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Students will have to choose from the following topics and develop a project on any one of
the topics:

 Citizenship Act in India

 Role of Judiciary in India in bringing social change
 Amendment Procedure – focus on the 42 nd Constitutional Amendment Act

Citizenship Acts in India

Topic break-up

 Citizenship rules in India

 Citizenship Act, 1955
 Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019
 Highlight on the changes in the two acts
 Critical Analysis- necessity and importance of the changes introduced in the Act of

Role of Judiciary in India in bringing social change

Topic break-up

 General roles played by the Judiciary in India.

 Search for five decisions of the Judiciary which aimed at bringing change in the
 Critical Analysis- what role the Judiciary is playing to bring social change in the
Indian Society

Amendment Procedure – focus on the 42 nd Constitutional Amendment Act

Topic break-up

 Introduction on the general process of amendment of the Indian Constitution

 Features of the 42nd Amendment
 Critical Analysis- Significance of the 42nd amendment in the working of the political
system in India.

Project format

Students should follow the following format for the Project:

 Cover page- Name of the topic, your particulars

 Acknowledgement
 Index/Contents- Sub topics with the page numbers
 Introduction
 Sub topics according to the index- Paste relevant pictures
 Critical analysis
 Conclusion
 Bibliography


# Project will be a part of Term 1 assessment

# Submit neat work.

# Work has to be original and done by the student. Plagiarized contents will not be assessed.

# Project should be hand- written in pages of a lace file which can be submitted as and when
the school reopens.

# Only a single PDF with the scanned images of the Project will be accepted.

Screenshots and project sent through link will not be accepted.

# The size of the file must not be more than 18 MB

# Submissions must be made only through Assignments of MS Teams

# Assessed Project will not be returned

DUE DATE- 31/7/2021

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