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Medical Students
Faculty of Medicine, Al-Jabal Al-garbi University

Final Exam Time: 2 hours Total Marks: 50

Date 30- February 2016

PART III 50x1= 50 Marks

Multiple choice questions
Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of MCQ section

1.Quelling reaction useful for identification of

A) Streptococcus pyogenes
B) Streptococcus pneumonia
C) Streptococcus mitis
D) Streptococcus agalactiae

. 2.Regarding Staphylococcus epidermidis all statements are true Except

A).May cause UTI in young Sexually active women ( Honeymoon cyst)
B).Important cause of prosthetic implant infections
C).Important agent of nosocomial infections
D).Normal flora of human skin and mucus membranes

3.Destruction of infective pathological materials are sterilized by

A) Pasteurization
C) Radiation
D) Filtration

4.Most common organism responsible for Pseudomembranous

colitis is
A) Clostridium botulism
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium perfringens

5. SSSS ( Ritter's disease) is caused by

A)Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B) Chlamydia trachomatis
C) Staphylococcus aureus
D) Streptococcus pyogenes

6. Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by
A)Rickettsia prowazekii
B) Rickettsia typhi
C) Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
D) Rickettsiae rickettsii

7 The following all diseases are caused by Campylobacter jejuni

A)Acute colitis
B)Reactive arthritis
C)Septic abortion

8.Regarding Brucella all the statements are true Except

A) Ingestion of contaminated animal products
B)It is Zoonatic disease
C)May produce an undulant fever
D)May produce Hide porter's disease

9. The following all diseases are caused by Mycobacterium

tuberculosis Except
A)Pott's disease
C) Renal tuberculosis
D)Hansen's disease

10.Regarding Escherichia coli all statements are True Except

A) cause urinary tract infection
B)Transmitted through faecal –oral route
C) Grow well in MacConkey's agar medium
D)Transmitted through sexual contact

11. The following all diseases are caused by Neisseria

gonorrhoeae Except.
A) Acute urethritis
B) Endo cervicitis
C)causes fulminating meningococcal septicaemia
D)Opthalmia neonatorum

12. Pontiac fever is caused by

A) Legionella pneumophila
B) Yersinia pestis
C) Haemophilus influenza
D)Helicobacter pylori

13. Regarding IgG all statements are true Except

A)Has Pentameric structure antibody
B) Mediate secondary immune response
C)Binds complement by classical pathway
D)Highest concentration serum antibody

14.All statements are false regarding IgE Except
A)Primary immune response antibody
B)Predominantly fetus producing antibody
C)Million air molecule antibody
D) Binds firmly to mast cells and trigger anaphylaxis

15. A class of bacterial toxins and retroviral proteins that have

ability to bind both MHC class II molecules and TCR chain
A) Hapten
B) Antigen
D)Super antigen

16.Clinical picture: shock due to sudden decrease of blood

pressure, respiratory distress due to bronchial spasm, vascular
permeability and edema concerned to
A) Type I Hypersensitivity
B) Type II Hypersensitivity
C) Type III Hypersensitivity
D) Type IV Hypersensitivity

17.Transfer of tissue between genetically identical individuals

eg. Identical twins is called

18.It is the resistance passively transferred from the mother to

fetus and infant is concerned
A)Artificial passive immunity
B)Natural passive immunity
C)Artificial active immunity
D)Natural active immunity

19.Chronic granulomatous disease ( CGD ) is due to defect in

A)defect in Primary oxidase of neutrophil
B) defect in Thyroid gland
C)defect in Pituitary gland
D)defect in salivary gland

20.All disease are false Regarding Systemic (non organ specific)

A)Rheumatoid arthritis
B)Hashimoto's thyroiditis
C)Myasthenia gravis
D)Diabetes mellitus

21.All the bacteria Gram negative Anaerobic Bacilli, Except
A) Bacteroides
B) Fusobacterium
C) Parvobacteria
D) Prevotella

22. Which one of the bacteria’s belongs to spirochaetes

A) Tryponema
B) Mycoplasma
C) Compylobacter
D) Helicobacter

23. Which one of the Bacteria’s is normal flora of vagina and

cause UTI infection in young sexually active women ( Honeymoon
A) Staphylococcus aureus
B) Staphylococcus epidermidis
C) Staphylococcus saprophyticus
D) Staphylococcus albus

24. Which one of the bacteria’s is highly pleomorphic and lack

rigid cell wall
A) Mycoplasma
B) Tryponema
C) Bacterioides

25.Lyme disease is caused by

A) Borrelia
D) Compylobacter

26. Obligative intracellular bacteria

A) Tryponema
B) Mycoplasma
C) Chlamidiae
D) Helicobacter

27. Rifampin is used for the treatment of

A) Mycoplasma
B) Tryponema
C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis

28. A substance become immunogenic only when linked to a
carrier protein is called as
A) Epitope
B) Paratope
D)Super antigen

29.Which is the false statement regarding IgM

A)Has pentameric structure
B) Mediate primary immune response
C)First B Lmphocyte producing antibody
D)Highest concentration serum antibody

30.Regarding spores of bacillus anthracis which of the following

A)spores are resistant to heat
B)Spores are used as biological weapons
C)High content of calcium bound dipicolinic acid
D)causes diarrhoeal form of food poisoning

31. Hide porter’s disease is caused by

A) Streptococcus
B) Clostridium
C) Pneumococcus
D)Bacillus anthracis

32. DPT Vaccine (Triple vaccine )is used to prevent all the
following diseases, Except
C)Whooping cough

33.Glandular fever is caused by

A) Herpes simplexvirus
B)Vericella zoster virus
D)Epstien barr virus

34.Kaposis sarcoma disease is caused by


35.All true regarding virus, Except

A)Grow in tissue culture medium
B)Ribosomes not present
C)Envelop is present in some viruses
D)Sensitive to antibiotics

36. MMR Vaccine ( Triple vaccine )is used to prevent all the
following diseases, Except

37.All the bacteria Gram positive Bacilli, Except

A) Corynebacterium
B) Bacillus anthracis
C) Clostridium
D) Vibrio cholera

38. Which one of the bacteria’s belongs to Enterobacteriacae

A) Salmonella
B) Mycoplasma
C) Compylobacter
D) Helicobacter

39. Lockjaw disease is caused by

A) Clostridium botulinimB) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium welchi

40. Wool sorters disease is caused by

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Bacillus anthracis

41. Which one of the Bacteria causes sub acute bacterial

A) Streptococcus pyogens
B) Streptococcus faecalis
C) Streptococcus mutans
D) Streptococcus agalactiae

42.Relapsing fever disease is caused by

A) Borrelia
D) Compylobacter

43. Which one of the bacteria causes sexual transmitted disease?

A) Tryponema
B) E. coli
C) Salmonella
D) Shigella

44.Which is the false statement regarding IgG
A)Has monomeric structure
B) Mediate primary immune response
C)Mediate secondary immune response
D)Highest concentration serum antibody

45. All the bacteria Gram negative Bacilli, Except

A) E. Coli
B) Haemophilus
C) Bordetella

46. BCG Vaccine is used to prevent one of the disease, Except

C)Whooping cough

47.Chicken pox disease is caused by

A) Herpes simplexvirus
B)Vericella zoster virus
D)Epstien barr virus

48.All false regarding Retroviruses, Except

A) ( + ) stranded RNA
B) ( - ) stranded RNA
C) ( + ) stranded DNA
D) ( - ) stranded RNA

49. All the statements are True Congenital rubella syndrome

A) congenital heart disease
B)Microcephaly with mental retardation
C) Neurosensory deafness
D) causes Salivary adenitis

50.The process of destroying all microbes including spore is

A) Disinfection
C) Disinfestation
D) Sterilization

51.A NOSOCOMIAL infection is

A) An infection that one catches from an animal
B) An infection that one gets from drinking contaminated water

C) An infection that one gets from an insect bite i,e,Lyme disease from
D) An infection that a hospital patient picks up at the hospital from the
personnel or material used in the hospital

52.Most common organism responsible for Gasgangrene is

A) Clostridium botulism
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium perfringens

53.Regarding clostridium all statements are False Except

A) Gram negative short chain with central spore
B) Gram positive drum stick appearance
C) Grows in aerobic environment
D) Produce Endotoxin

54. Regarding Corynebacterium diptheriae all statements are True


A) Elek gel precipitation test is done for toxigenicity

B) Gram positive club shaped bacilli Chinese letter arrangement
C) Produce exotoxins inhibit protein synthesis
D) Grow in Robertson cooked meat medium

55.The following all diseases are caused by Chlamidiae

trachomatis Except
A)Ocular lymphgranuloma
B) Neonatal conjuctivitis
C) Lymphogranuloma vinerum
D) Atherosclerosis

56.Regarding Candida albicans all statements are true Except

A)cause Moniliasis
B) Normal inhabitants of humans as commensals of mouth, intestine
C) Gram positive budding yeast cells
D) Gram negative intracellular diplococci

57. Regarding mycobacterium leprae all statements are True

A)mouse foot pad or armadillo have been used for isolation
B)It is obligative intra cellular pathogen
C)Difficult to be isolated on any medium
D)L J selective medium is used for isolation

58.which one of the bacteria concerned alphahemolytic , normal
flora of oral cavity, they are not grouped by lance field.
A)Streptococcus faecalis
B)Streptococcus mitis
C)Streptococcus agalactiae
D)Streptococcus pyogens

59.All the bacteria Gram positive cocci, Except

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Pneumococcus
D) Niesseria

60. Spasatic paralysis disease is caused by

A) Clostridium botulinim
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium welchi

61. Which one of the Bacteria causes sub-acute bacterial

A) Streptococcus pyogens
B) Streptococcus faecalis
C) Streptococcus mutans
D) Streptococcus agalactiae

62.Acid Fast Bacilli

A) Mycobacterium
B) streptococcus
C) staphylococcus

63.Myonecrosis disease is caused by

A) Clostridium botulinim
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium welchi

64. Regarding Mycobacterium tuberculosis the following

diseases are true except
A) Endometriosis
B).Pott’s disease
D)Hide porters disease

65. Mycobacterium leprae causative agent of
A) Hansen’s disease
B) Endometriosis
C) Woolsorters disease
D) Flaccid paralysis

66.Which one of the bacteria do not grow on artificial culture

A) Mycobacterium leprae
B) Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
C) Staphylococcus
D) streptococcus

67. Osteomyelitis and Septic arthritis is caused by

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Pneumococcus
D) Niesseria

68. Exofoliative toxin is responsible to cause the following one of

the disease
A) Endocarditis
B) Ritter’s disease
C) pharyngitis
D) spastic paralysis

69. Which one of the bacteria is responsible to produce

Nosocomial infections
A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B) streptococcus pyogens
C) staphylococcus epidermidis
D)Clostridium tetani

70.All the disease are concerned to Suppurative Streptococcal

diseases Except
A) Pyoderma
B) Erysipelas
C) Cellulitis
D) Gastroenteritis

71.Necrotizing fasciitis is caused by

A) Streptococcus faecalis
B) Streptococcus pyogens
C) Streptococcus equimillis
D) Streptococcus agalactiae

72. Inflammation of heart, joints, blood vessels, subcutaneous
tissues associated with one of non suppurative streptococcal
A) Acute rheumatic fever
B) Acute glomerulonephritis
C) Pharyngitis
D) Pyoderma.

Part IV: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


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