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Challenges in Transportation Planning for Asian Cities

Ashish Verma movements with the implementation of a pedestrianization
Guest Editor: Dept. of Civil Engineering, and Center for Infrastructure, scheme, analyze the perception of respondents on the necessity,
Sustainable Transportation, and Urban Planning 共CiSTUP兲, Indian Insti- acceptability, and impact of such a scheme, and test the relation-
tute of Science 共IISc兲, Bangalore, Karnataka, India; formerly, Dept. of
ships between perceptions and characteristics of respondents.
Civil Engineering., Indian Institute of Technology 共IIT兲 Guwahati,
Laxman et al., through their paper “Pedestrian Flow Characteris-
Assam, India. E-mail:; or
tics in Mixed Traffic Conditions,” attempt to analyze and charac-
terize the pedestrian flow under mixed traffic conditions, and
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Most of Asian cities 共Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo, Hanoi, Asthana,

present an interesting comparison with cities of developing as
Bandung etc., to name a few兲 are typically characterized by high-
well as developed countries.
density urban areas, absence of proper control on land use, lack of
The paper by Kasturia and Verma entitled “Multiobjective
proper roads and parking facilities, poor public transport, poor
Transit Passenger Information System Design Using GIS” pre-
infrastructure for nonmotorized transport, lack of road-user disci-
sents a multiobjective, generalized cost 共GC兲 based passenger in-
pline, etc. This results in transportation problems, including acci-
formation system 共PIS兲 design for a multimodal transit system
dents, congestion, and pollution, taking a very different and more
severe shape than those in cities of developed countries. These that integrates geographical information system 共GIS兲 processing,
transportation issues elicit several interesting questions for Asian network analysis, user interfacing, and database management. The
cities: authors argue the necessity of the GC approach for PIS design for
• What methodologies/approaches have been developed to the Indian scenario, where the various modes of transport are
evolve effective and sustainable solutions for Asian cities? generally not harmonized, and the transfer time from one mode to
• How do the methodologies/approaches of cities in developed another may be very large. In the paper “Modeling Generalized
countries need be modified so that they can be adopted in Cost of Travel and Its Application for Improvement of Taxis in
Asian cities? Kolkata” by Chintakayala and Maitra, the authors use the GC
• What new technologies or approaches that do not currently approach to analyze the willingness to pay 共WTP兲 with respect to
exist still need to be developed? improvements in taxi attributes in Kolkata, and present viable
• What are the technological barriers and research frontiers that options for changing old taxies with new ones.
merit immediate investigation? In the paper by Arasan and Vedagiri entitled “Microsimulation
The purpose of this special issue is to address questions such Study of the Effect of Exclusive Bus Lanes on Heterogeneous
as these and present a group of groundbreaking research papers Traffic Flow,” a microsimulation model is developed and vali-
that address the challenges in transportation planning of Asian dated to evaluate the impact of provision of an exclusive bus
cities. The objective is to produce an archival snapshot of the state lane on heterogeneous traffic flow, which is typically seen on
of knowledge in this field and formulate strategies for future re- Indian roads. The important finding of this paper is to arrive at a
search directions. The response to the call for papers for this permissible volume to capacity 共V/C兲 ratio for a given level of
special issue was overwhelming and after following a rigorous service 共LOS兲, while providing exclusive bus lanes. The paper by
review process, this issue recognizes twelve papers, which I con- Mathew and Radhakrishnan entitled “Calibration of Microsimu-
sider a good fit to the theme of the issue. These twelve papers lation Models for Nonlane-Based Heterogeneous Traffic at Sig-
together cover aspects related to Asian cities such as nonmotor- nalized Intersections” attempts to simulate heterogeneous traffic
ized transport 共NMT兲 planning, public transport 共PT兲 and inter- characterized by diverse vehicles, changing composition, lack of
mediate public transport 共IPT兲 planning and management, traffic lane discipline, etc., that results in very complex behavior. A
microsimulation, traffic management, land-use planning, environ- methodology is proposed for representing nonlane-based driving
mental impact of transport, and transport infrastructure financing. behavior and calibrating a microsimulation model for highly het-
The papers herein have been selected after rigorous review by a erogeneous traffic at signalized intersections using genetic algo-
number of experts in the academic and research community. The rithms and VISSIM. The paper “Delay Function for Signalized
topics are related to real-world issues and the findings are of Intersections in Traffic Assignment Models” by Mazloumi et al.
interest to both the practice and research communities. proposes a delay function for traffic assignment models, which
The paper by Rastogi titled “Willingness to Shift to Walking or considers the drivers’ behavior in Iran. The traffic assignment
Bicycling to Access Suburban Rail: Case Study of Mumbai, model of the city of Mashhad, Iran, is used for evaluating the
India” discusses the results of willingness to shift study conducted proposed delay function in a real network.
in catchment areas of suburban rail stations in Mumbai, India, The paper titled “Space Development Modeling of Urban
with the purpose of promoting walking and bicycling for rail Regions in Developing Countries” by Mir et al. presents an inter-
access. Through this study, the author attempts to estimate the esting methodology for the development of a space development
potential of shifting to walking or bicycling in the study area. The 共SD兲 model for a developing region, especially considering the
paper titled “Assessment of the Pedestrianization Policy in Vigan rehabilitation of a slum population. The proposed methodology
City: UNESCO World Heritage Site” by Amistad focuses on the is tested by applying it to simulate the space development in
assessment of pedestrianization policy in Vigan City, a UNESCO Mumbai Metropolitan Region 共MMR兲, India. The paper by Han
world heritage site. It aims to characterize the area and pedestrian et al. entitled “Assessment of Policies toward an Environmentally


J. Urban Plann. Dev., 2010, 136(1): 1-2

Friendly Urban Transport System: Case Study of Delhi, India” study of Mumbai Pune Expressway/National Highway 4 共MPEW/
examines the effectiveness of policies in reducing transport influ- NH4兲 and concludes that if properly planned, joint ventures can
ences on environment and energy use by taking the passenger be mutually beneficial. Last but not the least, the paper by Basu
transport system in Delhi as a case and developing a system and Maitra titled “Evaluation of VMS-Based Traffic Information
dynamics model for scenario analysis from the base year 2006 Using Multiclass Dynamic Traffic Assignment Model: Experience
to 2020. The paper concludes that accelerating the development in Kolkata” evaluates the effect of on-road variable message sign
of the railway network, together with decreasing the fuel in- 共VMS兲 based traffic information on a mixed traffic stream using a
tensity, slowing down road network extension, and imposing fuel multiclass and stochastic dynamic traffic assignment model. The
taxes will be effective instruments in building an environmen- study finds that the influence of VMS is more predominant at
tally friendly urban transport system. The paper “Mechanisms higher traffic volume levels.
for Transportation Infrastructure Investment in Developing Coun- It is my hope that these papers provide real insight into the
tries” by Khasnabis et al. examines the different investment me- challenges in transportation planning currently faced by Asian
chanisms for transportation infrastructure projects involving the cities and offer scientific methods that can be used to address the
private enterprise in developing countries. The study examines unique problems and issues faced by them. I truly appreciate Pro-
the prospects of public-private ventures for funding transport fessor Chang, editor of the Journal, for giving me the wonderful
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infrastructure projects in developing countries by taking a case and precious opportunity to organize this special issue.


J. Urban Plann. Dev., 2010, 136(1): 1-2

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