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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of

14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP X3
Web Services
Joe Noll

6-8 minutes

Sage ERP X3 Web Services

You have to install the necessary Patches for the version of

Sage ERP X3 you are on to get the Web Services functionality.
Once you these installed it will require configuration in the
following areas.

X3 Console

X3 Client

X3 Web Server

The order of these steps is important. The purpose of the steps

is to publish the Web Services to the various X3 Folders. I am
assuming that the Apache servers are already configured

Installing the Patch containing Web Services (this may not

be necessary depending on what version of Sage ERP X3
you are starting with)

As of this writing the Patch necessary for Sage ERP X3 v6.1 is

A41. (NAV6-XA41.dat)

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

Login into the Client of Sage ERP X3 under Folder 'X3' and
navigate to the Development -> Utilities -> Patches -> Patch
Integration function.

Locate the patch file directory where you placed the dat file.
Make sure you select Patch Integration and Comment Overwrite
then click OK.

Publish the Web Services

Create an X3 User for the Web Services –

Parameters -> Users -> Users by copying from the User WEB.

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

Make sure to create a password for this new User. In order for
the connection to work properly it needs a Password, plus it is
just good practice to have a password on this user. Make sure
this user has the checkbox for Web Services connection as
shown above.

You need to logout of the current user and login as the User you
are using above then go to Usage -> Users -> Password

On the Server running the X3 Console - Launch the SAGE X3

V1 Management Console and click on Web Servers section.

You need to select the X3 Web Server from the Left List, then
Click on the Solution Identifier in the Right Window. The Folders
will be displayed in the bottom window pane. Check the Folders
you wish to publish to. Then click the Apply to publish the Web
Services to the selected Folders.

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

NOTE: If you are unable to open adxinstalls.xml verify that the

Windows Service for ADXADMIN is running.

You can see the process running under the Details button as
shown below during the Publication process.

Now select the Folder you wish to configure the Web Services
for. You will need to do this for each Folder individually if you
want to enable Web Services for more than one Folder.

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

You need to provide the following information for each Web

Service pool.

Pool Alias: This must be unique. This is how you will call the
Web Service for this Folder.

Pool Language: This relates to the

Pool Userid: This is the X3 user you configured in the previous


Pool Password: This is the password for the X3 user.

Operating System Userid: This is a valid user for the OS.

Operating System Password: This is the password for the OS


MaxSize: Yo

InitSize: Yo

Autostart: This states if this Web Service pool should be auto-


Reserved: t

See the following screen as a sample of a completed


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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

Once you have this configured then click Apply. In the picture
above once this is applied you will see the (0) switch to a (1) in
the upper window pane, this being the first instance.

Then in the X3 client you should see you valid Web Services
Pool in Development-> Utilities -> Miscellaneous -> Web
Services Pool.

You can also verify that the Sage ERP X3 Web Service patch is
installed at Development->Utilities->NA Utilities->System

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

Now to configure and test the Sage ERP X3 Webservice Server

(this will provide the Website ID for the next steps)

NOTE: If you get this message it means that the latest web
service is not published. You can try reinstalling the XA41 patch.

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

If the patch is installed and you see the Web Services in Sage
ERP X3 then you can just perform validation on the Web
Services to republish them.

The pool tried to invoke subprogram XTDSOH but the XML

service description file for XTDSOH did not match the program's
expectations. In .net's world this would be like an out of date
wsdl file.

If you need to verify and validate the Object go to

Development->Processes->Object select the Object and click
on Validation.

If you need to generate the Web Services go to

Development->Processes->Processes->Web Services. The

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

XA41 Patch contains the Web Services that begin with 'X'.

If everything appears to be installed correctly to this point you

may just need to publish the Web Services. You can do this by
selecting the Web Service and click on Validation.

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Additional Web Service Configuration

In order for the Web Services to process orders into Sage ERP
X3 you will need to configure the following information for each
Folder you wish to use.
This information at Website Web Services->Web Service
Parameters is used to determine certain default values when
submitting orders.

It is important that you fill in the Defaults values on the General

tab. If you do not fill in these values you will receive errors when
trying to process orders, especially the Sales Site and Shipping
Site fields.

The Websites tab above should show the published Website ID

for you to associate to this Folder.

Then create login id's to be used by your Web Commerce

solution. These login id's will be linked with a Customer in Sage

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

For the Credit Card Customer field if you select No then this
customer can create orders based on the Terms on their
Customer account or they can use a Credit Card. If you choose
Yes then they are only able to place orders with a Credit Card.

One additional area to verify that Web Services license is


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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

To Verify the Web Service using the WebService tester

Go to the Web Server that is hosting the Web Services. Click on

the WebService tester link. You need to fill in the following
information. After you have entered the information then click
the Save Context button.

Pool entry Group: This is the Web Service Pool name you
created earlier.

User id: The Sage ERP X3 user you created.

Password: The password for the user.

Language: Select the language you wish to use for this Web

Click on the Sub program link, key in one of the Web Services to
consume. I have entered XTDSOH below, click on the
"WebService Description" button. This should contain valid
information in the Reply as shown below.

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14 Days of Sage ERP X3 – Day 12 of 14 – How to Deploy Sage ERP ... about:reader?url=

The Sage ERP X3 Web Services are more like a mapping

interface API. They are not what you might be used to in
traditional SOAP development. They are a wrapper around the
base Sage ERP X3 logic. I only point this out so you are aware
of this before you start looking for traditional WSDL files.

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