17 July 2011

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Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi University

Dental College; Faculty of Medicine, Gharyan

Mid and Final Examination
Subject: Microbiology Time: 3 hrs
Class: Second Year Date: 17 July 2011
Total Marks: 80

PART I. Multiple choice questions ( MCQ ) : Write the answer in the provide box
( 1 Mark each Total 40 )
1.Gram positive spore Forming Aerobic bacteria
A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus antracis D. Staphylococcus ( )

2. Gram Negative Anaerobic bacilli

A. Mycobacterium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacteroides D. Staphylococcus ( )

3. Cystoscopes and Endoscopes are sterilised by

A. Formaldehyde B. Glutaraldehyde C.Chlorine D. Phenols ( )

4. Counter stain of Gram staining:

A. Crystal voilet B. Grams Iodine C. Saffranine D. Methelene Blue ( )

5. Sudden heritable changes occur in base sequence of DNA is called

A. Conjugation B.Transduction C.Mutation D.Transfomation ( )

6.Biological fluids are sterilised by

A. Moist heat B.Pasteurisation C. Filtration D.Radiation ( )

7.Loefflers medium used for the growth of

A. staphylococcs B. Corynebacterium C. Streptococcus D.Mycobacterium ( )

8.Which one of the Antibiotic useful in the treatment of tuberculosis

A. Lincomycin B. Rifampin C. Ampicillin D.Streptomycin ( )

9. Gram positive spore Forming Anaerobic bacteria

A. Clostridium tetani B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Staphylococcus ( )

10. Acid Fast Bacilli

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus antracis
D. Staphylococcus aureus ( )

11.Bacteria cell organelles mediate invagination and chromosome cell division

A. Mesosomes B. Ribosomes C. Corboxysomes D. Glyoxysomes ( )

12.Moderant of Gram staining :

A. Crystal voilet B. Grams Iodine C. Saffranine D. Methelene Blue ( )

13.Flagellum distributed all over surface of the bacteria
A. Lopotrichous B. peritrichous C. A trichous D. Amphitrichous ( )

14. Cell to Cell contact is known as

A. Conjugation B.Transduction C.Mutation D.Transfomation ( )

15. Antibody binds to apart of antigen is called

A. Epitope B. Paratope C. Hapten D. Immunogen ( )

16. Grampositive cocci arranged in groups

A. staphylococcus B. Corynebacterium C. Streptococcus D.Mycobacterium ( )

15. Secondary metabolites producing phase is called

A. Lag phase B. Log phase C. Stationary phase D. Death phase ( )

16. primary Immune response Antibody

A. IgM B. IgG C. IgE D. IgA ( )

17. Highest concentration serum Antibody

A. IgG B. IgM C. IgA D. IgE ( )

18. Which one of the chromosomal elements acts as Jumping Genes

A. Plasmid B. Gene C. DNA D. Transposans ( )

19. Highest concentration secretary Antibody

A. IgE B.IgG C. IgG D.IgA ( )

20. Secondary Immune response Antibody

A. IgA B. IgM C. IgG D. IgE ( )

21. All Pathogenic bacteria belongs to

A. Thermophiles B. Psychrophyles C. Mesophyles D. Capnophyles ( )

22. Centers for protein syntesis of bacteria:

A. Mesosomes B. Ribosomes C. Corboxysomes D. Glyoxysomes ( )

23. Which one is the best skin antiseptic disinfectant:

A. Chlorine B.Iodine C. Phenol D. Aldehyde ( )

24. The bacteria synthesis energy from organic compounds and atmospheric CO2
A. Phototroph B. Chemotroph C. Heterotroph D. Autotroph ( )

25.Robertson cooked medium is used for the growth of

A. Clostridium B. Escerichia coli C. Styaphylococcus D. Streptococcus ( )

26.Which one disinfectant used for purification of drinking water

A. Cholorine B. Alcohol C.Phenol D. Glutaraldihyde ( )

27. Elek test is used for the diagnosis of
A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Salmonella ( )

28. TCBS is used for the growth of

A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Staphylococcus ( )

29. Which one of the bacteria contain mycolic acid in their cell wall
A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D.Mycobacterium ( )

30. Food poisoning disease is caused by

A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus cereus D.E, coli ( )

31. Mycobacterium virulence Factor

A. Exotoxin B. Entero toxin C. Cord Factor D. Streptolysin o ( )

32. The Bacteria grow High tension CO2 is called

A.Psychro phile B. Capnophile C. Meso phile D.Thermophile ( )

33.The Anaerobic respiration is called

A. Catabolism B.Anabolism C. Fermentation D. Metabolism ( )

34.Culture media sterilised by

A. Moist heat B. Dry heat C. Filtration D.Radiation ( )

35. DPT vaccines are used for the treatment of

A. Staphylococcs B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D.E. coli ( )

36. Firmly Binds mast cells and trigger anaphylaxis

A. IgM B. IgG C. IgE D. IgA ( )

37.which one of the antibiotic inhibit Nucleic acid synthesis

A. Metronidazole B.streptomycin C. Tetracyclin D.Erythromycin ( )

38.MHC I antigen associated with receptors of

A. CD8 B. CD4 C.CD5 D.CD6 ( )

39.Alternate pathway is initiated by

A. LPS B. IgG C.IgM D. IgE ( )

40.Haemolytic Uraemic syndrome is caused by

A. E. Coli B. Salmonella C. Shigella D. Proteus ( )

PART II. Mention TRUE OR FALSE the following sentences;( 1mark each; Total 15 )
1. Pentameric structure Antibody is IgM ( )

2.Dry heat employed in the Autoclave ( )

3. MacConkeys agar medium is used for the growth of Salmonella ( )

4. Flagellum is respiratory cell organs of Bacteria ( )

5. Lypo polysaccharide complex present in Gram positive Bacteria ( )

6. Syphilis is caused Trypanema pallidum ( )

7. FC portion of IG contain complement fixation site ( )

8. Ribosome’s are Locomotion organs of Bacteria ( )

9.An ability of a microbe to produce disease is called pathogensity ( )

10.VDRL test used for diagnosis of Typhoid and paratyphoid ( )

11. Vibrio cholera bacteria grow in Alkaline PH 8-9 ( )

12. Tetracycline inhibit cell wall synthesis ( )

13. Slime layer contain Glycocalyx ( )

14. Direct Uptake of plasmid DNA is called Transduction ( )

15. Classical pathway is activated by IGM and IgG ( )

PART III. Match column A with suitable response from column B ( ½ mark total 5 )

Column - A Column - B
1. plastic disposable items ( ) A. Pasteurization

2.Milk ( ) B. Neisseria

3.Crystal voilet ( ) C. Mycobacterium

4.Transposans ( ) D. Radiation

5.MRSA ( ) E. Yersinia pestis

6.LJ medium ( ) F. Jumping genes

7. Urinary tract infection ( ) G. Vancomycin

8.Chacolate agar medium ( ) H. Pseudomonas

9.Pneumonic plague ( ) I. Borrelia

10. Lyme disease ( ) J. Primary stain

PART IV. Fill in the Blanks with most suitable answer (1mark each total 10)
Write the Answer in the space provided against each question
1.Sorethroat is caused by ___________________________

Osteomylitis and septic arthritis caused by ___________________

2.Corynebacterium exotoxin inhibit ___________________________

SSSS disease is caused by _________________________________

3.Woolsorters disease is caused by __________________________

Pseudomembrane is caused by _______________________________

4.FAB fragment of Immunoglobulin is called ______________________

FC fragment of Immunoglobulin is called ______________________

5.WIDAL test is used for the diagnosis of ________________________

ELISA test is used for the diagnosis of ________________________

6. Use of formaldehyde and hypochlorite __________________________

Use of Bacteriological loop _________________________________

7.Gram positive Bacteria cell wall contains more ___________________

Gram negative Bacteria cell wall contains more___________________

8. Antimicrobial agents Inhibiting protein synthesis Ex. _______________

Antimicrobial agents Inhibiting cell wall synthesis Ex. _______________

9. Bacteria which will grow below 15 C to 20 C temperature is called ____________

Bacteria which will grow below 25 C to 40 C temperature is called ____________

10. Relapsing Fever is caused by _____________________________

Haemolytic Uraemic nephritis is caused By _____________________

AlJabal- AlGharbi University Final Medical Microbiology Oral Exam
Faculty of Dental college, For second Year Dental Students
Marks obtained Date 17 July 2011

1.Plasmid ___________________________________________



5.Function of Antibody__________________________________________

7.Exponential phase____________________________________________

8. prophylaxis of BCG and what does it contains____________________


9.Capsule and Slime layer________________________________________


10.Streptococcus causes non suppurative infection

Non suppurative infection

Part I: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Part II: Mention (T) if the statement is true or (F) if it is false

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15

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