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III Year Medical Students

Faculty of Medicine, Al jabal Al gharbi University

Theory Final Reset Exam Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 130

Date 20-06-2012

Answer ALL the questions 13 x6 = 78 Marks

Write the answers in the separate answer provided to you

1. Describe difference between Gram positive and Gram

negative bacterial cell wall.

2. Describe briefly Anti microbial agents inhibiting of cell wall

synthesis with examples

3. Describe briefly Suppurative Streptococcal diseases

4. Clinical complications of Gonorrhoea in Males and Females

Describe Laboratory diagnosis of gonorrhoea

5. Describe briefly Clinical complications of Corynebacterium

Describe Laboratory diagnosis of Diphtheria

6. Describe briefly Virulence factors and diseases of Clostridium


7. Describe Virulence factors & clinical manifestations of

Salmonella .
Enumerate one of the serological tests useful in the diagnosis.

8. Hypersensitivity type II mechanism of pathogenesis and clinical


9. (a) Describe the structure of immunoglobulin

(b) Describe mechanism of graft rejection

10. Enumerate classical pathway and functions of complement

system ( Biological effects ).

11.(a)Describe pathogenesis of poliovirus.

(b) Enumarate types of Rabies vaccines

12. (a)Describe opportunistic infection of AIDS.

(b)Describe clinical features of Influenza A virus

13. (a) Enumarate clinical manifestations of Herpes simplex I & II
(b)Enumerate phases of replication of the viruses
Write short notes on
Write the answers in the separate answer provided to you
12x1=12 marks
1. VDRL 2. Capnophile

3. BCG vaccine 4. Virion

5. MMR vaccine 6.. Hapten & Antigen

7. Hydrophobia 8. Antigenic shift

9. Cytopathogenic effect (CPE ) 10.Acute rejection

11. MRSA 12. Isograft

PART III 5x1= 5 Marks

Fill in the blanks with most suitable answer
Write the answer in the space provided against each question

1. Gram positive bacteria when looses its cell wall the bacteria is
known as ___________________________________________

2. Sub-acute Sclerosing Pan encephalitis is caused by _______

Chicken pox is caused by ____________________________

3. Infectious protein particles are called _____________________

Hepatocellular carcinoma caused by ____________________

4. Typhus fever is caused by _____________________

Pseudo membranous colitis disease is caused by___________

5. Activated Macrophages causes tissue injury and fibrosis

____________________________ reaction.

Arthus reaction__________Hypersensitivity reaction

PART IV 25x1= 25 Marks
Multiple choice questions
Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of MCQ section

1. All the bacteria Gram negative Anaerobic Bacilli, Except

A) Bacteroides
B) Fusobacterium
C) Parvobacteria
D) Prevotella

2. Which one of the bacteria’s belongs to Enterobacteriacae

A) Salmonella
B) Mycoplasma
C) Compylobacter
D) Helicobacter

3. Spastic paralysis disease is caused by

A) Clostridium botulinim
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium welchi

4. Hide porter’s disease is caused by

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Bacillus anthracis

5. All the bacteria belongs to spirochaetes Except

A) Tryponema
B) borrelia
C) Leptospira
D) Helicobacter

6. SSSS ( Ritter’s disease) is caused by

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Pneumococcus

7. Which one of the bacteria’s is highly pleomorphic and lack rigid

cell wall
A) Mycoplasma
B) Tryponema
C) Bacterioides

8. Lyme disease is caused by
A) Borrelia
D) Compylobacter

9. Obligative intracellular bacteria

A) Streptococcus
B) Salmonella
C) Chlamidiae
D) Helicobacter

10. Sulphonamides are

A) Cell wall synthesis inhibitors
B) Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors
C)Protien synthesis inhibitors

11. Direct Uptake of plasmid DNA is called

C) Conjugation
D) Transformation

12.All statements true regarding Antigen, Except

A) chemically polysaccharides
B) Antibody genarators
C) Induce specific immune response
D) produced by plasmacells

13.MHC II antigen associated with receptors of

A. CD8
B. CD4

14. Alternate pathway is initiated by

B. IgA
D. IgE

15.Which is the false statement regarding IgM

A)Has pentameric structure
B) Mediate Primary immune response
C) predominantly fetus producing antibody
D)Highest concentration serum antibody

16. Edward jenner is associated with which of the following
D)Antiseptic surgery

17. Which is the True statement regarding IgG

A) Mediate primary immune response
B)Lowest concentration serum antibody
C) Mediate secondary immune response antibody
D)allergic hypersensitivity antibody

18. All the bacteria Gram positive cocci, Except

A) Streptococcus
B) Staphylococcus
C) Pneumococcus
D) Neisseria

19. DPT Vaccine is used to prevent all disease, Except

C) whooping cough

20.Infectious mononucleosis disease is caused by

A) Herpes simplexvirus
B)Vericella zoster virus
D)Epstien barr virus

21) Transfer of tissue between genetically identical individuals

( identical twins) called

22. Serum sickness is concerned to

A) Type I Hypersensitivity
B) Type II Hypersensitivity
C) Type III Hypersensitivity
D) Type IV Hypersensitivity

23. Activated Natural killers cells associated with

( used as growth factor)
A) IL1

24. Sudden heritable changes occur in the base sequence of DNA
is called
C) Conjugation
D) Transformation

25. All the statements are True Congenital rubella syndrome

A) congenital heart disease
B)Microcephaly with mental retardation
C) Neurosensory deafness
D) causes Salivary adenitis

Part IV: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25


Mention True ( T ) and False( F ) 10x0.5= 5 Marks

Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of the section

1. Measles virus causes shingles

2. IgA antibodies present in Hypersensitivity type IV

3. Chikun gunya caused by Alpha virus

4. MHC I Antigens are endogenously processed peptides

5. Kaposis sarcoma caused by Cytomegalo virus

6. Clostridium is spore forming anaerobic bacteria

7. WIDAL test is used for diagnosis of Tuberculosis

8. Tetracycline’s inhibits cell wall synthesis of bacteria

9. Acute glomerulonephritis is caused by Salmonella

10. Culture media sterilized by Radiation

Mention ( T ) if it is true or if ( F ) if it is false

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part VI 10x0.5= 5 Marks

Write the suitable match for group A by choosing answer from group B
Enter your choice in the respective box provided at the end

Column A Column B
1. Joseph lister A) Flavi virus

2. Relapsing fever B) Legionella

3. Salk Vaccine C) Corynebacterium

4. Arthralgia syndrome D) Shigella

5. Dipicolinic acid E ) Polio virus

6. Elek test F) Borrelia

7. Hot air oven G) Antiseptic surgery

8. Pontiac fever H) Dry heat

9. Haemolytic uraemic nephritis I) Bacillus anthracis

10. Woolsorter’s disease J) Endospore

Answer for maching

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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