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Part 7
- with Sanjay Pahade
Population – लोकसंख्या

➢ General Facts/Figures about Population

➢ MH Board Class 8 Chapter 7

➢ NCERT 9th Std – 6th Chapter

➢ Official Government Document of Census 2011

➢ Previous Year Questions on Population

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General Facts/Figures
about Population

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अजनू ककती वाढणार
आहे लोकसंख्या ?

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The day was established by the
United Nations as an outgrowth
of the massive interest people
had in Five Billion Day in 1987.
Five Billion Day was meant to
acknowledge the date that the
world’s population reached five
billion people, which supposedly
happened on July 11 of that year
(hence the annual date).
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1950 2019 2050 2100
India 0.38 billion 1.37 billion 1.64 billion 1.45 billion
China 0.55 billion 1.43 billion 1.40 billion 1.06 billion

China: Aftermath of the One-Child Policy

China’s one-child policy was implemented in
1979 — and although it became no longer
effective starting in 2016, there’s no doubt that
the long-term demographic impacts of this
drastic measure will be felt for generations.

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MH Board Class 8 Chapter 7

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MH Board Class 8 Chapter 7

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MH Board Book Questions

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NCERT 9th Std – 6th Chapter

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Age Composition
NCERT 9th Std – 6th Chapter

The age composition of a population refers to the

number of people in different age groups in a country.
The population of a nation is grouped into 3 broad
Adolescent Population
1) Children (generally below 15 years): They are
economically unproductive and need to be provided Adolescents are grouped in the
with food, clothing, education and medical care. age group of 10 to 19 years.
They are the most important
2) Working Age (15–59 years): They are economically resource for the future. It
productive and biologically reproductive. They constitutes one-fifth of the total
comprise the working population. population of India. Nutrition
requirements of adolescents
3) Aged (Above 59 years): They may be working are higher than those of a
voluntarily but they are not available for employment normal child or adult.
through recruitment.

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Sex Ratio

It is defined as the number of females per

1000 males in the population. Sex Ratio is
an important social indicator to measure
the extent of equality between males and
females in a society at a given time.

Literacy Rates

According to the Census 2011, a person

aged 7 years and above, who can read and
write with understanding in any language,
is treated as literate. India’s literacy rate is
73% as per the census of 2011.

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National Population Policy

The National Population Policy (NPP) 2000 provides a policy framework for
imparting free and compulsory school education up to 14 years of age. It also
helps in

➢ Reducing infant mortality rate to below 30 per 1000 live births

➢ Achieving universal immunization of children against all vaccine-preventable
➢ Promoting delayed marriage for girls, and making family welfare a people -
center Programme

NPP 2000 also put emphasis on other important needs of adolescents including
protection from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases
(STDs). It aims towards encouraging:
➢ Delayed marriage and child-bearing
➢ Education of adolescents about the risks of unprotected sex
➢ Making contraceptive services accessible and affordable
➢ Providing food supplements
➢ Nutritional services
➢ Strengthening legal measures to prevent child marriage
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Processes of Population Change/Growth

Three main processes of change of population are:

1) Birth Rates: Birth rate is the number of live births per

thousand persons in a year. In India, birth rates have
always been higher than death rates.

2) Death Rates: Death rate is the number of deaths per

thousand persons in a year.

3) Migration: Migration is the movement of people

across regions and territories. Migration can be internal
(within the country) or international (between the
countries). It influences the distribution of population
within the nation. In India, the rural-urban migration has
resulted in a steady increase in the percentage of the
population in cities and towns.

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NCERT Book Questions

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Official Government
Document of Census 2011

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Census of India 2011 – Official Document Summary

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In Census 2011, for Madhya Pradesh the first phase of
House listing Operations or Housing Census was
completed between 7th May to 22nd June 2010.
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First Phase Madhya Pradesh

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In India, the population census is a Union subject (Article
246) and is listed at serial number 69 of the seventh
schedule of the constitution. The Census Act 1948 forms
the legal basis for conduct of census in independent India.
Although the Census Act is an instrument of Central
legislation, in the scheme of its execution, state hierarchy
is setup at all levels by State Governments for the
purpose of carrying out census. The Census Organization
under the Union Home Ministry has been functioning on
permanent footing ever since 1961 and provides a vital ORGANISINGTHE CENSUS
continuity to conceive, plan and implement the
Programme of census taking in country. The Organization
headed by the Registrar General and Census
Commissioner, India has field offices in thirty three States
and Union territories. These are permanent Directorates
headed by the Directors of Census Operations, who are
mainly responsible for the conduct of census in their
respective jurisdiction.

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Changes in the House listing and Housing Census Schedule

(i) Type of wall

(ii) Type of roof
(iii) Main source of drinking water
(iv) Source of Lighting
(v) Bathing facility within premises
(vi) Latrine
(vii) Computer
(viii) Telephone

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About 2011 Census

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About 2011 Census

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About 2011 Census

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According to the statement released by the Registrar General of
India (RGI) for all states and Union territories across the country,
there will be recruitment of a Special Charge Officer who will be
responsible for holding the 2021 census in areas that are
controlled and occupied solely by the defense forces, Central
Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and Border Security Force (BSF).

The census will be conducted in two phases.

The planned rounds for the Census 2021 are given below: About 2021 Census

1. First phase – House listing operations will be conducted in any

two months chosen by the respective states between April and
September 2020.

2. Second phase – Actual population enumeration will be done

from February 9 to February 28, 2021

3. Final phase – Revision round of the above two phases from

March 1 to March 5, 2021

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Previous Year Questions on

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