideas) 7. he has worked all his life
7. RM 200 8. the happiest
8. e-mail 9. school, home and library
9. get (many) new friends 10. 3 hours
10. (students’) academic performance

Practice 3: Practice 4:

1. You will be exposed to different cultures 1. 40

2. People like listening to stories 2. Limit the number of practices (in one day)
3. You will discover many new things 3. Give athletes extended breaks
4. It is fun 4. hydrated before and after practices
5. Integrating interactive games 5. replenish nutrients lost
6. 4 / four 6. flush skin
7. Korean 7. nausea and vomiting / headache
8. 12% 8. confusion
9. mastered the language in no time 9. give half a glass of water every 15 minutes
10. his overall language abilities 10. immerse in cool bath

Practice 5: Practice 6:

1. Deforestation 1. 120,836 (2015)

2. Malaysia 2. 848
3. Kuala Wok, Kelantan 3. dengue hotspots
4. Palm oil plantation 4. Climate change
5. Rubber plantation 5. littering
6. study 6. inappropriate solid waste disposal
7. 2001 and 2012 7. Construction sites
8. Indigenous ethnic groups/ orang asli 8. Water collected in stagnant containers
9. have been cleared 9. Clean the neighbourhood
10. faced 10. Visit construction sites to check on the
Practice 7: Practice 8:

1. Bronchitis 1. Olive oil

2. Pneumonia 2. Rich in oleic acid
3. 90 respondents 3. Natural anti-oxidants
4. Putting warning labels on cigarette packets 4. Lather up (in the bath/ shower)
5. Banning the advertising of tobacco 5. Rinse thoroughly
products 6. 4.8 / 4.8/5
6. lung cancer and heart disease 7. Traditional (production) method
7. 25% 8. southern Italy
8. Formaldehyde 9. the best and cheapest
9. poisonous 10. feel fresh and smell good
10. 80 / eighty

Practice 9: Practice 10:

1. the application of scientific knowledge for 1. Paris

practical purposes 2. December
2. easy for students to use their computers 3. curb global warming
and mobile devices (to continue 4. reduce carbon dioxide release
learning...classrooms) 5. 195
3. able to annotate and share notes 6. warmer and more acidic
4. enables learning to take place outside of 7. algae (that nourish coral) wither and die
the classroom and the library 8. Algae
5. helps students make valuable networking 9. coral bleaching
connections (with others in their field of 10. urban population
6. keyword searches locate specific
information quickly
7. Evernote and Google Drive
8. virtually
9. Access to curriculum materials and online
textbooks (to use at home)
10. 62 %
Section C : Reading Comprehension

This section requires you to answer questions based on a passage. All 5 questions are
subjective which means that you have to read and understand the given passage, then write your
answers in the space provided, no options are given.

This section carries 10 marks; some questions will be 1 mark each whereas some questions will
be 2 marks each.

How to answer comprehension questions

1. Read all the questions first BEFORE you begin to read the text! Take note of ALL the wH-
2. Then read the passage to get the general idea of what it is about.
3. Questions always start with “From paragraph…”.
4. Underline or tick the answers as you read the passage
5. Write the answers in the space provided
6. Read the passage again for the more difficult questions
7. Check your answers especially the tenses and pronouns. Your answers must be in the same
tense as the question and it should not be in the first person pronouns, that is ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘our’,
‘us’, ‘me’ and ‘you’. All these pronouns may be found in the passage but you will have to
change them to ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’, ‘them’ and ‘it’. (Refer Passage 3)
8. If there is a difficult word that you do not know the meaning of, try to understand it in context
of the sentence, paragraph or the passage itself. (Remember: reading comprehension just
needs you to follow the story!)
9. Be careful when lifting because you are allowed to lift only the particular line that has the
answer. If over lifting is done, no mark will be awarded. Answers can be written in a word, a
phrase or a sentence. You can even lift lines from the passage that have the answers. But do
not overlift. You do not need to answer in complete sentences.
10. For vocabulary question, if ONE word is required, make sure you give only ONE WORD.
11. Understand the terms used in comprehension questions.

Type of questions Needed techniques

Jenis soalan Teknik yang diperlukan
What is the purpose / intention … Why (tujuan) – give reason
Which phrase…/ Quote a sentence… Mesti petik seluruh ayat dengan tepat
“… …” Explain in your own words what the Mesti tukar Ganti nama “I’ kepada he / she
author meant Mesti menggantikan perkataan penting
Find a word in paragraph which tells us that Mesti beri SATU perkataan sahaja dan ejaan
… mesti tepat
Give evidence to show that… Cari bukti – petik terus dari teks
Give proof to show that (The evidence/proof is in the sentence “……”
Why … (mengapa) Cari sebab atau alasan dari teks
When … (bila) Cari faktor masa
How … (bagaimana) Beri kaedah… / Nyatakan cara…
What … (apa) Cari faktor …
Where … (di mana) Cari aspek tempat
What was the effect … Apakah kesan / akibat …
In your opinion … / what do you think Beri pendapat sendiri
How to answer summary questions

Summary: Suggested techniques (15 marks)

1 Write in ONE paragraph

2 Read the summary question carefully and check the aspect being asked,
…what the writer saw? Senaraikan semua yang dilihat oleh penulis
…what the writer did? Senaraikan semua perbuatan aktif, terkawal dan
dilakukan oleh penulis (bukan apa yang dilihat)
…the writer’s reaction. Reaksi ---perbuatan DAN perasaan penulis
…how the writer felt. Senaraikan apa yang dirasai oleh penulis
3 Check which part of the text you must use. DO NOT read other parts
4 You must use the first ten words and CHECK the pronoun used. Follow the same pronoun for
the rest of your summary. (Refer Passage 3)
5 Do not write more than the word limit (130 words, including the 10 words given)
6 If you lift a sentence, do not lift the whole sentence. Lift the main point(s) only. But make sure
ALL sentences start with a subject.
Took the boy to the hospital. 0 mark
He took the boy to the hospital. 1 mark
7 If possible try to use your own words. Use some short connectors to join the points.
8 A summary is marked under two categories:
a Content = 10 marks
1 mark is given for EACH CONTENT point, that is, the facts that you are asked to select from the
b Language = 5 marks
A mark is given for STYLE, that is, the accuracy and quality of your writing and the extent to
which you are able to use your own words.
9 Read the rubric carefully and identify the task words. These tell you what you have to
summarise. Keep them in mind as you write your summary. Otherwise, there is a danger that
your answer will become irrelevant.
10 You must pay close attention to the instructions given, and follow them, if you are to write a
good summary.
a) Keep to the word limit allowed
i. Hyphenated words are 1 word
e.g. better-paid
b) Use only the area of the text allowed
c) Use the opening 10 words provided (they are specially constructed to lead you to the
1st point)
d) Write in continuous prose
e) Summarise the text according to the task given.
f) There may be two required tasks, but you need not separate the tasks. Write ALL in
Read the following passage about the experience of the writer had with a wolf.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 I can still remember the day it happened. I was taking a walk after work. I
wanted to get a picture of the camp with the rugged mountains as the
background before leaving for home. After about 15 minutes, I came across a
broken branch which was three feet long. It was of a unique colour and shape
and I thought to myself that it would make a perfect addition to my picture. I 5
picked it up and continued my journey.
2 Then, I realised I was no longer alone. I saw the wolf, a mere 20 metres
away. He was heading towards my path, I stopped. The wolf kept walking until
he was directly in front of me. Then he turned and looked at me as though he
had known all along that I was there. 10
3 Wolves seldom, if ever attack, I’ve read that somewhere. Yet, there it
was, looking at me with those hungry eyes. I knew that I could not show fear. I
studied my situation. My mind raced in search of a solution. If he should attack,
my first line of defence would be to flash my camera at him. Then, maybe I could
use the branch. It had six sharp ends, two of which were broken. 15
4 I couldn’t say how long we looked at each other. Ten seconds, 30
minutes, or less, it seemed like eternity. There was no place to run and hide. My
camp was another 10 kilometres away. Whatever it is, I keep my cool and was
ready for his attack. I looked at him intently to show I meant business. We
moved a dozen steps towards each other ……* 20
*The text has been simplified for demonstration–the length of the actual text is longer.
1. From paragraph 1, what did the writer do before going back home?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 1, what was the writer’s original intention for the branch?
(1 mark)
3. From paragraph 3, how did the writer intend to defend himself against the wolf?
Name two ways.
i) (1 mark)
ii) (1 mark)
4. Which sentence in paragraph 3 suggests a reason that the wolf might attack him?
(1 mark)
5. “…I meant business” (Line 19). Explain in your own words what the author meant.
(2 marks)
Suggested Answers
1. I was taking a walk after work.(0 mark)
He was taking a walk after work. (1 mark) – mesti tukar kata ganti nama
2. To flash his (my --- X) camera at him (perlu tukar kata ganti nama)
To use the branch to hit it
3. To make a perfect addition to his (my X) picture. (perlu tukar kata ganti nama)
4. Yet, there it was, looking at me with those hungry eyes. (1 mark) – Ayat asal
There it was, looking at me with those hungry eyes. (0 mark) – Bukan ayat asal
The wolf looking at me with those hungry eyes. (0 mark) – Tambahan perkataan
5. I was serious. (0 mark)
He was serious. (2 marks) (perlu tukar kata ganti nama)
The writer meant he was serious. (2 marks)
6. Using the text on the experience the writer had with the wolf, summarize in your own word
- what the writer did and felt on the last day of his stay at the camp.
Use material from lines 1 – 16
Begin your summary with: Before I left for home, I went for a walk….. Exercise:

Read and decide which of the following points are correct.

1. Went for a walk
2. Wanted to get a picture of the camp
3. I came across a broken branch
4. It would make a perfect addition to my picture
5. I picked it up
6. And continued my journey
7. I realised I was no longer alone
8. I saw the wolf
9. He was heading toward my path
10. I stopped
11. The wolf kept walking until he was directly in front of me
12. Looking at me
13. I knew that I could not show fear
14. I studied my situation
15. My mind raced in search of a solution
16. Would be to flash my camera
17. Could use the branch
18. We looked at each other

*N.B. only 6 points are correct

Suggested Answers

Sentence Explanation
1. Went for a walk / Perbuatan aktif
2. Wanted to get a picture of the camp X Belum buat
3. I came across a broken branch X Bukan perbuatan aktif
4. It would make a perfect addition to my picture X Bukan aksi penulis
5. I picked it up / Perbuatan aktif
6. And continued my journey / Perbuatan aktif
7. I realised I was no longer alone X Bukan perbuatan sengaja
8. I saw the wolf X Bukan perbuatan sengaja
9. He was heading toward my path X Perihal ‘wolf’
10. I stopped / Perbuatan sengaja
11. The wolf kept walking until he was directly in front of me X Perihal ‘wolf’
12. Looking at me X Perihal ‘wolf’
13. I knew that I could not show fear X Cuma pendapat
14. I studied my situation / Perbuatan aktif
15. My mind raced in search of a solution / Perbuatan aktif
16. Would be to flash my camera X Belum buat
17. Could use the branch X Belum buat
18. We looked at each other / We – penulis DAN ‘wolf’

5. I picked it up 0 mark
5. I picked it (the branch) up 1 mark
[**it must be justified]
Read the following passage about Mokhtar Shah.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 Most people look forward to a relaxed life once they retire but not 57-
year-old Mokhtar Shah. He is still up and about. Mokhtar is his own boss and
keeps busy driving a taxi, more as a hobby than anything else. Mokhtar's life
tells us the reason for the contentment he feels today. How did it all begin?
2 Mokhtar was originally from Muar, Johor. After leaving school at the age 5
of twelve, he worked for his uncle at a small food stall. He earned RM30 a
month. After three years, he decided to set out on his own instead. He became
an odd-job labourer doing different things for different people. He managed to
make a little more.
3 Not long after that, Mokhtar moved on to greener pastures. He worked as 10
an odd-job labourer in Kuala Lumpur. Later, he was employed as a gardener,
keeping a rich man's lawn neat and tidy. During this time Mokhtar got married
and began to raise a family. However, the pressures of raising a family of four
children and living in the city were too much for him. So, he opted for a better-
paid job and became an ambulance driver with the General Hospital in Jalan 15
Raja Muda.
4 Those were difficult days. He realised that the duties of an ambulance
driver included duties like picking up patients and doing despatch work. At other
times, Mokhtar had to ferry sick students to and from examination centres. The
working hours were long and the salary was still not enough. 20
5 Mokhtar had to support his growing family. He decided to become a part-
time fruit and vegetable seller. In the evenings, after he had finished his work at
the hospital, he would go home and pack fruits and vegetables to market them
at the pasar malam in his neighbourhood. The extra income he earned came in
useful to pay for amenities, medical bills and his children's education. 25
6 His four children became the focus of his life. Mokhtar had only
completed primary six and therefore wanted his children to do better than he had
done. He believed that although he could not teach them, he could give them
support by being there with them while they were studying. He made it a point to
take his children to the public library and often spent his hard-earned money on 30
books for them.
7 In the 1980s, when his children were growing up, Mokhtar and his wife
were worried. They needed to ensure their children would not be influenced by
the teenagers in the neighbourhood who played truant or indulged in unhealthy
activities like using drugs. "My wife and I kept a strict eye on our children," he 35
said. "Every time they went out, we would check on them to make sure they
were in good company." Once in a while, the Mokhtar family could be seen at
picnic spots enjoying themselves. Mokhtar's children have grown up to be
responsible and independent adults.
8 A typical day in Mokhtar's life now begins at 5 a.m. with morning prayers. 40
Then, he has breakfast and begins work. His work ends before lunch time after
he has done at least four hours of driving his taxi.
9 It has been some thirty years since Mokhtar left Muar. He is a contented
man. "The years of hard work and the sacrifices I made for my family have paid
off," he said. He takes pride in his children: one is a lecturer, another, a 45
development project consultant, the third, a secretary and the youngest, a bank
employee. As for what the future holds, Mokhtar's only hope is that he remains
healthy and is able to lead a useful life, both for his family and society.
(Adapted from The Star July 2003 and SPM 2006)
Based on the passage about Mokhtar Shah, answer all questions. You are advised to answer
them in the order set.
1. a) From paragraph 1, what does Mokhtar do to keep himself busy?
(1 mark)
b) From paragraph 3, what did Mokhtar do as a gardener?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 4, besides patients, who did Mokhtar fetch in his ambulance?
(1 mark)
3. From paragraph 5, which word has the same meaning as the word ‘sell’?
(1 mark)
4. From paragraph 6,
a) what was the highest level of education Mokhtar had achieved?
(1 mark)
b) how did Mokhtar help his children in their studies? State two ways.
i) (1 mark)
ii) (1 mark)
5. a) From paragraph 7, why was it necessary for Mokhtar and his wife to watch over
their children closely?
(1 mark)
b) From paragraph 9, Mokhtar said that the years of hard work and the sacrifices he
made for his family had paid off. Do you agree with him? Give a reason using
your own words.

(2 marks)
Answer discussion
1. a) busy driving taxi
Clue: Line 3 (‘keeps busy…’)
From text: Lines 2-3 (‘Mokhtar is…..else’)
b) keeping a rich man’s lawn neat and tidy
Clue: Line 11 (as a gardener)
From text: Lines 11-12 (‘Later, …neat and tidy’)
2. sick students to and from examination centres
Clue: who (siapa – merujuk kepada orang)
3. market
Clue: sell – kata kerja, jawapan juga kata kerja
4. a) primary six
**[standard six / UPSR --- 0 mark] – jawapan mesti dari petikan
b) i) take his children to the public library
ii) spent his hard-earned money on books for them
iii) give them support (by being there with them while they were studying)
(accept any two)
5. a) They needed to ensure their children would not be influenced by the teenagers in the
neighbourhood who played truant or indulged in unhealthy activities like using drugs.
**[because the children would not be influenced by the teenagers --- 0 mark]
**[so that the children would not be influenced by the teenagers --- 1 mark]
b) Yes, all his children are successful now. --- 2 marks
**[Yes, his children have grown up to be responsible and independent adults --- 0 mark]
(Dipetik dari teks, bukan jawapan sendiri)
6. The article describes the life of Mokhtar Shah. Write a summary about what Mokhtar did to
earn money, and what he and his wife did to make sure that their children grew up well.

Your summary must :-

- be in continuous writing (not in note form)
- not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.
- use material from lines 5-39

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Begin your summary as follows:

After leaving school at the age of twelve, Mokhtar worked …

Guide: Read sentence by sentence to see if it contains a point. Underline the points
Pre-summarising Activity
Read the sentences below and place a tick ( / ) where you think is a point.
Paragraph 2
a) Mokhtar was originally from Muar, Johor. ( )
b) After leaving school at the age of twelve, he worked for his uncle at a small ( )
food stall.
c) He earned RM30 a month. ( )
d) After three years, he decided to set out on his own instead. ( )
e) He became an odd-job labourer doing different things for different people. ( )
f) He managed to make a little more. ( )
Paragraph 3
a) Not long after that, Mokhtar moved on to greener pastures. ( )
b) He worked as an odd-job labourer in Kuala Lumpur. ( )
c) Later, he was employed as a gardener, keeping a rich man's lawn neat and ( )
d) During this time Mokhtar got married and began to raise a family. ( )
e) However, the pressures of raising a family of four children and living in the city ( )
were too much for him.
f) So, he opted for a better-paid job and became an ambulance driver with ( )
the General Hospital in Jalan Raja Muda.
Paragraph 4
a) Those were difficult days. ( )
b) He realised that the duties of an ambulance driver included duties like picking ( )
up patients and doing despatch work
c) At other times, Mokhtar had to ferry sick students to and from examination ( )
d) The working hours were long and the salary was still not enough. ( )
Paragraph 5
a) Mokhtar had to support his growing family. ( )
b) He decided to become a part-time fruit and vegetable seller. ( )
c) In the evenings, after he had finished his work at the hospital, he would go ( )
home and pack fruits and vegetables to market them at the pasar malam in his
d) The extra income he earned came in useful to pay for amenities, medical bills ( )
and his children's education.
Paragraph 6
a) His four children became the focus of his life. ( )
b) Mokhtar had only completed primary six and therefore wanted his children to do ( )
better than he had done.
c) He believed that although he could not teach them, he could give them support ( )
by being there with them while they were studying.
d) He made it a point to take his children to the public library and often spent his ( )
hard-earned money on books for them.
Paragraph 7
a) In the 1980s, when his children were growing up, Mokhtar and his wife were ( )
b) They needed to ensure their children would not be influenced by the teenagers ( )
in the neighbourhood who played truant or indulged in unhealthy activities like
using drugs.
c) "My wife and I kept a strict eye on our children," he said. "Every time they went ( )
out, we would check on them to make sure they were in good company."
d) Once in a while, the Mokhtar family could be seen at picnic spots enjoying ( )
themselves. Mokhtar's children have grown up to be responsible and
independent adults.

The points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks = 10 points)

1. ( Age 12 ) – he worked for his uncle at a small food stall

2. ( Age 15 ) – was an odd-job labourer in Muar.
3. and in Kuala Lumpur
4. employed as a gardener (in Kuala Lumpur)/kept a (rich man’s) lawn neat and tidy
5. worked as an ambulance driver ( at the General Hospital in Jalan Raja Muda )
6. became a fruit and vegetable seller ( at the pasar malam / night market )
7. he used the ( extra ) money for amenities, health (medicine) , education
8. ( gave them support by ) being with them while they were studying
9. he took them to the ( public) library
10. he bought books for them
11. ensured that they were not influenced by the teenagers in the neighbourhood /
they were in good company
12. kept a strict eye on them / checked on them
13. he took them out for picnics

Sample summary

After leaving school at the age of twelve, Mokhtar worked at a food stall. Three years 1
later, he was an odd-job labourer. He continued to be an odd-job labourer when he 2
moved to Kuala Lumpur. Later, he worked as a gardener. To earn more to support his 3
growing family, he then worked as an ambulance driver. He soon became a part-time 4
fruit and vegetable seller to supplement his income. He used the money for amenities, 5
health and education. When his children were young, he was with them while they 6
were studying. He also took them to the library and bought books for them. He and 7
his wife kept a strict eye on them to ensure that they were in good company. They 8
took them out for picnics occasionally. 9
[130 words]
(15 marks)
Explanation on techniques:
(what Mokhtar did to earn money, and what he and his wife did to make sure that their
children grew up well)
 Check every line in the zone given and decide if it carries point/points. Write out the
points briefly. [no details]
 Write your summary in ONE paragraph by joining the points you have written with short
phrases and connectors.
L As appeared in text Points and explanations
6 He worked for his uncle at a small food stall. He * at a food stall
earned RM30 a month. After three years…on his [gerai makanan siapa tak penting-
own instead. fokus pd kerja] [RM30 tak penting]
7 He became an odd-job labourer doing different * -was an odd-job labourer
things for different people. He managed to earn a [tanpa odd, lain maksud]
bit more. [doing different… mere detail]
10 Not long after that, Mokhtar moved to greener [belum dinyatakan pekerjaannya]
pasture. He worked as an odd-job labourer in KL. * worked as odd-job labourer in
11 Later he was employed as a gardener, keeping a * employed as a gardener
rich man’s lawn neat and tidy. [keeping.. tak perlu terangkan
12 During this time he got married…pressure of -[Cuma masalah –tak ada isi]
raising..too much for him.
14 So he opted for a better-paid job and became an * worked as an ambulance
ambulance driver with the General Hospital in driver.[nama hospital – tak perlu,
Jalan Raja Muda cuma detail]
17 Those were difficult times…job of an ambulance [Perenggan 4- tiada isi, cuma
driver include… detail dan masalah yang dihadapi]
19 ferry sick students. Working hour long
…salary not enough
21 Mokhtar had to support his growing family. [bukan kerja atau cara didik anak]
He decided to become a part-time fruit and * became a part-time fruit and
vegetable seller. vegetable seller.
22 In the evening his neighbourhood [cara jual dan tempat- cuma detail]
24 The extra income he earned came in step in * He used the money for
useful to pay for amenities, medical bills and his amenities, health and education
children’s educion.
26 His four children became the focus of his life. [tiada isi- bukan pekerjaan atau
Mokhtar had only completed primary six and cara didik anak]
therefore…he believed that although…
28 …give them support by being there with them * he was with his children while
while they... studying they were studying
29 He made it a point to take his children to the * he took them to the library.
public library and often spent his hard-earned * he bought books for them
money on books for them.
32 In the 1980s, when his children….were worried. [tiada isi]
33 They needed to ensure their children would not * ensured that they were not
be influenced by the teenagers in the influenced by teenagers in the
neighbourhood who played truant or indulged neighbourhood negatively
in unhealthy activities like using drugs. Or...they were in good company.
35 “My wife and I kept a strict eye…on our children,” * kept a strict eye on them
he said. “Every time they went out, we would ..or… checked on them
36 check on them … in good company.” Once in a
while, the Mokhtar family could be seen at picnic * he took them out for picnic
spots enjoying themselves.
Read the following passage about Hummingbirds.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 The thrill of seeing the first hummingbird in my garden has never left me -
the sight of this unbelievably tiny creature with striking feathers flitting boldly from
flower to flower. To attract other birds, I began growing their favourite plants. Soon,
more hummingbirds began visiting my garden from May through late September,
before departing for countries with warmer climates. In 1998, the last one left on 5
October 3 - or so I thought.
2 On October 21, I went outdoors for my early morning chores. Suddenly, I
saw a young male hummingbird. I couldn't believe my eyes as I thought these birds
should have migrated by then. I quickly looked around the garden as hummingbirds
usually need to feed once every ten to fifteen minutes and my garden was bare. 10
This bird would have nothing to eat so I hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar.
However, the bird didn't seem to know what to do with it and kept circling a
particular spot. Finally, I placed a trail of plants leading to my conservatory, a
special room where I grew my flowers. When the hummingbird came inside, I
closed the door behind him to keep him safe and then set up another feeder. The 15
bird went from flower to flower before he discovered the feeder. He liked the nectar
and fed on it for the rest of the day.
3 Although I loved the idea of a hummingbird spending the winter in my
conservatory, I hesitated to take away his freedom. But I also didn't want him to die.
So I called an ornithologist, an expert on birds, for advice. He warned me that this 20
bird was probably not going to live and gave me three choices: I could keep the bird
all winter, or I could fatten him up and let him go after a few days, or I could find
someone to release him down south where it was warmer. I reasoned that if the
bird had nothing outside to eat that day, the next day wouldn't be any better. And
sending him south was not practical. However, I could provide suitable living 25
conditions to keep him warm in my conservatory. I named him Squeak because of
his constant squeaky chirping.
4 Offering Squeak a balanced diet now became my main concern. Besides
nectar, hummingbirds need protein from insects. The ornithologist then suggested
Nektar-Plus. I kept two feeders of this complete diet going at all times. As 30
hummingbirds love to bathe, I also bought a small plastic bird bath for Squeak. But
he had different plans as bath time was always a game to him. He would rather
slide around on the wet leaves and get his entire body soaked. After bathing, he
would fly around the room to dry himself. Once when he became sick, I had to
nurse him back to health. 35
5 As winter turned to spring, we had strengthened our friendship. Hoping that
he would make my garden his territory, I gave him a special treat. I filled a feeder
with a particularly sweet solution and held it in my hand. After just one taste,
Squeak loved it. He began watching for me and waiting eagerly by the door handle
for this treat. By then, he would even allow me to stroke him. I began to spend 40
time with him.
6 In early May, the other hummingbirds returned and when Squeak spotted
them outside, he became excited, chattering and flying rapidly to and fro. One day,
I saw him and another hummingbird hovering beak to beak with the window
between them and I knew then what had to be done. As much as I loved having 45
Squeak, I realised that I had to let him go. That morning, as usual, Squeak had a
shower after which I opened the door in the conservatory. I then coaxed him with a
treat in my hand. He came over for a sip, then flew back inside. He did it again and
again. Each time I moved farther away and after much coaxing, he finally came all
the way out to where I was. He took a drink, then inspected a plant hanging on the 50
porch. Suddenly he lifted up, flew over the roof of the house - and was gone. My
eyes filled with tears. I was sorry for releasing him - yet I also knew it was for the
best. (SPM 2011)

Based on the passage about HUMMINGBIRDS.

Answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1. From paragraph 1, what did the writer do to encourage more hummingbirds into her garden?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 2,
a) why was the writer surprised to see the hummingbird?
(1 mark)
b) what did the writer put in the feeder for the bird?
(1 mark)
3. From paragraph 3,
a) which word tells you that the writer was not sure what to do with the
bird? (1 mark)
b) there were three choices suggested by the ornithologist. Which option did the writer choose?
(1 mark)
4. a) From paragraph 4, what evidence is there to show that Squeak had fun during bath time?
(1 mark)
b) From paragraph 5, give two pieces of evidence to show that Squeak enjoyed his special treat.
Evidence 1 : (1 mark)
Evidence 2 : (1 mark)
5. In your own words, give two reasons why the writer was sad to release Squeak.
Reason 1 : (1 mark)
Reason 2 : (1 mark)
Answer discussion
1. The writer began growing the hummingbirds' favourite plants. (Pronoun “I” --- [x])
2. a) She thought all the birds would have migrated together. (Pronoun “I” --- [x])
b) The writer put some liquid nectar in the feeder for the bird.
He hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar. (Pronoun “I” --- [x])
3. a) hesitated. (Beri SATU perkataan sahaja.)
b) The writer chose to keep the bird warm in her conservatory during winter.
(keep warm --- 0 mark) (keep warm during winter --- 1 mark)
4. a) The evidence is that Squeak is said to treat bath time as a game and would rather
slide around on the wet leaves and get his entire body soaked.
b) Evidence 1: He watched and waited for the writer eagerly by the door handle
for his treat.
Evidence 2: He allowed the writer to stroke him.
5. Reason1: The writer was sad to release Squeak because she has developed affections
for him and a bond with him.
Reason2: She personally loves hummingbirds a lot and this experience was a thrill and
joy to her.
6. Summary:

Based on the passage, write a summary on how the writer showed her love and care for the

Use material from lines 10 to 41.

Your summary must not be more than 130 words.
Begin your summary as follows:
To show her love and care for the hummingbird, she...

The points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)

1. hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar.
2. placed a trail of plants leading to her conservatory
3. closed the door behind him to keep him safe
4. set up another feeder
5. called an ornithologist
6. provide suitable living conditions
7. keep him warm
8. a balanced diet
9. kept two feeders
10. complete diet going at all times
11. bought a small plastic bird bath
12. he became sick, she nursed him back
13. filled a feeder with a particularly sweet solution
14. spent more time with him

Sample summary

To show her love and care for the hummingbird, she hung out a feeder containing liquid 1
nectar for the hummingbird to feed on. As the hummingbird was confused, she placed 2
a trail of plants that led him to her conservatory. The hummingbird began to feed there. 3
After receiving an ornithologist's advice, she decided to keep the hummingbird all 4
winter, making sure that he was warm before letting it go. She also kept two feeders 5
with Nekter-Plus at all times. She made sure he had a balanced diet and even catered 6
to his love for bath time. She bought a small plastic bird bath for him that he thoroughly 7
enjoyed. When he got sick, she nursed him lovingly. She also fed him a sweet solution 8
that he loved and spent more time with him. 9
[133 words]
**133 words with 13 points
*** at 130th words, candidates already gave 12 points.
Explanation on techniques:
 how the writer showed her love and care for the hummingbird.
Points & comments
L Original text (Lines 10 – 41)
Note: change the 1st person to third person pronoun
I She My her
To show her love and care for the hummingbird, she ……
11 hung out a feeder containing liquid nectar. C1
12 However, the bird didn't seem to know what to do with it and X Bukan perbuatan
13 kept circling a particular spot. Finally, I placed a trail of plants C2 -bantu burung
14 leading to my conservatory, a special room where I grew my
15 flowers. When the hummingbird came inside, I closed the C3 -bird safe
door behind him to keep him safe and then set up another C4 -food
16 feeder. The bird went from flower to flower before he X
17 discovered the feeder. He liked the nectar and fed on it for X
18 the rest of the day. Although I loved the idea of a humming- X
19 bird spending the winter in my conservatory, I hesitated to X Cuma
take away his freedom. But I also didn't want him to die. X pendapat
20 So I called an ornithologist, an expert on birds, for advice. He C5 -seek advice
21 warned me that this bird was probably not going to live and X Pendapat
22 gave me three choices: I could keep the bird all winter, or I X pakar
could fatten him up and let him go after a few days, or I could X burung.
23 find someone to release him down south where it was X Belum ada
24 warmer. I reasoned that if the bird had nothing outside to eat X perbuatan
25 that day, the next day wouldn't be any better. And sending X penulis
him south was not practical. However, I could provide suitable C6
-kept the bird
26 living conditions to keep him warm in my conservatory. I C7
-caring for it
27 named him Squeak because of his constant squeaky X
chirping. X
28 Offering Squeak a balanced diet now became my main C8 -gave a
29 concern. Besides nectar, hummingbirds need protein from balanced diet
30 insects. The ornithologist then suggested Nektar-Plus. I kept C9 -food
two feeders of this complete diet going at all times. C10 -two feeders
(this - Nektar-Plus)
31 As hummingbirds love to bathe, I also bought a small plastic C11 -bought a bird
32 bird bath for Squeak. But he had different plans as bath time X bath
33 was always a game to him. He would rather slide around on X
the wet leaves and get his entire body soaked. After bathing, X
34 he would fly around the room to dry himself. Once when he C12 -nursed him back
35 became sick, I had to nurse him back to health. to health (*had to
nurse him [x])
36 As winter turned to spring, we had strengthened our X
37 friendship. Hoping that he would make my garden his X
38 territory, I gave him a special treat. I filled a feeder with a C13 -special treat /
particularly sweet solution and held it in my hand. After just X sweet solution
39 one taste, Squeak loved it. He began watching for me and X
40 waiting eagerly by the door handle for this treat. By then, he X
41 would even allow me to stroke him. I began to spend more C14 -time
time with him.
Read the following passage about various types of tourism and their functions.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 There are many reasons why people travel widely throughout the world. Today,
travelling has been made into an investment opportunity that the government in every
country tries to promote. In most countries, the development of tourism is seen as a
partnership between the private and public sectors.
2 Travel is considered a multifaceted product. It includes accommodation, 5
transport, restaurants, shopping facilities, entertainment, public infrastructure support
and others.
3 In Malaysia, the Travel Fair has been widely promoted. The Travel Fair aims to
develop a tourism sector which is of high quality. The Travel Fair helps to distribute the
economic benefits of tourism to the host country that is promoting tourism. Besides, it 10
gives the impression that there is a real connection between tourism and culture.
4 Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country rich in cultural heritage. Hence, the Travel
Fair encourages the use of tourism for both cultural and economic exchanges. With
this, the employment sector is also increased where more job opportunities are
created for the local people. Tourism is hailed as a ‘smokeless industry’ which brings 15
considerable multiplier effects to the economy, and help in the country’s economy
growth, therefore, be fully supported.
5 People travel for many purposes. So, there are many types of travel. In ethnic
tourism, the purpose of the travel is to observe the cultural expression and lifestyles of
truly exotic people. A very good example is shown by the travels to places of interest in 20
Sarawak such as to study the lifestyle of the Dayaks. Typical destination activities
would extend visits to native homes, attending cultural dances and possibly
participating in religious rituals.
6 In cultural tourism, the main aim of the travel is to experience the vanishing
lifestyle that lies within the human memory. Destination activities typically include 25
having meals in a rustic inn, costume festivals, folk dance performances, arts and craft
demonstrations. The emphasis is on culture and traditions of the country. Malaysia has
a wonderful potpourri of different races comprising three main groups – Malays,
Chinese and Indians in peninsular Malaysia; and numerous native groups in Sabah
and Sarawak. Visitors from all over the world can enjoy the colourful and kaleidoscopic 30
nation of Malaysia.
7 On the other hand, business tourism is characterised by the business
entrepreneurs undergoing meetings and seminars as part of the travel. The business
associates travel to cover some business deals and go sightseeing as the deals are
settled. 35
8 In historical tourism, the museums and memorial tours help to stress the glories
of colonial times. Historical events, legends and monuments are favoured destinations
for the tourists to see the picturesque view of past histories. Moreover, Malaysia’s
promotion of Melaka in particular and some of the sites of Kuala Lumpur and Penang,
dwell on this aspect of the country’s tourism resources. In regard to the colonial 40
experience, for example, is repackaged as ‘heritage’ and incorporated into a
generalised notion of Malaysian culture.
9 Finally, in environmental tourism, the emphasis is on natural and environmental
attractions. The purpose is to be back with nature where natural attractions such as
lush green forests, wetlands and caves are real things to see. The typical activities 45
available for environmental tourism include photography, hiking, canoeing, mountain
climbing and camping. In Malaysia, the attractions of nature are specifically promoted
in East Malaysia territories while ‘Green Holidays’ are a feature of certain parts in
peninsular Malaysia such as Taman Negara and the east coast states are cases in
point. 50
(Adapted: English 1119 Form 5, Penerbit
Based on the passage about various types of tourism and their functions, answer all
questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1 From paragraph 1, who are involved in promoting tourism?
(1 mark)
2 From paragraph 2, list two things that a travel may involve.
a. (1 mark)
b. (1 mark)
3 From paragraph 4, list two advantages of the Travel Fair.
a. (1 mark)
b. _ (1 mark)
4 a. From paragraph 6, give one word which means ‘consisting of’?
_ (1 mark)
b. From paragraph 8, why do you think Penang is the country’s tourism resource?
__ (1 mark)
c. From paragraph 9, where do you think the tourist will visit when he joins Green Holidays?
_ (1 mark)
5 If you were to travel, what type of tour would you choose? Give a reason.
Type of tour: (1 mark)
Reason: (1 mark)

Suggested Answers
1 a. the government, private and public sectors
(accept any ONE)
2 a. & b. accommodation / transport / restaurants / shopping facilities / entertainment /
public infrastructure support
(any TWO in any order)
3 a. & b. More job opportunities / bring multiplier effects to the economy / help in the
country’s economy growth
(accept any TWO)
4 a. comprising (Only ONE WORD)
b. rich in history / culture
c. Taman Negara / East-Coast States
(*do not accept activities)
5 Type of travel must be from the text.
Accept any reasonable answer.
Example of response:
Type of tour: cultural
Reason: I can have meals in a rustic inn.
6 Based on the passage given, write a summary of:

 the purpose of having the Travel Fair and

 describe the types of travel involved

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must

 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 8 to 48
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Our Malaysian government tries to promote the tourism sector to ……

The suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)
1. develop a tourism sector which is of high quality
2. distribute the economic benefits
3. there is a real connection between tourism and culture.
4. ethnic tourism
5. observe the cultural expression and lifestyles of truly exotic people.
6. cultural tourism
7. experience the vanishing lifestyle that lies within the human memory.
8. business tourism
9. travel to cover some business deals and go sightseeing as the deals are settled
10. historical tourism
11. stress the glories of colonial times / see the picturesque view of past histories.
12. environmental tourism
13. to be back with nature

Sample Summary

Our Malaysian government tries to promote the tourism sector to its highest 1
quality. Having Travel Fair helps to distribute economic benefits to the country. It also 2
shows a real connection between tourism and culture. There are 5 types of tourism. 3
The first is ethnic tourism that aims to observe the cultural expression and lifestyles of 4
truly exotic people. Next, cultural tourism provide experience of the vanishing lifestyle 5
that lies within human memory. Moreover, business tourism helps cover some business 6
deals and go sightseeing as the deals are settled. In addition, historical tourism 7
stresses on the glories of colonial times and enable one to see the picturesque view of 8
past histories. Lastly, environmental tourism enables tourists to be back with the nature. 9
( 120 words)
Explanation on techniques:

 the purpose of having the Travel Fair and

 describe the types of travel involved
L Original text (Lines 8 to the end) Points&Comments
8 In Malaysia, the Travel Fair has been widely promoted. The Travel
Fair aims to develop a tourism sector which is of high quality. The C1 – high quality
9 Travel Fair helps to distribute the economic benefits of tourism to C2 - economy
10 the host country, that is promoting tourism. Besides, it gives the X
11 impression that there is a real connection between tourism and C3 – real
culture. connection
13 Malaysia is a cosmopolitan country rich in cultural heritage. Hence,
14 the Travel Fair encourages the use of tourism for both cultural and
15 economic exchanges. With this, the employment sector is also Tiada
16 increased where more job opportunities are created for the local kaitan
17 people. Tourism is known as a ‘smokeless industry’ which brings
considerable multiplier effects to the economy, and help in the
18 country’s economy growth, therefore, be fully supported.
19 People travel for many purposes. So, there are many types of
20 travel. In ethnic tourism, the purpose of the travel is to observe the C4 – type 1
21 cultural expression and lifestyles of truly exotic people. A very C5 – description 1
22 good example is shown by the travels to places of interest in
Sarawak such as to study the lifestyle of the Dayaks. Typical Penjelasan
23 destination activities would extend visits to native homes, attending dan contoh
24 cultural dances and possibly participating in religious rituals.
25 In cultural tourism, the main aim of the travel is to experience the C6 – type 2
26 vanishing lifestyle that lies within the human memory. Destination C7 – description 2
27 activities typically include having meals in a rustic inn, costume
festivals, folk dance performances, art and craft demonstrations.
28 The emphasis is on culture and traditions of the country. Malaysia Penjelasan
29 has a wonderful potpourri of different races comprising three main dan contoh
30 groups – Malays, Chinese and Indians in peninsular Malaysia; and
31 numerous native groups in Sabah and Sarawak. Visitors from all
32 over the world can enjoy the colourful and kaleidoscopic nation of
33 On the other hand, business tourism is characterised by the C8 – type 3
34 business entrepreneurs undergoing meetings and seminars as part
35 of the travel. The business associates travel to cover some C9 - description 3
36 business deals and go sightseeing as the deals are settled.
37 In historical tourism, the museums and memorial tours help to C10 – type 4
38 stress the glories of colonial times. Historical events, legends and
39 monuments are favoured destinations for the tourists to see the C11 –description4
40 picturesque view of past histories. Moreover, Malaysia’s promotion
of Melaka in particular and some of the sites of Kuala Lumpur and
42 Penang, dwell on this aspect of the country’s tourism resources. In Penjelasan
regard to the colonial experience, for example, is repackaged as dan contoh
43 ‘heritage’ and incorporated into a generalised notion of Malaysian
44 Finally, in environmental tourism, the emphasis is on natural and C12 – type 5
45 environmental attractions. The purpose is to be back with nature C13 –description5
46 where natural attractions such as lush green forests, wetlands and
47 caves are real things to see. The typical activities available for
48 environmental tourism include photography….
Passage 5: AMIR
Read the following passage about Amir.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.
1 Since his childhood days, Amir had lived alone with his grandpa and the
two of them shared a very special relationship. They were always seen together
and seemed inseparable. Both of them had a common passion - football.
2 Amir was the smallest of the class when he entered secondary school.
Although he loved football, he was only selected as a reserve player as he was not 5
good enough and was also considered too short. He was always sitting on the
substitute's bench watching the game. However, as a determined person, Amir
always hoped he would be given a chance to play when he became a senior.
3 All through secondary school he came early for all the games, but
remained a substitute throughout the five years. Amir was very envious of the 10
other players who were all very much better than he. In his free time, Amir would
be watching videos of great football matches to improve his skills. Determined to
become a better player, he asked for extra tips from his coach. Not wanting to
disappoint him, the coach agreed but knew it would not make any difference.
Using the tips he had learnt, he practised regularly. His faithful grandpa would be 15
in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him. The coach and his
teammates were very impressed with his grandpa.
4 When Amir went to college, he decided to try out for the football team
there. Everyone was sure he would not be selected, but he proved them wrong.
He made the team but again as a reserve. The coach admitted that he kept Amir 20
on the reserve list because he had always put his heart and soul into every
practice. Besides, his dedication inspired the rest of his team. The news that he
had been selected thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest telephone to
call his grandpa. The old man was equally excited. Each time Amir's team played,
he made it a point to be there. The persistent young athlete never missed practice 25
during his four years at college but still he never got to play in any matches. It was
the end of his senior football season and, as he trotted onto the practice field
shortly before a match, the coach met him with a message. Amir read the note and
he turned pale. Swallowing hard, he mumbled to his coach, "My grandpa ... died
this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?" 30
5 The coach put his arm gently around his shoulders and said, "Take the rest
of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the game on Saturday.
Take care." Saturday arrived, and the game was not going too well. In the second
half, when the team was two goals behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into
the changing room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the side-lines, the 35
coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon
after his grandpa's death.
6 A whistle sounded. A player was injured and had to be taken off the field. A
substitute was needed. Amir boldly approached the coach. "Coach, please let me
play. I have just got to play today," Amir pleaded. 40
7 The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted his
worst player in such an important game. But Amir persisted and, finally feeling
sorry for him, the coach gave in. "All right," he said. "You can go on."
8 Before long, the coach, the players and the spectators could not believe
their eyes. This unknown little reserve, who had never played in the team before, 45
was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. His team
began to triumph. The score was soon tied at 2-2. In the closing seconds of the
game, Amir took control of the ball and raced past three defenders. The cheering
was thunderous. Amir had scored the winning goal! The fans were overjoyed. His
teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. It was indeed a sweet victory for 50
9 Finally, after the team had showered and left the changing room, the coach
noticed Amir sitting quietly in the corner all alone. Approaching him, the coach
patted his shoulders and said, "Amir, I can't believe it. You were fantastic! How did
you do it?" 55
10 Amir looked at the coach and with tears in his eyes he said, "Well, you
knew my grandpa died, but did you know that he was blind?" He swallowed hard
and forced a smile. "Grandpa came to all my games, but today was the first time
he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!" (SPM 2012)

Based on the passage about Amir,

answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1. a) From paragraph 2, give one reason why Amir was chosen only as a reserve player.
(1 mark)
b) From paragraph 3, why did the coach agree to give Amir extra tips?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 4,
a) how did Amir feel when he was selected as a reserve player?
(1 mark)
b) what news was conveyed in the message?

3) From paragraph 5, why do you think the coach and the other players were (1 mark)
surprised to see Amir?

4. a) From paragraph 7, why was the coach unwilling to allow Amir (1 mark)
to play in such an important match?

b) Which word in paragraph 8 has the same meaning as 'deafening'? (1 mark)

(1 mark)
c) From paragraph 9, why do you think Amir was sitting all alone in the corner?
(1 mark)
5. What kind of man was Amir's grandpa? Give one quality and provide a
reason to support your answer.
Quality : (1 mark)
Reason : (1 mark)
Suggested Answers
1 a) Amir was not good enough.
b) The coach did not want to disappoint Amir.
2. Amir felt thrilled when he was selected as a reserve player.
3. a) The message conveyed the news that his grandpa died that morning.
b) They did not expect him to be back so soon after his grandpa's death.
4. a) Amir was the worst player, hence the coach had no confidence in him.
b) 'thunderous'. (*question asked for ONE WORD, give answer in ONE WORD)
The word is thunderous (0 mark)
The cheering was thunderous. (0 mark)
The word is “thunderous” (1mark)
c) Amir was probably thinking about his grandpa.
5. Quality: Supportive.
Reason: Although he was blind, he made it a point to be at all Amir's games and
practices to lend him moral support.
6. Based on the passage given and use material from lines 9 to 51, write a summary of:

* Amir's effort to achieve success in football after he became a reserve player, and
* how he surprised his coach on the day of the important match

Your summary should not be more than 130 words including the first 10 words given below:
After Amir had been chosen as a reserve player, he ...

The Suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)

1. would watch videos of outstanding football matches

2. asked for additional tips
3. used them in his regular practices
4. put his heart and soul into every practice
5. never missed any practice
6. was there each time his team played
7. he appeared so soon after his grandpa's death
8. pleaded with his coach
9. he did everything right
10. his opponents could not stop him
11. he took control of the ball,
12. raced past the defenders
13. scored a winning goal

Sample Summary

After Amir had been chosen as a reserve player, he would watch videos of 1
outstanding football matches to improve his skills. He asked for additional tips from his 2
coach and used them in his regular practices. In college, he remained a substitute but 3
put his heart and soul into every practice and never missed any practice. He was there 4
each time his team played. On the day of the important match, he surprised his coach 5
and teammates when he appeared so soon after his grandpa's death. He pleaded with 6
his coach to let him play. Finally, the coach agreed and Amir surprised everyone as he 7
played. He did everything right and his opponents could not stop him. He took control of 8
the ball, raced past the defenders and scored a triumphant, winning goal. 9
(133 words)
**133 words with 13 points
*** at 130th words, candidates already gave 12 points.
Explanation on techniques:
* Amir's effort to achieve success in football after he became a reserve player, and
* how he surprised his coach on the day of the important match
Points &
L Original text (Lines 9 – 51) comments
9 All through secondary school he came early for all the games, but
10 remained a substitute throughout the five years. Amir was very envious Bukan
11 of the other players who were all very much better than he. In his free usaha
12 time, Amir would be watching videos of great football matches to C1–watching
13 improve his skills. Determined to become a better player, he asked for video C2–
14 extra tips from his coach. Not wanting to disappoint him, the coach ask for extra
15 agreed but knew it would not make any difference. Using the tips he tips
had learnt, he practised regularly. His faithful grandpa would be in the C3 – practice
16 stands, always with words of encouragement for him. The coach and regularly
17 his teammates were very impressed with his grandpa.
18 When Amir went to college, he decided to try out for the football team
19 there. Everyone was sure he would not be selected, but he proved
20 them wrong. He made the team but again as a reserve. The coach
21 admitted that he kept Amir on the reserve list because he had always C4 Put heart and
22 put his heart and soul into every practice. Besides, his dedication soul into practice
inspired the rest of his team. The news that he had been selected
23 thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest telephone to call his
24 grandpa. The old man was equally excited. Each time Amir's team C6 – was there
25 played, he made it a point to be there. The persistent young athlete when team played
26 never missed practice during his four years at college but still he never C5 never missed
any practice
27 got to play in any matches. It was the end of his senior football season
28 and, as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before a match, the
coach met him with a message. Amir read the note and he turned pale.
29 Swallowing hard, he mumbled to his coach, "My grandpa ... died this
30 morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?"
31 The coach put his arm gently around his shoulders and said, "Take the
32 rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to come back to the
33 game on Saturday. Take care." Saturday arrived, and the game was
34 not going too well. In the second half, when the team was two goals
35 behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the changing room and
put on his football gear. As he ran onto the side-lines, the coach and C7 – was back
36 his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so so soon after
37 soon after his grandpa's death. grandpa’s death
38 A whistle sounded. A player was injured and had to be taken off the
39 field. A substitute was needed. Amir boldly approached the coach. C8 – pleaded
40 "Coach, please let me play. I have just got to play today," Amir pleaded. to play
41 The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted
42 his worst player in such an important game. But Amir persisted and, Perihal / reaksi
43 finally feeling sorry for him, the coach gave in. "All right," he said. "You ‘coach’
can go on."
44 Before long, the coach, the players and the spectators could not C9 doing
45 believe their eyes. This unknown little reserve, who had never played everything right
46 in the team before, was doing everything right. The opposing team C10 – opponent
47 could not stop him. His team began to triumph. The score was soon could not stop him
48 tied at 2-2. In the closing seconds of the game, Amir took control of the C11 –took control
49 ball and raced past three defenders. The cheering was thunderous. of ball, C12-raced
Amir had scored the winning goal! The fans were overjoyed. His past defenders,
teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. It was indeed a sweet C13- scored goal
victory for Amir.
Passages 6 – 10 are for practices
Passage 6: Read the following passage about A Lesson Learned.
Then, answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 Ari stood there listening to the stern words of his father.

2 His father had gathered the three children into their enclosed patio and had
the look on his face that said that one of them erred. ‘Which one of you did this?’
the father asked with a loud voice.
3 Ari, his elder sister and elder brother all stared down at the floor containing 5
the art of a child’s handwriting in chalk. Ari stood there, trembling on the inside and
hoped that no one else could see it. Will Father know it was him? Ari secretly
wondered. Scared, the only words that came from his mouth were, ‘Not me, Dad.’
4 The others denied it as well. Of course, they knew that one of them must
have done it. But, Ari, being the youngest and smallest of the three, just couldn’t 10
find the nerve to tell the truth. It wasn’t that he was a bad kid. Lying was not
normal for him. But the look on his dad’s face that evening sent a chill up and
down his
spine and somehow he couldn’t bring himself to tell his father the truth.
5 The father had a way about him that made Ari afraid. But he loved his
father for it too, because it gave Ari his limits, his boundaries of what he could and 15
could not do. Ari wanted to please him, of course. Maybe that’s why he held back
the truth that day. He was afraid of disappointing the one man he looked up.
6 Without saying a word, the father disappeared for only minutes and came
back with a piece of paper and a pencil. He was so determined to find the culprit!
7 ‘I want each of you to write exactly what you see on the patio floor.’ Ari was 20
not a stupid kid, and when his turn came, he desperately wrote the words
differently. So when his dad compared the handwriting, he still couldn’t tell which
one of them did it.
8 Frustrated, he stood a step above them and looked down at his three small
kids. ‘I’m going to give you one more chance to confess.’ 25
9 He continued to stand there for a few minutes, but to Ari it seemed like an
eternity. Not surprisingly, neither his brother nor his sister spoke up. Why should
they? He was the one who did it. Should he say something? Is it too late? He’ll be
mad! So again, panicky, Ari held his tongue.
10 ‘Well, if someone had come forward when I asked, there would have been 30
no chastisement.’ Oh, no! I’ve lost my chance! But now it’s too late. Stupid, stupid,
stupid! I should have confessed! Now I’m gonna get it! Ari thought to himself.
11 Father took them all in the house as tears welled up in Ari’s eyes.
12 ‘Since none of you seemed to have done it, then you all get a spanking.’
What?! Still, Ari stood there and said nothing. The last thing he wanted was a 35
13 ‘I did it,’ someone said and Ari was pretty sure it wasn’t him.
14 He looked around to see his sister come forward. Huh? She did it? No, she
didn’t, because he did. Why was she taking the blame for something he did?
Feeling guilty, yet still scared to confess, Ari stood there knowing his sister was 40
going to get spanked for something he did. And he let it happen. He didn’t speak
up. They refrained from talking about the day for many years. Not until they were
all older and Ari knew it was safe to finally tell his father it was really him. By that
time, he had already figured out why his sister had taken the rap for it.
15 She had become his protector, his worrywart, his best friend. And because 45
of that, she would have rather taken the pain herself than see him suffer.
16 They joke about it now – all of them, including his sister. And as he always
felt guilty because of it, that was the last time he let anyone take the blame for him.
17 When he thinks back on that day, he knows he learned the value of family
ties, of a sister who would do anything for him. And he’s glad to be able to say he 50
knows that now he would reciprocate her actions for her.
(A Lesson Learned by Lynn Lombard, Source Unknown
Adaped from English Form 4 KBSM : Pelangi Publication

Based on the passage about ‘a lesson learned’, answer all questions.

You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1 From paragraph 3,
(a) what had happened to the floor of the patio?
(1 mark)
(b) why do you think Ari was trembling when the father confronted the children?
(1 mark)
2 From paragraph 5, give two reasons why Ari did not admit the truth to his father.
a) (1 mark)

b) (1 mark)
3 From paragraph 6-7,
(a) why did the father ask each of the children to write exactly what was on the patio floor?
(1 mark)
(b) why wasn’t the father able to catch the culprit based on the handwriting?
(1 mark)
4 From paragraph 14,
(a) which word has the same meaning as ‘admit’?
(1 mark)
(b) what did Ari do when his sister got spanked?
(1 mark)
5 Ari did not admit his wrong doing. Do you approve to Ari’s action? Give a reason for your

(2 marks)
6 Based on the passage given, write a summary on:
 the meeting between the father and his three children and
 how the sister saved her brother from being punished
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 2 to 44
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
The father demanded to know which child committed the misdeed ……

Answer key:

1 (a) it contains the art of a child’s handwriting in chalk

(b) scared that his father knew it was him

2 a) afraid of disappointing his father

b) wanted to please his father

3 a) He was so determined to find the culprit

b) Ari wrote the words differently

4 a) confess
b) he just stood there. / he remained silent.

5 Accept any reasonable answer.

Award either 0 mark or 2 marks. If answer is only ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, award 0 mark
Sample answers:
Yes. (0 mark)
No. (0 mark)
Yes, because he is still young. (2 marks)
No, he has to learn the lesson of life. (2 marks)

The points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks = 10 points)

 The meeting between the father and his three children and
 how the sister saved her brother from being punished

1 gathered the three children into their enclosed patio

2 all stared down at the floor containing the art of a child’s handwriting in chalk
3 father asked with a loud voice
4 The others denied it as well
5 Ari couldn’t find the nerve to tell the truth
6 the father came back with a piece of paper and a pencil
7 He was so determined to find the culprit
8 Ari wrote the words differently
9 his dad compared the handwriting, he still couldn’t tell which one of them did it
10 Frustrated, he stood a step above them and looked down at his three small kids
11 neither his brother nor his sister spoke up
12 (Father took them all in the house and) wanted to give them a spank
13 his sister come forward
14 his sister was going to get spanked
Passage 7: THE LESSONS

Read the following passage about The Lessons.

Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 A few weeks ago, I was rushing through my work while holding a cup of coffee
in one hand and an important document in the other. What began as a typical Monday
morning, became a day I would remember because of the lessons I learned.
2 My uncle from Australia dropped in to see me. I was surprised to see him as it
had been quite a while since we met. He looked a little older but otherwise was bright 5
and cheerful. He had that twinkle in his eyes that seemed to light up his whole face and
when he spoke, it was in a deep baritone voice. You know the kind of voice that
sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business. We talked about the usual
things and exchanged news about the family. I told him that the children were busy with
school and that I hardly had any time to be with them. Luckily my efficient wife took care 10
of everything and I could concentrate on the business. My work took me away from the
family but I was working for their sakes, I told him. My business was flourishing and I
was making good money. He looked at me quietly as I chatted.
3 He asked me if I had time to listen to his philosophy of a thousand marbles. I
was intrigued and asked him to explain. “Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you’re busy with 15
your job. I’m sure you are doing well but it’s a shame you have to be away from home
and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or
seventy hours a week. Too bad you missed your daughter’s participation in the school
concert. That was a shame.”
4 He continued, “Let me tell you something, Tom, something that has helped me 20
keep a good perspective of my own priorities.” And that’s when he began to explain his
theory of a thousand marbles. “You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic.
The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know. Some live more and some
live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years.
5 Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900, which is the 25
number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime. Now stick with
me Tom, I’m getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to
think about all this in any detail,” he went on, “and by that time I had live through over
twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only
had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. 30
6 So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up
having to visit three toy stores to round-up 1000 marbles. I took them home and put
them inside of a large, clear plastic container right there in the room next to my gear.
Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and throw it away.
7 I found that by watching the marbles reducing in numbers, I focused more on 35
the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time here on this
earth run out to get your priorities straight. Now let me tell one last thing before I leave.
This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure if I make it until
next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all
use is a little more time. It was nice to see you Tom, I hope you spend more time with 40
your family, and I hope to see you again.”
8 I saw him to the door and sat down quietly in the room. I put aside my papers
and decided to call my wife. I think I will take her out for a meal and spend a little more
time with the children too. Everything else can wait.
(Adapted from “Menguasai Soalan Bertopik SPM English 1119 : Penerbitan Sasbadi)
Based on the passage about the lessons,
answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1 From paragraph 1, what was special about that Monday to the writer?
(1 mark)
2 From paragraph 2,
a. why did the writer think that his uncle should be in the broadcasting business?
(1 mark)
b. which word conveys the meaning of ‘doing well’?
(1 mark)
3 a. From paragraph 3, why does the writer’s uncle call missing the concert ‘a shame’?
(1 mark)
b. From paragraph 4, what has the thousand-marble theory made the writer’s
uncle think about?
(1 mark)
4 a. From paragraph 5,
i. how many Saturdays does an average person have in his lifetime?
__ (1 mark)
ii. at what age did the uncle come up with his theory in detail?
(1 mark)
b. From paragraph 6, what did the uncle do every Saturday?
(1 mark)
5 In your opinion, what lesson did the writer learn from his uncle? Give a reason why the lesson
was beneficial?
Lesson : (1 mark)
Reason : (1 mark)
6 Based on the passage given, write a summary on

 Tom’s lifestyle and

 the lesson the uncle shared with him through the story on thousand marble.

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original

Your summary must

 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 8 to the end
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

Tom was always busy with his work and did not…
Passage 7: THE LESSONS

Suggested Answers

1 Gain important lessons

2 a) He has a deep baritone voice
b) flourishing
3 a) have to be away from home and family so much / not spending time with the family
b) own / self-priorities
4 ai) 3900
aii) fifty-five years old
b) took one marble out and throw it away
5 Lesson : spend more time with family
Reason : life is short

6 Summary
 Tom’s lifestyle and
 the lesson the uncle shared with him through the story on thousand marble.

The Suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)
1. hardly had any time to be with them (the family)
2. concentrate on the business
3. making good money
4. missed his daughter’s participation in the school concert
5. working for his family sakes
6. keep a good perspective of one own priorities
7. average person lives about seventy-five years
8. 3900 is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their
entire lifetime
9. watching the marbles reducing in numbers
10. focused more on the really important things in life
11. get the priorities straight
12. given a little extra time
13. spend more time with family
Passage 8: THE FIRE

Read the following passage about The Fire.

Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.
1 Leng Keong was just a young boy living in a small town. He looked up to his
elder brother, Leng Ti. He thought that his brother was the smartest and coolest
boy in town.
2 He had heard so much about his adventures with his friends. He felt green
with envy whenever he saw his brother going out with his friends; he had wished 5
that he could be one of them. After all, he was already eleven, only a year or two
younger than the boys who were hanging out with Leng Ti.
3 So one day, when Leng Ti and his friends asked him to go with them to their
hideout under the bridge at the edge of the town, he was excited. He thought it was
going to the best day of his life – he was finally going to be part of the ‘cool’ gang in 10
4 However, while they were on the way there, Leng Ti and his friends kept
talking about ‘Project A’. Leng Keong felt odd but he was afraid of being branded as
stupid so he did not ask them what ‘Project A’ was. Besides, he didn’t want Leng Ti
to send him home. He had waited for this chance for such a long time. 15
5 When they reached the bridge, Leng Ti’s friend, Raju, asked him to keep
watch while they sat under the bridge. Then, Raju whipped out a pack of cigarettes
while another friend brought out a lighter. Soon, all of them began to smoke.
6 Leng Keong stood rooted to the ground, too shocked to move. His brother
whom his parents were so proud of and whom he had worshipped, was puffing 20
away. This was the very thing their parents had warned them about. In fact, his
father had told them about the dangers of smoking just a week ago. Leng Ti had sat
there so innocently and promised his father that he would not smoke. Leng Keong
felt so disgusted with his brother. Suddenly, he felt betrayed.
7 Finally, one of the boys came over to his post and gave him a cigarette. He 25
just held it with his shaking hands. “I don’t think… I don’t want to do this…” he
murmured. As soon as he said that, everyone looked at him and started laughing at
him. ‘You are such a baby! Eh, Leng Ti has brought a baby!’ Everyone laughed.
8 Determined to prove them wrong, Leng Keong lit the cigarette and began to
smoke. It was really awful. He kept coughing and could hardly breathe. The taste 30
was so disgusting but he kept on puffing. Leng Ti came over and took it away from
him. Leng Keong could not look into his eyes. He was afraid Leng Ti would be able
to read his fears and disgust.
9 Just then someone yelled: “Hey, look!” there was a small fire on the left side
of the bridge. Someone had not stubbed out his cigarette properly and it had 35
started a small fire in a patch of grass. Leng Ti and his friends sauntered over
slowly, thinking that it was a small fire. They had a competition to see who could
trample out the flames first.
10 They shoved and pushed each other as they stamped on each other’s feet,
giggling and laughing. But the fire grew bigger and started spreading quickly to the 40
other side. Panicking, they took off their shirts and tried to beat out the fire. The
boys threw their drinking water on the fire, but to no avail. The fire became
uncontrollable and soon, it spread quickly.
11 When the boys realised that they had caused a major disaster, they ran
helter-skelter. Leng Ti grabbed Leng Keong and ran all the way home. He asked 45
Leng Keong to swear that he would never tell their parents. Leng Keong was
terrified and hoped that someone had seen the flames and called the fire brigade.
12 At dinner, the boys were strangely quiet. Their father told them that there
was a fire near the bridge. He blamed it on the dry weather. Fortunately, someone
had indeed spotted the fire and the fire was put out before it reached the houses. 50
After dinner, Leng Ti even offered to wash the dishes, something he rarely did.
Leng Keong escaped into the sanctuary of his room and heaved a sigh of relief.
Their parents did not suspect anything but to this day, the brothers have never had
another cigarette in their lives because of what happened that day.
( Adapted from Longman : Reference Text Series ENGLISH SPM)

Based on the passage about The Fire, answer all questions.

You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1 From paragraph 2,
a. what did Leng Ti always do?
(1 mark)
b. which phrase means jealousy?
(1 mark)
2 a. From paragraph 4, though curious, why Leng Keong did not ask about Project A?
(1 mark)
b. From paragraph 6, why Leng Keong was too stunned to move?
(1 mark)
3 From paragraph 8, why do you think Leng Ti went to Leng Keong and took the cigarette from
(1 marks)
4 From paragraph 10-11,
a. what did the boys do when the fire got bigger?
(1 mark)
b. what did they do when they knew they had caused a major disaster?
(1 mark)
c. If you were Leng Keong, would you tell your parents about your brother’s (Leng Ti)
smoking habit?

_ (2 marks)
5 From paragraph 12, why do you think Leng Ti offered to wash the dishes?
(1 mark)
6 Based on the passage given, write a summary on
 Leng Keong’s actions and his feelings when he was invited to join Leng Ti and
 The brothers’ reactions during and after the fire
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 12 to 47
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
He felt very happy to join his brother and friends ……
Passage 8: THE FIRE

Suggested Answers

1 a. going out with his friends / hanging out with his friends (Having the idea of always
out with friends)
b. green with envy
2 a. he didn’t want Leng Ti to send him home
b. Leng Keong felt so disgusted with his brother / he saw his brother smoking
3 Leng Keong kept coughing and could hardly breathe / the smoke choked him
4 a. they took off their shirts and tried to beat out the fire /
The boys threw their drinking water on the fire
b. they ran helter-skelter
c. Accept any reasonable answer.
Award either 0 mark or 2 marks. If answer is only ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, award 0 mark
Sample answers:
Yes. (0 mark)
No. (0 mark)
Yes, I do not want him to be a smoker/ I want him to get scolded. (2 marks)
No, that is none of my business. (2 marks)
5 He felt guilty.

6 Summary

 Leng Keong’s actions and his feelings when he was invited to join Leng Ti and
 the brothers’ reaction during and after the fire

The suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)

1. felt odd
2. afraid of being branded as stupid
3. did not ask them what ‘Project A’ was
4. didn’t want Leng Ti to send him home
5. watch while Leng Ti and his friends sat under the bridge
6. stood rooted to the ground, too shocked to move
7. felt so disgusted with his brother
8. felt betrayed
9. lit the cigarette and began to smoke
10. Leng Ti and his friends sauntered over slowly
11. They had a competition to see who could trample out the flames first
12. They shoved and pushed each other as they stamped on each other’s feet,
giggling and laughing
13. they took off their shirts and tried to beat out the fire
14. The boys threw their drinking water on the fire
15. they ran helter-skelter
16. hoped that someone had seen the flames and called the fire brigade

Read the following passage about Rahim and Salim.

Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 Rahim and Salim remembered well the days when their father had taken them
to their farm. He had told them that the farm would be theirs when he was gone. He
wanted them to work hard and manage the farm well. He also told them not to fight over
the farm but to share everything and to live happily. ‘Let your families grow up together
and be a source of strength to each other.’ The brothers had agreed. 5
2 The two families were happy farming side by side, sharing profits and doing
things together. There was much love and laughter among the family members.
Rahim’s wife, Farah and Salim’s wife, Khatijah got along very well. Their children too
enjoyed playing and studying together. The brothers worked together on the farm and
things went well. Petty quarrels among the children were handled easily and forgotten. 10
However, one day Rahim’s son Rozan hurt himself badly on the farm and the blame fell
on Salim’s son Aznil. Rozan insisted that Aznil had purposely caused the fall and was
furious with him. The two brothers were angry about the incident and this slowly led to a
rift which became worse as time went on. Their wives saw the brothers breaking up and
were devastated to see the two families fall apart. 15
3 When Rahim celebrated his son’s birthday, for the first time he refused to invite
his brother’s family. Salim was embittered by his insult and refused to have anything to
do with his brother. It was the first serious rift in 30 years of living together. Everything
had gone well for so long but slowly the chains of relationship fell apart. At first the
relationship was just a strained one but slowly it lapsed into weeks of silence. The 20
brothers refused to talk and the children cold-shouldered each other. The brothers by
agreement worked on their respective side of the land that was separated by a stream
and had little to do with each other. Farah and Khatijah did not talk to each other in the
presence of others, but shared moments of friendship as they worried over the situation
in their homes. 25
4 One morning there was a knock on Rahim’s door. He opened it to find a rough-
looking man with a carpenter’s toolbox. ‘I’m looking for a few days’ work,’ he said.
‘Perhaps you would have a few small jobs here and there I could help with? Could I
help you?’ the man looked expectantly at Rahim.
5 ‘Yes,’ said Rahim. ‘I do have a job for you. Look at the farm next door. That is 30
my brother’s farm. I do not want to see my brother or his children anymore. See that
pile of lumber by the road? I want you to build me a fence – a high fence over the
stream between our two farms – so I won’t need to see his place or his face anymore.’
6 The carpenter said, ‘I think I understand the situation. Show me the nails and I’ll
be able to do a job that pleases you,’ Rahim had to go to town, so he helped the 35
carpenter get the materials ready and then he was off for the day. The carpenter
worked hard all day measuring, sawing and nailing. About sunset when Rahim
returned, the carpenter had just finished his job. Rahim’s eyes opened wide and his jaw
dropped. There was no fence there at all. It was a bridge – a bridge stretching across
the stream that ran between the farms! It was a fine piece of work indeed. As Rahim 40
stared in astonishment, he saw Salim coming towards them, his hands outstretched. He
was happy to make up with his brother again.
7 ‘ You are a great man to build this bridge after all I’ve said and done,’ said Salim
looking very ashamed. The two brothers stood at each end of the bridge, and then they
met in the middle, taking each other’s hand. They turned to see the carpenter get his 45
toolbox and get ready to leave. ‘No, wait! Stay a few days. I’ve a lot of other projects for
you,’ said Rahim.
8 ‘I’d love to stay on,’ the carpenter said, ‘but, I have work to do elsewhere too.’
(Adapted from Modul SMK Sultan Ismail, Johor Bahru)
Based on the passage about Rahim and Salim
Answer all questions. You are advised to answer them in the order set.
1. From paragraph 1, why did the father of the two sons want them to live together?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 2,
a) what can you tell of the relationship between the two brother’s wives?
(1 mark)
b) what caused the rift between the two brothers?
(1 mark)
3. From paragraph 3,
a) how did Salim feel when his family was not invited to his brother’s son’s birthday?
(1 mark)
b) what does the phrase ‘cold-shouldered each other’ tell you about the relationship
between the children?
(1 mark)
4. From paragraph 5,
a) what did Rahim want the carpenter to do?
(1 mark)
b) do you agree with Rahim’s action? Give your reason.

(2 marks)
5. In your own words, what kind of a person is the carpenter? Give a reason to support your

___ (2 marks)
6. Based on the passage given, write a summary on
 the relationship soon after Rahim’s and Salim’s father’s death and
 the relationship after Rahim’s son got injured

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 7 to 50
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
Rahim and Salim were brothers. After their father’s death, they…
Passage 9: Rahim and Salim

Suggested Answers

1. wanted them to work hard and manage the farm well

2. a) got along very well
b) The two brothers were angry about Rahim’s son Rozan hurt himself badly on
the farm and the blame fell on Salim’s son Aznil
3. a) embittered
b) refused to have little to do with each other
4. a) build a fence – a high fence over the stream between two farms
b) Accept any reasonable answer.
Award either 0 mark or 2 marks. If answer is only ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, award 0 mark
Sample answer:
Yes. (0 mark)
No. (0 mark)
Yes, it is better not to talk than to fight with each other. (2 marks)
No, blood is thicker than water. (2 marks)
5. He is a great man that rebuilds the brothers’ relationship.
He is concern and decided to make up the brothers’ relationship.


The suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)
 the relationship soon after Rahim’s and Salim’s father’s death and
 the relationship after Rahim’s son got injured

1. happy farming
2. sharing profits
3. doing things together / worked together
4. two brothers were angry about Rozan blaming Aznil
5. slowly lead to a rift
6. became worse as time went on
7. Rahim refused to invite Salim’s family
8. Salim was embittered by his insult
9. Salim refused to have anything to do with his brother
10. The brothers refused to talk
11. They worked on their respective side of their land
12. They had little to do with each other
13. Rahim wanted to build a fence between the two farms
14. Salim was happy to make up with his brother again
Passage 10: BEING SAFE
Read the following passage about Being Safe.
Then answer questions 1 – 5. Question 6 is summary.

1 “Hurry up children, your Ong Ngoai must be hungry by now,” Mother called out
from the front room of our family home in TayNinh, Vietnam. She had carefully placed
steamed rice, fried chicken and vegetables in each compartment of the lunch rack, all
set to be delivered to Ong Ngoai, our grandfather. My father, a staff sergeant with the
Philippine Air Force, worked as a surgical technician for eight years and had married 5
Mother, a local girl. Because of his work, he was away from home for weeks at a time.
Mother was a housewife who took great care of Trang and me. She gave us the daily
noon time job of taking lunch to our grandfather, who lived alone in a small rented
2 “Here, send the food to Ong Ngoai quickly. Be careful not to spill the food,” she 10
3 I was six years old. Trang, my sister, who was eight years older, was helping
me get dressed. I was excited at the thought of getting out of the house.
4 Mother, ever-concerned, recited her list of reminders as she always did every
day: “Stay on the side of the road. Look both ways before crossing the street. Don’t 15
stop to talk to strangers. Come back straight to the house after you have delivered the
food. Do not stop anywhere along the way. Run along now.”
5 So hand in hand, with Trang carrying the lunch rack, we scurried one block
down the road to our grandfather’s place. He was a retired judge and I was happy to
see him every day. It was he who gave me my first cac (the equivalent of cents at that 20
6 It was 1974 and war was spreading all over Vietnam, but in TayNinh life was
peaceful and continued as usual. However, on that particular day, as Trang and I made
our way to grandfather’s place, whizz!
7 “Duck!” Trang cried as we walked along. “Stay low and take cover!” 25
8 Ratatatatat! Somewhere in the mountains just outside town, Vietcong soldiers
fired their flying bullets down our path. I bent so low that I actually dragged my face
along the ground as I ran.
9 As we squatted at the side of the road, covering our heads, I started to worry
about Ong Ngoai. He liked his food served hot. If we did not get there on time and his 30
lunch turned cold - oh, I did not like the thought of it! I refused to let this outbreak of
shooting slow us down. “Let’s just run for it!” I said.
10 Trang suggested duckwalking down the road but it was not a good idea. After a
few paces, my short little legs began cramping. We tried all the manoeuvres that could
save our lives but nothing seemed to work. We were ready to sit things out until the 35
shooting was over. Then I suddenly remembered. If we ever came under fire, our
elders had told us time after time, we should run from side to side. “Bullets travel in a
straight line,” they said. “Run in a zigzag.”
11 So taking a deep breath, we set off again, running wildly back and forth across
the road. After what seemed forever, the shooting ceased. “God Almighty be praised, 40
the food is still warm,” was all I could say after we arrived at our grandfather’s
apartment, completely unaware of the danger from which we had just escaped. Five
cents awaited each of us!
12 As an adult, I sometimes look back on that eventful day. I now know what my
young mind could not understand then: it is impossible to go through life without 45
hardship and struggles being thrown at you. They come when you least think they
would, like when you are happily walking down a street and bullets start flying at you.
You can try to avoid them all you want, but as long as you are alive, they will keep
coming, from all directions. Sure, you might get wounded, but you just have to bandage
your wounds, pick yourself up and start walking again. 50
(Adapted from Reader’s Digest, May 2006)
Based on the passage about Being Safe, answer all questions.
You are advised to answer them in the order set.

1. a) From paragraph 1, what did the writer and her sister have to do every day at noon?
(1 mark)
(b) From paragraph 3, what made the writer feel happy and enthusiastic?
(1 mark)
2. From paragraph 5,
(a) which word has the same meaning as the word “hurried’?
(1 mark)
(b) how did the writer feel when she met her grandfather each day?
(1 mark)
3. From paragraph 6,
(a) how was life in TayNinh different from the rest of Vietnam?
(1 mark)
(b) what do you think had made the “whizz” sound?
(1 mark)
4. (a) From paragraph 11, what did the grandfather give the writer as a reward?
__ (1 mark)
(b) From paragraph 12, what does the word “they” in line 43 refer to?
(1 mark)
5. Do you agree with the writer that when we are facing problems, we need to pick ourselves up
and walk again? Give a reason for your answer.

(2 marks)
6. Based on the passage given, write a summary on:
 the advice the writer’s mother gave her and her sister and
 what the writer and her sister did during the shooting
Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original
Your summary must
 be in continuous writing form (not in note form)
 use material from lines 10 to 44
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below
Begin your summary as follows:
The writer’s mother reminded her and her sister not to…
Passage 10: Be Safe

Suggested Answers:

1. (a) take lunch to their grandfather (who lived alone in a rented apartment).
(b) The thought of getting out of the house
2. (a) scurried
(b) (She was) happy to see him.
3. (a) Life was peaceful (and continued as usual).
(b) (The Vietcong soldiers’) bullets
4. (a) Five cents
(b) Hardship and struggles
5. Accept any reasonable answer.
Award either 0 mark or 2 marks. If answer is only ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, award 0 mark
Sample answer:
Yes. (0 mark)
No. (0 mark)
Yes, we should be brave to face problems. (2marks) No,
we are still young. (2 marks)

The suggested points are: (You are awarded a maximum of 10 marks= 10 points)

1. spill the food

2. stay on the side of the road
3. look both ways before crossing the street.
4. do not stop to talk to strangers.
5. come back straight to the house after they have delivered the food.
6. do not stop anywhere along the way.
7. ducked down / stayed low and took cover
8. bent so low (that she actually dragged her face along the ground) as she ran
9. squatted at the side of the road
10. covered their heads
11. duck-walked down the road
12. tried all the manoeuvres that could save their lives
13. ran from side to side /ran in a zigzag / ran wildly back and forth across the road
The question on the novel focuses on several literary elements:

1. Plot
2. Characterisation
3. Theme
4. Moral values/Lessons
5. Setting


During winter in 1917, Richard went hunting with his family.

He had EMPATHY for people and animals. He did not kill the buck. He always helped Angie at home. He liked writing poems.

After listening to Mr. Kilmer’s poem, he wanted to be a poet. He sent a letter to Mr. Kilmer.
He always Read and wrote poetry secretly.

Mr. Kilmer replied his letter.

Richard was happy.

Kilmer motivated Richard to write poetry.

In the letters, they shared their interest in poetry.
Later, Richard became close with Hannah.
Richard Met Hannah’s family. They were Germans. They were good people.

Everybody thought that Richard supported Germany.

Richard was sad when Mr. Kilmer was killed in the war.

Richard Knight
Hannah Schermer

Joyce Kilmer

Richard’s brother
Mrs. Hansen Gus Knight

Richard’s father Pa
Richard’s sister
Exercise 2.1 Match the charcters with the descriptions given.


A. She began taking over the role of Ma when her mother died. She quit school after her eighth grade and became

B. He is a famous poet who works for The New York Times. He volunteered to fight in the war. But lat

JOYCE He always helped his father at the farm. He also helped his sister in the kitchen. During his free time, he l

D. She was an English teacher. She was strict but cared a lot about what she was teach

E. Although her parents were from Germany, she was born in the United States. She was pretty, blue-eyed girl with blond

F. He was a reserved man. He spent most of his time at the farm. He lost had his wife and his elder

G. He was a mediocre student, who was more concerned with sports and socialising. He disliked poems. He join
He signed a sympathy card for Hannah although his classmates did not want to do so.

He always helped his Pa doing farm work. He also helped his sister at home doing the chores

Richard Knight
Richard went hunting with his father and his brother, Gus. He purposely missed shooting the buck. He dislike

He loved to write poems. His friends teased him as being a sissy but he did not care. He still continued writing until his poem wa

Exercise 3.1 Write a short paragraph about Richard Knight based on the

qualities given above.

Richard Knight was a

She declined the part of Lady Liberty although she won the essay writing competition because she did not wa

She cried in the hallway when someone wrote “Dirty Huns” all over her book cover.

Hannah Schermer
She was pretty with blue eyes and blonde hair.

She took part in the essay competition and wrote an essay about the war. She won the fir

Exercise 3.2 Match the textual evidences with the suitable adjectives.

Textual Evidence Adjectives

She was sad when people called her Mature

“Dirty Hun”.

She won the essay writing contest and Beautiful

was chosen to play “Lady Liberty”.
She did not want to cause more
trouble. She decided not to play “Lady Intelligent

Richard thought that she was a pretty

girl. Sensitive
Exercise 3.3 Write a short paragraph about Hannah Schermer based on the

qualities given above.

Hannah Schermer was a

Important events/incidents Richard wrote a letter to Mr
Kilmer. He got Mr. Kilmer’s
address from The New York
Richard went hunting with his father
and his brother, Gus. He purposely
missed shooting the buck. He
disliked killing animals.

Richard signed the sympathy card
for Hannah Schermer although his
4 classmates refused to do so.

Richard received a letter from Mr.

Kilmer. He told the news to his
family during dinner. Everyone was
not excited about it.
Richard received the news that Mr.
Kilmer was killed in the war.

Richard was chosen to be
Doughboy but he turned it down. He
wanted to show his support to
Hannah Schermer. 7
Richard wrote a poem as a tribute for
the late Mr. Kilmer. He sent to The
Turtle Lake Weekly after Hannah
had encouraged him.

Richard’s father read his poem in
The Turtle Lake Weekly. Pa started
telling Richard about his brother,
Roland who died in the war. 9
Richard’s poems became a regular
feature in The Turtle Lake Weekly.
Exercise 4.1 - Write down a number in each of the spaces provided to show the correct
sequence of events/incidents.

Events/Incidents Sequence

Richard’s poems became a regular feature in the Turtle Lake Weekly.

Richard received the news of Mr. Kilmer’s death.

Richard purposely missed shooting the buck when he went hunting with
his father and brother.
Richard told his family about Mr. Kilmer’s letter during dinner.

Richard wrote a letter to Mr Kilmer after listening to Mrs. Hansen

reading Kilmer’s poem on Trees.
Richard signed a sympathy card for Hannah Schermer although his
friends refused to do so.
Richard wrote a poem as a tribute for the late Mr. Kilmer and sent it to
the local newspaper.
Richard’s father read his poem and told Richard about his brother who
had died in the war.
Richard was chosen to be Doughboy but he turned it down.


1. Appreciating nature.
2. Appreciating our loved ones.
3. Being brave
4. Being helpful
5. Being responsible.
6. Being honest.
7. Being sensitive towards others’ feelings.
8. Never give up to achieve your dreams.
9. Determination
10. Friendship
1. We must appreciate nature.
2. We must be kind towards animals.
3. We must be honest about what we like and dislike doing.
4. We should be aware of what is happening in real life.
5. We should be sensitive to what is happening around us.
6. We should appreciate people who motivate us.
7. We must be hard working and determined to achieve our dreams.
8. We must be brave.
9. We must not easily give up.
10. We must not have prejudice towards others.

Exercise 6.1 Match the events in A and the moral values in B.

Character Events Moral values

1. Richard hoped to be a poet A. We must appreciate nature. We

someday. He wrote letters to Mr. must be kind towards animals.
Kilmer and they shared their poems.

2. Knight’s family went hunting.

He did not like to kill animals. B. We must have humanity
Richard purposely misfired the towards others. We must be kind to
buck. others when they face difficulties.

3. Richard received the news that C. We must be honest about what

Mr. Kilmer had been killed in the we like and dislike doing.
KNIGHT war. He knew the reality of warfare.

4. Richard signed the sympathy card D. We should be aware of what is

for Hannah’s family but his friends happening in real life.
did not.

E. We must be determined to
5. Richard told his family that achieve our dreams.
he wrote poetry.

1. Be familiar with the elements of the novel.

e.g. characters, plot, themes, moral values.

2. Read and understand the question carefully. Underline the keywords.

Plan you answer.

Write an introductory paragraph which includes keywords from the question.
Provide 2 to 3 content points together with suitable textual evidences from the novel.
Give relevant personal response for each point
Write a suitable conclusion.

1. For this question, marks are awarded as follows:

Content 10 marks
Language 5 marks

TOTAL 15 marks



2011 Which part of the story do you like most?

Give reasons for your choice with close reference to the

2012 Based on the novel you have studied, write about an event Plot
that makes you angry. With close reference to the text, give
reasons why the event makes you feel this way.

2013 Write about an important decision made by one of the Character

characters. With close reference to the text, explain how it
affects the other character(s).

2014 “One has to struggle to improve one’s life.” With close Theme
reference to the text, how far is it true?”

2015 Suggest one character in the novel you have read who you
think is a good role model for teenagers. Character
Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your
choice with close reference to the text.
Practice 1

Write about an event where courage is shown by the main character in the novel. Explain.

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable answers provided in the box.

Richard Knight stands up correspondence

Hannah Schermer poems family support

Based on the novel Dear Mr.Kilmer, the main character is . The

difficulties faced by him is his friendship with , a German girl,
is put to a test when World War 1 breaks out.

Richard realises that discrimination against Hannah’s family is wrong and

for her. His classmates and his are angry with him. His
with Mr Kilmer continues and draws comfort, encouragement and
for him. Richard’s family disapproves him to write . He is afraid of
people knowing that he writes poems and hides them from others. He realises that he has to be
true to himself and tells his family about his enjoyment of writing poems despite his family’s

In short, it is clear that Richard has to face some challenges and he faces them

C. Rewrite the completed essay in paragraphs.

Practice 2

With reference to the novel that you have studied, write about a good family relationship
that is shown in the novel.

A. Number the sentences according to a logical sequence.

Sentences Sequence

In conclusion, a good family relationship is very important in our life.

After school, he worked on the farm to help his father.
Based on the novel Dear Mr. Kilmer, a good family relationship is important
in life.
We must love our family.
Even though he felt uncomfortable with his father, he tried to tell his family
about his love to write poems.
Love is something important for a good family relationship.
Richard was responsible and hard working.
His sister also sacrificed for the family after the death of their mother.
When Richard told his family about writing poetry, his father disapproved it.
However, his sister, Angie tried to show her support for him.

B. Rewrite the sentences in paragraphs.

Practice 3

Choose one character in the novel who you think can set a good example for teenagers.
Briefly describe the character and give reasons for your choice with close reference to the

A. Write a short paragraph using the notes given.

a) Richard Knight - 15 years old – lived - family – Pa – brother – sister - mother passed
away - Turtle Lake - loved poetry.

b) Richard - brave – signed – sympathy card – Hannah Schermer – classmates – did not .
He – fought – Harry – Abner

c) Richard – soft hearted – hunting – not – shoot – buck – loves - animals

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers on your own.

The novel that I have read is “ ” by

. One character in the novel whom I think can set a good
example for future generation is .

is the main character in this novel. He lived with

his_ , his , Gus, and his , Angie.
His mother when he was seven years old. They lived in Turtle
Lake, Iowa. He loved writing .

First of all, I think Richard is a good example for teenagers because he is .

After the Schermer’s tavern was vandalized, he signed the card. His
classmates to do so . Later, he fought with and
. He was a person.

Another reason I choose Richard is because he is . When he went

hunting with his father and brother,he purposely the buck. Not only
that, he always helps in the kitchen. He was a person.

To sum up, is a good example for teenagers to follow. He taught

us to be and .
C. Rewrite the response in paragraphs.

Practice 4
With close reference to the text, write about a character who has to struggle to achieve
his/her dream.

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases.

The novel that I have read is “Dear Mr. Kilmer” written by Anne Shcraff.
One character in the novel who is

Richard Knight is the main character in this novel. He lived with his
, his brother, and his sister,
. They lived in Turtle Lake, Iowa. He loved writing poetry.

Content First of all, Richard wanted to be a poet. He liked to

secretly because he was afraid to be called a sissy.

When Mrs. Hansen read the poem by Mr. Kilmer, he was excited and
Evidence motivated. He wrote a letter to Mr. Kilmer and they became friends. He
sent his poems to Mr. Kilmer. Richard had to struggle to tell his family
about his dream to be a . When he shared his dream
with his family, Pa only told him to focus on schoolwork and chores. He
was not excited but Richard did not give up. Only Mrs. Hansen supported
him to become a poet.

encouraged Richard to share his poem with his

classmates. At first, he was afraid. However, he struggled to overcome his
fear and shared his poem with his class. He ignored people’s remark
about being sissy.

When was killed in the war, Richard was very sad.

He wrote a poem in memory of him. It became a success for him when the
poem was published in the Turtle Lake Weekly.

I like this character because he
and succeeded.
B. Rewrite the essay in paragraphs
Practice 5
Write about an important decision made by one of the characters in the novel. With close
reference to the text, explain how it affects the character.

A. Complete the blanks with suitable phrases given in the box.

began to appreciate
read Richard’s poem
showed no interest
talked to him about his brother
wrote a memorial poem

In Dear Mr Kilmer written by Anne Schraff, Richard Knight made an important decision
in his life. He for Mr.Kilmer after his death. The poem was
published in the Turtle Lake Weekly.

It brought a change in his life . It was after Pa . The

line “a precious little world has died” had an emotional impact for Pa. He started to open up to
Richard and , Roland. Pa felt the same way like
Richard when Roland died in a war many years ago. Before this, Pa
in Richard’s poetry and took it as a passing phase.
Richard’s decision made Pa finally understood the reason why he wrote poems. He
Richard’s poems and their relationship started to become closer.
Pa even gave suggestions or corrections to Richard after reading his poems.

In short, Richard’s decision affected his father greatly and led them to a closer parent-
child relationship.

Rewrite the completed paragraphs.

Practice 6
Based on the novel you have learnt, suggest a character who shows determination in
achieving success in his/her life.

A. Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases found in the notes given.

In the novel “ ” by a character who

shows determination in his life is Richard Knight. His determination to achieve his dream has
changed his entire life.

The first example is when Mrs Hansen asked her students to sign thesympathy card. Richard
was determined to He wanted to show his sympathy towards
. However, his classmates . Richard took all
the trouble to write something on Hannah’s card and signed it himself. He thought that being
mean to Hannah .

Furthermore, Richard was also determined to pursue his dreams to become a .

At the beginning, Richard had to write poems secretly. Then, he told his family that
. Richard taught me that we must

As a conclusion, Richard Knight is a good example of a character who shows determination in

achieving success in his life.

B. Rewrite the paragraphs.

1. Formal Letter 2. Informal Letter
19, Jalan
9, Jalan Wangi, 27, Lorong Usaha, Taman
Taman Bunga Melur, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah. Bunga Raya, 08000
___________ Sungai Petani,

The Principal,
SMK Maju,
08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah.
27 SEPTEMBER 2016 Dear Rahman,

Dear Sir, How are you? I hope you are fine. …………..……………………
A Complaint about the Condition at the School Library
I am writing to complain about………………………..………………....................
2. The first complaint is …………………………………………………………………...
……………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Next,……………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….………………………………
…………………………………………………………………. Thank you. …………………………………..

Yours faithfully, I have to go now. Thank you.

Azlan Yours sincerely,
Head Prefect of SMK Maju Elena

3. Speech/Talk 4. Article (2 types) 5. Report (2 types)

Good morning to the Principal, Type 1 Type 1

teachers and friends. I, _ _ __, the Head To : The Principal of SMK Sri Pelangi
Prefect/ _ _ _ would like to talk How to Cope with Stress From : The Head Librarian of SMK Sri Pelangi
about “The Benefits of the National Service By: Nur Azlina Azman Title : The Condition of the School Library
Students face a lot of stress nowadays. We I am the Head Librarian of the school. I want to
There are many benefits of the have to learn how to cope with stress. report on the condition of the school library.
National Service Programme. The first
benefit is…………………………………….………………. There are many ways on how to cope with The first problem is ………………….....
………………………………………………. stress. The first way is to …………..
The final problem is …………………..
The second way is to………...............
The second benefit is ………….………...
I hope that you will take immediate action.
……………………………………………………………………. Finally, ………………….…………..…
……………………………………………….. Reported by,
I hope you will try to follow my advice. Linda
Furthermore, ………………………………. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Linda binti Haziq)
………………………………………………………………….. Type 2 Head Librarian of SMK Sri Pelangi
………………………………………………. How to Cope with Stress _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Type 2
Finally, ………………………………………… Students face a lot of stress nowadays. We Canteen Day 2015
………………………………………………………………….. have to learn how to cope with stress.
………………………………………………. Our school has just carried out a canteen day
There are many ways on how to cope with successfully. It was held with the aim of ………
stress. The first way is to …………
Well, that’s all for now. Thank you
The event was a great success and we hope it
for listening. The second way is to………............ could be made an annual affair.

Finally, ………………………………… By,

I hope you will try to follow my advice. (Linda binti Haziq)
Head Librarian of SMK Sri Pelangi
INFORMAL LETTER (SPM 2010 and 2012)

Sample question Explanation

Your cousin has been chosen to take part in the National Service Programme and is The SPM 2010
worried about going. You have decided to write a letter to tell him/her about the question
benefits of this programme and to encourage your cousin to go.

_ (Your address)
F1= Address +
24 November 2010
F2 = Dear Amir
Dear Amir,
[salin isu dari
How are you and everyone at home doing? I hope everyone is fine and has Aunt
soalan & guna
Kamariah recovered from her flu?
semua isi yang
Well, you have been chosen to take part in the National Service Programme and diberi.
that you are worried about going; why is this so, Amir? Let me assure you that joining
this programme will be very beneficial for you. Now, I will tell you the benefits of…. Ganti nama; I, You]
F3 = Closure
Bye and take care.
Yours sincerely, (Yours sincerely,)


FORMAL LETTER (SPM 2003 and 2013)

Sample question Explanation

Your class would like to make a trip after the end-of-year examination. You are the The SPM 2003
class monitor. You get a message from your teacher, who is away from school, asking question
you to discuss with the students where they would like to go. Write a formal letter to
your teacher stating the choice made by your class and give reasons for the choice.

(Your address) Format:

F1= Your Address

+ Recipient’s
Address + Date

(Recipient’s address)
14 November 2003

Dear Sir,
F2 = Title
End of the Year Trip for 5Sc1
Our class would like to make a trip after the end-of-year examination. After I discussed [salin isu dari
with the students where they would like to go, I am writing you this letter to state the soalan & guna
choice made by our class and give reasons for the choice. semua isi yang
2. We choose to go because of several reasons. Firstly,
Ganti nama; I, our]

3. Secondly,

4. Lastly,

5. I hope you can consider and approve our choice of the trip. F3 = Closure

Yours faithfully, (Yours faithfully,)

Class monitor of 5Sc1
SMK Tanjong Melor

SPEECH/TALK (SPM 2007 and 2011)

Sample question Explanation

You have been asked by your teacher to give a talk on a reference book that is useful The SPM 2007
for secondary students. You have decided to give a talk about a science book. question
Good morning teachers and students. This morning, I would like to give a talk F1 = Good morning,
about one Science reference book that I have found to be very useful in my
F2 = Topic of talk
studies. (Content: guna
semua isi diberi.
The book I have chosen is “Science Made Simple” .............................................. Perhatikan cara
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ganti nama diubah.)
F3 = Thank you
Thank you.

(Source: PROGRAM SKOR – A SPM 2014 – BAHASA INGGERIS 1119/1 and 119/2)

Sample question and Sample format Explanation

You recently attended a leadership camp organised by your school. At the camp, The SPM 2008
one of your friends was chosen as the best group leader. You have been asked to question
write an article about your friend for your school magazine.

She’s the Best Format:

F1 = Title
Last week, together with 95 other students of our school, I attended the Youth
Leadership Camp organised by our school. At this camp, the participants were (untuk Content :
divided into eight groups, each under a Group Leader. On the last day the best Group guna semua isi
leader was announced. diberi. Perhatikan
cara ganti nama
The members of my group were thrilled when we heard that it was our group diubah)
leader, ..….............................................................................….....................................

I/We hope that all students of this school will take Zainab Zainol as their role Give an ending (F2)
model and be a leader one day.

Written by, F3 = name of writer

Roshidah Ahmad.


Sample question and Sample format Explanation

Many of your schoolmates are not interested in sports. You have carried out a survey The SPM 2009
on the reasons for their lack of interest. Based on your findings, write a report to the question
principal regarding the matter. In your report, give reasons for the lack of interest in
sports and provide suggestions to overcome the problems.
To: En. Rashid Rahman, Principal, SMK Maju Jaya
Title : Reasons for the Lack of Interest in Sports Among Students Format:
F1 = To……
A survey was carried out among 200 students of our school, SMK Maju Jaya, on F2 = Title
the reasons for their lack of interest in sports. There are some suggestions on how
we can overcome the problems. [guna semua isi
diberi. Perhatikan
…………………………………………………………………………… cara ganti nama
Prepared by:
Aznil Karim F3 = Name of writer
(if there is a post, state the post) State the post too.
(post = jawatan)

(Source: PROGRAM SKOR – A SPM 2014 – BAHASA INGGERIS 1119/1 and 119/2)

1. The first reason/suggestion/way is… + idea
2. The (noun e.g. project /campaign/ show) + is/was organised to…
1.The (noun e.g. teacher/ principal/ parents) must/should + verb …
2.Firstly, we must/should… + idea
3.You must think of your…
4.Teenagers must think of their …
5.Gerund + can + verb … (Cycling can burn our fat/ Watching television can
widen knowledge)
6. Do not …
1. There is /are… + number/s
2. The project/camp is + adjective
3. Students are/were …
4. It is cheaper/ better/ more economical/ more acceptable to…
5. We can see … + noun (e.g. rubbish everywhere/ many colourful murals)
6. Abstract noun (eg. Vandalism/Happiness is …)
1. The show/project/exhibition is/was…
2. (negative e.g. crowded/noisy)
3. Our (special event e.g. Sports Day/ Teacher’s Day) is/was…
4. The accident/landslide/flash flood is/was…
1. The students/teachers/residents are + adjective
2. The students/teachers + verb…
3. The (people outside school e.g. beggars/strangers) are/were…
4. The (people in neighbourhood e.g. residents/ headman) is/was/are/were…
1. The beach/island/resort is/was…
2. The canteen/library/public toilet is/was…
3. My housing area / hometown is/was …

(Source: ZANURIN BIN MOHAMAD SAFAR, Master Teacher of English, SMK Kulim, Kedah 2014)
1. Event
Content point Sample sentences
Date i) The date was 2 March 2016.
ii) It was held from 2 March to 4 March 2016.
iii) The competition was on 2 March 2016.

Duration i) The duration of the camp was 3 days.

ii) The camp was held for 3 days.
iii) It was a two-day event.

Venue i) The venue was Kem Teguh Jaya.

ii) It was held at Kem Teguh Jaya.
iii) The seminar took place at Seri Mutiara Hall.

Date / Duration / Venue i) The camp was held at Kem Teguh Jaya for 3 days starting
from 2 to 4 March 2016.
ii) The 3-day camp was held from 2 to 4 March 2016 at Kem
Teguh Jaya.

Participants i) There were many participants in the camp.

ii) The participants were Form 5 students.
iii) 150 Form 5 students participated in this camp.
iv) All of the club members were involved in this competition.
v) 100 Form 5 students joined this seminar.

2. SPM 2007: A talk on a reference book

Content point Sample sentences
Title: Science Made Simple i) The title of the book is “Science Made Simple”.
ii) The book is titled “Science Made Simple”.
Author: Sharifah Shazana i) The author is Sharifah Shazana.
ii) It is written by Sharifah Shazana.
Publisher: Bunga Publications i) The publisher is Bunga Publications.
ii) It is published by Bunga Publications.

Reasons why the book is useful i) Here are some reasons why the book is useful.
ii) There are many reasons why the book is useful.
iii) The book is useful for many reasons.

 attractive presentation i) The first reason is its attractive presentation.

ii) Firstly, it has attractive presentation.

 clear explanations i) Secondly, it has clear explanations.

ii) The explanations are clear.
3. SPM 2009: Lack of interest in sports
Content point Sample sentences
Reasons i) Here are some reasons for the lack of interest in sports.
ii) There are many reasons for the lack of interest in sports.

 Students i) The first reason is students’ attitude.

- attitude ii) Firstly, it is the attitude of the students.

- lack of time i) They lack of time for sports.

ii) Students have no time for sports.

 Parents i) Another reason is that parents send their children to

- Tuition classes tuition classes.
ii) Parents want their children to go to tuition classes.

Suggestions i) Here are some suggestions to overcome the problems.

ii) These are some suggestions to overcome the problems.

 Stress importance of i) Teachers should stress the importance of sports to

sports students.
 Improve facilities i) The school has to improve the facilities.
ii) Improving the facilities may increase students’ interest.

1. SPM 2012: How to spend money wisely

 shopping list
- necessary items
 compare prices
- cheaper brands

Content point Detail

Firstly, you must have a shopping list. Write down all the things you want to buy.

You should put the necessary items Buy the necessary items first.
on top of the list.
Next, you must compare the prices.

You should buy cheaper brands.

2. SPM 2015: Farewell speech

 Achievements
- 100% passes English Language
- Innovative Teacher Award
 Contributions to the school
- Head of English Panel
- Teacher advisor – debating team
- Organiser – charity event

Content point Detail

One of his achievements is 100% All his students passed their English Language
passes in the English Language. SPM.
He also won the Innovative Teacher He created new and fun ways of learning.
He is the Head of the English Panel.

He is also the teacher advisor for the

debating team.

He is one of the organisers of many

charity events.
3. SPM 2013: Park in poor condition
 not enough facilities
- no restaurants
 rubbish everywhere
- not enough dustbins
 grass not cut
- snakes

Content point Detail

There are not enough facilities in the park. The park only has two toilets and a few
There are no restaurants too. Visitors have to bring their own food.

I can see rubbish everywhere.

The park does not have enough dustbins.

The grass is not cut.

Snakes may hide in the grass.

4. Terengganu Trial SPM 2015: Camping
 Activities
- camping at a secluded river site
- nature walks in the jungle
- night animal spotting
- water activities
 problems
- punctuality
- tight schedule
- rain

Content point Detail

We had our camping at a secluded river
We also had nature walks in the jungle.

Another activity was …………………………

We also had water activities.

The first problem we faced was punctuality.

The second problem was …………………..


The third problem was ………………………


1. Career seminar (I)

 date and venue
 organiser

Content point
Content point

2. Career seminar (II)

 benefits
- career choices
- qualification requirement
- application process

Content point
Content point
Content point

3. Cultural week
 activities
- cultural performance
- exhibition booths

Content point
Content point
4. Healthy lifestyle
 balanced diet  enough sleep
 exercise

Content point
Content point
Content point

5. Social media
 advantages  disadvantages
- share information - less time to study
- connect with friends - lack of privacy

Content point
Content point
Content point
Content point

6. Global warming
 plant trees  recycling
 proper disposal of waste

Content point
Content point
Content point
Informal Letter

Your cousin has been chosen to take part in the National Service Programme and is worried
about going. You have decided to write a letter to tell him/her about the benefits of this
programme and to encourage your cousin to go.

Use all the notes below to write your letter.

 Discipline
 Learn survival skills
 Learn leadership skills
 Exciting activities
 See different parts of Malaysia
 Be independent
 Gain new experiences
 Teamwork
 Strengthen love for the country
 Keep fit and healthy
 (Give another 2 benefits)

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

 Lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)
 Use all the notes given
 Give another 2 benefits of National Service Programme
23, Kg Jagung,
06700 Pendang,
Kedah Darulaman.


Dear Azlina,

How are you and everyone at home doing? I hope everyone is fine. I heard that you
have been chosen to join the National Service Programme and are worried about going. So, I
have decided to write this letter to tell you about the benefits of this programme to encourage you
to go.

Firstly, when you join this programme, you will train yourself to be disciplined. You can
also learn survival skills like making fire and cooking in the jungle. You will also learn
leadership skills because you may be a leader in some of the activities.

Secondly, you should join National Service Programme because there are many
exciting activities like flying fox and abseiling. In addition, you get to see different parts of
Malaysia because they will bring you to visit places during weekends.

Another benefit is you will learn to be independent as you need to do things on your
own like washing your clothes. Furthermore, you will gain new experiences when you try out
new things like kayaking and community service. When you work in groups, you will also learn

Moreover, you can strengthen your love for the country when you listen to talks
about Malaysia. Besides, you can also keep fit and healthy because you will have to do some
exercises every morning.

Lastly, you should join this programme because you can develop good habits like
sleeping and getting up early. You will also make new friends because the participants are from
many schools.

I’ll stop here for now. Azlina, I really encourage you to join the National Service and enjoy
yourself there.

Your cousin,
Informal Letter

Your sister is studying in a residential school in another state. She has written to you, telling you
that she is unhappy as her school wants all students to be active in co-curricular activities.

Write a letter to your sister to encourage her to be active in co-curricular activities, telling her the
benefits of participating in co-curricular activities.

You should include the following points in your letter to your sister.
 Interesting ways of exercising
 Good form of relaxation
 Develop socialising skills
 Develop leadership qualities
 Encourage sportsmanship
 Help to get scholarship
 Make more friends
 Help tap potential
 Instil good time management skills
When writing the letter, you should remember to:
 Lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)
 Use all the notes given
 Give another 2 benefits of being active in co-curricular activities
Informal Letter


Your young cousin, who is studying at a residential school, is going through a period of teenage
blues. She is feeling depressed and stressed about a lot of things. Write a letter advising her on
how to overcome teenage blues.

Use the notes below to write your letter.

Problems Ways to Overcome

Examination pressure  focus in class

 make notes

 study group

Physical appearance  Weight problem:

- balanced diet, exercise, join sports and games

 Pimples, body odour:

- personal hygiene

Peer pressure  talk to school counsellor

 talk to your friends

Poor time management (Suggest TWO ways to overcome poor time


When writing the letter, you should remember to:

 Lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)
 Use all the notes given
 Suggest TWO ways to overcome poor time management
3, Taman Delima,
Jalan Delima 1,
06500 Alor Setar,
Kedah Darulaman.


Dear Suzie,

How are you doing over there? I heard that you like your new school but you said
that you had been going through a period of teenage blues. I’m going to give you some advice on
how to overcome this teenage blues.

Firstly, to overcome examination pressure you must focus in class and pay attention
to your teachers. Don’t forget to make notes on the topics. You should also form a study group
with your friends.

Secondly, you are worried about your weight. Just remember to take a well-balanced
diet and do some exercises. You can join sports activities or games. If you are worried about
pimples and body odour, you need to take care of your personal hygiene.

Thirdly, I heard you are having a peer pressure problem. If you have this problem, talk
to the school counsellor or talk to your friends. You should also do activities that you like to make
you feel relaxed. Besides, practising yoga too can help you to overcome teenage blues.

Lastly, I heard that you are having a poor time management. To improve time
management, you should try to make a to-do-list so that you can know which tasks are important
and urgent. You can keep a timetable so that you have time to both study and play.

I hope my advice will help you to overcome your teenage blues. Being a teenager is
the best years in your life. I will be waiting to hear news from you. Bye.

Your cousin,

Informal Letter

Your younger sister has written to you seeking advice on how to improve her academic
performance. She is having problems with all the new and challenging elective subjects that she
is taking in form four. Write a letter to your sister, offering suggestions on ways to improve her
academic performance.

Use the following notes to write your letter.

 attend class regularly
- pay attention in class
- make notes to remember points
 plan your studies
- list down topics that need more practices
- identify topics tested in examinations
 create a study timetable
- divide study into sessions
- manage time efficiently
 study in a group
(Give 2 benefits of studying in a group)

When writing the letter, you should remember to:

 lay out your letter correctly (address, greeting, closing)
 use all the notes given
 Give TWO benefits of studying in a group
Formal Letter

You are the secretary of your school’s Nature Club. Your club has decided to visit the Ayer Keroh
Forest Reserve during the next holidays. You intend to spend two days and one night on the hills.
Write a letter of permission to the principal to ask for permission to visit the forest reserve.


Enjoy the beauty of nature Close to nature Appreciating God’s gift Here we organise:
Jungle trekking – watch the exotic flora and fauna
Arts and Crafts workshops – drawing and painting
Nature treasure hunt - afternoon

In your letter, you should include:

 date of your visit
 objectives of your visit
 number of members going on the trip
 duration of your stay
 accommodation
 types of activities you wish to participate
 benefits you gain from the trip

When writing your letter, you should remember to:

 lay out the letter correctly
 use all the information given
 end your letter appropriately
 suggest TWO ADVANTAGES of the visit
The Nature Club,
SMK Sungai Long,
Jalan Laksamana,
75150 Melaka.

The Principal,
SMK Sungai Long,
Jalan Laksamana,
75150 Melaka. 17 MAY 2016

Dear Sir,

Trip to the Ayer Keroh Forest Reserve

I am the secretary the Nature Club. The club has decided to visit the Ayer Keroh Forest Reserve
during the next holidays. On behalf of the club, I am writing this letter to seek permission to visit
Ayer Keroh Forest Reserve. We intend to spend two days and one night there (C4).

2. We are organising the trip from the 10th to 13th August 2016 (C1). About 30 members (C3)
and 3 teacher advisors, Puan Norlela , Puan Ratna and Mr Han ,will be going on this trip. The
objectives of the trip are to allow members to enjoy the beauty of nature and be close to nature.
(C2) We will be camping at the campsites.(C5)

3. We have planned some interesting and informative activities during the trip. The
activities are jungle trekking, arts and crafts workshops, nature treasure hunt, slide shows and
bird watching. Jungle trekking will help members to see the exotic flora and fauna (C6). Members
will be drawing and painting the beautiful nature during the arts and crafts workshops (C7). The
treasure hunt activity will be held in the afternoon on the second day (C8). There will be slide
shows on nature (C9) and also a bird watching activity, which will be fun and bring a new
experience (C10)

4. This trip will help to build close ties (C11) and instil values such as teamwork, responsible
and love for nature (C12).

5. We hope you will give us the permission to go on this trip.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

The Nature Club
SMK Sungai Long,
Jalan Laksamana,
75150 Melaka
Formal Letter

You are the secretary of your school’s Nature Club. Your club has decided to visit the National
Park or Taman Negara, in the state of Pahang during the next holidays. You intend to spend
three days and two nights. Write a letter of permission to the principal to ask for permission to
visit the biggest nature park in Malaysia


 Date of your visit

 Ojectives – love and appreciate the nature
 Number of members going on the trip
 Duration of your stay
 Where you will be staying

 Activities you plan to carry out:

DAY 1 - arrive at the Kuala Tembeling Jetty
- board a boat to Kuala Tahan
DAY 2 - hike up Bukit Terasek- Bird’s eye view of Taman Negara
- visit the Lata Bekeloh waterfall
DAY 3 - observing the wildlife and bird watching

(Suggest TWO BENEFITS of the trip)


Your school is organising a road safety campaign. As one of the committee members of the
campaign, you have been asked to give a talk to the students about road safety tips.


 Pedestrians
- pedestrian crossing
- look before crossing
- use overhead bridge
 School bus
- wait until the bus has stopped
- queue to board the bus
- no standing on the steps
 Motorcyclists or cyclists
- focus on the road
- obey all signs and traffic lights
- ride or cycle single file
- make sure vehicle in good condition
- suggest 2 OTHER SAFETY TIPS for motorcyclists or cyclists

When writing your talk you must:

 Use an appropriate greeting
 Use all the notes given
 State the purpose of your talk
 Suggest 2 OTHER SAFETY TIPS for motorcyclists or cyclists
 End your talk appropriately
Good afternoon to the principal, teachers and students. Our school is organising a road
safety campaign. As one of the committee members of the road safety campaign, I would like to
share some road safety tips to all of you.

Firstly, pedestrians should use a pedestrian crossing (C1) when crossing the road. You
must look before crossing the road (C2). You should use the overhead bridge (C3) when
there is one.

Next, when you are taking the school bus, you must remember to wait until the bus stop
moving to get on or off the bus (C4). You should queue to board the bus (C5). You also have
to sit properly on the bus. Remember, you must not stand on the steps (C6) of the bus.

Lastly, as a motorcyclist or cyclist, you must focus on the road (C7). You must obey all
signs and the traffic rules (C8). You must ride or cycle in a single file (C9). Apart from that,
you must make sure that your bicycle or motorcycle is in a good condition (C10) with working
brakes and lights. You must also wear protective gear (C11) like helmet. You should wear
bright or light-coloured clothing (C12).

These are some road safety tips that you should practise. With that, I end my talk. Thank

As an active member of the Environmental Awareness Club in your school, you have noticed the
depressing state of your school surroundings. You have decided to give a speech in conjunction
with the Environmental Awareness Campaign. You will inform the students of the various
activities which will be carried out during the campaign


 Duration
 Objectives – conducive learning environment
 Activities


 Collect aluminium cans, bottles, plastic

Every Monday to Friday
 Recycling bins – canteen

 Recycling centre

 Cleanliness programme
Every Tuesday
 Clear clogged drains

 Pick up rubbish around the school


 Herbal Garden Activity -Grow vegetables

Every Wednesday
 Plant Flowers


When writing your talk you must:

 use an appropriate greeting and closing
 state the purpose of the talk
 use all the notes given
 suggest TWO ACTIVITIES carried out on Thursdays
 end your talk appropriately
A very ..................................................., to the principal, teachers and my wonderful
................................... As a member of the Environment Awareness Club in our school, I had
noticed the depressing state of our school surroundings. I am giving a speech in conjunction with
the Environment Awareness Campaign. I will talk on the various activities which will be carried
out during the campaign.

This campaign will be carried from the 1st June to 31st August 2016. The objective of the
campaign is to create a ............................................................................................................
There will be a host of interesting activities to achieve the objective. Every Monday to Friday, all
the students need to .......................................................................................................................
............................................... at put them in the ............................................................ at the

Apart from that, every Thursday, there will be a................................................................

Students must ................................................................................ and .........................................
around the school compound. On Wednesdays, there will be .......................................................

Every Thursday, there will be ..........................................................................................

This campaign will benefit everyone in the school as we will have ................................................

I hope everyone will give their support. Thank you


As a member of the Peer Guidance Club of your school, you have been asked to give a speech
during the school assembly on how to boost self-esteem.

 Accept praises
 Give yourself credit on a task well done
 List your good qualities
 Do not worry about making mistakes
 Identify your weaknesses to improve yourself
 Boost your own morale
 Set small goals
 Focus on your strengths and use them
 Exercise and eat balanced meals
 Read books that give you inspiration
(suggest TWO MORE ways to boost your self - esteem)

When writing your talk you must:

• use an appropriate greeting
 State the purpose of your talk
• use all the notes given
• suggest TWO MORE WAYS to the environment


There is a new hostel in your school. As the chairperson of the hostel committee, you have been
asked by the warden to write an article explaining the hostel regulations clearly to the students
staying in the hostel. Using ALL the notes given below, write out the article.
 Obey the schedule
- Time for getting up, meals, study and lights out
 Permission to go out
- Emergency case
- Participate in school activities
 Cleanliness
- Follow the duty roster
- Wash own dishes after meals
 Take care of hostel property
- Do not vandalise
- Keep hostel and grounds in good condition
 Importance of following the hostel regulations


When writing the article, you should remember to:
- Give a suitable title for your article.
- Give your name as the writer.
- Use all the points given.
- Give 2 reasons why it is important to follow hostel regulations.
Hostel Regulations in SMK Dato’ Syed Klasik

There is a new hostel in our school. If you are staying in the hostel, you have to follow
the regulations set.

The first regulation that you need to follow is to obey the schedule (C1). You must obey
time for getting up, meals, study and lights out (C2).

The second regulation is to ask for the warden’s permission to go out (C3) from the
warden when there is an emergency (C4) or when you participate in school activities (C5)
such as campings, competitions or trips.

The next regulation is you need to maintain the cleanliness (C6) of the hostel. You must
follow the duty roster (C7) to keep the hostel clean. You have to wash your own dishes after
meals (C8). Your rooms must always be clean.

The fourth regulation is to take care of hostel property (C9). Do not vandalise (C10).
We must keep the hostel and grounds in good condition (C11).
It is important to follow hostel regulations. We will not be punished (C12) Besides we
will be safe (C13).

Alawiyah Jamulidin

Your school is welcoming new Form 1 students at the beginning of the year. As the chairperson
of the welcoming committee, you have been asked by your teacher to write an article explaining
the school rules to the Form 1 students. Using ALL the notes given below, write out the article.
 Obey the school hours
- Time to arrive and leave the school
- Co-curricular activities
 Permission to go out from the school during schooling hours
- Emergency case
- Participate in camps, competitions or trips
 Take care of school property
- Keep the school compound in good condition
- Do not draw graffiti on the wall
 Personal hygiene
- Keep fingernails short
- Wear clean white shoes and school uniform
When writing the article, you should remember to:
- Give a suitable title for your article
- Give your name as the writer
- Use all the points
- Add TWO other school rules

Stress among students is on the rise in your school. As the president of Counselling Club, you
have been asked by your teacher advisor to write an article for your club bulletin explaining how
to overcome stress. Using ALL the notes given below, write out the article.


 Plan a timetable
 Exercise regularly
 Spend time on healthy hobbies
 Have a balanced diet
 Get enough rest and sleep
 Listen to relaxing songs
 Go for a vacation
 Talk to someone who can be trusted
 Build a network of supportive friends
 Watch favourite movies or TV programmes
 Meditation or yoga
 Give 2 reasons why it is important to overcome stress
When writing the article, you should remember to:
- Give a suitable title for your article
- Give your name as the writer
- Use all the notes given
- Give 2 reasons why it is important to overcome stress
How to Overcome Stress
By: Julie Chan

Stress among students is on the rise in our school. There are many ways to overcome
First, we should plan a timetable (C1) for studying, tuition and school activities. Next, we
should exercise regularly (C2), at least three times a week. We can play games like badminton,
football or go jogging. Next, we can spend some time on healthy hobbies (C3) like watching
comedies, reading and playing a musical instrument.
Another way to overcome stress is to have a balanced diet (C4). Eating a lot of fruits and
vegetables help to overcome stress. In addition, we should also get enough rest and have at
least 8 hours of sleep (C5) a day at night.
Furthermore, we can overcome stress by listening to relaxing songs (C6) which can
relax our mind. Besides, we can go for a vacation (C7) with our loved ones during school
Apart from that, we can overcome stress by talking to someone who can be trusted
(C8) like our school counsellors or teachers. Watching favourite movies or TV programmes
(C9) can help to overcome stress. Meditation and yoga (C10) can also help in overcoming
stress. In addition, we should build a network of supportive friends (C11). We need friends
who can help us.
Overcoming stress is important. It helps us to maintain our mental health (C11) and
helps us to stay focused in life (C12). I sincerely hope you find the suggestions in this article
helpful to overcome stress.

A lot of students in your school do not know how to manage their time, causing them to do last
minute work all the time. As the president of Counselling Club, you have been asked by your
teacher advisor to write an article for your club bulletin on time management. Using ALL the
notes given below, write out the article.
 Make a “to do list”
 Plan a timetable
 Set priorities right
 Pay attention in class
 Try to complete homework during school hours
 Make time for rest and relaxation
 Set a realistic target for examination
 Join study groups
 Seek help from parents, teachers and friends
 Read inspirational books.
 Give 2 reasons why it is important to have good time management
When writing the article, you should remember to:
- Give a suitable title for your article
- Give your name as the writer
- Use all the notes given
- Give two reasons why it is important to have good time management

The rise of dengue fever cases among students has become a worrying issue in your school. As
the president of the Green Club in your school, you have been asked by your school teacher to
write an article for your school magazine on dengue fever. Using ALL the notes given below,
write out the article.
 What is dengue fever?
- a viral disease
- transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes
- breed in stagnant water
 What are the symptoms?
- sudden fever
- acute pains in the joints and muscles
- rashes
 How to prevent dengue fever
- Get rid of all potential breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes
- Stop throwing rubbish into the drain
- ‘Gotong-royong’ with neighbours
- Give cooperation to the fogging operation
 Why we need to prevent dengue fever
- Give 2 reasons why we need to prevent dengue fever

When writing the article, you should remember to:

- Give a suitable title for your article
- Give your name as the writer
- Use all the notes given
- Give TWO reasons why it is important to prevent dengue fever
Dengue Fever
By: Jega A/L Subramaniam

The rise of dengue fever cases among students has become a worrying issue in our
school. Hence, it is important for us to know about dengue fever, the symptoms of dengue fever
and how to prevent dengue fever.

What is dengue fever? It is a viral disease (C1) which is transmitted by Aedes

mosquitoes (C2). Aedes mosquitoes breed in stagnant water (C3). The symptoms of a person
who gets dengue fever are sudden fever (C4), acute pains in the joints and muscles (C5), as
well as rashes (C6). If the person has these symptoms, he or she must get medical treatment

As the saying goes, “Prevention is better than cure.” How can we prevent dengue
fever? Firstly, we should get rid of all potential breeding grounds of Aedes mosquitoes (C7)
including the old tyres, cans, vases and flower pots. Secondly, we should stop throwing
rubbish into the drain (C8) which can clog the drains.

Furthermore, we can do ‘Gotong-royong’ with our neighbours (C9) to clean our

neighbourhood from time to time. In addition, we should also give cooperation to the fogging
operation (C10) to kill Aedes mosquitoes done by the personnel from the Ministry of Health.

Preventing dengue fever is important to ensure the well-being of everyone in the

neighbourhood (C11). Dengue fever can cause death if it is not properly treated (C12).
Hence, we should do our best to prevent dengue in our neighbourhood.

In conjunction with the International Earth Day, the Environmental Club in your school is
launching the 3R programme. Most of your friends are unaware of 3R programme. You have
decided to write an article for your school magazine on 3R programme. Using ALL the notes
given below, write out the article.

Reduce the use of polystyrene containers

Reduce the use of plastic bags
Reduce the use of water & electricity


Recycling bins at Recycling Corner Reuse plastic bottles

Blue bin – papers Reuse papers
Green bin – glasses Reuse old tyres
Yellow bin – plastics

Based on the diagram above, write out the article:

 What is 3R?
 What can you reduce?
 How to recycle?
 What products can you reuse?
 How to promote the 3R programme?
- Suggest 2 ways to promote the 3R programme

When writing the article, you should remember to:

- Give a suitable title for your article
- Give your name as the writer
- Use all the notes given
- Suggest TWO ways to promote the 3R programme



You are a secondary school student. You are disappointed by the conditions as well as the
services of your school canteen. Write a report to inform your principal about the
unsatisfactory conditions.
Use the notes given

- Quality of service
 Rude workers
 Not properly attired
 Dirty aprons
- Cleanliness
 Food not covered
 Plates and mugs not cleaned properly
 Leftover food on tables
 Clogged drain
- Food
 expensive
 No variety
When writing your report, you should remember to:
 Address it to the Principal
 Give a title
 Use all the notes given
 Add TWO MORE problems of cleanliness
 End your report appropriately
To : The Principal of SMK Jaya Bestari ADDRESS TO THE PRINCIPAL

From : Siti Nadrah bt Aminudin (4 Science 1)

Unsatisfactory Conditions at the School Canteen

I, Siti Nadrah bt Aminudin of 4 Science 1, am disappointed with the conditions as well

as the services of our school canteen. I am writing this report to the principal to point out some of
the unsatisfactory conditions at the school canteen.

The first problem is the workers in the school canteen are rude (C1). They shout
loudly at the students. Besides, the workers are not properly attired (C2). They wear dirty
aprons (C3).

The second problem is the cleanliness at the school canteen. It is disappointing/

devastating/bad. The food sold is not covered (C4). Plates and mugs are not cleaned
properly (C5). Apart from that, there are leftover food on the tables (C6). The clogged
drains (C7) give out bad smell.

Another problem is regarding the food (C8). It is expensive (C9). In addition, there
is no variety (C10).

The next problem is the floor is dirty and greasy. (C11) The dustbin is full of
rubbish (C12).

I hope the school principal will look into these problems and take effective

Reported by,

Siti Nadrah
(Siti Nadrah bt Aminudin) SENDER’S NAME
4 Science 1
SMK Jaya Bestari
Kuala Pilah
Negeri Sembilan



Recently, as a member of the Reading Club of your school, you have carried a survey on why
students do not like to spend their free time in the library. As the member of the school’s Reading
Club, you have been asked to write a report to the Principal to inform about the findings of the
survey and to suggest solutions to overcome the problems.

Include the following points in your report:

 Outdated books and in poor conditions  Purchase new books and other reading
 School library is underfund  Get sponsorships

 Insufficient chairs and tables  Add new chairs

 Less electronic resources  Purchase more computers

 Library hours too short  Extend the library hours


When writing your report, you should remember to:

 address it to the Principal
 give a title
 use all the notes given
 give ONE complaint and ONE suggestion
 end your report appropriately


The members of the Geographical Society of your school visited a rubber estate plantation to see
how rubber tapping is done and rubber is processed. As the Editor of the school newsletter, you
are required to write a report about the visit.


 Date
 Numbers of students on the trip
 Name the rubber estate
 Objectives:
o Introduce to participants on how rubber is processed
o Instil a sense of appreciation of the hard work of a rubber tapper
 What you did at the estate:
o Welcomed by the plantation manager
o Tour into the rubber estate –given safety gears
o Demonstration on:
o Video of the factory machines
 how tapping is done
 How latex is processed – graded and packed
o Video of the factory machines
o Tour along the gallery walkway in the plantation area
 Benefit - Great experience

When writing your report, you should remember to:

 Give a title
 State the writer’s name
 Use all the notes given
 Give ONE BENEFIT you gained during the trip
 End your report appropriately
A Visit to a Sunshine Rubber Estate

On 1st May 2016, (C1) the members of the Geographical Society visited a rubber
estate plantation known as Sunshine Rubber Estate (C3). Thirty five members (C2)
participated on this trip. The objectives of the trip were to inform participants on how rubber is
processed (C4) (and / as well as) appreciating the hard work of a rubber tapper (C5).
We arrived at our (destination/ the plantation) at 9 a.m. We were welcomed by the plantation
manager who was Mr Edward Lim. He took us to the cafeteria and we were offered some
light refreshments like drinks and snacks.

The first activity was a tour into the rubber estate (C6). Before the tour we were
given safety gears. At the big rubber estate, there was a demonstration on how tapping is
done (C7) and how latex is processed (C8). Apart from that, there was a demonstration on
how the product is graded and packed. The following activity was watching a video of the
factory machines (C9). In the last activity we had a tour along the gallery walkway in the
plantation area (C10). It was an interesting activity.

This trip gave a lot of benefits to the members. Besides gaining hands-on
experience (11), the members learnt to appreciate the nature and hard work of a rubber
tapper (C12). It was an educational trip.

Reported by,

Alison Nair
(Alison Nair)
Secretary of the Geography Society
SMK Bandar Seri Andalas


It is the Environment Month in your school. In conjunction with the Environment Month, one of the
activities is to visit the Recycling Centre. You, as one of the participants have been requested to
write a report to the teacher-in-charge of the visit.


 Date
 Numbers of students on the trip
 Name the recycling centre
 Objectives:
- Widen students’ knowledge on recycling
- Encourage students to play their role
 What you did at the centre?
- Welcomed by the recycling centre manager
- Videos on benefits of recycling and the effects of landfill
- Quizzes on recycling
- Tour along the gallery walkway in the factory
- Visit to Education room – see recycled display items
 Benefits
(suggest TWO BENEFITS you gained during the visit)

When writing your report, you should remember to:

 address to the teacher-in-charge
 state the writer’s name
 use all the notes given
 suggest TWO BENEFITS you gained during the visit
 end your report appropriately
In conjunction with the Health Week in your school, the Counselling Department organised a few
activities during the event. You, as the Editor of the School Magazine have been asked to write a
report for the school magazine. In your report, include the following information:

Purpose of the Health Week:

 The importance of positive mental health and well-

being among students


 Briefing by facilitators
 Fun fitness session
 Health Workshops
 Blood Donation
 Dental Check up
 (Suggest two other activities)

When writing your report, you should remember to:

 give a title
 state the writer’s name
 use all the notes given
 suggest ANOTHER TWO activities
 End your report appropriately
Health Week at SMK Bandar Vistana

In conjunction with the Health Week, the Counselling Department (C2) organised a
few interesting and informative activities for all the students.

This event was held from the 25 May 2016 to 27 May 2016 (C1). The theme was
Healthy Living Week (C3). The purpose of this event was to raise awareness on the
importance of positive mental health and well-being among students (C4). During this
event, there was a group of facilitators from the hospital and private medical centres in the
town. (C5)

On the first day, the students were given a short briefing on the activities which
would be carried out throughout the week by the facilitators (C6). The next activity was the
fun fitness session (C7) conducted by an experience instructor from a well-known fitness
centre. On the second day, there were Health Workshops (C8) on healthy eating habits and
healthy lifestyles. During the workshops there were some interactive games like quizzes and
crossword puzzles (C11). Apart from that, there was a blood donation campaign (C9). It was
a successful campaign. On the last day, there was a dental check-up (C10). Students were also
shown a demonstration on oral hygiene. (C12)

This event was a successful event as everyone gave their great support. It was also an
interesting and an informative event.

Reported by,

Alison Nair
(Alison Nair)
Secretary of the Counselling Department
SMK Bandar Seri Andalas

During the semester holiday, the Prefect Board organised a trip to a book fair organised by a
prestigious bookstore in the country. As a librarian, you joined the trip. You have been asked to
write a report about the trip for the Library Newsletter.


 Date

 Number of librarians participated

 Venue

 Organiser

 Objectives:

- to instil love for reading

- to enable participants to get books at cheaper prices

 Activities:
- Author signing – Mohamad Khalid (Lat cartoonist)
- Public speaking on ‘Reading’
- Workshops on creating fun reading activities by Longman Publication
- Competition – story-telling

 Benefits:
o big discounts on various types of books
(suggest ANOTHER BENEFIT gained)


You represented your school in a youth camp. Write a report on the camp to be given to your
teacher advisor of Interact Club based on the notes you have made.



(i) Future leaders
(ii) Harmonious nation


(i) Ice breaking – likes and dislikes

(ii) Talk on career guidance – scholarship and job opportunities
(iii) Question and answer session – issues related to youths
(iv) Cultural night

(state TWO BENEFITS of joining the Youth Camp)

When writing the report, you should remember to :

- address the report to your teacher advisor
- provide a title
- include your name as the writer
- use all the notes given
- suggest TWO BENEFITS of joining the Youth Camp
To :...................................................................................................

From : ..................................................................................................

Title : ..................................................................................................

On .................................................., a youth camp was held at ........................................

There were.......................participants who attended the camp. The objectives of the camp were
to mould ..................................................... and to create.............................................................

There were a lot of interesting activities during the camp. Everyone had fun during the
activities. The first activity was.............................. activity on ......................................................
....................................................... This was followed by the next activity which was .................

After lunch, there was ....................................................................................... on ...........


The last activity was a ......................................................... on ....................................................


It was a successful camp. Everyone went back with a big smile on their faces.

Prepared by,



1. Self
2. Family
3. People
4. Activities
5. Events
6. Incidents
7. Places
8. Senses
9. Feelings


Write three possible sentences to convey the idea given (in Malay). If you do not have the exact
vocabulary for any of the words, you may slightly change the idea given.


Idea given: Keputusan ujian saya menghampakan.

a. My test result is disappointing.

b. I failed in my test. I was sad.
c. My test result was very bad.


Saya gemar makan makanan segera.

Best option:

Other possible options:



Hobi saya adalah bermain permainan video dan mendengar muzik.

Best option:

Other possible options:




Cita-cita saya adalah untuk menjadi seorang doktor.

Best option:

Other possible options:

a. ____

b. _


Saya lemah dalam Matematik.

Best option:

Other possible options:




Harga beg itu berpatutan.

Best option:

Other possible options:





Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

I love my mother. She is …




My father is very rich. He …




My brother is very handsome.

a. __



My grandparents …




I have a happy family.



PRACTICE 3: PEOPLE (e.g. Friends, Teachers, Idols)


Write three possible sentences to convey the idea given (in Malay). If you do not have the exact
vocabulary for any of the words, you may change the idea given.

Saya amat meminati guru saya.

Best option:

Other possible options:





Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given.

I have a lot of friends. They are …




I like Justin Bieber so much. I like him because …




Mr. Fazlee is my English teacher. He is …



Nurul is my girlfriend. She is …




PRACTICE 4: ACTIVITIES (e.g. shopping, camping)


Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

Last weekend, my friends and I went to a shopping complex …




I attended my friend’s open house during the last Hari Raya.




Last week, my friends and I joined the school’s language camp …




Ms. Aina was teaching English. My friends …



I like to play football. I …






Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

Yesterday, my school celebrated Teacher’s Day.




It was my birthday.




Our school had just organised the annual Sports Day.




It was my first date. I …



It was school holidays.






Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

Alif fell off from his bicycle. He …




Fadhli did not go to school yesterday because …




A fire broke out in my village earlier today.




I met a cute girl at the Starbucks.



It was raining heavily outside. I …






Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given.

I want to go to Korea because …




Last night, I went to a night market. It was …




My school …




My house …



My village is …






Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

The fan is not working. I …




We were on top of Mount Kinabalu. We saw ...




Last school holidays, I went to Pulau Langkawi.




We went to Junjong waterfall for a picnic.



The weather is really hot.






Complete each of the sentences based on the starting line given or/and write three different
possible options to complete the sentence.

I lost my cell phone. I …




My best friend moved to a new school. I felt …




My beloved cat, Cici went missing. I …




Last week, my friends and I went for an outing. We …



I scored straight A’s in my SPM examination.





1. Self
2. Family
3. People
4. Activities
5. Events
6. Incidents
7. Places
8. Senses
9. Feelings


Task 1:

Write about your favourite hobby. Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My favourite hobby is…”

Task 2:

Things I like about my life (SPM 2000). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “The first thing I like about my life is…”
Task 3:

My dream car (SPM 1999). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My dream car is…”


Task 1:

Large families make happy families (SPM 2001). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I have a really big family.”

Task 2:

Should parents give children more freedom? (SPM 2012) Your paragraph should be at least
50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Parents should/should not give children more freedom.”

Task 3:

Family is more important than friends. Do you agree? Your paragraph should be at least
70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Yes, I agree that family is more important than friends.” (or the
counter argument)

Task 1:

A famous person you admire (SPM 2011). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My idol is…”

Task 2:

Friends (SPM 2003). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Friends are important.”

Task 3:

My perfect future husband or wife (SPM 2008). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My perfect future husband/wife...”


Task 1:

Imagine you are moving to a new house. Describe the last day in your old house (SPM
1997). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I looked at my old house and…”

Task 2:

Describe an outing with your friends (SPM 2012). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My friends and I went to…”

Task 3:

Describe how you spent a free day when the weather was bad (SPM 2001). Your
paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “It was raining really heavily…”


Task 1:

Write about a language camp that you joined last month. Your paragraph should be at least
30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I recently joined a language camp.”

Task 2:

Describe a festival celebrated in your area (SPM 2004). Your paragraph should be at least
50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “We celebrated…”

Task 3:

Describe an important family celebration and how you felt about it (SPM 2014). Your paragraph
should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “It was my grandmother’s birthday.”


Task 1:

You just had a fight with your sister. Write about what happened. Your paragraph should be at
least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I had a fight with my sister.”

Task 2:

Write a story that ends with: “If only I had listened to his/her advice” (SPM 2003). Your paragraph
should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I had an accident when…”

Task 3:

Write a story with the title: An Unexpected Visitor (SPM 2006). Your paragraph should be at least
70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I was waiting for the bus when…”


Task 1:

Write about your recent vacation. Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Last week, I had a vacation. I went to…”

Task 2:

You have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice. Which country would you choose
and why? (SPM 2003) Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I would like to visit…”

Task 3:

Write a letter to a penfriend describing some interesting places in your village, town or home
state (SPM 1998). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Dear , there are my interesting places here in…”

Task 1:

Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way home from school (SPM
2009). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “On my way home from school, I saw…”

Task 2:

Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced (SPM 2003). Your paragraph should be
at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I enjoyed my weekend with…”

Task 3:

Beauty (SPM 2009). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I like…”


Task 1:

Describe a day at school when you were unhappy (SPM 1998). Your paragraph should be
at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “It was a day when…”

Task 2:

Describe what makes you happy and explain why (SPM 2015). Your paragraph should be at
least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “There are many things that can make me happy like…”

Task 3:

The day I lost my temper (SPM 1999). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “The day I lost my temper was…”


Write a composition of about 350 words on each of the following topics:

1. Describe an interesting day in school.

2. Write a story about someone who promotes a healthy lifestyle to his or her own family.
Begin your story with: “it is very good if family members can …”
3. Why is having a good family important?
4. Is the internet important? Discuss.
5. Where there is a will, there is a way. Describe someone who shows strong determination
in his or her life.
6. Describe a visit to a public place with your family members.
7. How do you appreciate your friends?
8. Is shopping a fun activity?
9. United we stand, divided we fall. Describe when this was true to you.
10. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Share your experience that highlights the importance
of taking actions in achieving your goal.



1. Self
2. Family
3. People
4. Activities
5. Events
6. Incidents
7. Places
8. Senses
9. Feelings

Saya gemar makan
makanan segera. I love eating
fast food.
Possible options:
a. I like to eat pizza, burger, and chicken chop.
b. I like to eat. I like to eat pizza, burger and chicken chop.
c. I love Coca Cola. I love to go to McDonalds.

Hobi saya adalah bermain permainan video dan

mendengar musik. My hobbies are playing video games and
listening to music.
Possible options:
a. I like to play video games. I like to listen to music.
b. I like to play video games but I do not like to read books. I like to listen to music.
c. My hobby is playing video games. I like to play Clash of Clans, Plants vs Zombies and Temple
Run. I also like to listen to music. I like to listen to Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez.

Cita-cita saya adalah untuk menjadi

seorang doktor. My ambition is to be a

Possible options:
a. I want to be a doctor.
b. When I grow up, I want to be a doctor.
c. I dream to be a doctor.
Saya lemah
dalam Sejarah. I am
weak in History.
Possible options:

a. I don’t understand History.

b. I got 27% in History.
c. I always fail in History.

Harga beg itu berpatutan.

The price of the bag is reasonable.

Possible options:
a. The price of the bag is good.
b. The bag is cheap. The price is low.
c. The bag is only RM10. It is a good price.

PRACTICE 2: Family
I love my mother. She is …
a. very kind.
b. so beautiful.
c. caring and loving.

My father is very rich. He …

a. has twenty cars.
b. likes to buy expensive things.
c. has a big business.

My brother is very handsome.

a. He looks like me.
b. He looks like a movie star.
c. Many people like him.
My grandparents …
a. live in a village.
b. are very old.
c. are very kind.

I have a happy family.

a. We love one another.
b. We have fun together.
c. We always spend time together.

PRACTICE 3: People (e.g. Friends, Teachers, Idols)

Saya amat meminati
guru saya. I admire my
teacher very much.
Possible options:
a. I like my teacher so much.
b. I really like my teacher.
c. I love my teacher.

I have a lot of friends. They are …

a. Ali, Ah Chong and Ravi.
b. very handsome.
c. very kind and friendly.

I like Justin Bieber so much. I like him because …

a. he is very popular.
b. he can sing well.
c. he is very cute.

Mr. Fazlee is my English teacher. He is …

a. funny and caring.
b. very sporting.
c. good.
Nurul is my girlfriend. She is …
a. really beautiful
b. so pretty
c. very friendly

PRACTICE 4: Activities (e.g. shopping, camping)

Last weekend, my friends and I went to a shopping complex.
a. We watched the latest movie at the cinema.
b. We bought new clothes.
c. There were many people at the mall.

I attended my friend’s open house during the last Hari Raya.

a. I helped my friends to prepare the food.
b. I met many classmates there.
c. I ate a lot of traditional food.

Last week, my friends and I joined the school’s language camp.

a. We had many language games.
b. We had drama, spelling and vocabulary competitions.
c. We did many fun activities together.

Ms. Aina was teaching English. My friends …

a. were listening attentively.
b. were taking down notes.
c. did not make noise.

I like to play football. I …

a. play football at the field.
b. enjoy playing football with my friends.
c. start to play at 5 p.m.
PRACTICE 5: Events
Yesterday, my school celebrated Teacher’s Day.
a. I was really busy doing much work.
b. The students were very happy.
c. The teachers enjoyed themselves.

It was my birthday.
a. My friends came to my house.
b. My parents gave me a present.
c. I was really happy to celebrate it with my friends.

Our school had just organised the annual Sports Day.

a. Many athletes were there.
b. The students really enjoyed themselves.
c. Teachers and students were busy.

It was my first date. I …

a. felt really nervous.
b. could not wait to go out with my girlfriend.
c. wore the nicest dress/suit.

It was school holidays.

a. My family and I went to Pulau Langkawi.
b. I was really excited to go for a holiday.
c. My friends and I went to the cinema to watch a movie.

PRACTICE 6: Incidents

Alif fell off from his bicycle. He …

a. broke his arm.
b. injured himself.
c. hurt his knee.
Fadhli did not go to school yesterday because …
a. he was sick.
b. of the heavy rain.
c. he woke up late.

A fire broke out in my village earlier today.

a. Many people were injured.
b. Many houses were burnt down.
c. The villagers were really scared.

I met a cute girl at Starbucks.

a. I asked for her number.
b. We smiled at each other.
c. I bought a cup of coffee for her.

It was raining heavily outside. I …

a. didn’t feel like doing anything.
b. slept all day.
c. couldn’t go anywhere.

PRACTICE 7: Places

I want to go to Korea because …

a. Korea is a beautiful country.
b. I want to meet my favourite K-pop singer.
c. I like to watch their drama and listen to K-pop songs.

Last night, I went to a night market. It was …

a. very busy.
b. really noisy.
c. full of people.
My school …
a. is very big.
b. is nice and clean.
c. has many blocks.

My house …
a. is very large.
b. has two rooms.
c. is very comfortable.

My village is …
a. far from the city.
b. very beautiful.
c. very nice.

PRACTICE 8: Senses

The fan is not working. I …

a. feel so hot.
b. feel uncomfortable.
c. must buy a new fan.

We were on the top of Mount Kinabalu. We saw ...

a. a beautiful scenery.
b. the most beautiful view.
c. the sunrise/a rainbow.

Last school holidays, I went to Pulau Langkawi.

a. There were many tourists there.
b. I saw a lot of shopping malls.
c. I felt very excited to go to the beach.
We went to Junjong waterfall for a picnic.
a. The water was very cold.
b. The air was very fresh.
c. The place was really nice.

The weather is really hot.

a. I am sweating.
b. We feel very uncomfortable.
c. She feels really tired.

PRACTICE 9: Feelings

I lost my cell phone. I …

a. felt very sad.
b. I cried non-stop.
c. got really angry.

My best friend had moved to a new school. I felt …

a. very lonely.
b. very sad.
c. really unhappy.

My beloved cat, Cici went missing. I …

a. felt very sad. I cried every day.
b. was really worried.
c. was scared.

Last week, my friends and I went for an outing. We …

a. had a really good time.
b. enjoyed our outing so much.
c. had so much fun.
I scored straight A’s in my SPM examination.
a. I felt very happy.
b. I was really proud.
c. My parents smiled the whole day.
Task 1:

Write about your favourite hobby. Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “My favourite hobby is…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
My favourite hobby is playing tennis. I have been playing tennis since I was 10 years old. My
sister likes to play tennis too. I play tennis with her every day.
(30 words)

Task 2:
Things I like about my life (SPM 2000). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.
Start your paragraph with: “The first thing I like about my life is…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
The first thing I like about my life is my family. I love my father, my mother, my brother and my
sister. My father works hard every day. My mother takes care of us well. My brother and sister
are really nice. They like to buy me things. I love my family.
(52 words)

Task 3:
My dream car (SPM 1999). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.
Start your paragraph with: “My dream car is…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
My dream car is a Honda Civic. I have always wanted to buy a Honda Civic. I want to buy it for
my girlfriend, Madeline. The problem is I have no money. I should work harder to save up money
to buy a Honda Civic. I need to study hard if I want to buy this car. Sometimes I dream driving
this car. One day, I will buy it.
(71 words)


1. dream car : kereta impian

2. save up: simpan
PRACTICE 2: Family
Task 1:
Large families make happy families (SPM 2001). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “I have a really big family.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I have a really big family. I have a mother, a father, four sisters, and five brothers. My father is
very handsome. We grow up together in a big house. I love my family a lot.
(36 words)

Task 2:
Should parents give children more freedom? (SPM 2012) Your paragraph should be at least 50
Start your paragraph with: “Parents should/should not give children more freedom.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
Parents should give children more freedom. Children need more time to play. Some of them like
to play football. Some play video games. Some like to go shopping. They should not study all the
time. They should go out with their friends. They will feel bored if they study all day.
(51 words)
1. freedom : kebebasan
2. bored : bosan

Task 3:
Family is more important than friends. Do you agree? Your paragraph should be at least 70
Start your paragraph with: “Yes, I agree that family is more important than friends.” (or the
counter argument)
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
Yes, I agree that family is more important than friends. Our family helps us all the time. Our
father and mother take care of us. Family will stay with us forever. We always spend time with
our siblings. We can share our problems with our family. Friends do not live with us. Friends will
not be there for us all the time. I think we should love our family more.
(70 words)
1. agree : setuju
2. important : penting
3. siblings : adik-beradik
PRACTICE 3: People
Task 1:
A famous person you admire (SPM 2011). Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “My idol is…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
My idol is Adele. She is a popular and cute singer. I love the way she sings. She has such a
great voice. Every day, I listen to her songs. I hope I can sing like her one day.
(39 words)

1. idol : idola

Task 2:
Friends (SPM 2003). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.
Start your paragraph with: “Friends are important.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
Friends are important. I need my friends when I feel sad. My friends always make me feel better.
I like talking to my friends. I have a lot of friends. My friends are Ali, Abu, and Chong. Ali is very
handsome. Ali and Abu are very friendly. We play football together.
(51 words)

Task 3:
My perfect future husband or wife (SPM 2008). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.
Start your paragraph with: “My perfect future husband/wife...”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
My perfect future husband will be handsome. He must be a Korean. He will look like a celebrity.
I want him to look like G-Dragon. I also want my future husband to be kind, funny, and caring. He
must also be rich. I want to go for honeymoon in Seoul, Korea. I want to live in a bungalow. He
must know how to cook. I want him to cook for me every day.
(73 words)

1. future husband : bakal suami

PRACTICE 4: Activities
Task 1:
Imagine you are moving to a new house. Describe the last day in your old house (SPM 1997).
Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “I looked at my old house and…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I looked at my old house and felt really sad. I cried non-stop. I remember the time I spent in my
room. I fought with my siblings there. I also had fun with them every day. We would watch
television together.
(41 words)

1. fought (past tense of ‘fight’) : bergaduh

Task 2:
Describe an outing with your friends (SPM 2012). Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.
Start your paragraph with: “My friends and I went to…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
My friends and I went to KLCC to spend time together. We visited the shops there. We also ate
at KFC. My friends wanted to visit the KLCC park. We saw many cute girls. My friends liked one
of the girls. We took a lot of pictures and shared them with our family.
(53 words)

Task 3:
Describe how you spent a free day when the weather was bad (SPM 2001). Your paragraph
should be at least 70 words.
Start your paragraph with: “It was raining really heavily…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
It was raining heavily outside. I wanted to go out with my friends but I could not. I decided to read
my books. I read my new novel. I loved it very much. My friend, Elsa bought it for me. Elsa was
my best friend. She was very cute, kind and friendly. Later, I went to kitchen to cook noodles. I
liked noodles. I cooked curry noodles. After eating, I slept all day.
(74 words)
PRACTICE 5: Events

Task 1:
Write about a language camp that you joined last month. Your paragraph should be at least 30
Start your paragraph with: “I recently joined a language camp.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I recently joined a language camp. The language camp was held in Swiss Inn hotel, Sungai
Petani. My friends and I did lots of fun activities together. I was so happy that I could join the
(37 words)

Task 2:
Describe a festival celebrated in your area (SPM 2004). Your paragraph should be at least 50
Start your paragraph with: “We celebrated…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
We celebrated Hari Raya in my area. A lot of families did open houses. When I went there, I
helped my friends to prepare the food. I enjoyed going to open houses because we could eat
delicious cookies. I also met many classmates there. We ate a lot of traditional food. Our
teachers were there too.
(56 words)

Task 3:
Describe an important family celebration and how you felt about it (SPM 2014). Your paragraph
should be at least 70 words.
Start your paragraph with: “It was my grandmother’s birthday.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
It was my grandmother’s birthday. I love my grandmother so much. We celebrated her birthday
every year. This year, we went to Pulau Pangkor to celebrate grandmother’s birthday. I bought
her a special gift. I bought the gift from Tesco. It was a ring. My grandmother was very happy.
We bought her a big chocolate cake. She ate half of the chocolate cake. We sang a birthday
song for grandmother.
(70 words)
1. celebrate : meraikan/menyambut
PRACTICE 6: Incidents
Task 1:
You just had a fight with your sister. Write about what happened. Your paragraph should be at
least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “I had a fight with my sister.”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I had a fight with my sister. She took my phone. I did not like it when she took my things. I was
very angry. I shouted at her. She shouted back at me and said I was lying.
(39 words)

Task 2:
Write a story that ends with: “If only I had listened to his/her advice” (SPM 2003). Your
paragraph should be at least 50 words.
Start your paragraph with: “I had an accident when…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I had an accident when I was going to the concert. My mother did not want me to go to the
concert. I did not listen to her. My mother did not understand me. I wanted to go no matter what. I
planned with my friend, Vince to go there quietly.
(51 words)

Task 3:
Write a story with the title: An Unexpected Visitor (SPM 2006). Your paragraph should be at least
70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I was waiting for the bus when…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I was waiting for the bus when a cat suddenly appeared. I love cats. It was a brown cat that has
big white spots all over itself. I was so happy that the cat came because I was bored. The bus
was taking too long. Then I saw a little girl got kidnapped by a man. The man was tall and scary.
He drove a red Honda Civic. I shouted for help.
(72 words)

1. kidnapped : diculik
PRACTICE 7: Places
Task 1:
Write about your recent vacation. Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “Last week, I had a vacation. I went to…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
Last week, I had a vacation. I went to Langkawi. I went together with my family. Langkawi is a
really nice place. I went to Underwater World. I bought a lot of chocolates. There were many
(37 words)
1. vacation : percutian

Task 2:
You have been given a chance to visit a country of your choice. Which country would you choose
and why? (SPM 2003) Your paragraph should be at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I would like to visit…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I would like to visit Estonia. I want to go there because I have friends in Estonia. They told me
that Estonia is a beautiful country. The weather is cold too. I love cold weather. I want to visit
their museums. I want to buy the chocolates there. I want to try their traditional food.
(55 words)

Task 3:
Write a letter to a penfriend describing some interesting places in your village, town or home
state (SPM 1998). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “Dear , there are my interesting places here in…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
Dear Triin, there are many interesting places here in my home state, Kedah. There are paddy
fields. The paddy fields are beautiful. The weather is nice too. I want you to come to Kedah. You
will love the waterfalls here. We can have a picnic by the beaches too. I can also bring you on a
hike up Gunung Jerai. Our traditional food is great. You should try our Nasi Lemak.
(71 words)
1. waterfall : air terjun
2. hike : pendakian
PRACTICE 8: Senses
Task 1:
Describe an unforgettable incident that you saw on your way home from school (SPM 2009).
Your paragraph should be at least 30 words.
Start your paragraph with: “On my way home from school, I saw…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
On my way home from school, I saw a cat. The cat was cute. It was brown. The cat came to me.
I touched the cat. The cat ran away.
(30 words)

1. incident : kejadian

Task 2:
Describe an enjoyable weekend you have experienced (SPM 2003). Your paragraph should be
at least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I enjoyed my weekend with…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I enjoyed my weekend with my friends. My friends are Obama, Hillary and Donald. They were my
best friends. We went out shopping at Queensbay. We wanted to watch a movie. We went to the
cinema. Obama bought tickets for all of us. Hillary bought popcorns. Donald bought drinks. I
enjoyed eating free food.

(54 words)

Task 3:

Beauty (SPM 2009). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “I like…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I like my mother. My mother is beautiful. There is no prettier woman than my mother. She uses
make up to be pretty. My father loves my mother. My father loves pretty women. Tomorrow is
Mother’s Day. I will buy my mother a present. She likes chocolate cakes. I will also buy a
chocolate cake. My mother is on a diet. She does not eat too much cake. I have to eat it for her.
(75 words)
PRACTICE 9: Feelings
Task 1:
Describe a day at school when you were unhappy (SPM 1998). Your paragraph should be at
least 30 words.

Start your paragraph with: “It was a day when…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
It was a day when my favourite teacher left the school. I felt so unhappy. I like her classes so
much. She taught me so many things. I hope that she comes back to our school. My friends were
sad too.
(41 words)

Task 2:

Describe what makes you happy and explain why (SPM 2015). Your paragraph should be at
least 50 words.

Start your paragraph with: “There are many things that can make me happy like…”
Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
I was happy that day because my friends celebrated my birthday. I have never celebrated my
birthday before. They bought me a cake. I felt so loved. My best friend, Jewel gave me a present.
It was a watch. She knew that I loved that G-Shock watch. I thanked her for the present.
(53 words)

Task 3:

The day I lost my temper (SPM 1999). Your paragraph should be at least 70 words.

Start your paragraph with: “The day I lost my temper was…”

Sample paragraph for low-proficiency level students:
The day I lost my temper was on Thursday. My best friend, Emily was punished by the teacher.
Emily is a cute girl. She is very shy. She does not like to talk. A very naughty boy, Aiman copied
Emily’s homework. Aiman is very bad. He is really lazy. He always copies. The teacher was
angry with Emily. He thought that Emily copied Aiman’s homework. I got angry and told the
teacher the truth. The teacher was angry at Aiman.
(80 words)
1. temper : kesabaran
Essay 1

Topic: Describe an interesting day in school

Yesterday was an interesting day in school. It was Teacher’s Day. I love Teacher’s Day. It
was a big event (Describing events). All teachers were very happy. All students were also
very happy (Describing feelings). Teacher’s Day was a special day in my school. We had a
special programme yesterday. [41 words]

Lim, Bala, Nasir and I played football with our class teacher. Our class teacher was a handsome
man. He was a very good teacher (Describing people). Our class teacher was very happy. We
were also very happy. We played football at the school field. After playing football, we played
badminton (Describing activities). [48 words]
At 11.00 am, we went to the school hall. My school hall was big. The school hall was also
beautiful (Describing places). All students were happy. It was a special day. Many teachers
sang songs. Our principal sang a song (Describing activities). He was very good. All students
liked him. [46 words]
Teachers wore beautiful dresses. Miss Janagi wore a beautiful green sari. The discipline teacher
wore ‘baju Melayu’, a traditional Malay dress (Using senses). All classes had a party. There
were colourful balloons in the class (Describing places/ Using senses). There were many
types of food. My friend, Hani, bought a big cake. We loved the cake (Describing feelings). (48
Yesterday was a very interesting day for me. I love Teacher’s Day (Describing feelings). [12


1. interesting : menarik
2. event : acara
3. school hall : dewan sekolah
4. principal : pengetua
5. colourful : warna-warni
Essay 2
Topic: Write a story about someone who promotes a healthy lifestyle to his or her
own family. Begin your story with: “it is very good if family members can …”
It is very good if family members can have a healthy life – that is what Uncle Sam strongly
believes in. Uncle Sam, my neighbour, loves his family. He loves his father. He also loves his
mother. He loves his wife and children [Describing people]. [42 words]
Uncle Sam makes sure his family members are always healthy. He loves to cook with his family.
He does not go to fast food restaurants. He and his wife cook every day. They love to cook
chicken rice. All his family members love chicken rice. All his children know how to cook chicken
rice because Uncle Sam and his wife have taught them how to do it. It is easy to cook chicken
rice. Uncle Sam also wants his children to eat vegetables. He grows his own vegetables
[Describing actions/ activities/ people]. [87 words].
Uncle Sam also wants his family to stay away from stress. His family loves picnic. They like to
have picnic at a beach. They love beautiful beaches [Describing places]. They love to swim in
the sea. Swimming is good for their body. They love to play beach volleyball [Describing
activities]. When they go for a picnic, they enjoy themselves a lot [Describing feelings]. They
forget about their problems. They forget about stress. Uncle Sam says picnic is good and healthy
for them. [77 words].
Uncle Sam’s family likes to do many things together. They exercise together. They jog, cycle and
swim together [Describing activities]. They exercise because it is good for their health. As a
neighbour, I like Uncle Sam and his family. They have a very healthy lifestyle. [43 words]


1. healthy : sihat
2. fast food : makanan segera
Essay 3
Topic: Why is having a good family important?
I love my family. I love my father. I also love my mother. I love my brother and sisters. My brother
is a USM student. He is very kind. He is a clever student. My sisters are in Form 1 and Form 3.
They are also beautiful. They are smart students (Describing people). [51 words]
My family is good. It is important to have a good family. We do many activities together. I love to
cook with my family. I love to cook chicken rice (Describing activities). All my family members
love chicken rice. I do not know how to cook chicken rice but my mother has taught me how to do
it. It is easy to cook chicken rice. [63 words].
My family is important. My family helps me to reduce stress. I like to do many things with my
family members. We love picnic. Going for a picnic with my family members helps me to reduce
stress. We like to have picnic at Pantai Ceria (Describing activities/events). Pantai Ceria is a
beautiful beach. We love the sea. We love the blue sky (Describing places). We love to play
volleyball on the beach. When we go for a picnic, my mother and I will cook some food. We cook
some food (Describing activities). [84 words].
A good family loves to share the same hobby. My family and I love to watch television together.
We like to watch Malay drama (Describing activities). I love Rosham Nor. He is handsome. My
father likes Lisa Surihani. He said Lisa is very beautiful (Describing pople). My mother does not
like Lisa Surihani. My mother says she is more beautiful than Lisa Surihani. We love to talk about
what we like and dislike. [43 words]
My family is important because my family members support me. My family makes my life
meaningful (16 words).
[256 WORDS]


1. important : penting
2. kind : baik
3. clever : pandai
4. smart : bijak/pandai
5. reduce : kurangkan
6. share : kongsi
7. meaningful : bermakna
Essay 4
Topic: Is Internet important? Discuss.
My friends and I love Internet. We like Internet very much. I have a computer at home. I have an
old computer. I have a second hand computer. Boon and Ganesh do not have a computer at
home. [38 words]
Internet is very important. I get new friends from the Internet. I get new friends from London, New
York and Tokyo. Tokyo is a big city (Describing places). My new friends are Rachel, David and
Kawasaki. Rachel is beautiful. David likes to help people. I like my new friends. My new friends
also like me. They also like Malaysia (Describing people). [56 words]
Internet is important because it helps me to study better. I can see many pictures on the Internet.
I can see beautiful pictures. I use the pictures for my Geography subject (Describing activities).
Last week, my Geography teacher, Miss Rini, asked me to find pictures about Penang Island.
The pictures have many colours. Penang Island is a beautiful place (Describing places). It has
many popular beaches (Describing places). Some pictures are big. Some pictures are small. I
cut the beautiful pictures. I put the pictures in my Geography exercise book (Describing
activities). [84 words]
Boon and Ganesh always come to my house. We surf the Internet together. Boon and I like to
get information about Science (Describing activities). Internet is important to us. We love
Science. We also love our Science teacher. He is very sporting (Describing people). Our friend
Ganesh does not like science. Ganesh likes to get information about animals. He loves animals.
Ganesh likes to know about snakes, tigers and birds (Describing people). [55 words]
Sometimes, we go to Vince’s house. Vince has a new computer. He has a very good computer
(Describing people). We will surf the Internet together. We love to surf the Internet. Yes,
Internet is important. [29 words]

1. second hand : terpakai

2. surf : melayari
3. information : maklumat
Essay 5
Topic: Where there is a will, there is a way. Describe someone who shows strong
determination in his or her life.
I have a friend, his name is Siva. Siva is 15 years old. He likes to eat. Siva likes to eat pizza,
fries, burger and chicken nuggets. Siva also loves to play games. He plays online games. He
plays online games after school. Siva does not like to play football but he likes to play badminton
[Describing people]. [56 words]
Siva and I study at SMK Jertih. We are in 3 Gagah. We love our class. Our class is clean
[Describing places]. All our friends are very good. They are smart. They like to do homework. I
also like to do homework. However, Siva does not like to do homework. Siva is weak. Siva fails
in many subjects [Describing people]. [49 words]
Siva wants to be a smart student. He always wants to get an A for all the subjects. I know Siva is
a good boy. Siva says he will not give up. He says he will try his best [Describing people]. I tell
him, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”
Siva pays 100% attention in class. Siva does not talk in class. He keeps quiet when a teacher
is teaching in class. During recess, Siva and I read many books. We go to the library together.
Siva reads many books. Siva asks his father to buy many books for him [Describing
actions/activities]. [45 words]
Siva and I go home at 3.00 pm. We go home by bus. We do our homework at home. Siva starts
going for tuition. He stops watching television. He stops playing online games [Describing
actions/activities]. In the school examination, Siva passes all his subjects. Siva is so happy.
Siva wants to work harder so that he can get some As. [47 words]
After six months, Siva is not weak anymore. Siva is one of the best students in class. In the next
examination, Siva aims to get at least five As [Describing people]. He knows he must work
hard. Where there is a will, there is a way.


1. will : kemahuan
2. determination : kesungguhan
3. weak : lemah
4. fails : gagal
5. give up : berputus asa
6. pays 100% attention : memberi tumpuan sepenuhnya
7. quiet : senyap
8. recess : rehat
9. library : perpustakaan
10. aims : berhasrat
11. work hard : bekerja keras
Essay 6

Topic: Describe a visit to a public place with your family members

Yesterday, I followed my handsome and caring father to visit my uncle at a hospital [Describing
people/ actions]. We left home at about 5.00 p.m. and reached the hospital at 6.15 p.m. The
hospital was a new hospital. It was opened two months ago. It was clean and big. There were
many people at the hospital [Describing places]. [53 words]

My uncle was also handsome. He was more handsome than my father but I was more handsome
than my uncle. In short, I was the most handsome man. I was happy to be the most handsome
man in the family. My uncle was a chronic diabetic patient. He was in the hospital because his
sugar level was very high [Describing people]. [59 words]

My uncle‘s ward was on the second floor. The lift was very big and fast. I saw a nurse in the lift.
The nurse was my mother‘s old friend. She talked to my father. She told us that my uncle was
doing alright. After talking to the nurse, my father and I went to Room 515. My uncle was very
happy to see my father and me [Describing activities/ actions/ feelings]. [67 words]

There was a young doctor. The doctor said that my uncle was getting better and he could go
home soon. My father talked to my uncle for one hour. I felt bored so I went out of the room. I
went to level one. I saw a young nurse. She smiled at me. I smiled at her. She looked like Seri,
my girlfriend [Describing senses – seen]. [63 words]

Then, I went to the hospital café. The café was not big but clean [Describing places]. I saw the
young nurse again. She smiled at me again. The young nurse came to my table. I smiled at her. I
did not know what to say. I ate my fried rice quickly. After that, I ate my burger. Later, I ate
another plate of fried rice. I did not say anything to the young nurse [Describing activities/
actions]. [72 words]

Suddenly, the young nurse stood up and left me. She still smiled. I quickly went to Room 515. My
father was waiting for me. I said goodbye to my uncle. Then, my father and I went home. I could
not forget the young nurse [Describing actions/ activities]. [44 words]



1. chronic diabetic : penghidap kencing manis kronik

2. second floor : tingkat dua
Essay 7

Topic: How do you appreciate your friends?

Last year, I got 5A+, 1A and 3 B+ in my SPM. I was very happy. My parents were happy too
[Describing feelings]. That night, my father took me and all my family members to my favourite
restaurant, Bamboo Restaurant. It was only five kilometres from my house. The restaurant was
opened three years ago. I liked the restaurant very much because it served Malay, Thai and
western food [Describing places]. [67 words]

When we arrived at the restaurant, I saw many people. My father took some time to park his car.
My family and I walked to a room which my father had booked for us. The room was quite big
[Describing places]. When I opened the door, I saw my uncle, my grandmother and my friends.
They smiled at me. They were happy. I was really happy to see all my close friends [Describing
feelings]. I told my father my friends must come to my party because of our good friendship.
They helped me to get a good result. I appreciated all my friends. I invited them to my party. [91

I kissed my mother and I thanked her. I liked the party very much. At 8.45 pm, we were ready for
dinner. I sat beside Aaron, my boyfriend. He smiled at me. I smiled at him. We looked at each
other for some time [Describing actions/activities]. My father ordered my most favourite food –
chicken chop with black pepper sauce. We also had chicken soup, pizza and fried rice. I loved all
the food very much. They were great food [Describing senses – taste]. To me, the restaurant
had the best chicken chop in town. For my friends, I ordered Italian pizza, their favourite food. I
really appreciated their friendship. [102 words]

My best friends, Liza, Muna and Kim gave me a present. Liza was very hardworking. Muna was
a clever girl. Kim was as clever as Muna [Describing people]. I liked them very much because
they always helped me in my studies. We always studied together. When we were in Form 5, we
always studied together in the school library after school. Sometimes, I would go to Kim’s house
to study. After some time, my result improved. To appreciate our friendship and their help, I
gave each of them a very beautiful ring. [Describing activities/actions]. [90 words]

After dinner, I sang a Justin Bieber‘s song for my family and friends. I really appreciated them.
We had so much fun at the restaurant. I was very happy [Describing feelings]. It was really a
memorable night. [31 words]

TOTAL [385 words]


1. appreciate : menghargai
2. party : majlis
3. friendship : persahabatan
4. present : hadiah
5. improved (past tense of ‘improve’) : bertambah baik
6. memorable : dapat dikenang/diingati
Essay 8
Topic: Is shopping a fun activity?
Last week, my family and I went to a shopping complex. We went to Maju Shopping Complex. It
was a new shopping complex. The complex was very big (Describing places). There were many
people. We saw a group of old ladies. They were shopping at Parkson Grand. They were having
a lot of fun (Describing people). They smiled all the time. They laughed too. (Describing
senses – seen) Shopping must be fun for them. [65 words]
My mother loved to shop at Maju Shopping Complex. She said, shopping was fun for her. That
day, my mother bought two new clothes for herself. She bought a black blouse. I did not like
black. I did not like the blouse (Describing feelings). My sisters bought magazines and novels. I
felt hungry and wanted to go home but my mother still wanted to shop. I was angry. I was bored
(Describe feelings). Shopping was fun for my mother but not for me. [79 words]
My father also liked shopping. He bought a new car shampoo. Before he bought it, he looked at
the shampoo for a long time (Describe activities). It was cheap. The car shampoo was only
RM6.99 per bottle. I did not know what to buy. I just walked around the shopping complex. The
new shopping complex was very beautiful. I liked the place a lot (Describing places). After one
hour, I felt tired. My father asked me to sit down on a chair. I relaxed for twenty minutes. My
mother asked me why I looked sad. I told her I did not like shopping. Shopping was not a fun
activity (Describing feelings). [105 words]
Before we went home, my mother went to a boutique. She looked at all the clothes there. She
loved the beautiful clothes. She spent one hour there (Describing activities). I hated shopping. I
hated shopping very much. Shopping was not fun at all. I felt sad. I really wanted to go home. I
wanted to cry (Describing feelings). I was angry with my mother because she could not stop
shopping. My father started to get angry too. My father did not have enough money. My mother
asked my father to use his credit card. However, my father did not want to use his credit card.
Finally, I told my mother that she must stop shopping (Describing activities/actions). It was
time to go home. [116 words]
At 7.00 pm, we went home. I did not buy anything. My mother talked about her fun shopping trip.
I kept quiet. Shopping was not fun for me. [28 words]


1. tired : penat
2. boutique : butik
3. angry : marah
Essay 9

Topic: United we stand, divided we fall. Describe when this was true to you .

Last week, Boboi, Yaya, Gopal, Ying and I joined our school language camp. The camp was held
at a two-star hotel in Ipoh. It was a big hotel. The hotel was new. The hotel had many rooms
[Describing places]. We did not have to pay anything for the camp. Everything was sponsored.
Intel Malaysia sponsored the camp. [55 words]

There were ten groups. I was in Group 10. The members in my group came from different
classes. But all of us were Form 5 students. Seri, from Class 5 Permai, was our group leader.
Seri was a very pretty girl. I liked her so much [Describing people]. I knew the other boys also
liked Seri. We named our group Seri Bombastic. In the first activity, we created our group‘s logo,
motto and song. At first we did not know how and what to sing. I was afraid to sing alone but my
friends gave me motivation. We helped each other. When we presented our song, everybody
liked it. I learned that it was true when people said ‘Together we stand, divided we fall’.
[Describing activities/ actions]. [119 words]

On the second day, we had many language games. We had a spelling competition, vocabulary
games, drama and many other games. Our group won the drama competition [Describing
activities]. We presented a very good drama. We presented a story about a princess who fell in
love with a fisherman. Seri played the role of a princess and of course I was the poor but
handsome fisherman [Describing people]. The activities went on until 10.00 p.m. We were very
tired but we enjoyed ourselves a lot [Describing feelings]. We won because we worked
together well. We had a good leader. Seri always told us that we must stand together. She told
us that if we did not work together we would be weak. [115 words]

On the third day we had jungle trekking in a forest nearby the hotel. We had to climb hills. It was
very difficult. We had many challenges [Describing activities]. Seri was not feeling well. She
could not walk fast. I had to walk slowly. I did not want Seri to be alone. We helped Seri. We
carried her bag. We stayed together all the time. Finally, we reached our destination. Seri smiled
at me. She gave me her photo and thanked me [Describing action/ activities]. She said to me,
“You see, united we stand, together we fall.” I agreed. What she said was very true. [100 words]

I was very happy. Seri was happy too. After the language camp, Seri and I got closer. We
planned to join the language camp again next year. [27 words]



1. sponsored (past tense of ‘sponsor’) : ditaja

2. presented (past tense of ‘present’) : mempersembahkan
Essay 10

Topic: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Share your experience that highlights
the importance of taking actions in achieving your goal.

I am Mamat Kelaboo. I am 24 years old. I am from Kuala Nerang, Kedah. Some people say I look
like Saheizy Sam. Maybe they are right. Some other people say I look like Zizan Raja Lawak. I
do not know who is right. I do not want to be Saheizy Sam or Zizan Raja Lawak. I only want to be
myself. I only want to be Mamat Kelaboo [Describing people]. [69 words]

I came to Kuala Lumpur last year. I started working as a dispatch boy at an international
company ten months ago. I have some new friends in Kuala Lumpur. My friends are Babu,
Kishen, Babe and Vee. Babu is my housemate. We stay at a flat in Cheras. He is a very kind
man. He always helps me. Babe and Vee are my friends at the office [Describing people]. [67

Vee is special. Yes, Vee is not a very beautiful girl but I like her very much. I like to see her smile.
Her smile is very sweet. Vee is very caring [Describing people]. Vee always calls me every
night. Vee always makes sure I eat and rest well. When I have a headache, Vee will give me
Panadol [Describing actions / activities]. The problem is, I am not sure if Vee really likes me. I
have to ask her but I am so scared to ask her. [81 words]

Two weeks ago, Vee and I were alone in the office. I wanted to ask her about her feeling towards
me. I was sweating and my hands were shaking. When I was about to open my mouth, Babe
opened the door. She talked to Vee for 30 minutes. I said nothing. I just left [Describing
actions/activities]. Last Monday, I saw Vee at Kiah Café. She was alone. She was eating
chicken rice. I went to her. I ordered my drinks. I was ready to tell her about my feelings. I also
wanted to ask her about her feeling. When I started to say a few words, her telephone rang. Her
mother called her. She left me at the café because her mother had high fever. She had to take
her mother to clinic [Describing actions/activities]. [131 words]

Yesterday, I stopped Vee outside our office. I told her directly that I liked her so much and I loved
her. I asked her, “Do you like me?” Vee kept quiet. She looked at me for a few minutes. Then,
she finally said, “No, I don’t like you….but I love you.” I jumped and screamed! [Describing
actions/activities] [55 words]

Now, I am very happy. I tell myself, “…so, that is why people say – nothing ventured, nothing
gained. If you want something, you must go for it. We cannot give up easily.” [32 words]



1. dispatch : budak penghantar

2. headache : sakit kepala
3. scared : takut
4. sweating : berpeluh
5. shaking : menggigil
6. ventured : diterokai
7. gained : diperoleh

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