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Explosive Power Training

Second Edition

James C. Radcliffe
Robert C. Farentinos

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Explosive Power Training
Second Edition

James C. Radcliffe, BS
Robert C. Farentinos, PhD

^ctso^yr-^? s

Human Kinetics Publishers, Inc.

Champaign, Illinois

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Radcliffe, James C. (James Christopher). 1958-

Plyometrics : explosive power training.

Bibliography: p.

1. Physical education and training. 2. Exercise.

3. Exercise— Physiological aspects. I. Farentinos.
Robert C. 1941- II. Title.

GV711.5.R33 1985 613.7 85-14409

ISBN 0-87322-024-2

Editor: Peg Goyette

Production director: Sara Chilton
Typesetter: Sandra Meier
Text layout: Lezli Harris
Illustrator: Mary Yemma Long
Muscle illustrations (page 8): Gail A. Irwin
Cover design: Julie Szamoeki
Printed by: United Graphics, Inc.

ISBN: 0-87322-024-2
Copyright I 1985 by James C. Radcliffe and Robert C. Farentinos

All rights reserved. Except for usein a review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in any form or by any

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To our parents for their ever-present
support and encouragement
Preface VII Chapter 4 Execution Part III PLYOMETRIC
Guidelines 21 DRILLS 29

PLYOMETRICS 1 Guideline 1 Warm Up/ Chapter 5 Legs and Hips 30

Warm Down 21
Bounds 30
Chapter 1 What Are Plyometric Guideline 2 High Intensity 21
Exercises? 3 Hops 42
Guideline 3 Progressive Overload 22
Plvometrics Defined 3 Jumps 54
Guideline 4 Maximize Force/Minimize
History of Plvometrics 4 Leaps 72
Time 22
Plvometrics Today 4 Skips 76
Guideline 5 Perform the Optimal
Number of Repetitions 22 Ricochets 80
Chapter 2 Plyometric Basics
Guideline 6 Rest Property 24
How Plyometric Training Works 7 Chapter 6 Trunk 84
Guideline 7 Build a Proper Foundation
Principles of Athletic Training 9 Kips 84
First 24
Swings 86
Part II TRAINING MOVEMENTS Guideline 8 Individualize the Training
AND METHODS 13 Program 25 Twists 90

Other Execution Guidelines 26 Flexions 94

Chapter 3 Movements and
Muscle Groups 15 Extensions 98

9 1

Chapter 7 Upper Body 101

Presses 101

Swings 1 04

Throws 1 08

Appendix A Physiological Basis

for Plyometric Exercises 1 1

Appendix B Plyometric Testing

Procedures 119

Test 1 Vertical Jump 1 1

Test 2 Depth Jump Heights 119

Test 3 Box Jump Test 1 20

Test 4 Medicine Ball Pass 120

Appendix C Specifications for

Building Apparatus 121

Jumping Box 121

Angle Box 122

Angle Board 1 23

References 125


During the past 2 years we have con- The other, Bob, a former competitive book is to provide a more
tive in this
ducted an extensive program of plyo- weightlifter, is now a member of the systematic and comprehensive treat-
metric training involving a variety of U.S. Marathon Ski Team. book
In this ment of plyometrics than has been
athletes and fitness enthusiasts. Our Bob applies his considerable knowledge offered before. It is intended to be a
subjects have included professional of anatomy and biology to plyometric practical, "how to" book.
football players, cross-country skiers training, and in turn uses this knowl- The book is organized into three
(two of whom participated in the 1984 edge of plyometrics to enhance his own parts. Part I defines plyometrics, pre-
Olympics), marathon and mountain training for Nordic skiing. sents a brief history, and describes the
runners, weightlifters, basketball We wrote this book for coaches and principles of how and why plyometrics
players, young athletes, and older athleteswho wish to know more about works. In Part you will learn about

fitness buffs. The list includes many plyometrics and how to apply this how plyometrics enhances the move-
members of the Farentinos Gym, a dynamic training method to specific ments required to perform skillfully in
training and conditioning facility that sports. We also produced a 50-minute sports. We also present in Part II the
we operate in Boulder, Colorado. videotape to complement this book. basic principles for executing plyomet-
One of us, Jim, has a practical (See page 129 for information about pur- ric exercises. In Part III we describe
background in plyometrics that spans chasing the tape from the publisher.) and illustrate 40 plyometric exercises
almost a decade. Most of the drills We are deeply committed to plyomet- which can be used for specific athletic
presented in this book are his creation, ric and use it daily in our own
training activities. The Appendix contains a

the result of much research and coach- workouts and in directing the training more technical discussion about the
ing in this area. In fact, this book is a of others. We also have reviewed all physiological basis of plyometric
directoutcome of Jim's original book. the research we could find on plyomet- exercises.
Plyometrics Methods Notebook, pub- rics, and present these findings along This second edition contains more
lished in 1983. with our own experiences. Our objec- information on the testing and use of

plyometric techniques. Instead of pho- with Jim Radcliffe over the years and We have enjoyed the personal and
tographs, you will find line drawings listened to his preaching and postula- professional associations with all con-
made from photo sequences to better tion about the virtues of plyometric cerned and truly hope we have re-

illustrate the plyometric exercises. training. We received valuable assis- turned the favor in some way.
We are grateful to a number of tance from Greg Bezer, Harvey Newton,
people who helped us with this book: Ed Burke, Don Nielsen, Audun James C. Radcliffe
certainly all of the members at Endestad, Pat Ahern, Dave Felkley, and Robert C. Farentinos
Farentinos Gym who so willingly did Dan Allen, Steve Ilg, John Tansley, Boulder, Colorado
their "plyos," and all the coaches, Rick Johnson, I.J. Gorman, Steven
especially Mike Lopez, who worked Farentinos, and others as well.


Plyometrics is a method of developing part of the overall training program in been done on what actually occurs at

explosive power, an important compo- many sports. this level as a result of plyometric
nent of most athletic performances. From a physiological perspective, training.
From a practical point of view plyo- plyometrics is perplexing. Practical In Part I you will learn what plyo-
metric training is relatively easy to experience supports its value, yet we metrics means and take a brief look at

teach and learn, and it places fewer do not fully understand how it works. its history. Then you will learn the
physical demands on the body than Although some of the basic neuro- basic principles of plyometric training.
strength or endurance training. Plyo- muscular processes underlying plyo-
metrics rapidly is becoming an integral metrics are known, little research has

PLYOMETRICS rapid, dynamic loading
the involved muscles.
or stretching of

DEFINED Plyometric movements are performed

Beginning with the ancient Greeks, in a wide spectrum of sports in which
coaches and athletes have sought power is useful. For example, consider
methods and techniques for improving the football lineman coming out of the
speed and strength. Speed and strength stance, the volleyball player jumping
combined is power, and power is up high above the net to block the
essential in performing most sport return, the high jumper at take-off, and
skills, whether the tennis serve or the the baseball batter swinging at a pitch.
clean and jerk. Although specific exer- The basketball player shooting the ball
cises designed to enhance quick, and then quickly jumping back up to
explosive movements have been taught get the rebound or tip-in can benefit
for some time, only in the last decade from plyometrics. The platform diver
has a system emerged which empha- who needs more height at the take-off
sizes "explosive-reactive"' power can enhance performance through
training. This new system of athletic plyometrics. The tennis player or the
training is known as plyometrics. baseball outfielder who needs to move
The origin of the term plyometrics is ing more and measure, respectively more quickly to the ball to make the
thought to be derived from the Greek (Chu. 1983: Gambetta, 1981; Wilt & play will also benefit from plyometric
word "pleythyein." meaning to aug- Ecker. 1970). Today plyometrics refers training.Most sports can be played
ment or to increase, or from the Greek to exercises characterized by powerful more skillfully when athletes have the
root words "plio" and "metric," mean- muscular contractions in response to power that combines strength and


speed. Plyometrics is one of the best The astonishing thing about Borzov's
ways to develop explosive power for achievement was that 6 years earlier
sports. his 100-meter times had hovered
around 13 seconds, which did not in-

dicate potential world-class capabilities.

HISTORY The increase in Borzov's sprinting

prowess was
largely due to his physio-
maturation from the age of 14
The modern history of plyometric to 20, but his success also has been at-
training is brief. Its impetus and tributed to the rigorous plyometric
recognition as a useful technique for training he undertook throughout this
increasing explosive power came period.
primarily from the Russian and
Eastern European successes in track
field beginning in the mid-1960s.
early proponent of plyometrics was
Yuri Veroshanski. the Russian coach
whose accomplishments with jumpers The stories told in gymnasiums and on
is legendary. Veroshanski (1967) movements, not merely the contractile training fields about plyometrics tend
experimented with depth jumps and tissue alone. to enshrine this form of training. For
the shock method as plyometric tech- Plyometrics received a big boost from example, an Olympic weightlifter who
niques for increasing his athletes' the remarkable performances of the weighed over 300 lbs. is reported to
reactive ability. An important aspect of Russian sprinter Valeri Borzov, who have jumped from a flat-footed position
Veroshanski' s conceptualization of credited much of his success to plyo- on the floor onto a platform located at
plyometrics was his contention that metric training. In the 1972 Olympic his eye-level height. The credit for this
plyometric training helped develop the Games, at the age of 20, Borzov won feat is given to plyometric training.
whole neuromuscular system for power the 100-meter event in 10.0 seconds. In this book we do not want to

John Tansley. Dwight Stones's coach
during some of his best years, states
that Stones was not exceptionally
strong and did not have great speed;
furthermore, he had relatively poor
jumping ability when tested in the ver-
tical jump. Yet he outjumped every-

body else. Tansley believes Stones's

work with plyometrics had a good deal
to do with it.

Plyometric exercises are helping

athletes in football, basketball, soccer,
weightlifting.swimming, Nordic and
Alpine skiing, baseball and other
sports. Any sport skill demanding
power— the combination of speed and
embellish plyometric training with strength— can benefit from plyometric
magical qualities; it does not permit training.
athletes to perform superhuman feats.

But we do want you to know that plyo-

metric training has gained worldwide
acceptance and credibility through
scientific research (Bosco & Komi.
1979. 1981; Chu. 1983: Gambetta.
1981: Wilt & Ecker. 1970) and true
success stories such as the 'Tosburv
Flop" (Tansley. 1980).


Useful analogies can be made between In our analysis and application of nature, a total integration of all such
the structural elements of the human plyometrics. we use various models, factors. In the development and use of
body and the mechanics of support comparisons, and terminologies bor- human power, the volitional (mind)
systems as described by the engineer. rowed from the world of machines and mechanisms that drive and coordinate
Elasticity, strength, loading, compres- electronics. We do this to help eluci- the skeletal musculature may be even
sion,and tension are properties not date, but with the awareness that more important than the muscle fiber
only of concrete and steel but also of actual performance of human athletic itself. Enhancement of muscular con-

bone cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. skills never occurs as merely the sum trol and reactive power associated with

Thus, the mandible can be likened to of such factors as strength, velocity, plyometric exercise apparently is

an I-beam girder and the zygomatic and stretch. Actual perfor-

loading, related to changescomplexin

arch to a floor joist, or the load mance of any movement pattern, neuromuscular structure and sensory-
characteristics of the femur can be plyometric or otherwise, is holistic in motor pathways.
compared with those of a concrete
column. Similarly, descriptions of
human movements as they occur in

\ uoin" "mis '




sports can be better understood using : -l v. \f\j -*l

the concepts of force, work, accelera-

tion, velocities, levers, and torques. The basis of both the voluntary and in-

And in the same way. analogies can be voluntary motor processes involved in
made between systems that control
motor skills and electronic relay
systems, servo-mechanisms, and
i? <0
t F plyometrics

the so-called "'stretch
is also called the
spindle reflex or myotatic reflex. This

computers. spindle apparatus and the stretch

reflex are vital components of the ner- but slight lengthening of muscle fibers
vous system's overall control of body in thosemuscle groups responsible for
movement. In the execution of many generating the power of the swing. The
learned athletic skills just prior to an rapid stretching (loading) of these
explosive-reactive movement, the muscles activates the muscle spindle
muscles may undergo a rapid stretch- reflex which sends a very strong stimu-
some type of load
ing as a result of lus via the spinal cord to the muscles, Various terms have been suggested
placed upon them. Such a "cocking- causing them to contract powerfully. to describe phases of the stretch reflex.
phase" (Chu. 1983) occurs in the For example, when the right-handed Chu (1983) referred to the rapid load-
hitting of a baseball or swinging of a golfershown below begins the back- ing of the muscle fibers immediately
golf club. What is being accomplished swing, the bicep muscle of the left arm prior to muscle contraction as the
by the batter or golfer unknowingly contracts and the tricep is stretched. "eccentric phase," the brief period of
during this cocking phase is a rapid time between initiation of the eccentric
phase and the reflex muscle contrac-
tion as the "amortization phase," and
contraction itself as the "concentric
phase." Veroshanski (1967) has labeled
the loading or stretching of the muscle
fibers the "yielding phase" and the
ensuing reflex contraction the "over-
coming phase," as shown above. We
find Veroshanski's terminology more
Then when the golfer begins the for- helpful in teaching plyometrics.
ward swing, as shown above, the tricep Plyometric exercises are thought to
contracts powerfully in response to its stimulate various changes in the
rapid stretching which activated the neuromuscular system, enhancing the
muscle spindle reflex. ability of the muscle groups to respond

more quickly and powerfully to slight also apply to plyometrics. One of the
and rapid changes in muscle length. most basic and widely accepted is the
An important feature of plyometric progressive overload principle, which
training apparently is the conditioning has been employed with great success
of the neuromuscular system to allow in developing strength, power, and
for faster and more powerful changes endurance. The relationship between
of direction, for example, going from increasing muscular strength and
down to up in jumping or moving the resistive overload using weights is

legs first anteriorly then posteriorly in quite well known. Repetition of a work
running. Reducing the time needed for load that is less than an overload
thischange in direction increases emphasizes endurance of the muscle,
speed and power. not its strength.
Because the emphasis ison power
This is but a basic explanation of development in plyometrics, and be-

how plyometric training works. If you cause power is defined as strength and

would like to learn more about the frequency or strength divided by time,
physiological and neurological pro- both resistive and temporal overloads
cesses thought to be involved in plyo- must be applied. In plyometric exer-

metrics, you will find a detailed cise, resistive overloads usually take

explanation of them in Appendix A. the form of a rapid change of direction

of a limb or the entire body, such as
overcoming the increased g-forces as

PRINCIPLES OF the result of falling, stepping, bound-

ing, hopping, leaping, or jumping. For
ATHLETIC TRAINING example, as shown on page 10. the

Certain principles of athletic training overload is increased by the athlete

applicable to other forms of exercise falling from progressively higher plat-

durance. Furthermore, development of the standpoint of range of motion. The
aerobic power and muscular strength concept is to employ the stretch reflex

for cross-country skiing, bicycling, or within a specific range of motion. If the

running can most effectively be accom- range of motion is too great, then the
plished when training is focused on the purpose is defeated because of failure
specific muscle groups used in each of to initiate a reflexive action. However,
these sports. Specific exercise elicits many plyometric exercises— although
specific adaptations, thus creating specific to particular athletic skills in
specific training effects (McArdle, terms of plane of movement of limbs
Katch, & Katch, 1981). and involvement of certain muscle
The principle of specificity also ap- groups— are executed in a spatially
forms. A temporal overload can be plies in plyometric exercise. Some exaggerated manner; that is, limbs
accomplished by concentrating on plyometric movements are designed to may be carried through much wider
executing the movement as rapidly enhance striding power, others are ranges of motion even though the
and intensely as possible. used to increase jumping ability, and actual plane of movement resembles
Another general tenet of athletic still others may specifically work the that of the performance goal.
training is the principle of specificity. twisting muscles of the torso. The The pole-bounding exercise of cross-
In the context of athletic training, application of specific plyometric exer- country skiers, for example, requires
specificity refers to neuromuscular and cises is determined by the athlete's that the exerciser simulate the diago-
metabolic adaptations of particular own desired performance goal. nal stride of skiing but that the range
systems in response to particular types In addition to the concepts of resis- of contralateral motion of arms and
of overload. Exercise stress such as tive (amounts and distances) and legs be somewhat exaggerated to max-
strength training for certain muscle temporal (time and intensity) overload, imize intensity of the movement. Thus,
groups induces specific strength adap- it is useful to conceptualize an over- the specific plyometric effect is

tations in thesemuscle groups; load system based on the spatial achieved not only by overloads work-
increases in endurance can only be dimension. That is, movements can ing at the resistive and temporal levels
achieved effectively by training for en- also have the effects of overload from but also at the spatial levels. Resistive.

temporal, and spatial overload are
important considerations, as are
specificityand training frequency, in-

tensity, and duration, topics more fully

discussed in Parts II and III.

A wide variety of movements and ac- In Part II we introduce a system for for using certain drills to train that

tion sequences are seen in sports. categorizing plyometric exercises based muscle group to perform the move-
Some are quite simple and involve upon functional anatomy and its rela- ment more powerfully.
relatively few learned skill components, tionship with athletic movement. Thus, Next we present the guidelines to
but others are exceedingly compli- the exercises can be separated on the follow for efficient development of
cated. Similarly, in plyometric training basis of the musculature involved and explosive power. Proper execution of
a broad spectrum of simple complex
to how it relates to particular sport move- plyometric exercises is vital for achiev-
exercises is available. Deciding which ments. We examine the major muscle ing the maximum benefits of this form
to use depends upon your particular groups involved in movements basic to of training and for avoiding injury.
athletic performance goals. many sports and provide a rationale


Various plyometric exercises are Most athletic movement originates the hips and legs and the specific

described and illustrated in Part III. from the hips and legs. This is true for muscle actions affected are described
These exercises are organized accord- running, throwing, and jumping below.

ing to three basic muscle groups: (a) actions which may be the final perfor- Bounds The emphasis in bounding is

legs and hips, (b) midsection or trunk, mance objective or a component of to gain maximum height as well as
and (c) chest, shoulder girdle, and more complex movements. For exam- horizontal distance. Bounds are per-

arms. Although considered separately ple, often the energy of motion formed either with both feet together

here, these three categories are func- generated in the hips and legs is or in alternate fashion, as shown in the

tionally integrated: they are parts of transferred up through the midsection drawing below.
the human "power chain"' (Landis. by bending, extending, twisting, or The functional anatomy of bounding
1983). and finally is received by the
flexing, involves flexion of the thigh by the
upper body to execute some type of
skilled movement involving shoulders,
chest, and arms.
The organization of plyometric exer-
cises in Part III follows the power-chain
concept. The majority of exercises are
specific to leg and hip action because
these muscle groups are really the
center of power of athletic movement
and have major involvement in virtual-

ly all sports. Plyometric movements

designed to work the musculature of


sartorius, iliacus, and gracilis; exten- ping is to achieve maximum vertical
sion of the knee by the rectus femoris. height and a maximum rate of leg
vastus lateralis, medialis. and inter- movement; gaining horizontal distance
medius (quadraceps group); extension with the body is of secondary impor-
of the thigh by the biceps femoris, tance. Hops are performed either with
semitendinosus. and semimembranosus both legs or one at a time.
(hamstring group) and also by the The functional anatomy of hopping
gluteus maximus and minimus (the involves flexion of the thigh by the
gluteals); flexion of the knee and foot sartorius. iliacus. and gracilis: exten-
by the gastrocnemius; adduction and sion of the knee by the tensor fasciae
abduction of the thigh by the gluteals latae. vastus lateralis, medialis. inter-
and the adductor longus, brevis, medius and rectus femoris: extension
magnus. minimus, and hallucis. of the thigh and flexion of the leg by
Hops The primary emphasis in hop- the biceps femoris. semitendinosus.
and semimembranosus and also by the
gluteus maximus and minimus; flexion with both legs, one leg at a time, or in
of the knee and foot by the gastrocne- alternating fashion.
mius, peroneus. and soleus: adduction The functional anatomy jumping
and abduction of the thigh by the involves flexion of the thigh by the
gluteus medius and minimus, and the sartorius, iliacus. and gracilis: exten-
adductor longus. brevis, magnus. sion of the knee by the vastus lateralis,
minimus, and hallucis. medialis. intermedius. and the rectus
Jumps Attaining maximum height is femoris: extension of the thigh and
sought in jumping, whereas rate of flexion of the leg by the biceps femoris.
execution is secondary and horizontal semitendinosus. and semimembranosus
distance is not even sought when and also by the gluteus maximus:
jumping. Jumps can be performed adduction of the thigh by the gluteus

medius and minimus and the adductor biceps femoris, semitendinosus. and The functional anatomy of skipping
longus. brevis, magnus. minimus, and semimembranosus, and by the gluteus involves extension of the thigh by the
hallucis. maximus and minimus; extension of biceps femoris. semitendinosus. and
Leaps Leaping is a single-effort exer- the knee by the vastus lateralis, semimembranosus, and by the gluteus
cise in which both maximum height medialis, and intermedius: flexion of minimus and maximus; flexion of the
and horizontal distance are empha- the thigh and pelvis by the tensor thigh by the tensor fasciae latae.

sized. Leaps are performed with either fasciae latae. sartorius. iliacus. and sartorious. iliacus. and gracilis; exten-

one or both legs. gracilis; adduction and abduction of sion of the foot by the gastrocnemius.

The functional anatomy of leaping the thigh by the gluteus medius and
involves extension of the thigh by the minimus, and the adductor longus.
brevis. and magnus.

Ricochets The emphasis in ricocheting

is solely on rapid rate of leg and foot
movement: minimizing vertical and
Skips Skipping is performed in an horizontal distance allows for a higher
alternating hop-step manner that em- rate of execution.

phasizes both height and horizontal The functional anatomy of ricocheting

distance. involves extension of the knee and hip


joint by the vastus lateralis, medialis, In many sports the end result of the
and intermedins; flexion of the thigh power generated in the hips and legs
by the sartorius, pectineus, adductor and transferred through the midsection
brevis, adductor longus, and tensor is seen as actions involving the chest,
fasciae latae. shoulders, back, and arms. Thus move-
Landis (1983) describes the mid- ments such as throwing, catching,
section or trunk as the body's shock pushing, pulling and swinging are
absorber and likens it to the connect- primarily upper body activities; how-
ing link of the power chain between ever, more careful analysis reveals that
the "tractor" (hips and legs) and the the trunk, hips, and legs also play
"trailer" (upper body). An often important roles of support, weight
neglected area of exercise, the trunk is transfer and balance. Thrusts, throws,
extremely important in efficient and strokes, passes, and swings all engage
powerful execution of many athletic various muscle groups of the upper
movements. Plyometric exercises de- abdominus, transversus abdominus, body. The relative degree of arm and
signed specifically for the trunk are the obliquus externus, spinalis, longis- shoulder movement differentiates these
following: simus thoracis, sacrospinalis, and
Swings These are movements of the semispinalis.
trunk that are lateral, horizontal, or Twists Twisting is defined as the
vertical, with secondary involvement of torquing and/or lateral movement of
shoulders, chest, and arms. the torso without major involvement of
The functional anatomy of swinging the shoulders and arms.
involves rotation of the spine and The functional anatomy of twisting
pelvis by the obliquus abdominus, involves rotation of the spine and
transversus abdominus, serratus pelvisby the rectus abdominus.
anterior and posterior; flexion and transversus abdominus, obliquus exter-
extension of the spine by the rectus nus. and obliquus internus abdominus.

action sequences. The functional
anatomy of these movements is fairly
similar and involves integrated flexion,
extension, and abduction of the arms
by the pectoralis major and minor,
serratus anterior, triceps brachii,
brachialis, and biceps brachii; support
of the arms and shoulder girdle
throughout flexion and extension by
deltoideus, rhomboideus major and
minor, trapezius, coracobrachialis.
subclavius. and latissimus dorsi.


In training with plyometric exercises, warm-down. Jogging, form running, cution with maximal effort is essential
just as with other forms of athletic stretching, and simple calisthenics are for optimal training effects. The rate of
training, certain guidelines for proper strongly recommended before and after muscle stretch is more important than
and effective performance must be even* workout. the magnitude of the stretch. A greater
followed. Some of the guidelines have reflex response is achieved when the
been mentioned in chapter 2; in this muscle is loaded rapidly. Because the
chapter other key aspects of plyometric Guideline 2 exercises must be performed intensely,
training are emphasized.
HIGH INTENSITY it is important to take adequate rest

between successive exercise sequences.

Intensity is an important factor in
plyometric training. Quickness of exe-
Guideline 1
Because plyometric exercises demand
and agility, all drills should

be preceded by an adequate period of

warm-up and followed by a proper

Guideline 3 plyometric movements may increase can be performed. For example, in

PROGRESSIVE strength but not necessarily explosive

power. Resistive overload in most
shot-putting the primary objective
exert maximum force throughout the
is to

OVERLOAD plyometric exercises takes the form of putting movement. The quicker the
A plyometric training program must forces of momentum and gravity, using action sequence is executed, the
provide for resistive, temporal, and objects relatively light in weight such greater the force generated and the
spatial overload. Overload forces the as medicine balls or dumbbells, or longer the distance achieved.
muscles to work at greater intensities. merely body weight.
Proper overload is regulated by con-
trolling the heights from which ath- Guideline 5
letes drop, the weights used, and the Guideline 4 PERFORM THE
distances covered. Improper overload
may negate the effectiveness of the
exercise or may even cause injury.
Thus, using weights that exceed the Both force and velocity of movement Usually the number of repetitions
resistive overload demands of certain are important in plyometric training. ranges from eight to 10, with fewer
In many cases the critical concern is repetitions for more exerting sequences
the speed at which a particular action and more repetitions for those exer-

^k& ^bs

cises involving less overall effort. The over them, the athlete is performing a that these drills are being performed to
number of sets also may vary accord- multiple-response drill (see below). A improve nerve-muscle reactions, explo-
ingly. Various East German studies good plyometric program utilizes both siveness, quickness, and the ability to

(Gambetta, 1981) suggest six to 10 sets types of responses, thus working both generate forces in certain directions.
for most exercises, while the Russian the more specific and the overall action An athlete will only benefit from the
literature (Veroshanski. 1966) recom- efforts. number of repetitions done well. For
mends from three to six sets especially example, if he or she performs a set of
for some of the more intense jumping
— hops, bounds, or throws correctly for
drills. HAD in MIND For OPTIMAL HEPE"rnioNS. eight repetitions but begins to fatigue
It is important to understand that and performs incorrectly thereafter,

most plyometric drills fall into one of then eight repetitions is enough. In

two categories: single-response (SR) or plyometrics training little is gained

multiple-response (MR) drills. The with low intensity, poorly executed
former represent a single, intense effort exercises.
such as employed in take-offs, initial The number of sets, repetitions, and
bursts of motion, and releases. The lat- rest periods recommended in Part III

ter are also intense but they place are based on our experiences of teach-
more emphasis on stamina and overall ing and coaching plyometric training
speed by involving several efforts in at the junior high, high school, profes-

succession. Actually, the same drill can sional, and elite athlete levels, and on
be worked either way. For example, research literature for particular drills.

the Depth Jump described in chapter 5 Sometimes the number of repetitions They are not absolutes, but merely a
is basically a single drop from a box. is dictated not only by intensity of the basis from which you can begin. Ad-
followed by a high vertical jump. Yet drill but also by the athlete's condition, just these values within the objectives

by placing a row of cones in front of the execution of each repetition, and outlined here to achieve your optimal
the box and doing a series of jumps the value of the outcome. Remember training objectives.

Guideline 6 give optimal results. It is important not

REST PROPERLY to precede plyometrics, especially

and other leg movements, with

A rest period of 1 to 2 minutes be- heavy weight workouts of the lower

tween sets is usually sufficient for the body. Previously fatigued muscles,
neuromuscular systems stressed by tendons, and ligaments can become
plyometric exercises to recuperate. An overstressed by the high resistive loads
adequate period of rest between plyo- placed on them during the plyometric
metric training days also is important workout.
for proper recovery of muscles, liga-

ments, and tendons. Two to 3 days per

week of plyometric training seems to
Guideline 7
BUILD A PROPER and one that we feel is unnecessary
successful performance and positive

FOUNDATION FIRST training effect using plyometrics. Other

Because a strength base is advanta- researchers (Valik, 1966) corroborate
geous in plyometrics, a weight training our contention in their application of
program should be designed to comple- plyometric training in 12- to 14-year-
ment, not retard, development of olds as preparation for future strength
explosive power. training. And by
this is also supported
Establishing a strength base prior to McFarlane (1982), who suggests mod-
plyometric training need not be over- erate jump training with 14-year-olds
done. Veroshanski and Chernousov and older youths. Sinclair (1981) notes
(1974) suggest a maximum squat of there does not appear to be any signifi-

two times body weight before attempt- cant response to explosive strength
ing depth jumps and similar plyo- training in the adolescent until after
metrics. This is an extreme criterion the onset of puberty; therefore training

programs should be prescribed with capabilities and determining how exercise.Bosco and Komi (1979. 1981)
care. much training is optimal. As with so and Veroshanski (1967) have examined
Beginners should start with moder- many other areas of sports training. the optimal height for executing depth
ate drills such as jumps from ground individualizing the plyometric training jumps. Their results indicate that drop-
level, and hops, bounds, and leaps program is more of an art than a ping from a height of 29 inches
with both legs. As strength and ex- science. develops speed, whereas dropping from
plosive power increase, a progression The intensity and amount of over- 43 inches develops dynamic strength
to one-legged drills, depth jumps and load are two critical variables here. more. Above 43 inches, the time and
decline and incline work can be Because the research is so scarce, energy it takes to cushion the force of
initiated. Strength and flexibility train- views differ as to the optimum intensi- the drop to the ground defeats the pur-
ing of abdominal muscles and lower ty and overload for different plyometric pose for plyometric training.
back muscles are recommended for exercises. Coaches from Eastern Bloc Based on the work of Sinclair (1981)
several weeks prior to doing skips, countries recommend that athletes be and Costello (1984). as well as on our
swings, and similar trunk exercises. able to barbell squat 1.5 to 2 times own work in guiding the plyometric
their body weight in order to train with training of many we have

certain plyometric exercises, but this identified four basic tests we believe
Guideline 8 criterion is not based on research are helpful in evaluating power. The

INDIVIDUALIZE THE evidence and does not apply to

plyometric exercises, nor

testing procedures for these tests are
given in Appendix B:
TRAINING PROGRAM ate for even -
individual. Thus,
is it

1. Vertical jump:
For best results, you will want to leaders in the field are calling for
2. Depth jump heights:
individualize the plyometric training simple tests to provide some basis for
3. Box jump tests:
program, which means you should individualizing the training, even if
4. Medicine ball pass.
know what each athlete is capable of these tests are not based on a substan-
doing and just how much training is tialbody of research evidence. At this time we cannot give you
beneficial. Unfortunately, little research A notable exception to the absence of norms for interpreting test scores and
has been aimed at testing a person's research concerns the depth jump individualizing the training program.

Instead, we suggest you give these four as strength and endurance training.
tests before beginning plyometric exer- Generally, plyometric exercises should
cise training, then retest approximately be performed at amplitudes and inten-
every third week of the program. If you sities corresponding closely to the
do not see any improvement, try to power movements and action sequences
evaluate whether the intensity of the of specific sport skills. In some cases,
trainingand the overload is too little or however, purposeful temporal and
too much. If you are a coach, ask for spatial exaggerations are recommended
the athlete's opinion about the train- as overload mechanisms.
ing; then use good judgment in Research by Bosco and Komi (1979)
adjusting the intensity and overload of shows that the performance of jumps maintain a locked ankle when landing
the workout. with undamped (without delay) land- on the ground. Rolling the foot from
By systematically monitoring the ings result in higher power and force heel to toe (see below) or allowing
progress and testing for change, you values than those with damped (added movement along the ankle joint slows
will have a better basis for making flexion) landings. The difference be- down the response and displaces the
adjustments in training. Perhaps if you tween these two types of landings is force away from the overcoming por-
will keep records, and if others will do illustrated above, right. Thus, the tion. The best way to land on the
the same, collectively we will have a quicker the person switches from
basis for developing norms from the yielding work to overcoming work, the
tests— and thus better prescriptions for more powerful the response. In most
training. cases, a good guideline to follow is that
athletes should execute undamped
OTHER EXECUTION landings in jumping exercises.
Proper foot placement when doing
GUIDELINES the yielding and overcoming work is

As mentioned in chapter 2. specificity essential. In order to obtain as quick a

training in plyometrics is important release as possible, the athlete must WROMH

thumbs-up position helps to counteract
this tendency by forcing the torso to
remain in a more upright position,
thus aiding balance.



ing beyond the point of full extension

or flexion. This will ensure that limb
ground is on the ball of the foot,
and trunk musculature is properly
although this is easier said than done.
stretched (loaded) so as to initiate a
A flat-footed landing is okay, but with
more forceful, reactive explosion.
practice the former method can be
This concludes our list of guidelines
learned and should always be remem-
for executing the plyometric drills
bered for obtaining maximum benefits
from lower limb plyometric
presented in the next part. We suggest
you reread this chapter after having
In all plyometric jumps, hops, leaps,
practiced plyometric drills several
bounds, skips, and ricochets, concen- Follow-through is important in plyo-
times to help you become more aware
trate on "knees-up/thumbs-up. " This metric movements involving upper
of the execution guidelines.
helps in keeping balance, centering the body muscle groups. Force should be
workload around the hips and legs, applied continuously and quickness of
and developing additional power move- action should be emphasized. In repeti-
ments with the upper body. When tive thrustsand throws, such as the
knees are brought upward abruptly, medicine ball throw (see top right) or
the tendency is for the shoulders to the heavy bag thrust, try to prevent
drop forward. Holding the hands in the the recover}' or "catch" phase from go-

There is probably no limit to the drills are more appropriate for their bounding, jumping, leaping, hopping,
variety of plyometric exercises that can own training needs: our explanations and so on can result in injury.
be devised. Some imagination and and demonstrations are intended to Coaches, and athletes as well, should
inquisitiveness, peppered with a basic add a few insights. judge whether athletes have the motor
understanding of neuromuscular pro- The exercises begin with the simpler, skills for properly executing the more

cesses involved, allow for the develop- more fundamental drills and progress complex drills that involve stair climb-
ment of useful plyometric drills. to the more complex and difficult. As ing or changing directions using the
However, it is neither practical nor the athlete improves in strength and various apparatus illustrated here in
necessary to analyze each movement agility, and in exercise performance, Part III. Also, in order to avoid fatigue
pattern of every sport skill and design then he or she can advance to the and reduce risk of injury, no more
a plyometric drill for that specific skill. more difficult drills. than three or four drills should be per-
In fact, there are a relatively small We would add a word of
like to formed in a workout.
number of key power movements in caution here: Although plyometric Do not let plyometrics deprive you of
sport, and a set of drills for these exercises done properly and under sport participation through injury. In-
power movements is presented here in appropriate supervision offer no greater stead, let the proper and safe execution
Part III. Coaches and athletes will see risk than other exercise programs or of plyometrics enhance your sport
quite readily which of these plyometric sports participation, carelessness in performance.

BOUNDS Starting position
Begin the exercise from a half-squat
to attain
of the arms.
height and dis-

Drill: Double Leg Bound stance. Arms should be down at the tance by fully straightening the body.
This exercise develops explosive power sides, with shoulders forward and out Upon landing, resume the starting
in the muscles of the legs and hips, over the knees. Keep the back straight
specifically the gluteals, hamstrings, and hold the head up.
quadriceps, and gastrocnemius. Arm Action sequence
and shoulder muscles also are indirect- Jump outward and upward, using the
ly involved. The drill has wide applica- extension of the hips and forward
tion to a number of different sports
including jumping, running, weightlift-
ing, and competitive swimming.

and initiate the next bound.
Emphasize "reaching for the sky."
Perform 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 repeti-

tions with about 2 minutes rest be-

tween each set.


i i 4
Drill: Alternate Leg Bound initiate a step; arms should be relaxed contralateral motion or execute a

This drill is very similar to the double and at the sides. double arm swing. Repeat the sequence

leg bound in developing explosive leg Action sequence (driving with the other leg) upon
and hip power. Alternating the legs Begin by pushing off with the back leg, landing. A variation of this is to begin

specifically works the flexors and driving the knee up to the chest and the sequence with a 10-yard run pro-

extensors of the thighs and hips, a drill attempting to gain as much height and ceeding immediately into the bounds.

that is used to enhance running, distance as possible before landing.

striding, and sprinting actions. Quickly extend outward with the driv-
Starting position ing foot. Either swing the arms in a
Assume a comfortable stance with one
foot slightly ahead of the other as to

Drill: Double Leg Box Bound width apart. The body is held in a Repeat this sequence using the second
This drill requires 2 to 4 boxes ranging semi-squat stance with back straight, box and the third, and so on, until

from about 12 to 22 inches in height.

head up, and arms at the sides. completed.

Use of the boxes places greater over- Action sequence Perform 4 to 6 sets using 2 to 4
loads on the same muscle groups As in double leg bounds, begin by boxes, with about 2 minutes rest

engaged in the double leg bound. This exploding upward onto the first box; as between each set.

exercise requires more stability of the soon as you land on the box, explode
lower back and trunk areas. (See upward again as high and as far out as
Appendix C for building the boxes possible, landing on the ground.

required for this drill.)

Starting position
With the boxes spaced evenly 3 to 6
feet apart, stand approximately 2 to 3
steps in front of the first box. Feet
should be slightly more than shoulder-

Alternate Leg Box Bound front of a series of boxes spaced
By incorporating the use of 2 to 4 approximately 3 to 6 feet apart.
boxes (approximately 12 to 22 inches Action sequence
in height), this drill places overloads on The action sequence for this exercise is

the leg flexors and hip extensors by the same as that described for the
alternately bounding on each leg. alternate leg bound except that every
Starting position other step is made from a box.
Assume the same stance as in the Perform 5 to 8 sets of 2 to 4 boxes,
alternate leg bound, 2 to 3 steps in with 2 minutes rest between each set.

Drill: Incline Bound with each foot as far as possible. The

This drill is performed on a sloped hill

arm action can be contralateral or a

(about 20 degrees inclination), stairs, double-arm pump.

or stadium steps. By working uphill, a
Perform 4 to 6 sets of 10 to 20
constant resistive force or overload is
bounds with about 2 minutes rest

placed on the muscle systems used for between each set.

bounding. This constant overload helps
to develop strength and power. Both
double and alternate leg variations of
the incline bound are suggested.
Starting position
Assume the same stance as in the
double leg bound at the bottom of the
hill or steps.
Action sequence
Performance is similar to double and
alternate leg bounds. Begin by ex-
ploding upward from step to step
gradually increasing the number of
steps or distance as and power

improve. Use the arms in an upward

thrusting motion to help achieve a
high lifting action. When performing
double leg incline bounds, keep the
feet about shoulder-width apart. In
alternate leg incline bounds, stride

Drill: Lateral Bound
This drill requires angle boxes, a
grassy hill, or similar incline, but
regular boxes can be substituted if

angle boxes are not available. This

exercise emphasizes use of the thigh
adductor and abductor muscles as well
as those in the hips, thighs, and lower
back. The stabilizer muscles of the
knee and ankle are also used. The
lateral bound is excellent for skating,

hockey. Nordic skiing, tennis, basket-

ball, and baseball.
Starting position Perform 3 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 repeti-
Assume a semi-squat stance at the side tions: a rest period of 1 to 2 minutes is

of the angle box or incline approx- adequate between sets.

imately 1 long step away.

Action sequence
Push off with the outside foot moving
and concentrate
laterally onto the box.

on obtaining height and lateral dis-

tance. Upon landing, drive off again in
the opposite direction, attempting to
gain as much lateral distance as


HOPS The action sequence should be exe-
cuted as rapidly as possible. Work at
Drill: Double Leg Speed Hop gaining height and distance, but not at
This exercise develops speed and the expense of repetition rate.
power in the muscles of the legs and Perform 3 to 6 sets of 10 to 20
hips, specifically working the gluteals, repetitions, with 1 to 2 minutes rest
hamstrings, quadriceps, and gastrocne- between each set.
mius at a rapid and powerful rate. It is

a useful exercise for developing the

speed and explosiveness required when
Starting position
Assume a relaxed upright stance with
back head up, and shoulders
slightly forward. Keep arms at sides
and bent at 90 degrees with the
thumbs up.
Action sequence
Begin by jumping upward as high as
possible, flexing the legs completely so
as to bring the feet under the buttocks.
Emphasize maximumby bringing

the knees high and forward with each

Upon each landing, jump
quickly upward again with the same
cycling action of the legs, using the
arms to help achieve maximum lift.

Drill: Single Leg Speed Hop
This drill is similar to the double leg
speed hop except that it is done with
one leg. This places an overload on the
muscles of the hips, legs, and lower
back: it also incorporates the muscles
that stabilize the knee and ankle.
Starting position
Assume thesame stance as in the
double leg speed hop except that one
leg should be held in a stationary
flexed position throughout the exercise.
Action sequence
Begin the exercise as in the double leg
hop but with one (the same) leg at a
Perform 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repeti-
tions on each leg. with approximately
2 minutes rest between each set.

Incremental Vertical Hop
For this exercise you will need a rope
or rubber surgical tubing approximate-
ly 15 feet in length. Attach one end to
a wall or pole at a height of about 4
feet and the other end to a cone, tire,
or similar movable object at ground
level. This is excellent for basketball,
volleyball, and track and field


Starting position
Assume a relaxed position immediately
to the side of the lowest end of the
rope with feet together, facing the wall
or pole. The arms should be cocked,
ready to aid in providing lift.

Action sequence
Hopping back and forth over the rope,
try to advance toward the wall (up the
rope) as high as possible. Bring the
knees forward and upward toward the
chest while tucking the feet under- Perform 3 to 6 sets of as many
neath the buttocks. Continue up the repetitions as possible. Rest periods of
rope as far as possible, thus completing 1 to 2 minutes between each set are
the set. recommended.

Drill: Decline Hop
Use a grassy hill of about 2 to 4
degrees inclination. (Note: Do not at-

tempt this exercise on steps, bleachers,

or a wet, slick surface.) This drill

develops speed and strength of the legs

and hips, specifically the quadriceps,
hamstrings, gluteals, and lower back,
through increased shock on the
musculature and increased speed due
to the downward momentum.
Starting position
Assume a quarter-squat stance at the
top of the hill with the body facing
down the fall line.

Action sequence
Execution of this movement is the
same as that described for the double
leg hop. However, performing this hop
on the decline requires even greater
emphasis on repetition rate and speed
of movement. The single leg decline
hop is suggested only after mastering
the double leg hop.
Do 4 to 6 sets of 6 to 10 repetitions,
with approximately 2 minutes rest
between each set.

Drill: Side Hop motion with thumbs up and elbows at

This exercise involves the use of 2 90 degrees.

cones approximately 18 to 26 inches in
Perform 5 to 8 sets of 6 to 12 repeti-

height. The movement specifically tions, with 1 to 2 minutes rest between

develops the thigh abductor muscles, each set.

stabilizers of the knees and ankles, and

enhances explosive lateral power
throughout the legs and hips. This drill
is very useful for all activities employ-
ing lateral movement.
Starting position
Set both cones side by side approx-
imately 2 to 3 feet apart. Assume a
relaxed upright stance to the outside of
one of the cones. The feet should be
together and pointing straight ahead,
and the arms cocked ready to provide
lift and aid in balance.

Action sequence
From the starting position, jump side-
ways over the first cone and then the
second one. Without hesitating, change
direction by jumping back over the
second cone and then the first one;
continue this back-and-forth sequence.
Use the arms in an upward thrusting

Drill: Angle Hop
This drill preferably is done on a multi-
ple angle box or similar apparatus,
which must be securely attached to the
ground so as not to move or slip while
the hops are being performed. The
angle hop develops explosive power
and speed of reaction in the thigh
adductors and ankle stabilizers, and
improves balance and lateral move-
ment. This drill is useful in Alpine
skiing, tennis, football, and gym-
nastics, as well as other sports.

Starting position
Stand in a relaxed position on one of
the angled surfaces of the box.
Action sequence
Hop laterally from one side of the box
to the next sequentially, emphasizing a
rapid side-to-side motion. Once skill

has improved, progress to more distant

angles. Hold the arms out and up to
aid in balance.
Perform 4 to 8 sets of 8 to 12 repeti-
tions with about 2 minutes rest be-
tween each set.

JUMPS Interlock the fingersand place the
palms of the hands against the back of
check this downward movement and
explode upward as high as possible.
Drill: Squat Jump the head. This will minimize involve- Upon landing, repeat the sequence; on
This exercise is performed on a flat ment of the arms, thus emphasizing each repetition, initiate the jumping
semi-resilient surface. It is a basic drill involvement of the legs and hips. phase just prior to reaching the half-
for developing power in the hip flexors, Action sequence
quadriceps, gastrocnemius, ham- Begin by quickly dropping downward
strings, and gluteals and is applicable to a half-squat position; immediately
to many The primary emphasis
in the squat jump is to attain max-
imum height with every effort.

Starting position
Assume a relaxed upright stance with
feet placed about shoulder-width apart.

squat starting position. Work for max-
imum height with each jump.
Two to 4 sets of 15 to 30 repetitions
are suggested; rest 2 minutes between



Drill: Knoo-Tuck Jump Action *mqumncm

theknees upward and toddng the U I

<< in- 1-
|umpa an doni on a u ail
Begin by rapidly dipping down to under the body Repetitioi i

i< nt fi;ii iurfa< < mi' hi or

about the quarter'tquaJ level and :

• -
at a fairly rapid rat';
Immediately explode upward Driv< th< minimum contad on the ground.
tllng trial Thii drill li \>< rfbrmed
kne< i high toward th* cheat and at' wo jo to 20 repetition!

< - -/I rapl< v |umpi 'J to 4 aeta of
U ni|jt to touch them to th( pahns of with about 2 minute* •
thai «
r< lie iii' hip and leg * (1<

ill' ham ti landing, repeal the are recommended,
r r 1 1 j-
gluteals quadrici |

aeqw ii" eat ii urn' thinking ol driving

and hamstringi
9tarlln V i><, mill,,,,

me a comfortable uprlghl itana

placing Hi' handi palmi down at i hi it


»0 -
Drill: Split Jump forward leg is flexed with a 90-degree completing the sequence (and rest),

bend at the knee. perform the exercise again with the

Split jumps are performed on a flat
Action sequence opposite leg forward.
surface and affect the muscles of the
Jump as high and straight up as possi- Perform 2 to 3 sets of 5 to 8 jumps
lower back, hamstrings, gluteals, quad-
riceps, extensors, and flexors of the ble.Use the arms in an upward swing- with each extended leg. A rest period

lower leg. Split jumps are especially ing motion to gain additional lift. Upon of about 1 to 2 minutes between sets is

good for developing striding power for landing, retain the spread-legged posi- recommended.
running and cross-country skiing; they tion, bending the knee of the forward
are also specific to the "split" portion leg to absorb the shock. After regaining

of the clean and jerk. stability, repeat the motion for the

Starting position required number of times, going as

Assume a stance with one leg extended high as possible each time. Upon
forward and the other oriented some-
what behind the midline body as
of the
in executing a long step or stride. The

on exploding upward with the entire
body and, once airborne, remember to
shift the hips and arms quickly
Perform from 3 to 5 sets of 2 to 3
kips, resting about 2 minutes between
each set.
SWINGS arms extended, hold the dumbbell at direction with the other shoulder and
chest level with both hands at arm's arm. Begin the checking action before
Drill: Horizontal Swing length in front of the body; elbows the torso has swung fully in one direc-
A 15- to 30-pound dumbbell, swingbell should be slightly bent. tion, that is, use the momentum in one
or other weighted object is required for Action sequence direction as the load (cocking action)
this exercise, which involves muscles Initiate a torquing motion by pulling to for eliciting a plyometric response in
of the shoulders and arms as well as one side with shoulder and arm. As the other direction. Allow the work to
the posterior, lateral, and anterior momentum increases, begin to check
trunk. The drill is excellent for devel- the motion by pulling in the opposite
oping torso power and is applicable to
baseball, golf, hockey, shot-put and
discus, football, and swimming.
Starting position
Feet and hips should be square with
the body in a comfortable stance. With

Drill: Box Jump
For this exercise you will need boxes,
benches, or an elevated platform
between 12 and 24 inches in height.

Starting position
Assume a relaxed stance facing the
box or platform at a distance of about
18 to 20 inches away. Arms should be
down at the sides and legs slightly
Action sequence
Using the arms to aid in the initial
burst, jump upward and forward, land-
ing with feet together on top of thebox
or platform. Immediately jump back
down to the original starting place and
then repeat the sequence. A variation
of this basic movement can be per-
formed by alternating the directions of
jumping onto and off the elevated sur-
face. Remember to keep thumbs and
knees up for balance and concentrate
on rapidity of movement, minimizing
contact time with ground and box.
Perform 3 to 6 sets of 8 to 12 jumps,
with about 2 minutes rest between
each set.

Drill: Depth Jump especially good exercise for the quadri- starting position

ceps and hip girdle, as well as for the Begin by standing at the edge of the
An elevated surface (box or bench) ap-
lower back and hamstrings. The depth elevated platform with the front of the
proximately 25 to 45 inches in height
jump is applicable to all sports because feet just over the edge. Keep the knees
is needed for this exercise. The landing
it employs leg strength, speed, and slightly bent and arms relaxed at the
surface should be fairly soft, such as
quickness. sides.
grass or a wrestling mat. This is an

Action sequence ground, jumping phase bv
initiate the variation is to perform an additional
Drop from the elevated surface to the swinging the arms upward and extend- jump or two after the initial one. Keep
ground: do not jump off the platform. \n g the body as high and as far out as knees and thumbs up for balance.
Land with both feet together and knees possible. Maximum intensity and effort Do 3 to 6 sets of jumps, resting
bent to absorb the shock of the landing are required to gain optimal benefits. A about 1 minute between each jump.
phase. As soon as you land on the


Drill: Starting position inside leg (foot on bench) for power,

Single Leg Stride Jump Assume a position to the side and at jump upward as high as possible. Mov-
one end of the bench. Place the inside ing slightly forward down the bench,
A long sturdy bench, rectangular box,
foot on top of the bench, with arms repeat the action as soon as the out-
or a row of bleachers or stadium stairs
held downward at the sides. side leg (away from the bench) touches
is required for performing the stride
Action sequence the ground. Use mainly the inside leg
jump, which involves the muscles of
Begin the exercise with an upward forpower and support, allowing the
the lower back, quadriceps, gluteals,
hamstrings, and hip flexors. This drill
movement of the arms: then, using the outside leg to barely touch the ground

is excellent for cycling, football, basket-

ball, and track and field jumping

before jumping up again. Once the end
of the bench is reached, turn around,
and with leg positions reversed, repeat
the sequence in the other direction.
Remember to gain full height and body
extension with each jump.
A workout of 2 to 4 sets of 6 to 10
repetitions with about 2 minutes rest
between sets is suggested.


Drill: Starting position Action sequence
Stride Jump Crossover As in the single leg stride jump, The movement is initiated by rapidly
For this drill, the same type of equip-
assume a standing position at one end swinging the arms upward. This up-

ment described in the single leg stride

of the bench with one foot on the ward momentum is then continued by
ground and the other on the bench. driving off the bench with the elevated
jump is needed. Quadriceps, gluteals,
hamstrings, lower back muscles,
Arms should be down at the sides. leg,jumping as high as possible and
gastrocnemius, and (indirectly) the extending the body fully. At this point

shoulder girdle are all involved in this

movement. The drill is useful for skills
in basketball, football, cycling, gym-
nastics, and track and field jumping

the body is carried over the bench and the original starting position. As soon and forth the length of the bench.
slightly forward so that the driving leg as the original driving leg makes con- Work to achieve maximum height with
touches the ground on the opposite tact with the ground, the motion is each jump, using the arms to assist in
side of thebench and the trailing leg repeated but with the original trailing lifting the body. Minimize ground and
comes to rest on top of the bench. leg acting as the major power source. bench contact time with the feet; per-

Orientation of the body and position of These movements are repeated back form the movements as quickly and
the feet are now just the opposite of explosively as possible.
Two to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions
(with each driving leg) with a rest of
about 1 to 2 minutes between each set
are recommended.


Drill: Side Jump/Sprint applicable to tennis, basketball, base- Action sequence

ball, football, and many other sports Begin by jumping back and forth over
A low bench, tackling dummy, or
utilizing change of direction. the bench for a designated number of
similar object for jumping over and
Starting position repetitions (4 to 10). Upon landing on
cones for use as a finish line are
Stand on one side of the bench with the last jump, go forward at a full
required for this drill. This is a com-
and pointing straight
feet together
sprint past the finish line. Two partici-
bination exercise going from a series of
ahead. Cones are placed 15 to 20 yards pants can do this exercise at the same
lateral jumps to a full sprint over a
in front of the starting point to act as a time, using different benches or jump-
given distance. It involves the quadri-
finish line.
ing objects. Obviously, the participant
ceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, gastroc-
nemius, and gluteals and also practices
the coordination required for rapid
change of direction. This drill is

completing the designated number of height of the jumps but on the rate of
jumps first will have an advantage in execution. Keep the trunk and hips
crossing the finish line first. This centered over the bench and carry the
forces both participants to execute the legs fluidly from side to side.

side jumps as rapidly as possible, a Perform the drill in 3 to 5 sets of 4 to

primary objective of the drill. Antici- 10 jumps and 1 sprint. Allow 1 to 2
pate the last landing and be ready to minutes for recovery between jump/
sprint forward. Emphasis is not on the sprint sets.


LEAPS Starting position
With assume a semi-erect
feet together,
under the but-
hips, tucking the feet
tocks. Upon landing flat-footed on the
Drill: Quick Leap position facing the box (about 15 to 20 box, assume a semi-squat position to
A rather soft landing surface such as inches away). Keep the arms at the absorb the shock and then immediate-
grass or a wrestling mat and a bench, sides and slightly bent at the elbows. ly thrust forward again, this time
stool, or box approximately 12 to 24 Action sequence extending and straightening the entire
inches high are needed for the quick Leap toward the box by exploding body. Finish by landing flat-footed on
leap drill. The major muscle groups powerfully out of the starting position the ground with legs bent to act as a
affected include the hip flexors, quadri- with the help of an energetic arm
ceps, hamstrings, gluteals, lower back, swing. While moving through the air,

and shoulder girdle. This exercise is keep the knees high and forward of the
useful in volleyball, football, basketball,
platform diving, and weightlifting.

cushion. Make the initial jump to the ticipate and concentrate on the second
box as quickly as possible with just explosion from the box; stress a full ex-

enough height to reach the box. An- tension of the body after leaping from
the box. A variation of this exercise
can be performed by landing on the
box with only one foot, thus executing
the leap with one driving leg.


Drill: Depth Jump Leap hip flexors, and gastrocnemius. This placed about 2 feet away in front of

Two boxes or benches, one about 18 drill is very applicable to weightlifting, and facing the exerciser.

inches high and the other about 30 basketball, volleyball, ski jumping, and Action sequence

inches high, are required for this drill.

platform diving. Begin by dropping off the lower box as
Use a resilient landing surface such as Starting position in the depth jump, landing on the

grass or a wrestling mat. Major muscle Stand on the lower of the two boxes ground with both feet. Immediately
groups employed in this exercise in- with arms at the sides; feet should be jump onto the higher box, landing on
clude quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteals, together and slightly off the edge as in both feet or on one foot, then drive up-
the depth jump. The higher box is ward and forward as intensely as possi-
ble, using the arms and a full exten-

sion of the body. Complete the motion Three to 6 sets of leaps with each
by landing on both feet with legs flexed leg, resting about 1 minute between
to cushion the impact. Concentrate on leaps, are suggested,
a very quick, explosive depth jump,
overcoming the force of landing and
using the recoil to leap to the higher
box. Think of driving hard off the
higher box with the landing leg.

w y


Action sequence up hard and fast to
SKIPS Driving off with the back leg, initiate a
drive the knee
generate maximal lift. Also, use the

Drill: Skipping short skipping step, then with the op- arms to initiate the lift after each skip.
Skipping, with full flexion of the leg, is posite leg thrust the knee up to chest Concentrate on "hang-time" of the
an excellent drill for working the level;upon landing, repeat the action body and minimize the time the feet

striding muscles: gluteals, gastrocnemi- with the opposite leg. The pattern of are in contact with the ground.
us, quadriceps, hamstrings, and hip right-right-step-left-left-step-right-right

The muscles of the lower back,

flexors. is executed. Obtain as much height
abdominals, and the shoulder girdle and explosive power as possible after
are also involved. Use a flat, semi- each short step (skip). Remember to

resilient surface for skipping. This is

an excellent drill for high jumpers.

Starting position
Assume a relaxed standing position
with one leg slightly forward of the

Three to 6 sets of 10 to 20 skips are
suggested: rest about 2 minutes
between sets.


Drill: Box Skip
Two to 4 boxes in heights of 12 to 24
inches are needed for this exercise.
The gluteals, gastrocnemius, quadri-
ceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, muscles
of the lower the back, and abdominals
are all affected by this drill, which is
especially applicable to basketball,
Alpine skiing, and running events.
Starting position
Place the boxes in any order of height
about 2 to 3 feet apart. Facing the first

box from about 2 steps away, assume

an upright stance with one leg slightly boxes is made with the same leg as the
behind the other. Arms should be landing on the first box, thus the skip.
relaxed at the sides. Use the ground landing leg to drive
Action sequence toward the next box, now landing on
Drive off the back leg attempting to the alternate leg. Continue the action
gain as much height with the knee as sequence over the remaining boxes
possible. Use the arms in an upward and concentrate on driving the knees
swinging motion to assist in the explo- upward with quickness and maximum
sion. Immediately upon landing on the force. Try to achieve maximum height
box. drive the other leg upward, with each explosive lift-off and think
maximum height as before.
gaining "hang-time."
Momentum from this action is used to Six sets of skips over 4 boxes with
leap from the The ground
first box. about 2 minutes rest between sets are
landing between the first and second suggested.

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RICOCHETS Starting position
Face the bottom of the steps in a
ceeding step. Think of being light on
the feet.
Drill: Incline Ricochet relaxed upright position with feet Variations of the ricochet can be
For the ricochet, a set of stairs or together and arms to the sides and accomplished by angling to the right or
stadium steps is required. Preferably cocked at the elbows. left of the steps or facing completely
the stairs should be solid, with no Action sequence sideways. The ricochet can also be
openings behind the treads for toes Rapidly move up every step at the done one leg at a time to increase the
and feet to become entrapped. This highest rate possible without tripping. load once the double-legged variations
exercise is designed for practicing Use the arms for balance, keeping are mastered.
reflexive quickness and is particularly thumbs up, and also for assisting in
well suited for football, basketball, the explosion from step to step. Quick-
soccer, baseball, tennis, and wrestling. ness most important in this drill;

The flexors of the lower leg and ankle anticipate hopping rapidly to each suc-
stabilizers as well as the quadriceps,
hamstrings, and thigh adductors and
abductors are stressed.

Perform 2 to 3 sets of 10 to 12 steps
with a rest of about 2 minutes between
sets. Jog slowly down the steps after

each sequence.


Drill: Decline Ricochet Starting position the arms at the sides with elbows bent
Assume a relaxed upright stance at the and keep thumbs up to help with
This exercise is performed more safely
top of the hill facing down the fall line. balance. Concentrate on glancing off
on a grassy hill of about 2 to 4 degrees
Feet should be about shoulder-width each contact point and being very light
inclination. Quadriceps, gastrocnemius,
apart. on the feet.
extensors, and flexors of the lower legs
Action sequence Perform 3 to 5 sets of 10 to 20
and ankle as well as stabilizers of the
knee are employed in this exercise.
Make a series of very short, rapid repetitions and rest about 1 minute

Furthermore, the neuromuscular

movements down the hill, rebounding between each set.

from point to point as quickly as

systems involved in rapid, coordinated
possible without falling forward. Hold
movement are trained.

_***^*-^>>— ««*A**

LEGS /WD H/PS • 83

Chapter 6 TRUNK
Action sequence
KIPS Keeping legs extended and together,
against the floor with the hands. Ex-
tend the hips and arms forward now,
Drill: Floor Kip roll backward enough so that the
far flexing the legs and bringing them
A soft flat surface such as a wrestling feet are brought past the head as in a under the body in anticipation of the
mat or thick grass is needed for this reverse somersault. At the same time landing. Land in a semi-squat stance.
maneuver. The muscles of the hips, place the hands, palms down and Think of easing into a cocked position
abdominals, lower back, shoulders, fingers extended, on either side of the from the initial roll-back. Concentrate
deltoids, arms, quadriceps, and ham- head. At this point the body will be in
strings are all involved in doing kips. a cocked configuration. To initiate the
This exercise requires a high degree of power phase, rapidly extend the legs
coordination and explosive power in a upward and forward while pushing
total body effort, and is especially
applicable to gymnastics, wrestling,
weightlifting, and springboard diving.
Starting position
Assume a seated position with legs
together and feet pointed.

Drill: Scissor Jump split jump. However, at the apex of the jump in which a complete cycle of the
As in the split jump, this exercise jump the position of the legs is re- legs (i.e., front to back, back to front,

works the muscles of the lower back, versed, that is, front to back and back and vice versa) is attempted while in
hip extensors, hamstrings, and quadri- to front.The switching of the legs the air. landing with the legs in their
ceps. It is very similar to the split jump occurs in midair and must be done original position.

except that leg speed also is empha- very quickly before landing. After Two to 3 sets of 5 to 8 repetitions

sized: therefore, it is especially good for landing, the jump is repeated, again with about 2 minutes rest between
runners and jumpers. reversing the position of the legs. each set are suggested.
Starting position Attainment of maximal vertical height
The beginning stance of the scissor and leg speed are stressed in this exer-

jump is the same as that of the split cise. A variation of this exercise for the

jump. more advanced is the double scissor

Action sequence
The initial movement of the scissor
jump also is identical to that of the

come from the shoulders and arms as
well as the torso, using only minimal
hip and leg involvement.
Perform 3 to 6 sets of 10 to 20
repetitions with approximately
1 -minute rest periods between sets.

TRUNK • 87
Drill: Vertical Swing Starting position a downward motion. Resist the
Grasping the dumbbell with both momentum of the dumbbell in one
Use a dumbbell, swingbell. or similar
hands, allow it to hang at arm's length direction with a forceful braking effort
object weighing about 15 to 30 pounds
between the outstretched legs. The to initiate movement in the opposite
as in the horizontal swing. Shoulder,
back should be straight and the head direction. Trv to localize the workload
arm. lower back, chest, and anterior
should be up.
trunk muscles are all engaged in this
Action sequence
movement. In addition to the athletic
Keeping arms extended, swing the
applications just mentioned for the
dumbbell first in an upward and then
horizontal swing, the vertical swing is

quite beneficial for weightlifting. Nordic

skiing, wrestling, volleyball, and

on the muscles of the shoulder girdle
and upper back, minimizing involve-
ment of hips and legs.

TRUNK • 89
Medicine Ball Twist/Toss
A 9- to 15-pound medicine ball is ideal
for this exercise, which works the
abdominals, latissimus, obliques, lower
back, hips, biceps (arms), and pectoral
muscles. Medicine ball twists are ap-
plicable in training for throwing and
Starting position
Cradle the ball next to the body at
about waist level. Feet should be

spaced slightly wider than shoulders.

Action sequence
Initiate the action by rapidly twisting
the torso in the direction opposite the
intended toss. Abruptly check the
initial action with a quick and powerful
twist in the opposite direction, releas-
ing the ball after maximum torsion is

reached. Concentrate on a rapid,

reactive cocking action before twisting
in the direction of the throw. Use the
hips as well as the shoulders and arms.


TRUNK • 91
Drill: Bar Twist
A weighted bar of about 20 50 to
pounds is used in this drill. The move-
ment is similar to the horizontal swing
except that the bar twist is more
concentrated on the trunk musculature
with little active involvement of
shoulders and arms. It is applicable to
training for baseball, Nordic skiing,
swimming, wrestling, golf, tennis, and
most throwing actions.
Starting position
Standing upright, place the bar on the
shoulders and hold it securely with
both hands as far out from the center
as possible. Feet should be slightly
more than shoulder-width apart.
Action sequence
Twist the upper body in one direction,
then before the torso is fully rotated
initiate the action in the opposite direc-

tion. Repeat this sequence, actively

driving the bar in one direction then
the other. Think of using the muscles
of the torso to accomplish the yielding Perform about 20 to 30 repetitions
and overcoming of the bar's for 3 to 5 sets; rest a minute between
momentum. each set.



TRUNK • 93

Medicine Ball Sit-Up Throw
In this drill a 9- to 15-pound medicine
ball is thrown between partners. The
exercise directly stresses shoulders,
arms, and abdominals and has wide
application in sports such as wrestling,
Nordic skiing, gymnastics, and football.
Starting position
Partners sit on the floor facing each
other with feet interlocked. One part-
ner holds the ball above the head while
the other, anticipating the throw, holds
the hands over the head to receive the

Action sequence
The ball is thrown with a two-hand
overhand action. Its momentum when
caught by the other partner forces his
or her torso to rock backward to ab-
sorb the shock. This backward motion not the arms and shoulders. Aim the
is resisted with the abdominals and is toss to a point above your partner's
also the cue to initiate the return toss head so that the arc of the throw is
of the ball. Concentrate on propelling longer, producing greater momentum.
the ball with the muscles of the trunk, Keep the arms extended overhead.

TRUNK • 95
Drill: muscles. It is applicable to weightlift- Action sequence

Medicine Ball Leg Toss ing, soccer, high diving, football, and The ball is rolled in the direction of the

gymnastics. hanging partner. As the feet make con-

Equipment maneuver includes
for this
Starting position tact with the ball, it is caught, its
a 9- to 16-pound medicine ball and
horizontal bar, chin bar, or Swedish One partner hangs with both hands momentum checked with a forceful
from an appropriate bar so that feet swing of the legs and flexion of the
stall bars. This exercise requires full-

are just touching the ground. The hips in the opposite direction. Concen-
body involvement affecting not only
several feet away, trate on keeping the legs straight and
the abdominals and hip flexors but other partner is

ready to the medicine ball. using the hips to generate most of the
also the latissimus, arm, and shoulder roll

counterforce. The ball is retrieved by
the other partner and the sequence is

Perform 2 to 4 sets of 8 to 12 repeti-
tions, resting about 2 minutes between

EXTENSIONS Starting position
Assume a semi-squat stance. Place the
should be extended, head held up, and
back held straight.
Drill: ball between the legs, grasping it on
Medicine Ball Scoop Toss either side with fingers spread. Arms
A 9- to 15-pound medicine ball is re-

quired for this exercise, which involves

lower back, hip flexors, shoulder girdle,
arms, and quadriceps. This drill

requires virtually a full-body power

movement and is particularly applica-
ble to weightlifting, football, volleyball,
and wrestling.

Action sequence legs.Catch the ball and place it again
Begin by thrusting the hips forward between the legs to repeat the motion.
and moving the shoulders backward Concentrate on fully extending the
while maintaining full extension of the body during the tossing phase.
arms. Scoop the ball upward, using the Perform 3 to 6 sets of 8 to 10 repeti-
muscles of the shoulder girdle and tions; rest about 1 minute between
arms as well as the back. hips, and sets.

Chapter 7 UPPER BODY
Starting position length. The other partner checks the
Partners stand or sit facing each other. momentum of the ball and. before fully
Drill: One partner holds the ball at chest collapsing the arms, pushes outward in
Medicine Ball Chest Pass height with hands slightly behind the the opposite direction, passing it back
Use a 9- to 15-pound medicine ball for balland arms flexed with the back of with a full follow-through. The se-
this exercise, which preferably is per- the hands touching the chest. The quence is repeated back and forth in
formed with a partner. The triceps, other partner anticipates the catch "catch"' fashion.
pectorals, latissimus, deltoids, with arms extended horizontally at the Two to 30 repetitions
4 sets of 20 to
wrist and forearm muscles are engaged chest. with about 2 minutes rest between
in this exercise. The movement is Action sequence each set are recommended.
quite specific to the basketball chest The pushed rapidly outward by
ball is
pass, but is also beneficial in weight- one partner, extending arms to full
lifting, wrestling, and shot-put.


Drill: Heavy Bag Thrust Action sequence entire drill. Switch sides and repeat,
Keeping the feet stationary and mainly stressing quickness and explosiveness.
This exercise requires a heavy punch-
using the torso, push the bag away Perform 3 to 6 sets of 10 to 20
ing bag suspended from a rope or cable
from the body as rapidly as possible, thrusts; rest about 2 minutes between
and involves the triceps, pectorals,
extending the arm and shoulder fully. sets.
deltoids, biceps (arms), trapezius, ab-
Catch the return flight of the bag with
dominals, external obliques, and hip
open hand and break the momentum
extensor muscles. The drill is well
using the trunk, arm, and shoulder
suited for use by discus throwers, shot-
muscles. Push the bag forward again
putters, and weightlifters as well as
before it reaches the original starting
football and basketball players.
position. Concentrate on maintaining
Starting position
the same body stance throughout the
Face the punching bag with legs in a
semi-split position; the foot next to the
bag is back. Place the inside hand
chest high on the bag with fingers
pointing upward: the elbow should be
close to the body and the arm should
be fully flexed.


SWINGS Action sequence
Drive one arm upward to a point just
the arms. Such "running curls" simu-
late more closely the arm and shoulder
Drill: Dumbbell Arm Swings above the head while driving the other motion executed while sprinting. In
Dumbbells or similar weighted handles arm backward behind the body. Before running curls, try to accomplish quick,
of from 10 to 40 pounds are used in each arm reaches maximum stretch, rapid swings, keeping the elbows close
this drill, which employs shoulder and check the momentum by initiating mo- to the body.
arm muscles and simulates the alter- tion in the opposite direction. Continue Perform 2 to 4 sets with a 2-minute
nate arm movement of running and this alternating sequence for 20 to 30 rest between each set.
cross-country skiing. swings. A variation of this basic pat-
Starting position tern is performed by holding the
Hold the dumbbells firmly, one in each dumbbells in a half-flexed position with
hand. Assume a comfortable stance
with feet apart and hands at the sides.
Keep the head and tilt the
shoulders slightly forward.


Drill: Heavy Bag Stroke Action sequence used to initially propel it and then
Begin by twisting at the waist, keeping powerfully reapply force in the op-
A heavy punching bag suspended from
the arm extended and pushing the bag posite direction. Remember to follow
a rope or cable is required. This drill
with the forearm. Continue the action through, rotating at the waist with
simulates the motion often associated
until thebag is moved away from the each push.
with a tennis stroke but is also appli-
body. Catch the bag upon its return Perform 2 to 4 sets of 10 to 20
cable for training in baseball, discus,
flight with the same position of the strokes on each arm.
and javelin. It works the twisting
arm was used in initiating the
muscles of the trunk as well as the
movement. Check the momentum of
muscles of the arms and shoulders.
the bag with the same muscle groups
Starting position
Assume an upright stance next to the
heavy bag. Feet should be slightly
more than shoulder-width apart. With
arm extended, rest the forearm across
the bag at chest height.

THROWS Starting position
Assume a kneeling position with knees
rapidly check
of this
motion builds,
with a powerful for-
Drills Medicine Ball Throw positioned at about shoulder-width. ward flexion of the torso. Follow
Use a 9- to 16-pound medicine ball for Hold the ball firmly on the sides and through by throwing the ball out as far
this drill. Shoulder, arm, chest, and slightly back, positioning it behind the as possible. Concentrate on thrusting
trunk muscles are involved in a motion head with arms bent.
specific to the soccer throw but also Action sequence
applicable to Nordic skiing, basketball, Slowly lean back with the ball po-
wrestling, and volleyball. sitioned behind the head; as the

the arms forward from the shoulders
and chest.
Perform 3 to 6 sets of 10 to 20
throws; rest about 2 minutes between


Appendix A
In this appendix you can learn more magnitude and rate of change in length interesting features that shed light into
about how scientists think plyometric of muscle fibers. Another type of how these mechanoreceptors may
training works. We examine in
will stretch receptor, the Golgi tendon function during plyometric movement.
some detail the neuromuscular ele- organ, is located in the tendons and Each muscle spindle comprises several
ments involved and why plyometric responds to excessive tension as a specially adapted muscle fibers (about
exercises have been found successful result of powerful contractions and/or 1 cm long) referred to as intrafusal
in training for explosive power. Al- stretching of the muscle. Of the two. fibers. The central portions of intra-
though quite technical, this discussion the muscle spindle is probably more fusal fibers lack the ability to contract,
will help you understand and appre- important to plyometrics. Both of these containing neither of the contractile
ciate the intricate nature of what takes sensory receptors function at the reflex proteins actin and myosin. However,
place at the neuromuscular level. level. Although no sensory perception the end portions of the intrafusals,
Remember, plyometric movement is is associated with either, both transmit which attach to the connective sheaths
believed to be based on the reflex con- large amounts of information to the of the skeletal muscle fibers, do con-
traction of muscle fibers resulting from brain (e.g., cerebellum and cerebral tain actin and myosin and thus are
the rapid loading (and thus stretching) cortex) via the spinal cord and thus are capable of contraction. Two different
of these same muscle fibers. The very important elements in overall types of intrafusal fibers are discernible
primary sensory receptor responsible motor control by the central nervous (see page 112, bottom). Some intra-
for detecting rapid elongation of mus- system. fusals have large central bulges filled
cle fibers is the muscle spindle, which The structure of the muscle spindle, with cell nuclei, the so-called nuclear
is capable of responding to both the shown on page 112 (top), reveals some bag fibers. Others are narrower and


Intrafusal Fibers
firmly attached at their ends to the cell
Secondary Ending (sensory) (non-contractile portion)
Muscle Fiber- walls of the skeletal muscle fibers, any
Primary Ending (sensory) Intrafusal Fibers
change in length of the latter results in
Sheath (contractile portion)
a change in length of the intrafusals
Fluid Space and thus a movement in the coil-like
ending of the sensory receptor.
In addition to the primary ending
coiled around the centers of the
nuclear bag intrafusal fibers, the
primary sensory neuron also sends out
branches that wind around the centers
of the nuclear chain intrafusals. The
Gamma-Efferent Neuron (motor)- sensory neurons associated with the
Alpha Motor Neuron-
primary receptors are very large in
diameter (about 17 microns) and are
contain single chains of cell nuclei at fusals and are the actual receptors for capable of transmitting nervous im-
their centers. These are the so-called detecting changes in length of the pulses to the spinal cord and brain at
nuclear chain fibers. Differences in the intrafusals. Because the intrafusals are velocities of about 100 meters per
function of these two types of intra-
fusals will be discussed shortly. Nuclear Chain Intrafusal Fiber

Innervation of the muscle spindle is **<- ••/ j;.rxjraivz.

complex: both sensory and motor
nerves are involved. The main sensory
innervation is located at the centers of
>^v W/ ~T •xsm Nuclear Bag Intrafusal Fiber
the nuclear bag intrafusal fibers. These
nerve endings form a coil-like structure
Gamma-Efferent Secondary Sensory Neuron
(annulospiral ending) around the intra- Neurons Primary Sensory Neuron

second, which is about as fast as any with the alpha motor neurons that intrafusals in this manner can cause
nerve fibers in the body are capable of innervate the skeletal muscle fibers them to contract, stretching their

doing. themselves. Some of the gamma- central portions and in turn activating

In addition to the annulospiral end- efferents innervate the nuclear chain the primary receptors. This can occur
ings of the primary receptors, two intrafusals and others innervate the even though the skeletal muscle fibers
other sensory endings— located one on nuclear bag intrafusals. themselves which the intrafusals

either side of the annulospiral From the description of the structure are attached) remain unstretched.
innervate the muscle spindles. How- and innervation of the muscle spindle In terms of overall function, the
ever, these secondary receptors are so far, it should be apparent that the muscle spindle is capable of emitting
associated only with the noncontractile primary as well as the secondary two types of responses (Guyton, 1981),
portions of the nuclear chain intra- receptors can be activated in different static and dynamic. A "static" re-
fusals, encircling them in a manner ways. Because the ends of the intra- sponse may occur when the intrafusal
similar to that of the annulospiral fusal fibers, around which the primary fibers are slowly stretched, resulting
ending of the primary receptor. The receptor endings (annulospiral endings) from a gradual stretching of the
afferent neurons in the secondary are coiled, are attached to the skeletal skeletal muscle fibers or perhaps from
receptor endings are much smaller in muscle fibers, any lengthening of the direct stimulation of the intrafusals by
diameter (about 8 microns) than the latter (e.g., in rapid loading during the gamma-efferent system. In either
neurons of the primary receptors and athletic movement) will cause a case both the primary and secondary
thus are capable of transmitting ner- stretching of the intrafusals and in coiled receptors are slowly pulled
vous impulses to the spinal cord at a turn the coiled endings of the primary apart, emitting a continuous, low-level
velocity of about 50 meters per second. receptors. The uncoiling of the annulo- stream of nervous impulses. As the
Innervating the contractile ends of spiral ending initiates a burst of magnitude of stretching increases, the
both nuclear chain and nuclear bag nervous impulses sent to the spinal rate of emission of nervous impulses
intrafusal fibers are efferent (motor) cord via the afferent sensory neurons. also increases. This static response can
neurons from the spinal cord. The The contractile ends of the intrafusals continue for several minutes, as long
motor neurons are part of the gamma- are innervated by the gamma-efferent as the skeletal muscle fibers remain
efferent system and not associated motor neurons; stimulation of the stretched.


A property of all sensory receptors is of the intrafusal fiber around which it into those associated with the static
their ability to adapt after some period is coiled. When this happens, the response and those associated with the
of continuous stimulation. At first ap- primary receptor sends many impulses dynamic response, so can the motor
plication of the stimulus, the response to the spinal cord. The important neurons of the gamma-efferents. Ap-
of the sensor}' receptor may be very variable in the dynamic response ap- parently there are gamma-efferents
high: as the application of the stimulus pears to be the abruptness or rapidity that excite the nuclear bag intrafusals
continues at the same level of intensity with which the stretching occurs, not and are therefore important in control-
the response tends to drop off. In some necessarily the degree of stretching. ling the dynamic response, and other
sensory receptors such as pressure The dynamic response ceases almost gamma-efferents that stimulate the
receptors of the skin, the adaptation is as quickly as it is initiated, after which nuclear chain intrafusals and are
rapid and complete in less than a the muscle spindle resumes its static therefore important in controlling the
second, while in others such as the level of discharge. static response. The gamma-efferent
muscle spindles, the initial rate of This dynamic response of the muscle system of the muscle spindle can thus
adaptation may be very slow and com- spindle is believed to be the important function to increase or decrease the
plete adaptation may not be achieved functional element of plyometric move- thresholds of response to stretching of
even after several minutes. Muscle ment. Because the primary receptors both types of intrafusals. When the
spindles and other such slowly adapt- are associated with the nuclear bag in- dynamic gamma-efferents are stimu-
ing mechanoreceptors are thus capable trafusals, the latter are also considered lated, the nuclear bag intrafusals are
of transmitting information about the to be associated in the detection of prestretched. allowing for even the
state of contraction of the muscles and rapid stretching of the muscle. The smallest degree of external stretching
orientation of the limbs to the higher nuclear chain intrafusals have both of the skeletal muscle fiber to stimulate
central nervous system centers, thus primary and secondary receptor inner- the primary receptor. Contractile stim-
aiding the brain in overall motor vation and are thus believed to be ulation of the nuclear chain intrafusals
control. involved primarily with slow stretching by the gamma-efferents increases the
In the "dynamic" response of the (static response). output level of the static response.
muscle spindle, the primary receptor is Just as the two types of intrafusal The main function of the muscle
activated by a rapid change in length fibers can be functionallv differentiated spindle is to elicit the so-called stretch

or myotatic reflex, which is considered lower intensity contraction of the muscles through the dynamic stretch
the neuromuscular process that typi- skeletal muscle fibers. This may con- reflex.

fies the action basis of plyometrics. tinue for several minutes as opposed to The influence of the gamma-efferent
Whenever the muscle fibers are rapidly the dynamic stretch reflex, which stimulation on the magnitude and
loaded by outside forces, causing an usually is over in less than a second. intensity of the dynamic stretch reflex
abrupt stretching, the lengthening of Plyometric exercises require that a is very important. An understanding of
the fibers is detected by the muscle rapid loading (eccentric or yielding this relationship is essential in concep-

spindle, eliciting this dynamic re- phase) of the muscles be accomplished tualizing the nature of plyometric
sponse. A large burst of impulses is just prior to the contraction phase of training. If in the example of the depth
sent to the spinal cord via the afferent these muscles. In the depth jump, for jump the level of gamma-static efferent
neuron of the primary receptor. In the example, the exerciser drops from an stimulation to the muscle spindles of
spinal cord the afferent neuron elevated platform; as soon as the feet the quadriceps were very low, then the
synapses directly with an alpha motor make contact with the ground the legs sudden
sensitivity of the spindle to
neuron, sending powerful impulses begin to bend under the increased load stretching would be depressed and the
back to the skeletal muscle fibers and of g-forces (kinetic energy) developed effectiveness of the dynamic stretch
causing them to contract, thus over- by The degree to which the
falling. reflex would be almost nil. Conse-
coming the external forces. legs bend upon impact is determined quently, the jump (contraction, over-
The stretch reflex may also occur as largelyby the activity level of the coming) phase of the exercise could
a slower response. If the muscle is muscle spindle reflex. For instance, if not be performed in a powerful
stretched gradually, thus stretching the the gamma-efferents responsible for manner. Conversely, if the gamma-
nuclear chain intrafusals which func- controlling the static level of the static efferents were firing at a high
tion during the static response of the muscle spindle are highly active, so rate during the exercise, then the
muscle spindle, then a slower, contin- that the static reflex is at an elevated threshold for eliciting the dynamic
uous transmission of impulses is sent level, even a slight lengthening of the stretch reflex would be greatly lowered;
to the spinal cord via appropriate quadriceps (and therefore the muscle the slightest stretching of the quadri-
afferent neurons; these synapse with spindles of the quadriceps) will cause a ceps upon landing would cause a
alpha motor neurons, stimulating very strong contraction of these potent dynamic stretch reflex to occur.


Many of the plyometric exercises movements, the gamma-efferents func- of muscle contraction, as well as
described in Part III require phases in tion to dampen the responsiveness of overall motcr control.
which one muscle group or another is the muscle spindle to changes in Plyometric training works within the
held in an isometric position just prior length of the muscles being used. How- context of these intricate and complex
to the explosive (concentric or over- ever, when the requirement is to move neural mechanisms. Presumably, as a
coming) phase. The instantaneous the limbs very quickly and powerfully result of plyometric training, changes
reflex resistance that attempts to in response to an instantaneous occur at both muscular and neural
prevent the limb from being moved change in resistive input, as in plyo- levels that facilitate and enhance the
rapidly from assumed isometric
its metrics, then dampening by the performance of more rapid and power-
position is the result of the dynamic gamma-efferent system is greatly ful movement skills.

stretch or load reflex. Through voli- lowered. Also involved in the control of mus-
tional pathways controlled by higher Conscious control of the reactivity cular contraction is the Golgi tendon
centers of the brain, the sensitivity of levels of the muscle spindles is possible organ. This mechanoreceptor is located
the load reflex can be changed by through the gamma-efferent system. in the tendon itself and is stimulated
altering the intensity of the gamma- Thus, one may concentrate on perfor- by tensile forces generated by the con-
static stimulation of the muscle ming muscular movements that are traction of muscle which it is
fibers to
spindle. either smooth and continuous or explo- attached. It responds maximally to
The role of the gamma-efferent sive and powerful. Centers in the brain sudden increases in tension and trans-
system in dampening or enhancing the known to be associated with control of mits a lower, more continuous level of
degree of responsiveness of the muscle the gamma-efferent system are regions impulses when tension is decreased.
spindles is also extremely important in of the brain stem, cerebellum, and the The Golgi tendon reflex occurs when
overall motor control. Some body cerebral cortex itself. The exact muscle tension is increased; signals
movements must be executed in a mechanisms involved in this control transmitted to the spinal cord cause an
smooth and continuous manner, for have yet to be elucidated. Suffice it to inhibitory (negative feedback) response
example, the dance-like and rhythmic say there are very complex input and to the contracted muscle, thus prevent-
motions of katas in the martial arts. In feedback loops between the muscle ing an inordinate amount of tension
the execution of such nonexplosive spindles and these areas in the control from developing in the muscle. The

Golgi tendon organ is thought to be a is known as the series elastic compo- potential energy similar to that of a
protective device, preventing tearing of nent. Recent evidence (Robertson. loaded spring or a drawn bow. When
the muscle and/or tendon under 1984) suggests that the contractile this energy is released, it augments to

extreme conditions, but it may also machinery of the muscle fibers them- some degree the energy of contraction
work in concert with the muscle selves may contribute to the series generated by the muscle fibers.

spindle reflex for achieving overall elastic component. In plyometric movements during the
control of muscle contraction and body When a muscle contracts, the struc- eccentric or yielding phase, when the
movement. tures of the series elastic component muscle is being rapidly stretched, the
The contractile elements of the stretch as much as 3 to 5% of the series elastic component is also
muscles are the muscle fibers. Certain muscle fiber length. An analogous stretched, thus storing a portion of the
parts of muscles are noncontractile: the action is that of a nylon rope under load force in the form of elastic poten-
ends of the muscle fiber sheaths where increased tension: it stretches some tial energy. The recover}' of the stored
they connect to the tendons, the cross- portion of its total length before becom- elastic energy occurs during the
membranes of the muscle fibers, and ing completely taut. The stretching of concentric or overcoming phase of
the tendons. Together the noncontrac- the series elastic component during muscle contraction, which is triggered
tile portions of muscles constitute what muscle contraction produces an elastic bv the mvotatic reflex.


Appendix B
#1: trials, allowing 30 seconds to a minute drop off from levels between 12 and 42

VERTICAL JUMP of rest between each

muscle system
trial to

to recuperate.
allow the inches onto grass or a firm but
ient mat.

(a) The athlete stands flat-footed next (b) Upon landing, the athlete should
to a wall or pole, and with chalked immediately jump upward in an at-
fingers or an attached piece of tape he tempt to reach or surpass the mark
or she reaches up and places a mark at placed on the wall during the vertical
the highest point possible. jump test.
(b) Remaining in the same place, the The athlete should continue to

athlete will summon all of the forces move up in the height of each drop un-
possible and jump upward off both
legs, touching the wall at the highest
point of the jump.
(c) Again the athlete should have tape
or chalk on the fingers in order to
make a substantial mark at the two
points of emphasis.
(d)The distance between the two TEST #2:
marks is the athlete's jump reach
height. The highest (jumping) mark
will be the criteria for the depth jump
test. (a) Using boxes of different heights or a
(e) Take the best of three such jump stair-step apparatus, have the athlete
til he or she can no longer attain the TEST #4:
same jump height as
in the vertical
(d) The point of the depth or drop
height when maximum vertical jump (a)The athlete sits in a straight-back
(rebound) height was attained is the chair and is strapped in securely with
approximate height to train for in this a belt or waist harness.
type of plyometric exercise. (b) With a medicine ball of 9, 12, or 15
(e) Allow approximately 1 minute of pounds, the athlete performs a chest
rest between each trial so that the pass, applying all the forces possible to
muscle svstems can recover. the put.
(c) The distance from the chair to the
ball's landing point determines how
TEST #3: heavy a ball to use for such exercises.

BOX JUMP TEST (d) Any passes under approximately 10

to 12 feet in length indicate a need for
(a) Have the athlete stand directly in the height of the platform until the ath- training with a lighter medicine ball.
front of a box, sturdy table, or stair- lete finds it very difficult or impossible
step apparatus, the top height of which to jump up on it.

should be approximately mid-thigh (d)Have the athlete use his or her

level. hands when unable to make the at-
(b) Standing flat-footed and approx- tempt, as to catch, brace, or push
imately an arm's length away, the away, and therefore to avoid falling on
athlete should summon all of the the box or table. Position mats all
forces possible and jump up onto the around the platform and always have
top of the box or table. spotters available to help the subject if

(c) After each successful attempt, raise an attempt fails.

Appendix C

Materials < — 7 ft. >

2 —2" x 4" x 48'* boards for top

2 —2" x 4"' x 16"*

boards for top I '

4 —2" x 4" x 12"*


studs for braces* Ik" 1

1 —16" x 48" x V sheet plywood


2 — 12" x 48" x V sheet plywood*

1 4 111
- ^71]
2 — 12" x 16" x V sheet plywood*
46—1" wood screws for attaching ply
wood boards (3 per side and 3-5
per side on the top)
Encase all edges and corners with
wood or aluminum molding (light

gauge). Use #8 nails for brace


'Note: The height of the box can van . It can
be 8". 12". 18". or 24".


4 —2" x 4" x 5' long boards for frame
and doubled for weight
3 —2" x 4" x 7" middle braces
2 -2" x 4" x 12" end boards
2 -2" x 4" x 13" end boards
2 -2"x4"x 11" mid boards
6 W
— x 15" x W
plywood boards
36—1" wood screws for top platform
Use #8 nails for brace connections.

Note: The precise angles of this box are not

crucial. The importance lies in that each angle
is slightly different from the other three.

5 — W x 12" x [*] plywood boards
(per box)
28— wood dowels or screws for

assembling each box

*Note: Sizes of boards differ in height and
top length according to box size desired.

« •M *

3-1" Screws

Back 4- bottom



Bosco. C. & Komi. P.V. (1979). Gambetta. V. (1981). Plyometric train- cine and Science in Sports and Exer-
Mechanical characteristics and fiber ing. In V. Gambetta (Ed.). Track and cise. 16. 186.

composition of human leg extensor field coaching manual (pp. 58-59). Sinclair. A. (1981). A reaction to depth
muscles. European Journal oj Applied West Point. NY: Leisure Press. jumping. Sports Coach. 5(2). 24-25.
Physiology, 41. 275-284. Tansley. J. (1980). The flop book.
Guyton. A.C. (1981). Textbook of
Bosco. C, & Komi. P.V. (1981). Poten- medical physiology. Philadelphia: W.B. Santa Monica. CA: Peterson Lithograph.
tiation of the mechanical behavior of Saunders. Valik. B. (1966). Strength preparation
the human skeletal muscle through of young track and fielders. Physical
Landis. D. (1983). Big skinny kids. Na-
prestretching. Acta Physiologica Culture in School. 4:28. In Yessis
tional Strength and Conditioning
Scandinavica. 106. 467-472. Translation Review (1967) 2. 56-60.
Association Journal. 5. 26-29.
Chu. D. (1983). Plyometrics: The link Veroshanski. Y. (1966). Perspectives in
between strength and speed. National McArdle. W.. Katch. F.I.. & Katch. V.L.
the improvement of speed-strength
(1981). Exercise physiology, energy.
Strength and Conditioning Association preparation of jumpers. Track and
Journal, 5, 20.
nutrition and human performance.
Review of Soviet
Field 9:11. In Yessis
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger.
Chu. D. (1984). Plyometric exercise. Physical Education and Sports (1969).
National Strength and Conditioning McFarlane. B. (1982). Jumping exer- 4. 28-34.
Association Journal, 5. 26. cises. Track & Field Quarterly Review. Veroshanski. Y. (1967). Are depth
82(4). 54-55. jumps useful? Track and Field 12:9. In
Costello. F. (1984). Using weight train-
ing and plyometrics to increase explo- Robertson. R.X. (1984). Compliance YessisReview of Soviet Physical
sive power for football. National characteristics of human muscle during Education and Sports (1968). 3. 75.
Strength and Conditioning Association dynamic and static loading conditions Veroshanski. Y.. & Chernousov. G.
Journal. 6(2). 22-25. (abstract). Clinical Symposium. Medi- (1974). Jumps in the training of a

-£ r £=£.rf5 • 125
sprinter. Track and Field 9:16. In
Review of Soviet Physical Education
and Spor te(1974), 9, 62-66.
Wilt, F., & Ecker, T. (1970). Interna-
tional Track and Field Coaching Ency-
clopedia. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publ.

Authors James Radcliffe and Robert level and has been a coaching consul- wide-ranging knowledge to explain the
Farentinos combine their experience tant for schools in the Boulder area. physiology behind plyometric condi-
and knowledge to make Plyometrics a Many of the drills in the book origi- tioning. Dr. Farentinos also has an
unique blend of theory and application. nated through Radcliffe 's plyometric extensive background in muscular
research and coaching. He has also conditioning through his experience as
published the Plyometrics Methods a competitive weightlifter and as a
Notebook. member Marathon Ski
of the U.S.
Team. Presently, he manages an
athletic training, fitness-conditioning
complex that specializes in applying
the fundamentals of exercise physi-
ology and anatomy to help improve
athletic performance. Through his
work. Dr. Farentinos has consulted
with the U.S. cycling, weightlifting.
Jim Radcliffe received a bachelor's and ski teams.

degree in physical education at Pacific

University. Presently a graduate stu-
dent at the University of Colorado. Jim With a PhD in biology from the
has had nearly 10 years of practical University of Colorado and 17 years of
experience in plyometric training. He teaching experience in anatomy and
taught and coached at the high school physiology. Dr. Farentinos uses his



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