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Running Head: MOVIE ANALYSIS 1


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Running Head: MOVIE ANALYSIS 2


1. Explain the conflict between individual goals and group goals by providing specific

examples from the movie ‘12 Angry Men’.

“12 Angry Men’' tells the story of the members of a jury, twelve men, who retreat to

reflect on what seems like a simple and clear murder case. It is a clear example of behavior

group, and types of leadership, and ultimately decision-making, in this case, deciding whether

the young man accused of murdering his father is guilty or innocent. The real conflict in the film

begins when the jury retires to deliberate (Twelve Angry Men). At first, they are friendly;

although they are never dealt with by name, they are always called by the numbers in which they

are arranged in the jury, from number one to twelve.

2. Analyze the small group discussion in the movie ‘12 Angry Men’ in terms of leadership

by determining which leadership behaviors moved (or would have moved) the group

toward its goal.

In the final scenes of the film, the role of leader is reinforced due to a controversial

situation between jury number 8 and jury number 3. The character of "opposite leader" is

devalued through the imposition of their criteria to the rest of the members of the jury, which

emphasizes the moral integrity of the final votes. Through doubts that become reasonable as the

end is reached, and after consistency and eloquence of the jury 8 as leader, transformation of the

group to position of the leader is achieved. Both modes of influence defend the quality of the

leadership as group phenomenon, and that it would lose its meaning outside of that context.
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3. Explain and analyze the small group problem-solving techniques employed by the small

group members in the movie ‘12 Angry Men’

Midway through the film and the rest of the scenes of the films, deal with numerous

questions of logical argumentation for or against how clear the evidence provided at trial is, as

well as the testimonies of the witnesses. The leader in this film uses strategies that correspond to

two of the factors of leader: a) Intellectual stimulation: the ability of the leader to make his

subordinates use his own intelligence and his abilities. creative problem-solving skills; and b)

individualized consideration: listening to each of the opinions that are being proposed. In this last

sense, jury number 8 causes each member to the jury participate in this argument, making them

position themselves in a new position (Schneider et al, 2012).

4. Discuss obstacles to quality group decision making and how these obstacles were

overcome by the 12 angry men. Be specific by analyzing how facts, examples, and

opinions were employed in the movie ‘12 Angry Men’. Were they used appropriately?

Each of the members of the group must provide arguments for its decision, which will be

contested or shared by the rest of the jury. As we go through each of the members of the jury,

there are censorship of opinions or hesitations in the face of the arguments given by the "leader

in favor" jury 8, or by the "leader against" jury 3 (Burnell, 2000). However, the dispute takes

new directions that seem to cast doubt on the decisions so faithfully made at the beginning of the

debate. This scene reveals the “Self-censorship” of some of the members that make up the group

and who only offer ambiguous opinions. They do not argue for or against the pressure of

agreement within of the group. For which the members retain criticism. This demonstrates one of
Running Head: MOVIE ANALYSIS 4

the main characteristics offered by the pressure to maintain unanimity within of the group in

decision making.
Running Head: MOVIE ANALYSIS 5


Twelve Angry Men, retrieved from:


Twelve Angry Men, retrieved from:


Schneider, F. W., Grumman, J. A., & Coutts, L. M. (2012). Applied Social Psychology:

Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems (2nd ed.). Los Angeles,

CA, USA: Sage.

Smith, David Burnell, (2000). "Twelve Angry Men Presents an Idealized View of the Jury

System," in Readings on "Twelve Angry Men," edited by Ross Munyan, Greenhaven

Press, pp. 97-101.

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