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Counselling/psychotherapy to treat anxiety -

When we feel anxiety we naturally enlarge or exaggerate our problems, we think

very negatively, imagine the worst possible scenarios and worrying about the future

We understand that this is very unhelpful, but we just can’t switch it off. It's human

In talking therapies such as counselling, we work towards breaking down your

problems into smaller, more manageable parts. I teach my clients techniques for
decreasing a sense of agitation and worries.

CBT as an anxiety treatment -

CBT is a type of talking therapy that will address your problems by changing the way
you think-feel-react. This therapy is most commonly used for treating anxiety and
depression but can be useful for other mental health issues. It is highly recognised
and used by NHS. It helps you to look at things in a new way and therefore this
affects the way you feel and behave.

Talking therapies such as counselling/psychotherapy/CBT/solution-focused therapy

can be very effective and helpful but at times these are not enough to provide deep
enough healing for my clients. They also take much longer for the client to feel good
results from the therapy.

Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy for anxiety treatment-

While you are in a state of deep relaxation (but always aware of what is happening
around you!), we use different therapeutic techniques to change your
reactions/behaviours and to adopt new healthier ones.

Once your subconscious mind has taken a new subliminal message in, it starts
changing from the negative way of thinking to notice new more positive ways of
thinking and reacting.

Using hypnotherapy as an anxiety treatment we can reach much faster results than if
we would use only talking therapy.

In just a few sessions, you will notice your troubles or worries will start melting away
while you are left with a positive, uplifting and confidence-boosting feeling about

Many people have described it as though a heavyweight has simply been lifted off
their shoulders.
EMDR as an anxiety therapy-

Sometimes Anxiety feelings could be related to an unresolved trauma that happened

to you recently or even in your childhood. The amygdala, a primitive part of the
brain, doesn’t have a time tag and can sometimes give you flashbacks from the past.
That means your trauma is unresolved and every time you have a flashback it will
flare up the anxiety and feeling of worrying. You will then imagine the worst possible
scenario and feel like you are in danger or that something bad is going to happen.
When in reality it's only an unresolved trauma that is playing tricks on you making
you imagine the worst-case scenarios.

In this case, we will address it and work to neutralise the negative emotions around
the traumatic event. It will result in illuminating the trigger and you eventually feeling
calmer and at peace. 

EMDR in combination with psychotherapy is the great solution for faster and long-
lasting results. EMDR is the best therapy, in my opinion, highly recommended and
used by NHS.

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