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III Year Medical Students

Faculty of Medicine, Al-Jabal Al-garbi University

Theory Final Reset Exam Time: 3 hours Total Marks: 130

Date 30- May 2013

Answer ALL the questions 15 x4 = 60 Marks

Write the answers in the separate answer booklet provided to you

1.Describe clinical features and laboratory diagnosis of

Helicobacter pylori

2. Describe the Laboratory diagnosis of Syphilis

3.Describe clinical syndromes of Salmonella

4.Enumarate Suppurative Streptococcal diseases

5.Describe Clostridium botulinum clinical manifestations

6.a)Describe the laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium leprae

b)Enumerate antimicrobial agents inhibiting Cell wall synthesis

7. a) Describe growth curve of bacteria

b) Describe Gram negative bacterial cell wall important features

8. Hypersensitivity type II mechanism of pathogenesis and clinical


9.. Enumerate classical pathway or Functions of MHC

10.Describe Secondary immuno deficiency disease ( AMI & CMI )

11.Describe Cell Mediated Immunity ( Antigen processing and


PART II 10x0.5= 5 Marks
Fill in the blanks with most suitable answer
Write the answer in the space provided against each question

1. Relapsing fever is caused by ________________________

2. Lyme disease is caused by ________________

3.Gasgangrene is caused by ______________________

4. Hemolytic uremic syndrome is caused by_________________

5. Highest concentration secretory antibody ___________

6. The combining area of the antibody molecule corresponding to

The epitope is called _____________________________

7.BCG Vaccine is used for the treatment of ___________________

What does it contains _________________________________

PART III 50x1= 50 Marks

Multiple choice questions
Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of MCQ section

1.Quelling reaction useful for identification of

A) Streptococcus pyogenes
B) Streptococcus pneumonia
C) Streptococcus mitis
D) Streptococcus agalactiae

2.Regarding Louis Pasteur all statements are true Except

A)Isolation of Pure cultures of bacteria
B)Introduced sterilization techniques
C)Developed Techniques for bacterial cultivation
D)Disproved the theory of spontaneous generation

. 3.Regarding Staphylococcus epidermidis all statements are true Except

A).May cause UTI in young Sexually active women ( Honeymoon cyst)
B).Important cause of prosthetic implant infections
C).Important agent of nosocomial infections
D).Normal flora of human skin and mucus membranes

4.The following all statements are False Except

A)Phototrophs obtained energy from Chemical reaction
B)Chemotrophs obtained energy from Sunlight
C)Lithotrophs e/H donor obtained from Oxidation of organic compounds
D)Autotrophs can synthesis essential metabolites from organic compounds

5.The following all statements are True Except
A) Bacillus anthracis aerobic spore forming bacteria
B)Clostridium tetani sporeformong anaerobic bacteria
C)Endospores Contain Dipicolinic acid with calcium ions
D) LPS present in gram positive bacteria cell wall

6.Destruction of infective pathological materials are sterilized by

A) Pasteurization
C) Radiation
D) Filtration

7. Regarding Pseudomonas aeruginosa all statements true Except

A) Commonly present in moist environmental hospital
B) Exotoxin – A inhibits protein synthesis
C) It is primarily nosocomial pathogen
D) It is Gram negative spore forming anaerobic bacteria

8.Most common organism responsible for Pseudomembranous

colitis is
A) Clostridium botulism
B) Clostridium difficle
C) Clostridium tetani
D) clostridium perfringens

9.Regarding Clostridium all statements are True Except

A) Gram positive short chains with central spore
B) Gram positive spore forming anaerobic bacteria
C) Gram positive terminal spore with drum stick appearance
D) RCM medium is used for the growth

10.Regarding Corynebacterium diptheriae all statements are False

A) Elek gel precipitation test is done for toxigenicity
B) Gram negative club shaped bacilli Chinese letter arrangement
C) Produce endotoxin inhibit protein synthesis
D) Grow in TCBS medium

11. SSSS ( Ritter's disease) is caused by

A)Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B) Chlamydia trachomatis
C) Staphylococcus aureus
D) Streptococcus pyogenes

12. Rocky mountain spotted fever is caused by

A)Rickettsia prowazekii
B) Rickettsia typhi
C) Rickettsia tsutsugamushi
D) Rickettsiae rickettsii

13.The following all diseases are caused by Staphylococcus
aureus Except
B) Bullous Impetigo
C) Pemphigus neonatorum
D) Atherosclerosis

14.Regarding Mycoplasma all statements are True Except

A) Smallest prokaryotic microorganisms
B) Gram negative short rod, pleomorphic
C) Gram positive budding yeast cells
D) Responsible for non gonococcal urethritis

15 The following all diseases are caused by Campylobacter jejuni

A)Acute colitis
B)Reactive arthritis
C)Septic abortion

16. which is true statement regarding Sulphonamides

A) Cell wall synthesis inhibitors
B) Nucleic acid synthesis inhibitors
C)Protein synthesis inhibitors
D)Anti metabolites

17. Gene transfer from a donor to recipient by way of

bacteriophages is called
C) Conjugation
D) Transformation

18.Regarding Brucella all the statements are true Except

A) Ingestion of contaminated animal products
B)It is Zoonatic disease
C)May produce an undulant fever
D)May produce Hide porter's disease

19. The following all diseases are caused by Mycobacterium

tuberculosis Except
A)Pott's disease
C) Renal tuberculosis
D)Hansen's disease

20.Regarding Escherichia coli all statements are True Except
A) cause urinary tract infection
B)Transmitted through faecal –oral route
C) Grow well in MacConkey's agar medium
D)Transmitted through sexual contact

21.which one of the bacteria concerned Gamma hemolytic ,

normal flora of human intestine, lance field group D
A)Streptococcus faecalis
B)Streptococcus mitis
C)Streptococcus agalactiae
D)Streptococcus pyogens

22 The following all diseases are caused by Neisseria

gonorrhoeae Except.
A) Acute urethritis
B) Endo cervicitis
C)causes fulminating meningococcal septicaemia
D)Opthalmia neonatorum

23.All the statements are true regarding true Clostridium tetani

A) Infection occur trough contamination wound
B) Tetanolysin cause hemolysis
C) Tetano spasmin bind to motor nerve ending
D)Transmitted through faecal and oral route

24. Pontiac fever is caused by

A) Legionella pneumophila
B) Yersinia pestis
C) Haemophilus influenza
D)Helicobacter pylori

24. Regarding IgG all statements are true Except

A)Has Pentameric structure antibody
B) Mediate secondary immune response
C)Binds complement by classical pathway
D)Highest concentration serum antibody

25.All statements are false regarding IgE Except

A)Primary immune response antibody
B)Predominantly fetus producing antibody
C)Million air molecule antibody
D) Binds firmly to mast cells and trigger anaphylaxis

26. A class of bacterial toxins and retroviral proteins that have
ability to bind both MHC class II molecules and TCR chain
A) Hapten
B) Antigen
D)Super antigen

27.Clinical picture: shock due to sudden decrease of blood

pressure, respiratory distress due to bronchial spasm, vascular
permeability and edema concerned to
A) Type I Hypersensitivity
B) Type II Hypersensitivity
C) Type III Hypersensitivity
D) Type IV Hypersensitivity

28.Transfer of tissue between genetically identical individuals

eg. Identical twins is called

29.It is the resistance passively transferred from the mother to

fetus and infant is concerned
A)Artificial passive immunity
B)Natural passive immunity
C)Artificial active immunity
D)Natural active immunity

30.Chronic granulomatous disease ( CGD ) is due to defect in

A)defect in Primary oxidase of neutrophil
B) defect in Thyroid gland
C)defect in Pituitary gland
D)defect in salivary gland

31.All disease are false Regarding Systemic (non organ specific)

A)Rheumatoid arthritis
B)Hashimoto's thyroiditis
C)Myasthenia gravis
D)Diabetes mellitus

32.Regarding MHC I antigens all statements are False Except

A)Exogenously processed peptides
B)Expressed on APC and activated T cells
C)Endogenously processed peptides
D)Identified mixed Leucocyte reaction ( MLR )

33.Regarding immune response to tumor antigens all statements
are true Except
A)T cells play the major role in defence against tumor growth
B)Reduced or absent levels of MHC I on tumor cells
C)Macrophage activate Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity
D)NK cells can cause spontaneous lysis of a variety of tumors

34.which is true regarding "prevention of infection"

A)Elimination of the source of infection
B)Prevention of transmission of infectious agent
C)Protection of susceptible person by active and passive immunization
D)All the above

35.All statements are true regarding alternate pathway Except

A)Activation starts with C1 component
B)Does not depend on antibody action
C)Activation Starts with C3 component
D)Activation is usually initiated by Endotoxin

Part III: MCQ – Answer in the respective box

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Mention True ( T ) and False( F ) 20x0.5= 10 Marks

Choose most one suitable answer and write your answer in the
respective box provided at the end of the section

1. Shigella cause Hemolytic uraemic nephritis

2. Wiel's disease is caused by Legionella pneumophila

3. Haemophilus influenza cause acute bacterial meningitis

4. Bubonic plaque is caused by Bordetella pertusis

5. Actinomyces israelii cause dental plaque

6.Klebsiella pneumonia cause of Hospital aquired infection

6. Q fever is caused by Rickettsia prowazekii

7. Whooping cough is caused by Yersinia pestis

9. Lock jaw is caused by Clostridium perfringens

10.Secobdary immune response antibody level is higher

11.Contact dermatitis is concerned to type III hypersensitivity

12.Lowest concentration serum antibody IgG

13.IL-4 activated natural killer cells are called LAK cells

14. IgE antibodies are mediated in Hypersensitivity type I

Mention ( T ) if it is true or if ( F ) if it is false

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Part V 10x0.5= 5 Marks
Write the suitable match for group A by choosing answer from group B
Enter your choice in the respective box provided at the end

Column A Column B

1.Infective Endocarditis A)Hypersensitivity type I

2. Volvo Vaginitis B) Rickettsiae typhi

3. Wool sorter's disease C)Teichoic acid

4. Murine typhus D)Streptococcus faecalis

5. Peptidoglycan E ) Candida albicans

6.Anaphylaxis F) Hypersensitivity type III

7.Serum sickness G) Bacillus anthracis

Answer for maching

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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