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2, APRIL 2005

Plasma–Surface Interaction and Surface Diffusion

During Silicon-Based Thin-Film Growth
J. P. M. Hoefnagels, E. Langereis, W. M. M. Kessels, and M. C. M. van de Sanden

Abstract—Insight into the interaction between plasma and the

surface can be obtained from well-defined radical and ion beam
studies using advanced surface diagnostics. Therefore, in this
paper, a new ultrahigh vacuum setup is presented for a funda-
mental study of the plasma deposition process of hydrogenated
amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). A first study of the surface diffusion
process of plasma radicals is presented by visualizing the surface
roughness evolution of the films as a function of bulk thickness
and substrate temperature. Fig. 1. Possible surface reactions of SiH radicals with the a-Si:H surface.
(a) Production of surface dangling bonds by H abstraction by SiH .
Index Terms—Plasma deposition, surface diffusion, surface (b) Adsorption of SiH on a dangling bond and (c) insertion of SiH in
reactions. a surface Si–Si bond. In reactions (b) and (c), surface diffusion of the SiH
growth precursor may be involved.

U NDERSTANDING of the plasma-surface interaction is

a major effort in plasma materials processing in which
plasmas are used for the synthesis and modification of thin films
a sufficiently long time due to the high level of vacuum
reached in the setup.
and micro- and nano-structures. One of the most extensively 2) With well-defined radical (and ion) beams, film growth
studied systems is the deposition process of a-Si:H which has under regular deposition conditions can be mimicked. For
been studied even to such an extent that it has basically become a-Si:H, radical beams of SiH and H are most appropriate.
a model system for understanding thin film growth [1], [2]. Most 3) The growth process can be investigated by advanced in
of these investigations have been carried out under regular, but situ diagnostics which are “all-optical” techniques able to
sometimes rather well-defined operating conditions for a-Si:H monitor film growth in real time. The techniques avail-
deposition [3]. As a result, several surface reactions have been able or currently under development are innovative and
proposed for the key growth precursor of a-Si:H, i.e., the SiH are mainly focused on the detection of surface hydrogen
radical (cf. Fig. 1). The reactions proposed have mainly been and surface dangling bonds (cf. Fig. 2) such that key ques-
concentrated on the adsorption mechanism of SiH (e.g., does tions of a-Si:H film growth can be addressed.
SiH adsorption require surface dangling bonds?) and the pos- A first major issue addressed is the diffusion process of
sible surface diffusion process of the radical. The latter aspect is surface species such as adsorbed SiH radicals. As shown by
considered to be the explanation for the remarkable smoothness Collins et al. [4], insight into surface diffusion processes can
of a-Si:H. be obtained by monitoring the surface roughness evolution as a
To reach the next level of understanding, i.e., detailed insight function of film bulk thickness by spectroscopic ellipsometry.
into the surface reactions at the atomic scale, surface science- Ellipsometry with a photon energy range of 0.7–5.0 eV has
like studies under very well defined and idealized conditions therefore been used to monitor film growth between substrate
will be required. Such studies can for example be carried out temperatures of 70 C and 450 C under SiH dominated
by mimicking a-Si:H film growth using several radical and ion conditions (11-A filament current, 3 standard cm /min SiH
beams as, e.g., done for Si plasma etching [4]. In this paper, flow, 8-mtorr pressure). The resulting a-Si:H deposition rates
we present a new experimental setup for beam studies of a-Si:H on the c-Si substrates range from 78 to 102 Å/min. The ellip-
film growth. In the design of this setup (cf. Fig. 2), three basic sometry data has been analyzed by a two layer model (bulk
criteria have been taken into account. a-Si:H/surface roughness) with the common Bruggeman effec-
tive medium approximation of 50% voids and 50% bulk a-Si:H
1) The substrate, onto which the film is deposited, is easily
for the surface roughness layer. The Tauc–Lorentz formalism
accessible by optical diagnostics. Different kinds of sub-
is assumed for the a-Si:H dielectric function [5]. A contour
strates can be used and their surface remains clean for
plot of the surface roughness as a function of bulk thickness
and substrate temperature, as shown in Fig. 3, is generated by
Manuscript received June 29, 2004; revised September 16, 2004. This work interpolation between the different substrate temperatures used.
was supported in part by the Netherlands Foundation for Fundamental Research
on Matter (FOM) and in part the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Fig. 3 shows an initial surface roughness of at the
Sciences (KNAW). onset of bulk growth for all substrate temperatures. This initial
The authors are with the Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven Univer- surface roughness is induced by the nucleation process of a-Si:H
sity of Technology, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands (e-mail: j.p.m.hoef-; on the native-oxide surface which takes place by Volmer–Weber
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPS.2005.845132 type of growth leading to hemisphere-like nucleation sites. For
0093-3813/$20.00 © 2005 IEEE

Fig. 2. (a) Side view picture and (b) schematic top view of the new UHV setup. On the right side, the different plasma and radicals sources are shown, i.e., electron
cyclotron resonance (ECR) plasma source for SiH beam production, thermal source for atomic H beam production (H-source), and a hot wire source for a-Si:H
film growth. Also shown are several of the optical diagnostics to study the radical surface interaction during plasma deposition (attenuated total reflection Fourier
transform infrared spectroscopy for the detection of surface hydrides; second harmonic generation for the detection of surface dangling bonds; and spectroscopy
ellipsometry to investigate the surface roughness evolution and surface diffusion).

creases again. This is the so called a-Si a-Si roughening transi-

tion which is caused by the fact that the surface diffusion mech-
anism is not able to stabilize roughness features at long lateral
length scales that start dominating the surface roughness. These
roughness features start growing at initial film growth but they
only become important at a certain film thickness. The condi-
tions for which the roughness at long lateral length scales are
suppressed the most, i.e., for which the “dip” lasts up to the
highest bulk thickness and for which the lowest surface rough-
ness is obtained in the dip, correspond to the conditions in which
the surface mobile species have the longest diffusion length [5].
As shown in Fig. 3, this means that the longest diffusion length is
obtained at 300 C, the temperature that also yields the highest
film smoothness for thick films. In future experiments, these ob-
servations will be interpreted in terms of the microscopic surface
diffusion process of SiH plasma radicals.

Fig. 3. Contour of the surface roughness d (in angstroms) as a function of [1] J. R. Abelson, “Plasma deposition of hydrogenated amorphous silicon:
the bulk thickness d and the substrate temperature T , as determined with Studies of the growth surface,” Appl. Phys. A, vol. 56, pp. 493–512, Jun.
spectroscopic ellipsometry during a-Si:H deposition. Minimum value of d at
d = 200 
A at T = 275 C and the most “delayed” increase in d for 1993.
large d at T 
= 325 C suggest that the surface diffusion length of the [2] W. M. M. Kessels, A. H. M. Smets, D. C. Marra, E. S. Aydil, and M. C.
growth precursors is at maximum at T 
= 300 C. M. van de Sanden, “On the growth mechanism of hydrogenated amor-
phous silicon,” Thin Solid Films, vol. 383, pp. 154–160, Feb. 2001.
[3] W. M. M. Kessels, J. P. M. Hoefnagels, P. J. van den Oever, Y. Bar-
substrate temperatures 150 C, the surface roughness first de- rell, and M. C. M. van de Sanden, “Temperature dependence of the sur-
face reactivity of SiH radicals and the surface silicon hydride compo-
creases and this can be explained by a surface diffusion mecha- sition during amorphous silicon growth,” Surf. Sci. Lett., vol. 547, pp.
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Surface mobile species are able to reach the valleys between the [4] J. W. Coburn and H. F. Winters, “Ion- and electron-assisted gas-surface
chemistry—An important effect in plasma etching,” J. Appl. Phys., vol.
nucleation sites and can smoothen out the nucleation-induced 50, pp. 3189–3196, May 1979.
roughness. This is not the case for temperatures 150 C for [5] R. W. Collins, A. S. Ferlauto, G. M. Ferreira, C. Chen, J. Koh, R.
which the surface roughness monotonically increases. For sub- J. Koval, Y. Lee, J. M. Pearce, and C. R. Wronski, “Evolution of
microstructure and phase in amorphous, protocrystalline, and micro-
strate temperatures 150 C, a minimum (“dip”) in the sur- crystalline silicon studied by real time spectroscopic ellipsometry,” Sol.
face roughness is reached after which the surface roughness in- Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, vol. 78, pp. 143–180, Jul. 2003.

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