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II Year Dental Students

Faculty of Dentistry, Al jabal Al garbi University

Theory Final Exam Time: 3 hours Total Marks:80

Date 17- July 2011

Mid- Term exam Total 20x1= 20Marks

PART I 15x1= 15 Marks

Multiple choice questions
Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of MCQ section

1.Gram positive spore Forming Aerobic bacteria

A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus antracis D. Staphylococcus ( )

2. Gram Negative Anaerobic bacilli

A. Mycobacterium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacteroides D. Staphylococcus ( )

3. Cystoscopes and Endoscopes are sterilised by

A. Formaldehyde B. Glutaraldehyde C.Chlorine D. Phenols ( )

4. Counter stain of Gram staining:

A. Crystal voilet B. Grams Iodine C. Saffranine D. Methelene Blue ( )

5. Sudden heritable changes occur in base sequence of DNA is called

A. Conjugation B.Transduction C.Mutation D.Transfomation ( )

6.Biological fluids are sterilised by

A. Moist heat B.Pasteurisation C. Filtration D.Radiation ( )

7.Loefflers medium used for the growth of

A. staphylococcs B. Corynebacterium C. Streptococcus D.Mycobacterium ( )

8.Which one of the Antibiotic useful in the treatment of tuberculosis

A. Lincomycin B. Rifampin C. Ampicillin D.Streptomycin ( )

9. Gram positive spore Forming Anaerobic bacteria

A. Clostridium tetani B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Staphylococcus ( )

10. Acid Fast Bacilli

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus antracis
D. Staphylococcus aureus ( )

11.Bacteria cell organelles mediate invagination and chromosome cell division
A. Mesosomes B. Ribosomes C. Corboxysomes D. Glyoxysomes ( )

12.Moderant of Gram staining :

A. Crystal voilet B. Grams Iodine C. Saffranine D. Methelene Blue ( )

13.Flagellum distributed all over surface of the bacteria

A. Lopotrichous B. peritrichous C. A trichous D. Amphitrichous ( )

14. Cell to Cell contact is known as

A. Conjugation B.Transduction C.Mutation D.Transfomation ( )

15. Antibody binds to apart of antigen is called

A. Epitope B. Paratope C. Hapten D. Immunogen ( )

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15


Mention True ( T ) and False( F ) 5x1= 5 Marks

Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of the section

1. Pentameric structure Antibody is IgM ( )

2.Dry heat employed in the Autoclave ( )

3. MacConkeys agar medium is used for the growth of Salmonella ( )

4. Flagellum is respiratory cell organs of Bacteria ( )

5. Lypo polysaccharide complex present in Gram positive Bacteria ( )

Mention ( T ) if it is true or if ( F ) if it is false

1 2 3 4 5

IIYear Dl Students
Faculty of Dentistry, Al jabal Al garbi University
Final Theory exam Total 60Marks

PART I 30x1= 30 Marks

Multiple choice questions
Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of MCQ section

1. Grampositive cocci arranged in groups

A. staphylococcus B. Corynebacterium C. Streptococcus D.Mycobacterium ( )

2. Secondary metabolites producing phase is called

A. Lag phase B. Log phase C. Stationary phase D. Death phase ( )

3. primary Immune response Antibody

A. IgM B. IgG C. IgE D. IgA ( )

4. Highest concentration serum Antibody

A. IgG B. IgM C. IgA D. IgE ( )

5. Which one of the chromosomal elements acts as Jumping Genes

A. Plasmid B. Gene C. DNA D. Transposans ( )

6. Highest concentration secretary Antibody

A. IgE B.IgG C. IgG D.IgA ( )

7. Secondary Immune response Antibody

A. IgA B. IgM C. IgG D. IgE ( )

8. All Pathogenic bacteria belongs to

A. Thermophiles B. Psychrophyles C. Mesophyles D. Capnophyles ( )

9. Centers for protein syntesis of bacteria:

A. Mesosomes B. Ribosomes C. Corboxysomes D. Glyoxysomes ( )

10. Which one is the best skin antiseptic disinfectant:

A. Chlorine B.Iodine C. Phenol D. Aldehyde ( )

11. The bacteria synthesis energy from organic compounds and atmospheric CO2
A. Phototroph B. Chemotroph C. Heterotroph D. Autotroph ( )

12.Robertson cooked medium is used for the growth of

A. Clostridium B. Escerichia coli C. Styaphylococcus D. Streptococcus ( )

13.Which one disinfectant used for purification of drinking water
A. Cholorine B. Alcohol C.Phenol D. Glutaraldihyde ( )

14. Elek test is used for the diagnosis of

A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Salmonella ( )

15. TCBS is used for the growth of

A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D. Staphylococcus ( )

16. Which one of the bacteria contain mycolic acid in their cell wall
A. Clostridium B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D.Mycobacterium ( )

17. Food poisoning disease is caused by

A. Streptococcus B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus cereus D.E, coli ( )

18. Mycobacterium virulence Factor

A. Exotoxin B. Entero toxin C. Cord Factor D. Streptolysin o ( )

19. The Bacteria grow High tension CO2 is called

A.Psychro phile B. Capnophile C. Meso phile D.Thermophile ( )

20.The Anaerobic respiration is called

A. Catabolism B.Anabolism C. Fermentation D. Metabolism ( )

21.Culture media sterilised by

A. Moist heat B. Dry heat C. Filtration D.Radiation ( )

22. DPT vaccines are used for the treatment of

A. Staphylococcs B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D.E. coli ( )

23. Firmly Binds mast cells and trigger anaphylaxis

A. IgM B. IgG C. IgE D. IgA ( )

24.which one of the antibiotic inhibit Nucleic acid synthesis

A. Metronidazole B.streptomycin C. Tetracyclin D.Erythromycin ( )

25.MHC I antigen associated with receptors of

A. CD8 B. CD4 C.CD5 D.CD6 ( )

26.Alternate pathway is initiated by

A. LPS B. IgG C.IgM D. IgE ( )

27.Haemolytic Uraemic syndrome is caused by

A. E. Coli B. Salmonella C. Shigella D. Proteus ( )

28. Osteomylitis and septic arthritis caused by

A. Staphylococcs B. Corynebacterium C. Bacillus D.E. coli ( )

29. Woolsorters disease is caused by

A. E. Coli B. Salmonella C. Shigella D. Bacillus anthracis ( )

30. WIDAL test is used for the diagnosis of

A. E. Coli B. Salmonella C. Shigella D. Bacillus anthracis ( )

Part I: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


Mention True ( T ) and False( F ) 10x1= 10 Marks

Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of the section

1. Syphilis is caused Trypanema pallidum ( )

2. FC portion of IG contain complement fixation site ( )

3. Ribosome’s are Locomotion organs of Bacteria ( )

4.An ability of a microbe to produce disease is called pathogensity ( )

5.VDRL test used for diagnosis of Typhoid and paratyphoid ( )

6. Vibrio cholera bacteria grow in Alkaline PH 8-9 ( )

7. Tetracycline inhibit cell wall synthesis ( )

8. Slime layer contain Glycocalyx ( )

9. Direct Uptake of plasmid DNA is called Transduction ( )

10. Classical pathway is activated by IGM and IgG ( )

Part II: Mention (T) if the statement is true or (F) if it is false

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part III 10x0.5= 5 Marks

Write the suitable match for group A by choosing answer from group B
Enter your choice in the respective box provided at the end

Column - A Column - B
1. plastic disposable items A. Pasteurization

2.Milk B. Neisseria

3.Crystal voilet C. Mycobacterium

4.Transposans D. Radiation

5.MRSA E. Yersinia pestis

6.LJ medium F. Jumping genes

7. Urinary tract infection G. Vancomycin

8.Chacolate agar medium H. Pseudomonas

9.Pneumonic plague I. Borrelia

10. Lyme disease J. Primary stain

Answer for maching

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

PART IV 5x1= 5 Marks
Fill in the blanks with most suitable answer
Write the answer in the space provided against each question

1.Corynebacterium exotoxin inhibit ___________________________

SSSS disease is caused by _________________________________

2.FAB fragment of Immunoglobulin is called ______________________

FC fragment of Immunoglobulin is called _____________________

3. Use of formaldehyde and hypochlorite __________________________

Use of Bacteriological loop _________________________________

4.Gram positive Bacteria cell wall contains more ___________________

Gram negative Bacteria cell wall contains more___________________

5. Relapsing Fever is caused by _____________________________

Haemolytic Uraemic nephritis is caused By _____________________

AlJabal- AlGharbi University Final Medical Microbiology Oral Exam
Faculty of Dental college, For second Year Dental Students
Marks obtained Date 17 July 2011

1. Plasmid ___________________________________________

2. Sterilisation________________________________________


5.Function of Antibody__________________________________________

7.Exponential phase____________________________________________

8. prophylaxis of BCG and what does it contains____________________


9.Capsule and Slime layer________________________________________


10.Streptococcus causes non suppurative infection

Non suppurative infection

Part I: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Part II: Mention (T) if the statement is true or (F) if it is false

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11 12 13 14 15

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