Midterm 2 Quiz Instructions: Public Key Session Key Master Key End-To-End

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Midterm 2
Started: Apr 14 at 4:30pm

Quiz Instructions
The midterm exam is closed book and closed note. You are allowed to hav a cheatsheet and you can have scratch paper to aid your calculation. A physical calculator (not smartphone app) is
allowed during the exam.

You need to join the lecture Zoom meeting and turn on your video so you can be proctored. You will receive the passcode in the Zoom meeting.

Question 1 2 pts

One of the most important uses of a _________________ cryptosystem is to encrypt secret keys for distribution.

public key

session key

master key


Question 2 2 pts

he principal objective of a hash function is _______________.


message encryption

data integrity

collision resistance

Question 3 2 pts

_________________ is verification that the credentials of a user or other system entity are valid.

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2





Question 4 2 pts

The basic elements of access control are: subject, __________________, and access right.


Question 5 2 pts

A ________________ attack involves an adversary repeating a previously captured user response.




trojan horse

Question 6 2 pts

64 mod 10 = ______________

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 7 2 pts

How many key pairs are required for secure and private communication among n persons if asymmetric encryption is used?


n * (n-1) /2

n! / 2

Question 8 2 pts

For the following SQL statement, what would the command to inject to the variable $id if you want to retrieve all the entries of the table “users”? _______________________

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE id = '$id'

%' or 1=1#

Question 9 2 pts

Pick the strongest mechanism for user authentication from the list below.

smart card


all of these together

finger print

smart card

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 10 2 pts

People tend to choose the same passwords. To prevent them from being hashed into the same value, what mechanism is used in Linux/Unix?





Question 11 2 pts

If n = 7 x 13 = 91, Euler’s totient function 𝜙(91) = ________________.


Question 12 2 pts

Key distribution often involves the use of _____________ which are generated and distributed for temporary use between two parties.

private key certificates

master keys

public key certificates

session keys

Question 13 2 pts

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

What of the following is a desired property of hash functions?

d. Weak collision free, that is, it is computationally feasible to find the original message given its hash value.

One-way property, that is, it is easy to reverse the hash computation, but computationally infeasible to compute the hash function itself.

a. Only authorized parties can perform hash functions

Strong collision free, that is, it’s computationally infeasible to find two messages that have the same hash value.

Question 14 2 pts

In a Linux system, the file that stored users’ hashed password is named ________________ (include the full file path).


Question 15 2 pts

______________ is a procedure that allows communicating parties to verify that the contents of a received message have not been altered and that the source is authentic.

User authentication

Message authentication



Question 16 2 pts

How many keys are required for secure and private communication among n persons if symmetric encryption is used?

n! / 2

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

n * (n-1) / 2



Question 17 2 pts

A common item of authentication information associated with a user and the user’s secrete knowledge is a ______________.





Question 18 2 pts

Consider a Diffie-Hellman algorithm where common prime is q = 11 and a primitive root g = 2. If user A’s public key YA is 9, what is the private key XA?


Question 19 2 pts

Key distribution often involves the use of __________ which are infrequently used and are long lasting.

private key certificates

session keys

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

master keys

public key certificates

Question 20 2 pts

Recognition by fingerprint, retina, and face are examples of _______________.


dynamic biometrics

token authentication

static biometrics

Question 21 2 pts

In a _________________ attack, an application or physical device masquerades as an authentic application or device for the purpose of capturing a user password,
passcode, or biometric.

Denial-of-service (DoS/DDoS)

Trojan horse

SQL injection

Cross-site Scripting (XSS)

Question 22 2 pts

Using Euler’s Theorem, 2723 mod 91 = _______________.

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 23 2 pts

The _________________ strategy is when users are told the importance of using hard to guess passwords and provided with guidelines for selecting strong passwords.

reactive password checking

user education

proactive password checking

computer generated password

Question 24 2 pts

A ________________ is a password guessing program.

password salt

password hash

password biometric

password cracker

Question 25 2 pts

__________________ is the traditional method of implementing access control.





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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 26 2 pts

RSA is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers.



Question 27 2 pts

Access control is the central element of computer security.



Question 28 2 pts

20 is a multiplicative inverse modulo 33 of 5.



Question 29 2 pts

User authentication is a procedure that allows communicating parties to verify that the contents of a received message have not been altered and that the source is authentic.



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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 30 2 pts

The default set of rights should always follow the rule of highest privilege or read only access.



Question 31 2 pts

Any program that is owned by, and SetUID to, the “superuser” potentially grants unrestricted access to the system to any user executing that program.



Question 32 2 pts

The ABAC systems define the access rights of individual users and groups of users.



Question 33 2 pts

3 is a primitive root of 11.



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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

Question 34 2 pts

Because certificates are forgeable they cannot be placed in a directory without the need for the directory to make special efforts to protect them.



Question 35 2 pts

A good technique for choosing a password is to use the first letter of each word of a phrase.



Question 36 10 pts

Consider a Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme with a common prime q = 13 and a primitive root a = 6. Include your work, not just the answers.

1. If A has a private key XA = 9, what is A’s public key YA?

2. If B has a public key YB = 4, what is the shared key K?

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q = 13



Ya = a^Xa mod q

Ya = 6^9 mod 13 = 5

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

K = Yb^Xa mod q

K = 4^9 mod 13 = 12

p 40 words </>

Question 37 10 pts

Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm p = 5, q = 11, e = 7, M = 5. Include your work, not just the answers.

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n = 5 * 11 = 55

f(n) = 4* 10 = 40

d = (1+kf(n))/e = (1+40k)/7 = (1 + 40*4)/7 = (1+160)/7 = 161/7 = 23. K = 4

d = 23

Encryp on C = M^e mod n = 5^7 mod 55 = 25

Decryp on M = C^d mod n = 25^23 mod 55 = 5

p 73 words </>

Question 38 10 pts

One of most important use of public-key cryptosystem is to encrypt secret keys for distribution. In the following scheme, B can generate a session key Ks and use A’s public
PUA to encrypt the session and send to A. Is this scheme secure? What kind of attack this scheme is subject to? Describe how the attack occurs.

------ PUA || IDA ----->

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4/14/2021 Quiz: Midterm 2

[A] [B]

<----- E(PUA, KS) ------

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p 0 words </>

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