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List Wan three ways of identifying a device on a network

 Hub
 Router
 Switch
2. Give Two versions of ip address briefly describe them and give an example in each
 Public IPs are used by routers and by computers connected directly to DSL modems e.g
 Private IP addresses are special IP addresses that are known only to a router and its
home network e.g
3. Explain two ways in which a device can get an IP address
 Using BOOTP
 Using a RADIUS server attribute.
4. What is a MAC address? Briefly explain any four uses of a MAC address
 MAC address is a hardware identification number that identifies each device on a
 It is used to identify the device on the network.
 It is used to send packets from one point to another within th same
broadcast domain.
 Used as a network address in communications within a network segment.
 Wireless access points often use MAC addresses for access control.

5. List three examples of physical media as a component of a wired network

 copper wire
 coaxial cable
 multimode fiber optic cable,
6. What is a DHCP server? Briefly explain its role in a network.
 this a network server that automatically provides and assigns IP addresses, default
gateways and other network parameters to client devices.
 Role: provides quick, automatic, and central management for the distribution of IP
addresses within a network
7. Give the functions of the following components of the wired network
i. Router – is to provide lan and wireless to devices
ii. Switch – it is to provide more lan for devices
iii. Booster – it is to boost WIFI to other networks

8. discuss any five types of servers

 Proxy Server
 Mail Server
 Server Platforms
 Web Server
 Application Server
9. list 3 components of a wireless network and briefly explain them
 Access Points
 Routers
 Repeaters

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