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Management by Doing 202107

How to register for the course:

1. Do not use your mobile phone or tablet to register for the course. You must use a laptop or a
PC to register.

Start the browser that is installed on your laptop or PC (preferably Mozilla Firefox, Google
Chrome or Apple Safari but not Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge) and enter the following

You should see the following login screen:

© 2021 by Prof. Dr. Ashok N. Ullal, Hoelderlinstrasse 13, 72127 Kusterdingen, Germany
Management by Doing 202107

2. Click on the button labeled “please register yourself now”. You should see the following
registration screen:

3. Find your name on the list of students and enter the following information in the
corresponding form fields:

Institution ID: SPJIMR

Course ID: MBD2107
Student ID / Roll No.: <your roll No.>
First name: <your first name>
Last name: <your last name>
Email address: <your email address>
Company ID: <your company ID>

Please note that the items in <...> are to be entered exactly as in the list of students and
without the characters < and >. If you enter anything different, your registration will not be

4. If your entered data has any errors, look carefully at the error message(s) displayed on the
screen. Correct the error(s) and submit the registration form again.

© 2021 by Prof. Dr. Ashok N. Ullal, Hoelderlinstrasse 13, 72127 Kusterdingen, Germany
Management by Doing 202107

5. If the registration form has been accepted, you should see the following screen:

Note that the preset radio button is “Reject privacy policy”. If you do not change this preset
and click on the submit button, you will not be registered for the course.

You must consciously accept the privacy policy by clicking on the second button and then
submit the form to complete the registration.

© 2021 by Prof. Dr. Ashok N. Ullal, Hoelderlinstrasse 13, 72127 Kusterdingen, Germany
Management by Doing 202107

6. If your registration is successful, you should see the following screen:

Please pick the email immediately but not with your mobile phone or tablet. You must use a
laptop or a PC.

It is possible that the activation email is not in your “in-box” but has been put away into the
“spam” or “junk” folder. Once you have found the activation email, click on the activation
link in the email. This will start your browser.

You should then see your login credentials in the browser.

Please write down your login credentials. You will not be able to login without them.

7. Now you can log in by using the URL mentioned in step 1 and the login form.
You will be immediately asked to change the preset password assigned to you by the
registration process. Enter any password of your choice and note it down. You will cause a
lot of delay in the course if you forget your password.

8. Logout and see if you can log in with your new password.

© 2021 by Prof. Dr. Ashok N. Ullal, Hoelderlinstrasse 13, 72127 Kusterdingen, Germany
Management by Doing 202107

9. Explore the student interface before the course starts so that you are familiar with it.

Download the user manual and the various reports for the initial period 0. Study the
user manual and the various reports and come prepared for the course.

10. Finally, logout from iBizSim.

Please note that there is a timer on each of the screens that you will be using. You must
complete the registration before the registration session times out. You must also login before
the login session times out.

© 2021 by Prof. Dr. Ashok N. Ullal, Hoelderlinstrasse 13, 72127 Kusterdingen, Germany

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