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Democrats Insidious Abuse of Treason terms

“Insurrection” and “Domestic Terrorist”

As unelected White House resident Joe Biden openly threatens forced inoculations in private homes all
across America, and openly threatens the use of military force on American soil to enforce his global
Marxist agenda on all American Citizens, their abuse of the terms “insurrection” and “domestic
terrorist” is key to their plot to overthrow our Constitutional Representative Republic.

Yes, they are presenting this government operation as mere door-to-door medical advice from non-
medical professionals hired by Health Departments to door-knock selling lethal injections for Joe Biden.

However, their information is often false and misleading, and they are instructed to keep and report a
record of who and how many in each household is refusing the injections in order to create a door-to-
door database of non-compliant citizens. They are also instructed to “ignore NO SOLICITATION” signs
and trained to respond with “we are not selling anything. The vaccines are free.”

It’s plain as day to every intelligent honest onlooker, that what took place in the District of Corruption
on January 6, 2021, was NOT an “insurrection” by any means or real definition. But the Marxists in
control of our government and their mass media propaganda system today, wasted no time at all
slapping two legal terms on the event, “insurrection” by “domestic terrorists.”

What happened that day fits neither term

/ˌinsəˈrekSH(ə)n/ - 1. “a violent uprising against an authority or government.”

The only people armed that day were Federal employees and agents. The only shot fired that day was
fired by Capitol Hill Police Lieutenant Michael Leroy Byrd, identified in recent press reports as the man
who murdered Ashli Babbitt. This is the officer we watched shoot and kill unarmed protester Ashli
Babbitt, who clearly posed no violent threat to anyone that day.

There was no “violent uprising” against our government that day, which means, it was no insurrection.

More than 500 thousand rally goers were there that day and so far, no reports of any of them being
armed. If 500 thousand Americans had wanted to overthrow congress that day, they would have come
armed, and no one would have been able to stop them. Congressional democrats had declined
numerous advance offers by President Trump to authorize security for that day.

Ashli Babbitt was no “domestic terrorist” either. Ashli was a 14-year Air Force veteran and small business
owner from San Diego, California. However, the shooter Michael Leroy Byrd had social media accounts
full of anti-white, anti-America and pro-BLM and ANTIFA posts openly threatening to “kill every Trump
supporter” before his accounts were wiped out to hide who Byrd really is.

Beyond this one act of violence that day, committed by proud BLM member and Capitol Police Officer
Byrd, there were no other acts of violence that could be even remotely referred to as an “insurrection.”
So, who was the “domestic terrorist” that day? Ashli Babbitt or Michael Leroy Byrd?

Now that the Marxist left in power has defined “insurrection” as any event in which the American
Citizens gather on public property to confront their public servants for a redress of their grievances once
protected by the First Amendment, they had to create a new definition of “domestic terrorist” to go
with it.

On January 19, 2021, the day before the unlawful Biden inauguration, Democrat Representative from
Illinois Bradley Scott Schneider introduced the H.R.350 - Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021.
Immediately, the measure gained the support of 204 co-sponsors, almost all of them House Democrats.

Of course, the mass misreporting of events on January 6, 2021, is used as an example of why such an act
is necessary today, despite literally hundreds of “domestic terrorism” laws already on the books. They
had just redefined “insurrection” and now they needed to redefine “domestic terrorist” in order to
target all political opposition and Citizen voices of dissent.

As the Biden regime ramps up their house-to-house inoculation goon squad, and threatens use of F-15s
and nukes, acting in concert with Military boots on the ground as federal enforcers, it should be glaringly
obvious to everyone at this point that the misuse of the January 6th event to create a new “domestic
terrorist” (political opponents) class of Americans is entirely intentional and purposeful.

Sadly, most Americans have never read James Clavell’s book The Children’s Story or watched the video
adaptation available HERE. This is what has been done to the past few generations via public and college
education and this is what is being done, “gaslighting” Americans via global Marxist news media and
censored social media platforms since at least 2009. America is fast becoming a nation of citizens living
with “battered wife syndrome.”


For most of our 245-years as a free sovereign nation, it has been illegal and unconstitutional for the
Federal government to use any U.S. Armed Forces on American soil against American Citizens, be it a
police action or a full blown military operation.

Effective June 18, 1878, the posse comitatus law prohibited the federal use of the U.S. Military forces
from operating on U.S. soil. This has included the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps., all military
branches under the command of the Department of Defense designed and authorized, sworn to uphold
and protect the US Constitution and Bill of Rights on behalf of all Citizens, against all enemies, foreign
and domestic.

Until recently, this law did not apply to the National Guard or Coast Guard, which is why we have seen
these units deployed on U.S. soil in the past, in cases such as Kent State in the 60s and more recently,
Sampson, Alabama during the Obama Administration. These two branches of service were not under the
command of the Department of Defense originally and they were the only two branches permitted to
deploy on U.S. soil for purpose of “defending the homeland” on U.S. soil.

But today, both of these branches have been “nationalized” and now serve under the Department of
Defense, as shown here on the DOD website, which also includes the newly created Space Force.
This begs a few critical questions…

1) Does this mean that the National Guard and Coast Guard are also forbidden from acting on U.S.
soil with the other branches now, because they are under DOD command?
2) Or does it mean that all branches are now exempt from the Posse Comitatus Act, like the
National Guard and Coast Guard once were?
3) Under what condition can any of the military branches be deployed on U.S. soil against U.S.
Citizens today?

The answer is – the following laws and reports allow ALL of these branches to deploy against the
American people IF they are acting to “put down an insurrection” or “protect the homeland” against
“domestic terrorists.”

READ The Role of Military Intelligence in Homeland Security

18 U.S. Code § 1385
May 2021 Homeland Security Report
Overt Biden threat to all Citizens

For this reason alone, ALL conservative Americans had to be labeled “domestic terrorists” and
“insurrectionists” in order to legally allow the Biden regime to deploy U.S. troops on American soil to
enforce the global Marxist policies at the center of the Biden administration. They can’t use Military
force against “Citizens.” But they can against “domestic terrorists” engaged in an “insurrection.”

Now that ALL political dissenters of the global left have been officially labeled “domestic terrorists”
involved in a fake “insurrection,” U.S. laws allow Biden alone under Executive Order to legally deploy
U.S. troops on American soil against American Citizens.

HERE, Biden continues outright lies intended to trick unsuspecting citizens regarding their Natural Right
to “keep” (own) and “bear” (carry) arms, without any restriction whatsoever, as clearly stated in the
Second Amendment. There are NO restrictions in the Second Amendment at all and this Natural Right
“shall not be infringed” by any means for any reason!

The THREE STEP final assault on America

STEP 1 – Forced lethal inoculations door to door.

Less than 50% of Americans have voluntarily taken any of the lethal injections falsely titled “vaccines.”
They have reached the limit of who they can get to take them voluntarily, or by bribery, so they are now
moving to forcefully, house to house. It’s already underway in California and Illinois. VAERS data
released on July 9, 2021, by the CDC showed a total of 438,441 reports of adverse events from all age
groups following COVID vaccines, including 9,048 deaths and 41,015 serious injuries between Dec. 14,
2020, and July 2, 2021. (If you trust any CDC reporting at this stage)

STEP 2 – The mental state of anyone who refuses to take the injections at their front door, already
labeled “conspiracy theorists” regarding these injections, (proven TRUE by hundreds of honest
virologists, scientists, and doctors all around the globe), will be questioned. Those who refuse the
injections will be labeled “conspiracy theorists,” - “mentally unstable” – a threat to the health of the
compliant members of society and as a result, “a threat to national security.” We have already heard all
of these abuses of terms from the Biden regime.

STEP 3 – Weapons and ammunition will be removed from possession of every American deemed
“mentally unstable” for refusing to accept the already fatal injections.

This allows the Biden regime to accomplish all of their anti-American goals in one quick sweep on the
country, house to house, all in the name of “public health and safety.” This is exactly what Hitler did in
Germany and how he did it, killing millions who were “non-compliant” with Hitler’s maniacal quest for
power. Of course, those actions later resulted in the Nuremberg Trials and the Nuremberg Code. The
Biden regime currently stands in direct violation of all TEN Codes.

And, if the people gather in groups to stand up against this, you have already been labeled “domestic
terrorists” and you will be accused of another “insurrection” event. In fact, the Biden regime is already
moving to label all Trump rallies “insurrection” events.

This allows the Biden regime to “lawfully” deploy the U.S. Military and Federal, State and Local law
enforcement to act as nothing more than global Marxist enforcers for the Biden regime. The Democrat
Mayor of Chicago has miserably failed to keep her city safe and is now calling upon the Biden regime to
deploy national law enforcement and military to calm the streets of the most violent city in the USA.
This is just one example of where things are headed!

Of course, in addition to the basic agenda reasons for these actions by the Biden regime, ushering in
Marxist rule over the USA, it was also used to STEAL the 2020 elections and it’s being used now to STOP
all “forensic election audits” that will prove just how big the fraud was in 2020.

In just the past few days, Michigan State Officials launched a State Police investigation and search for
high-profile (later low profile) political dissenters working around the clock to evidence and expose the
massive 2020 election fraud that took place in Michigan. Four Michigan State Senators are directly
responsible for painting a target and bounty on the heads of Michigan citizens in their ridiculous
“report” on 2020 election fraud.

Led by lefty Republican Sen. Ed McBroom and joined by two more lefty Republicans Lana Theis and John
Bizon, in concert with Democrat Jeff Irwin, these four State Senators acted in concert with tyrannical
Governor Gretchen Witmer and her cast of Marxist thugs running the Attorney General’s and Secretary
of State’s offices in their overt effort to prevent the truth about the 2020 elections from ever reaching
the light of day.

Whatever happens next to the Michigan Citizens fighting for Election Integrity is on the heads of these
four senators. These four Senators will be 100% responsible for the destruction of decent Citizens,
working in concert with the most tyrannical state government in the USA today.

Last October 2020, the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in a 7-0 decision that everything Gov. Whitmer
ordered since April 2020 under the guise of a COVID19 threat, was both “unlawful and
unconstitutional.” Even the 1945 Emergency Powers Act she was hiding behind was declared “unlawful
and unconstitutional” by the high court, in a 4-3 decision. This would include all of the election law
violations Whitmer used to create the 2020 STEAL for democrats in the state of Michigan, now under
These four Michigan Senators will also be personally responsible for preventing Election Integrity in
Michigan, as well as what ever happens to the State of Michigan and our country after that, all as a
direct result of their unconscionable acts. The only reason for any of these people to take the actions
they have taken is they know full well what they are hiding. No honest person would ever object to
verifying election integrity. Their objection to a real audit, proves that there was no election integrity.


Under the Biden regime, every single American will soon be forced into one of only two categories, the
“compliant” and the “non-compliant.” Every American, man, woman, and child, as well as every walk of
life, political, medical, scientific, private enterprises, military, and national security personnel included,
will be forced to take a side. No one will be able to take the middle ground. There will be no middle

The Compliant – will be rewarded with more gifts from the bankrupt treasury, more power in their
association with the tyrannical dictators they serve, until there are no more gifts, or until they are no
longer able to serve the tyrants.

The Non-Compliant – will be targeted by Biden’s Gestapo. If you think they are not tracking every
American today and keeping a “threat matrix” based strictly on compliance verse non-compliance,
you’re wrong. They have been doing this ever since Jeff Bezos got a $600 million dollar contract with the
Obama administration to operate that massive database.

The U.S. Constitution enumerates the duties granted to the Federal government by the people, from
whom all political power is derived, and the authorities to execute those duties. It does not include any
right of government to force any Citizen to do anything against their will or punish non-compliant
Citizens in any manner for declining to participate in any government run voluntary process.

The U.S. Bill of Rights strictly prohibits the Federal government from engaging in certain acts related to
specific Natural Rights of the people and when any two or more people conspire to deprive Citizens of
those Natural Rights, it is a crime under 18 U.S. Code § 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights.

Whenever two or more people (especially public servants of the people) conspire to deprive any U.S.
Citizen of any Natural Rights protected in the Bill of Rights, it is a crime under 18 U.S. Code § 241 -
Conspiracy Against Rights punishable by criminal prosecution, hefty fines, extensive prison sentences
and even death under this code.

Pre-Positioned for Unbridled Tyranny

The most frightening moment in 245-years of American history happened in February of 2020, when
millions of Americans voluntarily put on a mask, gave up their incomes, families, and friends, and self-
quarantined awaiting the next tyrannical orders from their government.

As of this report, the FDA still hasn’t approved any of these so-called “vaccines” for public use. This is
due to the fact that neither animal or human trials for these injections have been completed and they
won’t be completed until 2023 at the very soonest. In addition, the FDA just issued a June 10, 2021
report STOPPING the use of COVID Tests now declared medically dangerous.
However, the Biden regime intends to force the FDA to issue full approval of these injections within the
next few weeks, because until they do, these injections cannot legally be forced upon anyone. They can
only be offered on a voluntary basis, under “emergency use only,” – which further requires that “no
other medical option for treating the illness be available,” such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

Creating Criminals from Thin Air

Everything in this report demonstrates a vast concerted effort by government officials to create crimes
and then use those crimes to prosecute innocent Americans. It’s not a crime for any Citizen to decline
medical treatment of any kind for any reason. But they are making it a crime by accusing Citizens of
“domestic terrorism” simply because they are refusing unapproved injections which have already
maimed more the 438,441 and killed more than 9,048 Americans who were healthy before their
injection, as recently reported by the CDC.

The Second Amendment protects the Right of every legal American Citizen to keep and bear arms,
without any restriction or regulation from government whatsoever. More than half of all Americans are
legal gunowners. But the minute Marxists in D.C. pass any new gun control act, they will have created
yet another crime for which millions of current gunowners will be immediately guilty.

It’s all about pre-positioning the government to control every thing and every American, by creating
“crimes” that don’t exist and then using those crimes to threaten, intimidate and control the entire

How many Americans lost their businesses over COVID Rules that were later declared “unlawful and
unconstitutional” in nature, such as the case in Michigan? How many families are on the verge of losing
their family homes the minute federal moratoriums on foreclosures and evictions are lifted at the end of
July 2021? How many Americans lost loved ones, especially in nursing homes, all due to blatant abuses
of government authority, not only from the Federal government, but their own State and local

Now we are facing a threat of new lockdown, masking, and inoculation rules as the new school year
approaches. Numerous democrat controlled states have enacted statutes that make it legal for schools
to “vaccinate” our underage children without any parental knowledge or consent. They will force a
separation between “compliant” and “non-compliant” children in the classrooms, creating a
circumstance in which bullies will no doubt target the “non-compliant” feeling entirely justified in their
actions, by school officials and our government.


Every American Citizen who is not willing to “go along to get along” is being labeled a “domestic
terrorist” and a “threat to national security” today. Every dissenting voice is being labeled a “conspiracy
theorist” with grave mental disorders.

Our government is already engaged in the nationwide witch hunt for “domestic terrorists” who simply
stand for freedom, liberty, and national sovereignty, and against the tyrannical Biden regime rushing
Executive Order after Executive Order down the throats of every American, all of them beyond any
constitutional authority of that office.

No American, Citizen, Military, Law Enforcement, Court, lawyer, schoolteacher, doctor, nurse, scientist,
employer, or employee will be able to serve the Biden regime and their orders, and keep their oaths to
defend the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the fifty sovereign member states or the American people, at the
same time.

Everyone will soon be forced to make a critical decision, to adhere to and enforce the unconstitutional
orders of a babbling fool who temporarily occupies the Oval Office unlawfully or keep their oaths in
protection of freedom and liberty. Everyone, without exception!

No one will be able to escape the requirement to make this choice. And it is this decision alone, that will
determine the future of a once free people and the future of freedom all over the world.

In addition to all of the pre-positioning for evil noted above, the global Marxist left has worked
extremely hard for an exceptionally long time to divide this country on every possible dividing line so
that it’s nearly impossible to predict what decision the American people will make in this regard today.

But fundamentally, every American will be making a choice between FREEDOM and TYRANNY,
FREEDOM OF FEAR! The only way any Citizen can protect their own is to protect us all. No one will be
free or safe in a failed nation.

There is no fix for this at the federal level today. Elections are no longer a solution, until election
integrity returns.

The only place the American people can fight all of this is at the State level. The people cannot stand
alone against Biden and his F15s and nukes, as Biden pointed out. In order for the people to have a
chance, they must have their States on their side.

If you live in a conservative run pro-American state, engage your state officials immediately. If you live in
a Marxist run state, get the hell out of there while you still can. To fight an assault of this nature, you
must have a place to fight from and a chance to win.

No person serving under an Oath will be able to serve both that Oath and Biden regime mandates. We
will soon find out which of these people will serve the global Marxist agenda, and which will keep their


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