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Unit 3 - Task 5- Communicative Production

Presented by:

Paula Andrea Vásquez Salcedo Cód.


Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia



Martha Liliana Torres

Group No:


Bogotá, Cundinamarca, July 2021


Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3

Objective ................................................................................................................................ 4

Capture stage 1 module 5 lesson 1 ....................................................................................... 5

Capture stage 2 exercises.................................................................................................. 6-8

Capture stage 3 module 11 lesson 8.....................................................................................9

Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 10

References ............................................................................................................................ 11

The next job is to learn the pronunciation in order to carry out the interview. It is based on

different exercises that we will perform in our applications.

For this work we will carry out three levels, where we will practice our English, the idea of this

is to be able to learn and improve our pronunciation.

General objective

The objective of this work and the most important, is to learn to pronounce in a clear and simple

way, it is also important to learn to handle these exercises where it will help us to have confidence

in ourselves.
Capture stage 1 module 5 lesson 1
Capture stage 2 exercises module

- Module 5 Lesson 16

- Module 9 Lesson 17
- Module 11, lesson 16
Capture stage 3 module 11 lesson 8

When doing the exercises, I realized that my pronunciation can improve, these exercises help

us to learn more vocabulary and how to use it.

References APA

- Module 11 - Describe hope and plans. Talk about abstract themes. Relate present with

future. UNAD, INVIL English (2020). Unit 3-11: Describe hope and plans. Inglés B1+.

Taken from: Online content of B1 level located on the Learning Environment in the course.

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