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September 9, 1 9 6 1 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY

Conceptual Framework of Regional Planning

S R Sarna
Economic diversity, if not properly balanced and controlled, creates a structure of expanding, stag-
nating and regressing regions within a country, notwithstanding political unity and cultural integration.
These regional inequalities are a necessary concomittant of the self-perpetuating processes of regional
specialisation visualised in the Weberian theory of location.
The micro approach to problems of location is concerned with the location of a particular industry
or an industrial unit. In the dynamic approach to spatial economics, however. it is the region or the
entire industrial structure of a region which is the unit. Such an approach is concerned with all the
renditions which must be fulfilled to move a region from its position of static equilibrium and indus-
trialise it in a balanced manner.
Planning for regional development thus proceeds from a study of the various alternative possibilities
of evolution for a particular region, and involves the selection of those policies and programmes which are
likely to reduce interregional inequalities to the minimum.

THE spatial dimension in the the p o l i t i c a l divisions, these. re- tra-regional behaviour, such as the
concept of state reveals a for- gions do not respect political desire and willingness to w o r k , to
mative "integration-disintegration" boundaries and s p i l l over many consume, to procreate" 2 .
process to the extent that whereas f r o n t i e s . leading to and resulting
the State can be visualised as an in problems connected w i t h region- These parameters of structural
integrated and composite entity, alisation and regionalism. Perhaps, differences and functional divergen-
based upon the fundamental t e r r i - it was in view of these problems cies, tend to create and m u l t i p l y
t o r i a l u n i t y and the homogeneity that August Loesch defined region differential behaviours or motiva-
of national l i f e , the region can be as a " system of various areas, an tions and promote divergent forces
in the socio-economic sub-universe,
assumed as a disintegrated p r i m a r y organisation rather than an o r g a n " 1
u n i t , rooted in the t e r r i t o r i a l diver- which transmit variegated stimu-
Structural Dissimilarities
sity and heterogeneity of national lants to and result in dissimilar
The diversity in the patterns of
life. Under the superstructure of reactions in the already diverse
regional economies is inherent in
the state, the pattern of region- patterns of regional economies. Ac-
and inspired by various structural
f o r m a t i o n , arising f r o m a scatter cording to Gunar M y r d a l , "if we
dissimilarities and inequalities in
of p o p u l a t i o n tied to a scatter of use such a simple measure of re-
respect of areas of the region, size
land and natural resources, may gional inequality as the p r o p o r t i o n
of the population. geographical
either c o n f o r m to a natural sub- of the total p o p u l a t i o n of a country
situation and natural endowments.
d i v i s i o n of territories according to l i v i n g in a region where the average
These relative differences in regional
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e convenience, or may income is less than two-thirds of
characteristics and formations are
occur as a sub-structure of space- the national average, we find that
f u r t h e r accentuated by functional
units of various forms and this p r o p o r t i o n amounted to only a
divergencies in productive efficiency
functions. few per cent in Great B r i t a i n and
of the w o r k i n g population volume
Switzerland, to some 10 per cent in
of employment opportunities, food
This regional complex, as a re- such countries as Norway and
and non-food a g r i c u l t u r a l output,
sult of the areal-disintegration of France, and to about one-third in
u t i l i z a t i o n of mineral and other Italy T u r k e y and Spain." 3
the composite slate, may emerge as
natural resources power-supply and
an interwoven network of either
fuel-resources, rate of industrial and Regional Inequalities
naturally-determined regions like
technological progress, m o b i l i z a t i o n Economic diversity, if not pro-
rainfall regions (or the broader
of i n t e r n a l financial resources for perly balanced and checked, creates
h y d r o l o g i c a l regions) soil-regions or
capital f o r m a t i o n and development a m u l t i - d i m e n s i o n a l regional-struc-
geographical regions. crop-regions
of economic overhead capital. Ac ture of expanding, stagnating and
(or the broader flora and fauna
c o r d i n g to Haavelmo "the structu- regressing areas w i t h i n a country,
regions) climate and meteorological
r a l co-efficients of the system could notwithstanding p o l i t i c a l u n i t y and
regions, mineral-regions and geo-
physical regions, or man made re- he grouped into the f o l l o w i n g four cultural integration. " T h e p r o b l e m
gions like administrative districts, categories (a ) parmeters describing of inequalities," according to Gunar
zones or regions, or lastly the the size of the regions, the dis- M y r d a l , "then, becomes a p r o b l e m
population-based regions like posable natural resources, climatic of the "different rates of progress.
conditions etc; ( b ) technological between the regions of the coun-
ethnological and cultural regions
parameters that describe the input- t r y . " 4 A n d these different rates of
and l i n g u i s t i c regions. ( T h o u g h a l l
output relations, under w h i c h the progress are u n i v e r s a l ; in advanced
types of regions, as units of spatial-
region has to operate: (c) para- countries, there are not a l l equally
d i v i s i o n , are l i n k e d w i t h some eco-
meters related to the presence, the advanced regions but comparatively
nomic f u n c t i o n or purpose a clear-
activities and the decisions of other more or less advanced regions.
cut economic region is a rare
accident). To the extent that these regions, but relevant to the activi- whereas in under-developed or
functional divisions are found ties of the region concerned; and, b a c k w a r d countries, there are not
generally not in c o n f o r m i t y w i t h ( d ) parameters characterizing i n - all equally b a c k w a r d regions hut

THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY September 9, 1961

comparatively more or less back- by the population-density, and the measures the location of a particu-
w a r d regions. In B r a z i l , the Mate connected " density-effect" deter- lar industry compared to that of
of Sao paulo has p u l l e d far ahead mines the concentration of larger another and signifies the extent to
of other states whereas M i n a s Ge- plants or greater specialisation in w h i c h two industries tend to be
raes, Parana or Matto Grosso are densely-populated local markets or located in the same region o w i n g to
certainly far behind. A c c o r d i n g to i n d u s t r i a l districts. This location related technical processes or mutual
Professor T W Schultz, "while theory, on a microscopic level, em- inter-dependence. T h i s linkage or
Ganadu is beset by low p r o d u c t i v i t y phasizes the locational co-relation association, between two industries
per worker and much poverty at between as well as adjustment of A and B "compares A's; percentage
one goes east, w i t h i n the U n i t e d geographically-immobile factors and of workers in different regions, not
States, it is the south that has been geographically-mobile factors, or with that of industry in general, but
substantially by-passed by economic size and dispersal of the plant. w i t h industry B's percentage." These
development." ' Not o n l y that. In T h i s microscopic u t i l i t a r i a n appro- concepts envisage the dimensions of
United States, regional economic ach has p r o v i d e d a vigorous defence the static e q u i l i b r i u m in spatial
equalities arc found even w i t h i n the or justification, howsoever weak in economics and the inter-regional
States, to the extent that the nor- the ultimate analysis, to the concept relations of regional economies.
them parts of M i c h i g a n , Wisconsin, of comparative costs based upon
and Minnesota have been serious natural or acquired or other advan- The dynamics of the macroscopic
" p r o b l e m areas'" compared to the tages, at a particular site, which approach to spatial economies take-
rest of these States. In I t a l y , in- tend to be self-reinforcing in the up an altogether different co-rela-
dustry in the Northern Provinces process of locational agglomeration, tion between the multi-variable for-
had such a lead and was so better and if not checked in time lead to ces and factors influencing the entire
developed that it dominated the the emergence of industrial con intra-regional economic activity as
national market and suppressed the centration and slums. But this well as affecting the inter-regional
industrial growth in Southern I t a l y . theory is o b l i v i o u s of the scope of terms of trade. In the macroscopic
I n d u s t r i a l g r o w t h in the poorer macro-economics in the regional theory, it is the region or the entire
provinces of Southern Italy shunted complex or the aggregative, dyna- i n d u s t r i a l structure of a region which
off more or less by the p u l l i n g mic forces s t r i v i n g to change the is the unit not the i n d i v i d u a l plant
d o w n of internal tariff-walls after quasi-stable e q u i l i b r i u m in regional or an i n d i v i d u a l site. This aggrega
the political unification of Italy in economies. l i v e concept, infused w i t h a dynamic
the last century. Gunar M y d r a l has approach, envisages the whole pers-
concluded that developments in Measurement and Analysis pective and studies all those con-
Sweden, as also in U S A, have not Professor Sargant Florence has ditions w h i c h must be fulfilled he-
been such as to draw the whole introduced three new concepts in fore a region can change its static
country into a more or less equal spatial economics, for the statistical e q u i l i b r i u m , become industrialised in
and simultaneous expansion process. measurement and analysis of the a balanced manner and can reach
degree and incidence of location as a take-off towards integrated econo-
These regional inequalities and well as localisation. The " location- mic g r o w t h , P r o m the point of in-
dissimilarities, which pave the way quotient", for any industry in any dustry as a whole, the market and
for and end in an entangled cobweb region, indicates the degree of con- the labour force are not fixed and
of m u t l i - v a r i a t e commodity-balan- centration, and "is obtained by are determined by the industrial
ces, are a necessary concommitant d i v i d i n g the percentage of workers structure of the region and the i n -
of self-perpetuating processes of in that industry f o u n d in the region dustrial structure of the region is
regional specialization. visualized by the percentage of total workers determined by the mobilities of ma-
in the W e b e r i a n theory of location. found there." The "co-efficient of terials and resources w h i c h are fixed
The W e b e r i a n theory, w h i c h is a l o c a l i z a t i o n " for a particular indus- loeationally. Professor J H Dale
microscopic approach to spatial t r y , measures the degree of local assuming a fixed co-efficient of pro-
economics, stipulates that the loca- concentration of that industty duction has concluded that "the
t i o n of industry, or to be more pre- compared with the distribution locational attraction of any mate
cise the location of an industrial of industries as a whole. The co- r i a l thus varies directly w i t h the
unit or firm, in a given region, is efficient of localization or local con- amount of that m a t e r i a l used in
governed by the loci of raw materi- centration "is the sum ( d i v i d e d by p r o d u c t i o n , and inversely w i t h i t s
als, energy resources, labour supply 100) of the phis deviations of the m o b i l i t y , " subject to the c o n d i t i o n
and the market, all of them being regional percentages of workers in that "a region w i l l be able to pay
geographically fixed f r o m the p o i n t the particular industry f r o m the for its imports by exports either of
of view of the i n d i v i d u a l industry. corresponding regional percentage its staple p r i m a r y products or its
In this context, industrial localisa- of workers in all industry." This manufactures." 7 But, insufficient mo-
tion has been defined by Professor indicates the propensity of a b i l i t y of resources makes it impos-,
Florence as the local concentration particular industry for localiza- sible to cancel one specific discre-
of one i n d u s t r y compared w i t h the t i o n and on the basis of that "dis- pancy w i t h the other and tends to
distribution of industries as a persed industries can be measurably- fluctuate in such a way that the ag
whole, and a co-efficient of localisa- distinguished by a low co-efficient of gregative magnitudes w i l l not stay
tion, based on regions, indicates localization, ubiquitous industries by in balance. To remove these defi-
the degree of such localisation of a certain m i n i m u m of location in ciencies and imbalances, structural
a l l industries. 6 The dispersion of every r e g i o n . " T h e "co-efficient of shifts, and not marginal shifts, are
markets w i t h i n a region is indicated linkage" or geographical association needed, so that specialised resources

September 9, 1961 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY

may change their regional and oc- policies and programmes w h i c h are Professor L e w i s has also agreed
cupational specialization in response l i k e l y to reduce the reducible inter- that "laissez faire leads to incorrect
to changes in demand. regional dissimilarities by balancing l o c a t i o n " . Therefore it is p r a c t i -
the regional input-output ratios and cally advantageous that location
Dynamic Equilibrium
inter-regional commodity-balances must be planned in the interest of
( m e n the desideratum o f chang
and by r e m o v i n g the prevalent loca- the society and in the interest of
i n g "the quasi-stable e q u i l i b r i u m of
tional imperfections t h r o u g h disper- the r e g i o n . B u t r e g i o n a l - p l a n n i n g
under-development" in spatial eco-
sal of industries, diversification of is a double-headed Janus, It i n -
n o m y , the time-path of progress
o u t p u t and decentralization of con- volves location-planning as w e l l as
tends to introduce a d y n a m i c ele-
t r o l . A p r o g r a m m e of regional de- resource-planning. Area-planning,
ment of resource-mobility i n t o the
velopment, a i m i n g at long-range guided by a master-plan f o r the all-
macro-statics of the economy of a
changes in the p r o d u c t i o n - f u n c t i o n , r o u n d development of the region,
region, as progress is inevitably
is a selective though dynamic busi- envisages a long-range inter-linked
associated w i t h internal shifts in the
ness. as it has to make i n i t i a l p o l i c y - f o r w a r d - p l a n n i n g i n respect o f i n -
structure of p r o d u c t i o n and in the
decisions concerning choices between ban and r u r a l sectors for achieving
structure of regional economy. Ac-
slow but balanced g r o w t h and r a p i d an integrated intra-regional deve-
c o r d i n g to Professor Fellner, 8 the
but unbalanced g r o w t h , between lopment of the whole regional eco-
condition o f dynamic e q u i l i b r i u m
comparative advantages at present nomy. Moreover area-planning, in
starts w i t h the i m p r o v e m e n t pro-
and c u m u l a t i v e advantages i n f u t u r e , order to avoid the p i t f a l l s of leads
cess to offset the d i m i n i s h i n g re-
between concentrated development and lags under an isolated develop-
turns, as persistent d i m i n i s h i n g re
w i t h external economies as well as ment, has to carry the crusade along
turns or d o w n w a r d shifts of the
i n d u s t r i a l slums and dispersed deve- w i t h other regions, guided by a
m a r g i n a l efficiency schedule are in-
lopment, w i t h healthy surroundings composite master-plan of inter-regi-
c o m p a t i b l e w i t h sustained g r o w t h
and no external economies, between onal or n a t i o n a l development.
and also w i t h f u l l realization of the
specialization of output haunted by
capital f r a m e w o r k . The consequen- Resource-planning f o r the whole
business fluctuations and diversifi-
ces of this improvement process or region is an equally comprehensive
cation needing huge capital o u t l a y .
economic development are not o n l y j o b . As Professor G D H Cole has
The resultant choices depend upon
a rise in the real output per unit of said, some of the natural and
certain behaviouristic parameters,
i n p u t of human effort but also to acquired advantages in an area "are
certain technological parameters,
stop the chain-reactions of what fixed and alterable only over a long
and on a set of i n i t i a l conditions of
Professor Gunar M y r d a l has called p e r i o d as a result of new scientific
the system. A comprehensive re-
"backwash effects", whereby con- methods, whereby men can more
gional development p r o g r a m m e , at-
tracting forces, w o r k i n g t h r o u g h
tuned to a commensurate expansion f u l l y control the conditions of t h e i r
m i g r a t i o n , capital movement, trade,
in the regional input-capacity and environment. Others are alterable
and the whole gamut of other social
the effective demand f o r regional at w i l l or may be altered at any
relations, tend to make regions
o p t i m u m output, strives h a r d to time by forces more or less amen-
either stagnating or regressing. The
make the i n i t i a l push and then able to control." Resource-plan-
dynamics of increasing returns, or
spread the contagion step by step ning, however, is not a single track
spread effects, that is reversing the
and stage by stage, under pre-de- process, proceeding o n l y w i t h the
gears of backwash-effects, may well
termined p r i o r i t i e s , in order to dispersal of existing i n d u s t r i a l con-
lead to an i n d u s t r i a l r e v o l u t i o n . In
achieve a secular rise in regional centrations, or d i r e c t i n g the loca-
the words of Professor T W Schultz.
real income, " r e s u l t i n g both f r o m t i o n of new undertakings, or chang-
"the broad sweep of the i n d u s t r i a l
productive activities w i t h i n the re- ing the existing pattern of regional
revolution may well be viewed as a
gion and f r o m t r a d i n g activities be- or locational specialisation of la-
l o n g , secular boom in economic
tween the regions." bour, or p r o m o t i n g greater diversifi-
possibilities." 9 These possibilities
are concerned w i t h e l i m i n a t i n g i n - cation of a g r i c u l t u r a l and i n d u s t r i a l
Executing the Programme
stability and imbalance in the le- activities, or p r o m o t i n g better u t i l i -
But the question arises whether zation of available m a t e r i a l resour-
giorial economy, i n j e c t i n g m o b i l i t y such a composite and gigantic pro-
in the subsistence nature of econo- ces, or f i n d i n g their new uses or
gramme of regional development
m i c a c t i v i t y , reshaping and expand- employing manpower at f u l l em-
should be framed and executed by
i n g the productive capacity of a ployment capacity or reorganising
inducement or by d i r e c t i o n , under
region, m o b i l i z i n g the manpower at the dispersal of p o p u l a t i o n accord-
a free economy or a planned eco-
full-employment level and material i n g to the nature and needs of em-
nomy. The case for inducement,
resources at f u l l u t i l i z a t i o n capacity, ployment-opportunities. It is a m i x
according to Professor W A Lewis, 1 0
u n d e r t a k i n g a composite develop of a l l advantageous ways and means.
stands on the g r o u n d that " w h e n we
ment and socio-economic i n t e g r a t i o n Thus, resource-planning, inspired
are seeking to develop particular
of the region under a well-coordi- by the macro-dynamics of m u l t i -
regions, it is better to proceed by
nated and balanced inter-regional inducement than b y d i r e c t i o n . . . I f variate i n p u t - o u t p u t ratios of regi-
programme. i n d u s t r y w i l l not come to an area onal economy, injects m o b i l i t y i n t o
even when special efforts are made a static e q u i l i b r i u m and envisages
In the final analysis regional
to reduce the cost of w o r k i n g there, an integrated perspective p l a n n i n g
development proceeds f r o m a study
it is dangerous to d i r e c t it there, i n respect o f a g r i c u l t u r e , i n d u s t r y ,
of the "various alternative possibi-
f o r there must be something basi- trade, economic overheads and so-
lities of e v o l u t i o n " f o r a given re-
cally w r o n g w i t h the area." B u t c i a l services, f o r the u p l i f t of the
g i o n , i n v o l v i n g a selection of those
THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY September 9, 1961

entire regional economy. As Pro- "conurbation which is known as targets, to allocate them on a regio-
fessor D o b b 1 1 has e x p l a i n e d , " m a n y London:"13 nal basis, and to see that these
factors, w h i c h were treated as con- targets are achieved." The First
stant magnitudes before, become The most s t r i k i n g example of and the Second Plans allocated a
variables, and moreover dependent regional p l a n n i n g was p r o v i d e d by prominent place to State Plans.
variables, in the p r o b l e m for solu- economic development in Soviet Regional development got further
t i o n . The transport-map m a y be Russia. Whereas, previously, i n - recognition in the I n d u s t r i a l Policy
adopted to the requirements of i n - dustrial development, f o l l o w i n g the Resolution of 1956, w h i c h clearly
dustry, as w e l l as industry moved "Ecuropeanization" of Russia by announced that "disparities in level
to the least-cost location on an Peter the Great, was m a i n l y con- of development between different
existing transport-map. New power- centrated in the West, an eastward regions should be progressively re-
sources may be developed; new shift of industry is taking place duced". It also recognised that one
mineral resources previously un- since 1928. Soviet plans, in respect of the aims of national p l a n n i n g
prospected or unexploited may be of long-term programmes for the was " t o ensure that these facilities
w o r k e d and i n d u s t r y moved to their geographical d i s t r i b u t i o n of indus- (power, transport, etc) are steadily
v i c i n i t y , instead of development be- t r y , have treated the fuel and power made available to areas, which are
ing confined to resources or raw net-work as the foundation-plan of at present lagging behind industri-
materials near the o l d centres of its structure. Under the original a l l y " . The techno-econornic survey
industry. In c o n f o r m i t y w i t h a long Electrification Plan arid later the of Bihar State conducted by the
t e r m plan, not only may whole i n - regionalisation plan of Gosplan, the N a t i o n a l Council of A p p l i e d Eco-
dustries be moved to a new location, m a i n emphasis had still to be given nomic Research, is another step
as a u n i t , but a whole industrial to the older regions, because the f o r w a r d towards regional allocation
complex, embracing a u x i l i a r y i n - t r a d i t i o n a l centres of population of resources and a balanced deve-
dustries, l i n k e d by the u t i l i z a t i o n of and of industry had for the time lopment of regional economy.
by-products as w e l l ; and where in- being to be treated as the crucial
dustry goes, there go centres of constants in the problem". The The regional pattern of the
p o p u l a t i o n and consequently mar- agenda, however, of long-term re- I n d i a n U n i o n is a product of many
kets and labour supplies also." gional p l a n n i n g had envisaged the historical factors. The administra-
future development in Ukraine, tive structure of I n d i a , before 1947.
Urals, Siberia, Caucausus. Central was distinguished by two separate
Regional Planning Asia, Baikal and trans-Baikal regi- entities k n o w n as B r i t i s h I n d i a and
Regional development, under the ons. By now "the canvas of Soviet I n d i a n States. This set-up was
urge and guidance of a free economy, Economic l i f e is of eight or nine shaped not by any rational consi-
needs a 'shot in the a r m . ' w h i c h m a i n i n d u s t r i a l regions, each raised derations, but "'by the military,
generally comes f r o m war or tech- upon the foundation of its man- p o l i t i c a l and administrative exigen-
nological changes or other 'revoIu- powcr-fuel-mineral situation." W i t h - cies or conveniences of the moment."
tionary' changes. I n the United in each region, "the order of detet- w i t h no regard to the history of the
States, the recent movement of i n - minatjon has generally been from land and its various parts, and w i t h
dustry to the South, after a long mineral and power resources to no scope for the needs and the affi-
standing stagnation, is heavily i n - heavy industry, and f r o m heavy nities of the people. When I n d i a
debted to the changes brought about industry to transport-facilities, the achieved independence in 1947, one
by the war-efforts d u r i n g the Second g r o w t h of towns and f o u n d i n g of of the major tasks of administrative
W o r l d W a r . I n Great B r i t a i n the l i g h t - i n d u s t r y w h i c h cater for the r e f o r m was the rationalisation and
i n i t i a l push came f r o m technologi- consumer." 1 4 integration of these ill-assorted ad-
cal changes in fuel and energy, ministrative units into a coherent
Regions in India and balanced pattern. By 1950,
leading f r o m the use of charcoal to
steam coal and later to electric- The story of regional development when the new constitution came i n -
energy, resulting in the geographical in India, goes back to 1916, when to force, the country got r i d of
shifts of industries and the popula- the Industrial Commission made more than 500 princely stales and
t i o n . A c c o r d i n g to Professor E A G certain recommendations for reduc- welded the units into a federating
Robinson, "the shift f r o m south and i n g the industrial congestion in U n i o n , consisting of Part A, B and
east to the n o r t h in the I n d u s t r i a l Bombay c i t y . The Reconstruction C States. T h i s r e v o l u t i o n a r y change
Revolution, the shift back from Committee of the Council recom- may be called the "first phase" of
north to south in recent years, has mended in 1944 that the industries integration of the p o l i t i c a l and ad
shifted not only the place of certain should be extended in a rational rninistrative structure of post-inde-
manufactures but also the places of manner over the whole of I n d i a and pendence I n d i a . The "second phase'
consumption, to w h i c h many f u r t h e r that every assistance should be was a bolder step, concerned w i t h
industries are m i n i s t e r i n g and has given towards the establishment of the emotional integration of various
thus reinforced the i n i t i a l move industries in such (industrially units, on linguistic and cultural
ment." 1 2 But, regional develop- underdeveloped) areas. Later the basis, for creating and r e i n f o r c i n g
ment under laissez-faire is deplor- P l a n n i n g and Development Depart- ' u n i t y out of diversity.' As a re-
ably slow and t i n g e d w i t h other ment in 1945 issued a statement on sult. States Reorganisation Commis-
undesirable consequences. Professor the industrial p o l i c y w h i c h , inter sion was appointed in December.
G D N W o r s w i c k has complained a l i a , disapproved concentration o f 1953 and was guided by certain
that " n o one p l a n n i n g the location industries, " o n economic, social, and broad p r i n c i p l e s included in its
of B r i t i s h light-industry ab initio, strategic grounds" and envisaged terms of reference, viz, (1) the pre-
that " i t w o u l d be necessary to fix servation of the u n i t y and security
could have produced the disorderly
September 9, 1961 THE ECONOMIC W E E K L Y

o f I n d i a ; ( 2 ) l i n g u i s t i c and c u l t u - regional development, is the ade- break d o w n of i n d u s t r i a l capital,

ral homogeneity; (3) financial, quate p r o v i s i o n of the factors of f r o m domestic ( r e g i o n a l ) and out-
economic and a d m i n i s t r a t i v e consi- production: (1) entrepreneurial side sources, is not available, but
d e r a t i o n s : and (4) the successful skills, i n c l u d i n g business and capi- capital structure is distinguished by
w o r k i n g of the national p l a n . The tal m a n a g e m e n t ; (2) c a p i t a l e q u i p the f o l l o w i n g features: ( 1 ) c a p i t a l
f i n a l reorganisation of States was ment and other f o r m s of c a p i t a l ; bt m a i n l y concentrated in b i g c i t i e s ;
enforced in November. 1956 The (3) labour and s k i l l ; a n d . (4) raw- (2) 'small capital" is m a i n l y local
Commission had also recommended, materials and natural resources. i n n a t u r e ; and, ( 3 ) ' b i g capital"
inter alia. that a permanent body Thus. regional development is comes m a i n l y f r o m outside.
s h o u l d be set up to examine the f u n d a m e n t a l l y a p r o b l e m of macro-
grievances regarding the alleged dynamic resource-allocation, t a k i n g
Role of Overheads
neglect of the development needs of i n t o account the m u l t i - v a r i a t e esti-
certain areas and that an i n d u s t r i a l mates of resource-requirements and Economic development of a re-
location-policy should be f o r m u l a t e d prospects of resource-availabilities, gion on the H a r r o d - D o m a r model,
which w i l l ensure equitable d i s t r i - or the H a r r o d i a n ' ' w a r r a n t e d rate of m a i n l y works t h r o u g h the potential
b u t i o n of development expenditure. g r o w t h " blended w i t h the Keynesian growth in o u t p u t w h i c h i s com-
"effective-demand". To ignite the pounded of increases in p r o d u c t i v i t y
Administrative Reorganisation
i n i t i a l spark of expansion under per w o r k e r and increases in the
As a result of reorganisation of labour-force, and is closely associat-
these circumstances a p r i m a r y i n -
States, the 28 erstwhile States were ed w i t h the g r o w t h in capital stock
vestment to induce a multiplier
re-shaped and reduced to 14 States w i d e n i n g of capital and deepening
process, f o l l o w e d by a secondary
and 6 centrally administered ' t e r r i - of c a p i t a l . Expansion of economic
investment to enforce an accelera-
tories', thereby creating regions overheads, also called 'economic in-
tion process, is r e q u i r e d in order
w i t h i n the States on economic and fra-structure", by p r o v i d i n g externa!
to introduce an u p w a r d change in
other n o n - l i n g u i s t i c considerations the p l a c i d subsistence economy of economies to other industries and
establishing regional committees in a region. T h i s capital movement l o w e r i n g the capital co-efficient sub-
some States, and zonal councils for may also lead to and therefore is sequently r e q u i r e d per unit of out-
promoting common development essential (1 ) f o r r a t i o n a l i s i n g the put, makes possible a m o r e r a p i d
needs of States. These regions are too r u d i m e n t a r y degree of d i v i s i o n rate of g r o w t h in f u t u r e , Given the
at present, going t h r o u g h different of labour f o r p r o m o t i n g any indus- g r o w t h in o u t p u t , as determined by
stages of economic development — t r i a l s p e c i a l i s a t i o n : ( 2 ) f o r creating available resources, the capital co-
a few like South Bihar are relatively new-capacity or e x p a n d i n g the pre- efficient indicates the necessary in-
going ahead, others have not ver sent capacity to accelerate i n d u s t r i a l crease in the capital slock or i n -
recovered f r o m stagnation, while g r o w t h : a n d , ( 3 ) f o r development vestment w h i c h is r e q u i r e d by the
some l i k e M a d h y a Pradesh ( because and efficient u t i l i z a t i o n of u n e x p l o d - p r e v a i l i n g state of technique. T h u s ,
of the B h i l a i Steel P r o j e c t ) . Western ed or u n d e r u t i l i s e d natural re- investment-opportunities are deter-
Rajasthan ( because of Rajasthan sources. mined by ( a ) changes in p r o d u c t i -
C a n a l ) , Southern Rajasthan and vity per worker: (b) population
Madhya Bharat (because of the T h i s ' i n i t i a l ' spark of investment, g r o w t h ; a n d , (c) technological de-
C h a m b a l Project ) are perched f o r and its later supplements, may be velopments w h i c h control the capi-
an era of progress and p r o s p e r i t y . conditioned by the considerations tal-coefficient. But this process,
To b r i n g economic development to that most under-developed countries p r o v i d i n g a m u l t i p l i e r to the con-
all regions and to all parts of the and also regions in such countries s u m p t i o n - f u n c t i o n and to the invest-
country, in one f o r m or another. have no t r a d i t i o n s of i n d u s t r i a l i n - ment or a c c u m u l a t i o n f u n c t i o n , is a
t h r o u g h d i r e c t i o n or inducement, is vestment; they suffer f r o m a serious slow one, whereas a p o w e r f u l up-
the real and u l t i m a t e a i m of natio- shortage of capital in relation to w a r d surge of autonomous invest-
nal p l a n n i n g . Economic p l a n n i n g land-resources. Domestic capital ment r e i n f o r c e d by a m u l t i p l i e r ami
f o r regional development, as dis- f o r regional development has got the an accelerator is needed f o r a r a p i d
tinct f r o m town and c o u n t r y plan- advantages that it can pay more rate of g r o w t h . In the absence of
n i n g , has been defined by Professor attention to local resources and local this, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n under-developed
G D H Cole as the process of "tak- requirements, can mop up or p l o u g h areas, an all-out government p r o -
i n g any area to w h i c h p l a n n i n g is in d o r m a n t savings which may g r a m m e of investment in p r o d u c t i v e
to be a p p l i e d as it is and consider- otherwise remain idle, and can u n d e r t a k i n g s as well as economic
i n g h o w to make the best of its p l o u g h back increases in income to overheads is the only remedy. In
n a t u r a l and acquired resources, and convert area-development into a pre-independence I n d i a , according
how to develop them, f r o m the c u m u l a t i v e and s e l f - r e i n f o r c i n g pro- to A l a k Ghosh, 1 5 d i s t r i b u t i o n of
standpoint either of achieving the gross p u b l i c investment in economic
cess. If. therefore. regionally-in-
highest possible total of produc- overheads, between different regi-
spired and regionally owned capital
t i o n , or of value generated by p r o - ons, shows t h a t nearly 54 per cent
cannot be sufficiently mobilized,
d u c t i o n , in the area concerned, or was concentrated in N o r t h - W e s t e r n
extra-regional capital and enterprise
o f w o r k i n g its p r o d u c t i v e capacity and N o r t h - E a s t e r n I n d i a , the for-
has to be attracted or i n v i t e d in the
w i t h that of other areas so as to mer a b s o r b i n g a large share of in-
form of 'new-undertakings' or
achieve the largest possible value of vestment in i r r i g a t i o n , whereas the
'branch-plants', w h i c h tend to dep-
p r o d u c t i o n over the c o m b i n e d area latter receiving a sizeable p r o p o r t i o n
lete the regions' capial-structure by
as a whole." o f investment i n r a i l w a y s . I n the
the export of i n d u s t r i a l savings and
i n t e r - w a r p e r i o d , the s h i f t in the
The major r e q u i r e m e n t f o r the to move away in times of depres-
direction of investment " i n f a v o u r
establishment of a sound base of sion. In India, an origin-wise
THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY September 9, 1961

of central a n d southern regions in- powerfully to create r e g i o n a l in- T h i s p o l i c y of dispersal and d i -

dicates not o n l y the tendency to- equalities and widen those w h i c h versification or the broader concept
wards a m o r e even regional d i s t r i - already e x i s t . " Thus in the pre- of regional or geographical m o b i l i t y
b u t i o n of investment b u t also the i n d u s t r i a l i s e d c o n d i t i o n s of r e g i o n a l of resources, is i n t i m a t e l y conducive
increasing emphasis l a i d on the p r o - economies, the i n t e r r e g i o n a l terms to and co-extensive w i t h the m o b i l i t y
vision of economic overheads f o r of trade operate w i t h a fundamen- of p o p u l a t i o n . A c c o r d i n g to Pro-
the development of areas, which tal bias, in favour of advanced re- fessor G D H Cole, ''the c o n t r o l o f
c o m m e r c i a l l y and i n d u s t r i a l l y were gions against the under-developed i n d u s t r i a l location is one aspect of
b e g i n n i n g to assume i m p o r t a n c e " regions, leading to a regional spe- the planned development of the dis-
However, these deficiencies and cialisation of economic activity based t r i b u t i o n of p o p u l a t i o n . " It is the
d r a w b a c k s i n the regional d i s t r i b u - upon the theory of comparative pattern and place of w o r k w h i c h
tion of economic overheads are being advantage, determines the pattern a n d place
progressively corrected by c a p i t a l of l i v i n g . Progress is. therefore,
outlays o n i r r i g a t i o n a n d power, i n - Regional Specialisation not only inevitably associated
dustry- and m i n i n g , and t r a n s p o r t with i n t e r n a l shifts in the struc-
and c o m m u n i c a t i o n s under the F i r s t In I n d i a , this regional specialisa- ture of p r o d u c t i o n , it is also the
and the Second Plans. tion is responsible f o r j u t e c u l t i v a - direct and immediate purpose of
t i o n in Assam and Bengal, tea in technological progress to make it
As investment follows effective
Assam and N o r t h Bengal, coffee and possible to produce the same amount
d e m a n d , expansion of a l l sectors of
rubber in South Indian States, of goods w i t h lesser number of
regional economy is i n t i m a t e l y con-
wheat in the P u n j a b . U P and Bihar, workers or m o r e amount of goods-
nected w i t h and leads to an increas-
and rice in Assam. Bengal and w i t h the same n u m b e r of workers.
i n g demand for i n t e r n a l l y (regio-
S o u t h I n d i a . Coal m i n i n g and i r o n - In either case. there is a p r o b l e m of
n a l l y ) produced goods. To become
s m e l l i n g is concentrated in the i r o n displacement, or transfer of man-
i n d u s t r i a l i s e d , a region h a v i n g m o r e
and coal belts covering south B i h a r power and material resources. Re-
t h a n SO per cent of raw-materials
and Bengal. The emergence of gional development, after the i n i t i a l
or n a t u r a l resources by weight of
M a d h y a Pradesh and Orissa. on the push and reorganisation, therefore
the m a t e r i a l requirements of an in-
coal and iron maps of I n d i a , is a tends to move towards the ideal of
d u s t r i a l a c t i v i t y must i m p o r t other
new o p e n i n g under the steel-plan- better u t i l i s a t i o n of material re-
essential materials to complement its-
ning". In the i n d u s t r i a l field, j u t e - sources and f u l l employment of man-
o w n resources and must overcome
manufacturing industry is heavily power, and a consequent inter-
transport-resistance. Otherwise, the
concentrated in West Bengal. Sugar r e g i o n a l m i g r a t i o n of p o p u l a t i o n as
region's o w n resources w i l l r e m a i n
industry was o r i g i n a l l y localised in a corrective measure for the im-
either unused or w i l l be used as
Western UP and B i h a r , but in re- balances and imperfections in the
isolated resources, so that raw-
cent years, there has been a distinct existing d i s t r i b u t i o n of p o p u l a t i o n .
materials w i l l b e ' i m p o r t e d ' f r o m
movement of s u g a r - p r o d u c i n g capa- T h i s m i g r a t i o n p r i m a r i l y takes place
other regions, thus creating an ad-
city towards Bombay and farther because, in the previous set up of
verse commodity-balance. In this
d o w n in the South, in order to reach inter-regional flows of capital and
under-developed economy, 'subsist-
ence' a g r i c u l t u r e becomes the m a m nearer the c o n s u m i n g markets. Cot- labour inputs, the losing regions
p r o p . and a m a j o r share of the ton-textile i n d u s t r y , upto 1920 was had got more working population
region's a g r i c u l t u r a l o u t p u t , except localised in Bombay. There has and less productive capital, where-
locally consumed food-crops, is p r o - been, in recent years. a change in as other regions had got away w i t h
duced for the extra-regional m a r k e t , the location of i n d u s t r y w i t h the more productive resources. Because
if processing industries are not lo- emergence of mills in D e l h i , K a n G r o w t h involves change. it is a
cated inside the r e g i o n . Whatever p u r . Bangalore, M a d u r a and other necessary concommitant of g r o w t h
industries are located inside the re- places. Now a product-wise d i v i s i o n that labour should be m o b i l e , leav-
g i o n , a substantial part is connected has taken place, whereby B o m b a y is ing one occupation or enterprise
with m a t e r i a l - o r i e n t e d or labour- mainly engaged in p r o d u c t i o n of and j o i n i n g another. Ieaving one
oriented industries and this indust- finer varieties of cotton-textiles, area and going to another.
rial capacity grows in response to w h i c h are less bulky and h i i d i - p r i e e d Immobile Population
demand o r i g i n a t i n g f r o m outside the whereas new centres are p r o d u c i n g
Indian population is on the
r e g i o n , so that these ' e x p o r t ' indust- coarse and m e d i u m - q u a l i t y cloth f o r
whole characterised by a general
ries may be considered as an alter local requirements. So f a r as the
i m m o b i l i t y —social occupational and
native to even greater outward paper and cement industries are con-
geographical. In respect of ideogra-
m i g r a t i o n of materials and labour cerned, the p r o d u c t i v e capacity is
phical immobility. Professor S
f o r c e . The pattern of trade is i m - more or less evenly d i s t r i b u t e d all
Chandrashekhar 1 6 has estimated that
mensely influenced by the pattern over I n d i a . The pre-1950 pattern of
nearly 90 per cent of the people in
of c o m m o d i t y balance. Even the i n d u s t r i a l location was. to a large
every Census have been enumerated
b a n k i n g system, if not regulated tr- extent, distinguished by concentra-
in the district in which they were
act d i f f e r e n t l y , tends to become an t i o n in relatively advanced regions
b o r n . Another 5 per cent have been
instrument of s i p h o n i n g off the being influenced by and l i m i t e d to
enumerated in the a d j o i n i n g dis-
savings f r o m poorer regions to the urbanised management and c a p i t a l . t r i c t s . and only the remaining 5 per
richer regions, where returns to H o w e v e r , as a result of planned- cent went outside their State. Thu-
c a p i t a l are h i g h a n d secure. Ac- i n d u s t r i a l i s a t i o n , dispersal o f i n d u - density of population or the land-
c o r d i n g t o G u n a r M y r d a l , market tries is s l o w l y e m e r g i n g and going man ratio is an index of the h o l d i n g
forces in a p o o r c o u n t r y " w o r k m o r e apace. power of an area and is influenced

September 9, 1961 THE ECONOMIC WEEKLY

b y numerous factors l i k e natural W Fellner, 'The Trends and Cycles in 13
G D N Worewick, The Economics of
Economic Activity'. Full Employment'.
conditions (soil-fertility-rainfall, cli- 9
T W Schultz, 'The Organisation of
m a t e ) , level o f a g r i c u l t u r a l pros 14
M Dobb, 'Soviet Economic Develop-
p e r i t y resulting f r o m i r r i g a t i o n and 10 ment since 1917.'
W A Lewis, 'The Principles of Econo-
other f a c i l i t i e s in the region. a v a i l - mic Planning'. 15
Alak Ghosh, 'India's Economy — Its
a b i l i t y and rate of u t i l i z a t i o n of 11
M Dobb, 'Soviet Economic Development Nature and Problem",
n a t u r a l resources for i n d u s t r i a l de- since 1917.'
velopment, g r o w t h of u r b a n i s a t i o n , 12
E A G Robinson. The Structure of 16
S Chandrasekhar, 'India's Population —
employment opportunities. The Competitive Industry". Facts and Policy',
h o l d i n g power of an area, in I n d i a ,
is f u r t h e r accentuated because ( 1 ) World Trade in Agricultural Products
the m a j o r i t y of the p o p u l a t i o n is tied
A RESOLUTION a i m e d at encour- on governments of member-states of
to l a n d , as land is the chief source
aging an expansion o f world the U n i t e d N a t i o n s and specialised
of l i v e l i h o o d f o r more t h a n 70 per
commercial trade in agricultural agencies, p a r t i c u l a r l y of the h i g h l y
cent of the p o p u l a t i o n ; (2) absence
p r o d u c t s was adopted on A u g u s t 1 industrialised countries, to pursue
of a l t e r n a t i v e e m p l o y m e n t elsewhere;
by the E c o n o m i c Committee of the policies t h a t w o u l d encourage the
(3) difficulties of adjustment in other
U N E c o n o m i c and Social C o u n c i l . expansion o f w o r l d trade i n a g r i c u l -
linguistic r e g i o n s : and ( 4 ) other
t u r a l p r o d u c t s , especially b y a v o i d i n g
social factors w h i c h stand in the The resolution a p p r o v e d by 16
excessive agricultural production
way o f labour m o b i l i t y . votes to none, w i t h 2 abstentions,
a n d by avoiding p r e j u d i c i n g the
T h e ' p u l l ' factor, aided by the reaffirms the General Assembly's
trade prospects of efficient producers
'push' of poverty in b a c k w a r d re- views stressing that underdeveloped
from outside their countries and
gions, has been strengthened as a countries should be able to sell more
result of relative p r o s p e r i t y in cer- of t h e i r p r o d u c t s at stable and remu-
nerative prices and thereby finance T h e r e s o l u t i o n w o u l d i n v i t e go-
t a i n regions, viz textile and other
t h e i r economic development from vernments to consider liberalising
industries in Bombay, jute and
their earnings of f o r e i g n exchange. barriers to trade w h i c h are unduly
other industries in West Bengal,
l i m i t i n g the c o n s u m p t i o n of a g r i -
sugar 'industry in Western U P and
The Economic and Social C o u n c i l , cultural commodities f r o m under-
B i h a r , tea gardens in Assam coal
under this r e s o l u t i o n , w o u l d also call developed countries.
and iron belt of B i h a r and West
Bengal. M a n y more i n d u s t r i a l areas
arc needed and w o u l d have to be
created and developed if the 'puIl'
f a c t o r is to be strengthened and the
desired r e d i s t r i b u t i o n of p o p u l a t i o n
is to be achieved. The bold experi-
ment of integrated regional develop-
ment, u n d e r t a k e n by D a m o d a r Val-
ley C o r p o r a t i o n , on the lines of Ten-
nessee Valley A u t h o r i t y in U S A,
has to be m u l t i p l i e d . T h e develop-
ment of Rajasthan and the Danda-
karanya Scheme are expected to
become l a n d m a r k s in the composite
regional p l a n n i n g . T h e p a t t e r n of
an e x p a n d i n g economy w i l l c e r t a i n l y
rationalise the p a t t e r n of p o p u l a t i o n
d i s t r i b u t i o n and reshape industrial
location on more desirable and ad-
vantageous lines under the aegis of
national planning.

August Loesch, The Southern Economic.
Journal, July 1938
T Haavelmo, "A Study in the Theory
of Economic Evolution'".
Gunar Myrdal, 'Economic Theory and
Under-Developed Regions'.
T W Schuhz, The Organisation of
P Sargent-Florence, 'The Investment.
Location and Size of the Plant'.
J H Dale, American Economic Re-
view, May 1953 (p 181).

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