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Running Head: ESSAY 1

Business Communication Essay

[Name of the writer]
[Name of the institution]
Running Head: ESSAY 2

Question 1: Explain why business communication is important to individuals and
Business communication is important to individuals and organization because it defines
the way employees act in relation to the company. It is essential that organizational
communication is blunt and courteous so that the message we want to convey is understood
clearly without causing confusion or being offensive. Business communication has to do with the
management of perceptions, an efficient and timely dissemination of information, a positive
corporate image and a positive relationship with all stakeholders.

Question 2: (a)Draw the communication model and explain each stage?

The picture shows a basic communication model, which consists of two parts, called
Sender and Receiver. The sequence of steps of a basic communication model is as follows:

• Encode. The thoughts or ideas are translated (encoded) into language by the issuer.
• Transmit the Message. This information is then sent by the issuer through a
communication channel (medium).
• Decode. The message is translated back by the receiver into meaningful thoughts or
• Confirm. Once a message has been received, the recipient can indicate (confirm) receipt
of the message, which does not necessarily mean that they agree or understand it.
• Feedback / Response. Once the received message has been decoded and understood, the
receiver encodes thoughts and ideas in a message and subsequently transmits it to the
original sender.

(b) Critically discuss how globalization has impacted the business communication?
Running Head: ESSAY 3

Globalization has impacted the business communication because globalization achieves

the expansion of markets, this means that a company can start selling its products to other
countries and not just as it used to in its own country. There are several strategies to enter
globalization, however, the areas of a company must reinvent themselves to enter this process,
which generates investment in human resources, machinery, technology, to have the capacity
that the event requires and go at the necessary pace of changes, adapt, survive and grow.
Question 3: What are the three purposes of message?
The three purposes of message are as follows:
• Inform: For example, a conference, a class session, an advertisement or an interpersonal
talk to tell something new.
• Entertain: It is when a joke, a story, an anecdote or a trivial conversation is told.
• Persuade: It is the communication that aims to modify the behavior or opinion of one or
more people.

(b) horizontal and internal communication

Horizontal communication is the one that takes place between people who occupy the
same level in the business organization chart. For example, a communication between directors
of different departments or between workers at the hierarchical level, who may or may not be
from the same department.
While the internal communication in the organization is primarily a responsibility of
senior management and executive ranks, but their development and implementation, according to
statistical data, increasingly rests with the direct chain of command: executives and managers

Question 4
PAIBOC Analysis
• P: What is your purpose or your purposes? The purpose of the message is to both educate
students on the responsible use of credit and credit cards and to give them tools and
examples of how to use debt responsibly.
• A: Who is your target audience? The target audience would be Seniors in High School-
Graduate Students in College, primarily ages 18-24.
Running Head: ESSAY 4

• I: What information must you include in the message? Information that must be included
consists of: relevancy of debt/credit; consequences of irresponsible use of credit; ways to
manage credit/debt; and reasonable expectations of the use of credit.
• B: How can you build support for your position? Support is built through real-world
examples, showing how much credit actually "costs," consequences to job, insurance, or
ability to be employed in certain industries; ability to remain in school rather than drop
out to pay for debt, etc.
• O: What objections can you expect? How can you address the objections? Most students
live in the here and now, thinking little of future consequences; objections will be
numerous but I need to get that x, y or z; it was on sale; it's a great deal; I needed to pay
for dinner, etc. objections may be addressed by helping students categorize expenses.
• C What aspects of the context or situation might affect audience response? Invitation to
seminar or professional setting may have greater effect than, say, extemporaneous
speaking at a café or bar. Standing outside a Mall and trying to persuade students not to
spend will likely have little effect.

(b) Define five communication barriers between sales team and regional manager?
• Semantic barriers
• Psychological barriers
• Physiological barriers
• Administrative barriers
• Physical barrier
Running Head: ESSAY 5

Andersen, J. F., Andersen, P. A. Murphy, M. A. & Wendt-Wasco, N. J. (2015). Teachers' reports
of students' nonverbal communication in the classroom. Communication Education, 34,
Walsh, R. M. (2013). Business Communications: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. The
Journal of Business Communication (1973), 11(1), 65–112.

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