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Kinetics of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous

Solution of Ethylaminoethanol Modified with N-
a a
Rahul R. Bhosale & Vijaykumar V. Mahajani
Department of Chemical Engineering , Institute of Chemical Technology , Matunga ,
Mumbai, India
Accepted author version posted online: 18 Jun 2013.Published online: 12 Sep 2013.

To cite this article: Rahul R. Bhosale & Vijaykumar V. Mahajani (2013) Kinetics of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous
Solution of Ethylaminoethanol Modified with N-methyl-2-pyrolidone, Separation Science and Technology, 48:15, 2324-2337,
DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2013.805228

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Separation Science and Technology, 48: 2324–2337, 2013
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0149-6395 print=1520-5754 online
DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2013.805228

Kinetics of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide in Aqueous

Solution of Ethylaminoethanol Modified with
Rahul R. Bhosale and Vijaykumar V. Mahajani
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai, India

from numerous sources such as synthesis gas, flue gas,

In this paper, kinetics of absorption of CO2 in an aqueous refinery off-gas, natural gas, coke oven gas (1). In this
ethylaminoethanol (EAE) and formulated solvent (aqueous blend prospective, considerable efforts are underway towards
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

of EAE and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP)) was studied in a stirred the development of CO2 capture technologies, for instance,
cell reactor by using a fall in pressure technique. The reaction path- physical adsorption (2,3), membrane separation (4), and
ways for CO2–aqueous EAE system were comprehensively described
using both zwitterion and termolecular mechanisms. The physico- closed loop chemical absorption=desorption technique
chemical properties such as density (q) and viscosity (l) of aqueous (CADT). Among these processes, due to its higher
EAE and formulated solvent and the solubility (HCO2 ) and diffusivity efficiency and lower complexity, CADT is preferred indust-
of CO2 (DCO2 ) in these solvents were estimated experimentally. The rially as an effective gas sweetening process for CO2
reactive absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE was observed to be removal from process gas streams.
first order with respect to both CO2 and EAE concentrations.
Addition of NMP in aqueous EAE enhances the HCO2 by 40%, which CADT is a two-step process where the first step belongs
ultimately results into higher CO2 absorption rates in formulated to the absorption of CO2 by a suitable absorbent at
solvent (20% higher) compared to that of the aqueous EAE. Effect 40–70 C, whereas the second step corresponds to the
of concentration of EAE (0.5 to 2 kmol/m3) and temperature (303 to desorption of CO2 at 100–150 C (5). Conventionally, aque-
318 K) on CO2 absorption kinetics was studied in detail and it was ous alkanolamines and their blends were commonly used as
realized that the rate of absorption of CO2 in aqueous EAE and
formulated solvent was significantly affected by the change in absorbents for the capture of CO2 during various applica-
these parameters. The findings obtained during the temperature tions such as desulfurised natural gas treatment, refinery
dependency study further indicates that the activation energy of processes, etc. Several amines, for example, monoethanola-
the absorption of CO2 in aqueous EAE (80.2 kJ/mol) was relatively mine (MEA), diethanolamine (DEA), di-isopropanolamine
lower in comparison with the activation energy of the absorption of (DIPA), methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), and diglycola-
CO2 in formulated solvent (88.95 kJ/mol). The overall reaction of
CO2 with the formulated solvent could be regarded as the reaction mine (DGA) have been used industrially for a number of
of CO2 with aqueous EAE in parallel with the reaction between years (6). A number of researchers have studied the kinetics
CO2 and aqueous NMP. of the absorption of CO2 into a variety of alkanolamines
(7–11). Among all previously studied amines, MEA remains
Keywords CO2 absorption; ethylaminoethanol (EAE); gas puri- the most popular for CO2 capture owing to its higher
fication; N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP); pressure reactivity and lower solvent cost as compared to that of
dependency; stirred reactor the other amines (12,13). However, it also possesses high
vapor pressure which makes it unsuitable for low pressure
INTRODUCTION operations due to the likely vaporization losses (14). In
The uninterrupted discharge of greenhouse gases such as addition, due to the possibility of the reaction with the
CO2 is considered as one of the major reasons for the global reactor vessels, tubings, and several process compartments,
warming. The concentration of CO2 in earth’s atmosphere utilization of highly concentrated MEA solutions for acid
is approximately 392 ppm by volume as of 2011 and rose gas sweetening is not feasible (13). The inferior CO2 loading
by 2 ppm by volume per year during 2000 to 2009. This capacity, elevated solvent regeneration cost, formation of
rapid upsurge in the CO2 concentration levels in the atmos- toxic products due to the degradation in O2-rich environ-
phere is thought to be mainly due to its continuous release ment (especially in case of flue gas), and reduced scrubber
efficiency due to amine decomposition and corrosion in
Received 24 December 2012; accepted 10 May 2013. the equipments and pipings are few of the other limitations
Address correspondence to Rahul R. Bhosale, Solar related to MEA (12,14,15), which induces the quest for
Technology Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen,
PSI, Switzerland. E-mail:
alternative absorbents.


As a substitute for MEA, other alkanolamines such as solvents. N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) is one such
DEA and MDEA were considerably examined for CO2 activator that could possibly improve the absorption of
capture; however, the low CO2 loading capacity of DEA CO2 in mixed solvents. NMP is readily available and it is
and sluggish reactivity of MDEA with CO2 limits their used extensively in the refinery and gas sweetening industry
utilization. Sterically hindered amines are envisioned as (Lurgi’s Purisol process). Recently, Vaidya and Mahajani
industrially appealing absorbents for CO2 capture as they (7) have reported merits of NMP as an attractive physical
offer higher CO2 loading capacity and absorption rates solvent, while absorbing CO2 in an aqueous solution of
and lesser corrosion and energy requirement for regener- MEA and diethylene glycol (DEG). These authors also
ation in comparison with MEA (16–27). Among the several observed a finite reaction of CO2 with NMP which was simi-
sterically hindered amines, ethylaminoethanol (EAE) repre- lar with the tertiary amine and in parallel with the CO2 –
sents one of the possible candidates for the bulk removal of MEA reaction. It is well believed by us that the CO2 absorp-
CO2 from process gas streams. The major raw material for tion capacity of EAE can also be improved by adding NMP
the manufacturing of EAE is ethanol which, in turn, can be as an activator. Therefore, an aqueous blend of EAE (0.5 to
prepared from agricultural products and=or residues; hence 2 kmol=m3) and NMP (5 kmol=m3) was derived, which
EAE represents a promising absorbent as it can be prepared hereafter termed as ‘‘formulated solvent.’’ To the best of
from renewable resources (28). In EAE, the hydrogen our knowledge, there is no published data available towards
atom is replaced by an ethyl group which further enhances absorption of CO2 in this formulated solvent.
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

its basicity and hindrance around the nitrogen atom. This paper reports the investigation of kinetics of the
Additionally, it also possesses a number of advantages over absorption of CO2 into aqueous solutions of EAE and for-
MEA such as less volatility, lower thermal energy require- mulated solvent. The physico-chemical properties such as
ment during CO2 stripping and higher pKa value. solvent density (q) and viscosity (l) and solubility (HCO2 )
Previously, few researchers have investigated the kinetics and diffusivity (DCO2 ) of CO2 into these solvents were deter-
of the reactive absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE sol- mined experimentally. In addition, a linear least-square
ution. For instance, Mimura et al. (19) studied the kinetics multiple regression analysis was performed to formulate
of the reaction of CO2 and aqueous EAE at 298 K and the mathematical expressions for the estimation of physico-
reported second order rate constant comparable to that of chemical properties. Influence of EAE concentration (0.5
the CO2–aqueous MEA system. Vaidya and Kenig (28) to 2 kmol=m3) and reaction temperature (303 to 318 K) on
reported that the addition of small amounts of EAE to absorption kinetics was studied in detail and the activation
N,N-diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) enhances the overall energies for the CO2–aqueous EAE and CO2–formulated
CO2 absorption rate of DEAE. Li et al. (29) explored the solvent systems were determined. Furthermore, the
absorption kinetics by using stopped flow technique and reaction pathway for CO2–aqueous EAE system was thor-
reported that both the zwitterion formation and deprotona- oughly described using both zwitterion and termolecular
tion played the key role during the reaction of CO2 with mechanisms.
EAE. Furthermore, these authors also observed that the
absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE was much rapid in REACTION MECHANISM
comparison with aqueous DEA. By using similar experi- For fundamental understanding of the CO2–aqueous
mental technique Bavbek and Alper (30) reported overall EAE system, a detailed study of the reaction mechanism
second order reaction kinetics for the CO2–aqueous EAE of the CO2 and aqueous EAE is essential. The reaction of
system. It is worth mentioning that most of these studies were CO2 with this sterically hindered amine can be described
performed by using low amine concentrations (0.02 to either by a two-step zwitterion mechanism (32,33) or by a
0.1 kmol=m3) and very scarce information is available on single-step termolecular mechanism (34–36).
the influence of reaction temperature on absorption kinetics.
In addition to the sterically hindered amines, the utiliza- Zwitterion Mechanism
tion of mixed solvents, which consists of a blend of chemical Several research articles related to the analysis of the
and physical absorbents, is considered beneficial towards kinetics of the CO2–aqueous alkanolamines reactions
enhancement of the overall CO2 absorption capacity (31). are available in the published literature (37–40). In case
The mixed solvent owns elevated CO2 absorption capacity of CO2–aqueous EAE system, EAE (denoted here as
which is not limited by the stoichiometry of the reactions, R1R2NH, where R1 ¼ C2H5 and R2 ¼ CH2CH2OH) reacts
especially in case of high CO2 partial pressure. Moreover, with CO2 through the formation of a zwitterion as an
high purity of the treated gas can be achieved with less recir- intermediate:
culation of these solvents, hence, the required desorption
energy and power requisite for transferring these solvents k1
in the system is less. The physical solvent behaves like an CO2 þ R1 R2 NH â R1 R2 Nþ HCOO ð1Þ
activator by increasing the solubility of CO2 in the mixed k1

Deprotonation of zwitterion takes place due to the reaction comparison with the carbamate ions due to the reaction
with base B, which results into carbamate formation (33). of the free EAE molecule with CO2. The rate of reaction
of CO2 and aqueous EAE represented by Eq. (4) does not
R1 R2 Nþ HCOO þ B ! R1 R2 NCOO þ BHþ ð2Þ account for the CO2 reactions with OH and H2O and it
exhibits a fractional order between one and two with respect
Dissociation of aqueous EAE may also occur, which can be to the amine concentration.
represented by: When k1 << k B ðBÞ, zwitterion formation becomes the
rate controlling step and Eq. (4) transformed into:
R1 R2 NH þ H2 O â R1 R2 Nþ H2 þ OH ð3Þ
r ¼ k1 ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ ð10Þ
The rate of absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE can
be derived by applying the steady state principle to the Equation (10) suggests that the reaction is overall of the
intermediate zwitterion: second order (first order with respect
_ to both CO2 and EAE).
In contrast to this, when k1 >> k B ðBÞ, Eq. (4) turns into:
k1 ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ
r¼ ð4Þ
1 þ _k1 _
kB ðBÞ k1 k B ðBÞ
r¼ ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ ð11Þ
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_ k1
where k B ðBÞ represents deprotonation of the zwitterion by
base B (H2O, OH or EAE). Analogous to Eq. (4), the expression represented by Eq. (11)
If the base B in the reaction represented by Eq. (4) is indicates a fractional reaction order between one and
EAE itself, carbamate formation can takes place as: two with respect to EAE concentration. However, if the
involvement of the EAE towards zwitterion deprotonation
R1 R2 Nþ HCOO þ R1 R2 NH â R1 R2 NCOO is substantial as compared with the other bases, the overall
reaction rate will be of the second order with respect to EAE
þ R1 R2 Nþ H2 ð5Þ
The overall reaction, which accounts for the carbamate
Termolecular Mechanism
formation in an aqueous EAE solution, is given by the
Recently, an overview of the termolecular kinetic model
sum of the reactions represented by Eqs. (1) and (5):
for CO2–aqueous amine reactions has been discussed in
CO2 þ 2R1 R2 NH â R1 R2 NCOO þ R1 R2 Nþ H2 ð6Þ detail by Vaidya and Kenig (36). According to this mech-
anism, the aqueous amine reacts simultaneously with both
Bicarbonate formation can takes place if the zwitterion CO2 and the base molecules. Furthermore, this mechanism
reacts more easily with H2O rather than EAE: also believes that the absorption of CO2 in an aqueous
amine proceeds via formation of a slackly bound encounter
R1 R2 Nþ HCOO þ H2 O ! HCO þ
3 þ R1 R2 N H2 ð7Þ complex as an intermediate. For instance, in case of CO2–
aqueous EAE system, the following reaction will occur:
The overall reaction, which accounts for bicarbonate
formation, is given by the sum of the reactions represented CO2 þ R1 R2 NH þ B â ðEncounter complexÞ !
by Eqs. (1) and (7)
R1 R2 NCOO þ BHþ ð12Þ
CO2 þ R1 R2 NH þ H2 O â HCO þ
3 þ R1 R2 N H2 ð8Þ
During the course of this reaction, the major portion of the
In case of EAE, the hydrogen atom of the amino group is encounter complex dissociate into CO2 and EAE, while its
replaced by a larger ethyl group in MEA, which makes small fraction reacts with a second molecule of EAE or
EAE a sterically hindered secondary alkanolamine. Sharma H2O to yield carbamates.
(41,42) reported that the solidity of the carbamates formed Equation (13) represents the forward reaction rate for
by the reaction of CO2 and amine can be influenced by the the termolecular mechanism where H2O, OH and EAE
steric effects. Hence, the carbamates may also readily undergo are the dominating bases:
hydrolysis to form bicarbonates and free amine molecules: 
R1 R2 NCOO þ 
H2 O ! HCO
3 þ R1 R2 NH ð9Þ r ¼ kH2 O ðH2 OÞ þ kOH  ðOH  Þ

As the aqueous EAE solutions exhibit moderate carbamate þ kEAE ðEAEÞ ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ ¼ kobs ðCO2 Þ ð13Þ
stability, the number of bicarbonate ions will increase in

where CO2 from a gas cylinder with a minimum stated purity

 of 99.5% was obtained from Inox Air Products Ltd.,
kobs ¼ kH2 O ðH2 OÞ þ kOH  ðOH  Þ Mumbai, India. Nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitrogen (N2)
 were also ordered from the same vendor. All the chemicals
were used without any pretreatment and all the solutions
were prepared using distilled water.

According to Eq. (13), H2O, OH, EAE, could strongly

affect the CO2–aqueous EAE reaction in parallel. This Experimental Set-Up
equation is analogous with the limiting case of the The experiments pertaining to the kinetics of the absorp-
zwitterion mechanism represented by Eq. (11) and it can tion of CO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent were
also indicate fractional and higher order kinetics (34). carried out in a stirred cell reactor (diameter 97 mm, height
For CO2–aqueous EAE system, deprotonation proceeds 187 mm) as shown in Fig. 1. These experiments were carried
mainly via H2O and=or EAE. When H2O is the dominant out by operating the reactor in a batch mode with flat
base, the reaction is represented by following expression: horizontal gas-liquid interface. The total volume of the reac-
tor was 1450 mL and the interfacial surface area was
_ 7.4  103 m2. The reactor was equipped with a flange made
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

r ¼ kH2 O ðH2 OÞðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ ¼ k ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ ð15Þ up of SS 316 and fabricated by Sharad Autoclave Engineers,
Mumbai, India. A zero leak variable speed magnetic drive
k ¼ kH2 O ðH2 OÞ ð16Þ (Premex Instru., Switzerland) was mounted on this flange.
Provisions were made for the gas and liquid inlet and outlet
Equations (15) and (16) shows that the CO2–aqueous EAE ports and the entire stirred cell assembly was tested to
reaction is of first order with respect to EAE concentration. be leak-proof. A pressure transducer (Trans Instruments,
In contrast to this, when EAE is the most dominant UK, 0–1 bar) was mounted on the flange and coupled with
base, the reaction is of the second order with respect to a data acquisition system which enabled the measurement of
EAE and the corresponding rate expression will be: the fall in CO2 pressure during the absorption reaction. The
uncertainty in the pressure measurement was around
r ¼ kEAE ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ2 ¼ kobs ðCO2 Þ ð17Þ 1 mbar. The reactor was stirred with two disc blade tur-
bine impellers (six blades, diameter 41 mm) mounted on
the same shaft, one each for the gas phase and the liquid
kobs ¼ kEAE ðEAEÞ2 ð18Þ
phase. The stirrer was driven by 1=20 HP geared motor with
When the contribution of H2O and EAE are comparable, a maximum stirring speed of 165 rpm. The speed of
Eq. (13) can be re-written as: agitation could be adjusted to the desired value with an
accuracy of 1 rpm. The impeller speed during kinetic mea-
r ¼ bkH2 O ðH2 OÞ þ kEAE ðEAEÞcðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ surements was limited to a certain rpm so as to ensure that
¼ kobs ðCO2 Þ ð19Þ the gas-liquid interface was undisturbed, which further
results into a geometrically simple and hence exactly known
kobs ¼ bkH2 O ðH2 OÞ þ kEAE ðEAEÞcðEAEÞ ð20Þ

It can be understood from Eqs (13) to (20), that the number

of fitting parameters is less in case of termolecular mech-
anism as compared to the zwitterion mechanism.
Furthermore, it is probable that the reaction mechanism
for the CO2–aqueous EAE system can be explained equally
well by both these mechanisms, whereas the kinetic data
can be fitted to either of these.

MEA (99%) and EAE (99%) used in the experiments
were procured from Merck Co., India. NMP (98%) was FIG. 1. Experimental set-up for kinetics and solubility study. (Color
purchased from S.D. fine chemicals Ltd., Mumbai, India. figure available online)

interfacial area. During the solubility measurements, a CO2 and N2O in water and comparing the results with
Remi Motor with a maximum speed of agitation of the published data. The error between the HCO2 in water
3000 rpm was used. The stirred cell assembly was immersed determined during this investigation and the previously
in a constant temperature water bath to ensure isothermal reported HCO2 in water by Versteeg and van Swaalj (43)
conditions and the temperature was controlled to within was 3%, which is well within the acceptable limit. The
0.1 C of the set point by means of a temperature indicator reproducibility of the results was also examined and the
and controller (TIC). A gas feed coil was immersed in the error in all experimental measurements was observed to
water bath to enable the solute gas to attain the reactor be less than 2%.
temperature prior to being charged inside the reactor.
Experimental Procedure Estimation of Physico-Chemical Properties
A series of experiments were performed to study the To determine kinetic parameters, estimation of physico-
kinetics of the absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE and chemical properties such as density (q) and viscosity (l) of
formulated solvent. The reactor was first charged with the absorbing solvent and solubility (HCO2 ) and diffusivity
250 mL of the absorbing solvent and the reactor contents (DCO2 ) of CO2 in this solvent is necessary. Initially, q and
were allowed to attain the desired absorption temperature. l of aqueous EAE and formulated solvent was measured
CO2 from the gas cylinder was then loaded inside the stirred by using a specific gravity bottle and an Ostwald’s capillary
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

cell reactor at preferred partial pressure which was recorded viscometer. The effect of EAE concentration (0.5 to
with the help of the data acquisition system and this step was 2 kmol=m3) on q and l of these solvents was investigated
considered to be the starting point of the reaction. The reac- at 303 K and the results obtained are shown in Figs. 2a
tor content was then stirred at a pre-determined speed of and 3a. Similarly, the variation in the q and l of solvents
agitation while ensuring that the gas-liquid interface was at different temperatures (from 303 to 318 K) is presented
not disturbed. The decrease in the system pressure due to in Figs. 2b and 3b. From the obtained results, the q and l
reactive absorption of CO2 was monitored with the help of formulated solvent was observed to be always higher as
of pressure transducer and ‘‘PCO2 vs. t’’ data was recorded compared to that of the aqueous EAE at all experimental
for 30 seconds using the data acquisition system. The
‘‘PCO2 vs. t’’ data from t ¼ 5 seconds to t ¼ 25 seconds were
plotted and fitted to a third degree polynomial using the
least squares regression and the rate of absorption of CO2
was calculated with the help of the slope (dPCO2 =dt). This
measurement, which is thoroughly based on the fall in press-
ure of CO2, enables a simple and straight forward esti-
mation of the absorption rate. Further analysis of the
liquid phase is not required and the decrease in the system
pressure is the only factor considered for the evaluation of
kinetic parameters. The reproducibility of the results was
examined and the error in all experimental measurements
was observed to be less than 3%.
All the experiments associated with the measurement of
solubility of N2O in an aqueous EAE and formulated sol-
vent were conducted using the same experimental set-up
shown in Fig. 1. At first, 250 mL of the absorbing solvent
was loaded in the reactor and it allowed attaining the
desired reaction temperature. N2O at a chosen partial press-
ure was charged inside the reactor and the initial pressure
within the stirred cell was recorded with the help of pressure
transducer and the data acquisition system. The reactor
contents were then agitated at higher speeds of 1200 rpm
to ensure an attainment of the equilibrium. The equilibrium
was assumed to be reached when the digital pressure indi-
cator showed a constant reading of the system pressure
for 3 h. This was also confirmed by the ‘‘PCO2 vs. t’’ data FIG. 2. Variation in q of aqueous EAE and formulated solvent
recorded by the data acquisition system. This technique with respect to (a) EAE concentration at 303 K, and (b) temperature at
was validated by performing solubility measurements of (EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3.
DN2 O ¼ ð5:07  106 Þ  exp ð26Þ

By using the results obtained via viscosity measurement, the

DCO2 and DN2 O in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent was
estimated using modified Stokes-Einstein correlation (1,12):
DN2 O  l0:8 a min e ¼ DN2 O  l0:8 H2 O ð27Þ
DCO2  l0:8 a min e
¼ DCO2  l0:8 H2 O ð28Þ

The influence of concentration of EAE and temperature on

DCO2 in these absorbing solvents was experimentally studied
and the results obtained are shown in Fig. 4. The findings
indicate that at all experimental conditions, DCO2 in aqueous
EAE was higher as compared to that of the formulated
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

solvent. It was further observed that as the concentration

of EAE increases from 0.5 to 2 kmol=m3, the DCO2 in both
these solvents decreases by 24%. However, as the tempera-
ture increases from 303 to 318 K, the DCO2 also increases
by a factor of 1.6. The regression analyses of the results
obtained during this study yields into two different math-
ematical expressions for calculating DCO2 and are as follows:
FIG. 3. Variation in l of aqueous EAE and formulated solvent
with respect to (a) EAE concentration at 303 K, and (b) temperature at ðDCO2  1010 ÞEAE ¼ ð3:8345  1024 Þ
(EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3.
0  ðTÞ9:9074 ð29Þ
conditions. It was also realized that due to the increase in
EAE concentration, q of both these solvents was decreased,
whereas, l was increased. Furthermore, from Figs. 2b and
3b it was understood that q and l of both these solvents
was decreased due to the increase in the temperature. By
using the experimental outputs, mathematical correlations
were derived for the estimation of q and l of aqueous
EAE and formulated solvent using linear least-squares
multiple regression analysis and are shown below:

qEAE ¼ ð4752:98Þ  ðEAEÞ0:0111

0  ðTÞ0:2782 ð21Þ

qFS ¼ ð4107:23Þ  ðEAEÞ0:0137

0  ðTÞ0:2478 ð22Þ

lEAE ¼ ð4:0248  1025 Þ  ðEAEÞ0:2447

0  ðTÞ10:2738 ð23Þ

lFS ¼ ð1:3624  1027 Þ  ðEAEÞ0:2661

0  ðTÞ10:7685 ð24Þ

The DCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent was

determined using the N2O analogy. The DCO2 and DN2 O
in water was estimated using the following expressions
reported by Versteeg and van Swaalj (43).
  FIG. 4. Variation in DCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent
DCO2 ¼ ð2:35  106 Þ  exp ð25Þ with respect to (a) EAE concentration at 303 K, and (b) temperature at
T (EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3.

ðDCO2  1010 ÞFS ¼ ð5:1980  1021 Þ

0  ðTÞ8:5472 ð30Þ

The N2O analogy was also used for the estimation of

HCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent (43). First,
the HN2 O in these solvents were assessed by performing
the solubility experiments in the stirred cell reactor
(Fig. 1). The initial and final readings of pressure of N2O
within the reactor were recorded using the data acquisition
system and no alteration in the total pressure of the stirred
cell over an extended period is deemed as the attainment
of the equilibrium. Further, the HCO2 can be computed
according to the following correlation:

HCO2 ¼ c  HN2 O ð31Þ

Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

The solubility measurements were validated by compar-

ing the experimentally obtained HN2 O and HCO2 in water
at 303 K with the published literature. To begin with, the
HCO2 in water was estimated experimentally at 303 K
(2.80  104 kmol=m3 kPa) and it matches very well with FIG. 5. Variation in HCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent
the HCO2 in water reported by Versteeg and van Swaalj with respect to (a) EAE concentration at 303 K, and (b) temperature at
(43). Likewise, the experiments were performed to deter- (EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3.
mine HN2 O in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent and
via N2O analogy, the HCO2 was inferred. The HCO2 in aque-
ous EAE, where (EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3, was evaluated to be Estimation of KL
2.81  104 kmol=m3 kPa at 303 K. Similarly, the HCO2 in In case of physical absorption within a stirred cell
formulated solvent was also determined (4.45  104 reactor, a mass balance for the solute in both the gas and
kmol=m3 kPa at 303 K) and observed to be considerably liquid phase results into the following expression:
higher in comparison with the aqueous EAE. This enhance-
ment in the HCO2 is because of the addition of NMP to  
PðtÞ  Pfinal m0 VL þ VG
aqueous EAE and therefore, formulated solvent seems to In ¼ kL Yt ð34Þ
be more appealing towards absorption of CO2 compared Pinitial  Pfinal VL VG
to aqueous EAE. Figures 5a and 5b shows the alteration
in HCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated solvent with To determine the liquid side mass transfer coefficient (kL),
respect to concentration of EAE and temperature. The the physical absorption of CO2 in water at 303 K was
results presented indicate that the increase in EAE con- studied and the fall in pressure was recorded via data
centration and temperature results into decrease in the acquisition system. To estimate the value of kL, ‘‘ln [(P(t)–
HCO2 in both solvents. Furthermore, Eqs. (32) and (33) Pfinal) = (Pinitial – Pfinal)] vs. t’’ was plotted and with the help
represents the mathematical expressions derived via mul- of the slope which equals to [(m’ VL) þ VG) = (VL VG)] kL
tiple regression analysis for computing the HCO2 in aqueous A and other applicable parameters such as m0 ¼ 0.549 mol=
EAE and formulated solvent. mol, VG ¼ 1200 mL, VL ¼ 250 mL, Y ¼ 7.4  103 m2, the
value of kL was calculated. This value was further corrected
for the aqueous amine solution p using the surface renewal
ðHCO2  104 ÞEAE ¼ ð8:759  1021 Þ theory correlation (kL a D) and the corrected kL was
observed to be 2.018  104 m=s.
0  ðTÞ8:6548 ð32Þ

Reaction Kinetics
ðHCO2  10 ÞFS ¼ ð1:093  10 Þ 23 During CO2 absorption experiments, when concen-
tration of CO2 in bulk liquid is negligible and the resistance
0  ðTÞ9:011 ð33Þ to mass transfer is entirely in the liquid phase, following

relation controls the absorption kinetics: CO2–Aqueous EAE System

The kinetics of the absorption of CO2 in an aqueous EAE
RCO2 ¼ kL ðCO2 ÞE ð35Þ
was investigated by using a stirred cell reactor shown in
where E corresponds to the enhancement factor, which Fig. 1. At first, the experimental set-up and the data acqui-
describes the enhancing effect of chemical reactions on sition system was validated using a well known CO2–aque-
mass transport. In order to determine the kinetic para- ous MEA system. The solubility of CO2 in an aqueous
meters, it is essential that the CO2–amine system should MEA (where, (MEA)0 ¼ 1 and 2 kmol=m3) was estimated
confirm the fast reaction regime without depletion of the at 303 K and observed to be 2.85  104 and 2.72  104
amine at the gas-liquid interface and where E equals to kmol=m3 kPa, which agrees very well with the published
Hatta number (Ha) (44,45). The necessary and sufficient literature. The CO2 absorption experiments were carried
conditions for the fast reaction regime are: out according to the procedure reported in the experimental
section (at 303 K with a speed of agitation equal to 80 rpm).
10 < Ha < ðEi  1Þ ð36Þ The fall in pressure of CO2 due to the absorption in aqueous
MEA was recorded with the help of data acquisition system
For an irreversible reaction of order m with respect to CO2 and the rate of reactive absorption was determined. From
concentration and order n with respect to EAE concen- this, the rate constant for the CO2–aqueous MEA system
tration, the Hatta number can be expressed as: was calculated and observed to be 7356 m3=kmol s, which
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

h i1=2 agreed well with the rate constants reported by Vaidya

ðmþ1Þ DCO2 km;n ðCO2 Þ ðEAEÞn0 and Mahajani (7) and Hikitia et al. (46).
Ha ¼ ð37Þ After validating the experimental technique, the kinetics
of CO2–aqueous EAE system was investigated over the
where km,n represents the reaction rate constant for CO2 – ranges of EAE concentrations (0.5–2 kmol=m3), and tem-
amine system. Furthermore, the enhancement factor for an peratures (303–318 K). In the fast reaction regime, the
instantaneous reaction is: absorption rate is independent of the liquid-side mass trans-
fer coefficient and therefore it should not be influenced by
ðEAEÞ0 DEAE the speed of agitation. We experimentally studied the effect
Ei ¼ 1 þ ð38Þ
zðCO2 ÞDCO2 of speed of agitation on rate of CO2 absorption in aqueous
EAE by varying the speed from 60 to 100 rpm. The results
It is noteworthy that Eq. (38) is valid only if the film theory obtained indicated negligible changes in the absorption rate
is used. due to the variation in the agitation speed, which allows us
For the fast reaction regime, as E equals to Ha, the rate to conclude that the CO2–aqueous EAE system belongs to
of absorption of CO2 in aqueous EAE can be written as: the fast reaction regime. All further experiments related to
 ffi the absorption of CO2 in aqueous EAE were performed at
RCO2 ¼ DCO2 km;n ðCO2 Þmþ1 ðEAEÞn0 ð39Þ a speed of 80 rpm.
ðm þ 1Þ Influence of EAE concentration on rate of absorption of
CO2 in aqueous EAE at 303 K was evaluated experimen-
There is an undisputed agreement among all the investiga- tally and the results obtained are listed in Table 1. From
tors that the reaction order with respect to CO2 is unity these results, an enhancement in the rate absorption of
(38,39). Therefore, CO2 was observed with the increase in concentration of
 ffi EAE. The parameters, Ha and Ei, were estimated by using
RCO2 ¼ ðCO2 Þ DCO2 k1;n ðEAEÞn0 ð40Þ DCO2 and HCO2 in aqueous EAE (Table 1) and the con-
ditions given in Eq. (36) were observed to be satisfied. This
Equation (40) can be re-expressed as: further confirms that the CO2–aqueous EAE system
( )
n belongs to the fast reaction regime. A plot of log
RCO2 1 n o
log ¼ logðk 1;n Þ þ logðEAEÞ0
fRCO2 =½ðCO2 Þ ðDCO2 Þ1=2 g vs log (EAE)0 at 303 K was
ðCO2 ÞðDCO2 Þ1=2 2 2 drawn (Fig. 6) and the slope of this plot equals to 0.5,
ð41Þ thereby suggesting that the order of the reaction with
respect to EAE concentration is equal to one (n ¼ 1). As
By examining the change in RCO2 with respect to concen- the CO2–aqueous EAE system exhibits complex kinetic
tration of EAE, a plot of logfRCO2 =½ðCO2 Þ ðDCO2 Þ1=2 g vs behavior, there is always a conflict between the researchers
log(EAE)0 gives the estimation of k1,n and n. Previously, about the order of the reaction with respect to EAE concen-
several researchers used such plots for the investigation tration (19,28–30). However, by assuming the zwitterion
of CO2 absorption kinetics (1,12,25). formation as the rate controlling step, the observations of

Equilibrium and kinetic characteristics of CO2–aqueous EAE and CO2–formulated solvent systems
at 303 K (Agitation apeed ¼ 80 rpm, PCO2 ¼ 4:0 kPa)
CO2–aqueous EAE system
(EAE)0 HCO2  104 DCO2  1010 RCO2  106 kEAE
(kmol=m3) (kmol=m3 kPa) (m2=s) (kmol=m2 s) (m3=kmol s) Ha Ei
0.5 2.99 16.51 3.22 8786 133 210
1.0 2.94 15.32 4.31 8768 181 426
1.5 2.89 13.83 4.94 8803 211 649
2.0 2.81 13.15 5.41 8808 238 890

CO2–formulated solvent system

(EAE)0 HCO2  104 DCO2  1010 RCO2  106 kapp
(kmol=m3) (kmol=m3 kPa) (m2=s) (kmol=m2 s) (m3=kmol s) Ha Ei
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

0.5 5.11 9.76 4.15 10684 113 122

1.0 4.77 8.42 5.32 9734 141 262
1.5 4.58 7.73 6.08 9418 163 409
2.0 4.45 7.27 6.48 9259 182 562

a first-order dependence of the reaction rates on EAE and Alpler (30) (stopped-flow method). It is worthy of note
concentration is in well agreement with the findings that our value of the rate constant for the reaction of CO2
reported by Vaidya and Kenig (47) and Mimura et al. with aqueous EAE is comparable to that of the reaction
(19). Similar observations were realized at different reaction with aqueous MEA and also matches very well with the
temperatures of 308 to 318 K. one reported by Vaidya and Kenig (47).
The intercept of the plot shown in Fig. 6 indicates a The effect of temperature on rate of absorption of CO2
second order rate constant for the CO2–aqueous EAE sys- in an aqueous EAE was also examined and the results
tem, which equals to 8770 m3=kmol s. From the previously obtained are reported in Table 2. From the results listed,
reported kinetics studies, the harmony between the rate con- it was observed that the absorption rate and kEAE was
stants estimated for the CO2–EAE system is inconsistent. increased by 44% and 77%, respectively, as the temperature
For instance, Li et al. (29) reported the rate constant equal increased from 303 to 318 K. The temperature dependency
to 8000 and 9440 m3=kmol s at 298 and 303 K, whereas of the kEAE was further studied by following the Arrhenius-
Mimura et al. (19) and Bavbek and Alpler (30) observed type expression:
the rate constant values as 4170 and 26200 m3=kmol s at  
298 and 303 K, respectively. It has to be noted that the kEAE ¼ A exp ð42Þ
experimental technique used by Mimura et al. (19) (stirred
cell reactor) was different than Li et al. (29) and Bavbek A plot of ln kEAE vs. 1=T is shown in Fig. 7a and from the
slope of this plot, the activation energy for CO2–aqueous
EAE system was estimated to be 80.2 kJ=mol. Further-
more, Eq. (42) can be rewritten as:
kEAE ¼ 6:013  1017 exp ð43Þ

To compare the rate constants of the CO2–aqueous EAE

and CO2–aqueous MEA systems, kMEA is calculated at dif-
ferent temperatures (303 to 318 K) using the correlation
reported by Hikita et al. (46) (Table 2). It was realized that
at all temperatures, kEAE is considerably higher in com-
parison with kMEA. For instance, at 318 K, kEAE is 2.5 times
FIG. 6. A plot of log fRCO2 =½ðCO2 Þ ðDCO2 Þ1=2 g vs. log (EAE)0 at 303 K. higher as compared with kMEA. Typical CO2–amine

Effect of temperature on equilibrium and kinetic characteristics of CO2–aqueous EAE and
CO2–formulated solvent systems at 80 rpm [(EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3, PCO2 ¼ 4:0 kPa]
CO2–aqueous EAE system
HCO2  104 DCO2  1010 RCO2  106 kEAE kMEA (46)
T (K) (kmol=m3 kPa) (m2=s) (kmol=m2 s) (m3=kmol s) (m3=kmol s)
303 2.81 13.13 5.40 8808 7722
308 2.50 14.17 6.65 15604 10069
313 2.17 17.49 8.28 26013 13019
318 1.86 21.50 9.68 39367 16699

CO2–formulated solvent system

HCO2  104 DCO2  1010 RCO2  106 kapp kNMP
T (K) (kmol=m3 kPa) (m2=s) (kmol=m2 s) (m3=kmol s) (m3=kmol s)
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

303 4.45 7.27 6.53 9261 190

308 3.84 8.36 8.17 16944 536
313 3.32 9.59 10.03 29668 1462
318 2.88 10.99 11.97 49039 3869

absorbers are operated in the temperature range of 323 If the two-step zwitterion mechanism is considered
to 343 K; therefore, the higher value of kEAE as compared appropriate for expressing CO2–aqueous EAE reaction
with the kMEA at elevated temperatures is advantageous kinetics, Eq. (4) can be re-expressed as:
and makes the CO2–aqueous EAE system a promising
candidate for commercial application. k1 ðCO2 ÞðEAEÞ
r¼ k1
1 þ _ _ _
k EAE ðEAEÞþk H2 O ðH2 OÞþk OH  ðOH  Þ

and the observed reaction rate constant, kobs, could be

defined as:
k1 ðEAEÞ
kobs ¼ k1
1 þ _ _ _
k EAE ðEAEÞþk H2 O ðH2 OÞþk OH  ðOH  Þ

The results obtained in this investigation indicate that the

dependency of the reaction rate on EAE concentration is
of the first order. In this circumstance, it is apparent that
the zwitterion
_ formation is the rate determining step and
k1 << k B ðBÞ, which transforms Eq. (45) into:
kobs ¼ k1 ðEAEÞ ð46Þ

The kobs was calculated over the ranges of EAE concentra-

tions (0.5 to 2 kmol m3) and temperatures (303 to 318 K)
and the experimental findings are presented in Figs. 8a
and 8b. These results show increase in kobs due the increase
in EAE concentration and temperature.
Instead of zwitterion mechanism, let us assume that the
termolecular model is the suitable one towards explaining
the kinetics of CO2–aqueous EAE system. As the order
FIG. 7. Arrhenius plot for (a) CO2–aqueous EAE system and (b) CO2– of the reaction with respect to EAE concentration is equal
formulated solvent system. to one, it would be obvious that H2O is the dominant base

absorbing CO2 via both physical and chemical absorption.

The kNMP values were calculated and observed to be equal
to 1462 and 3869 m3=kmol s at 313 and 318 K. As per the
results obtained for CO2–aqueous NMP system, the overall
reaction between CO2 and formulated solvent can be con-
sidered as the reaction between CO2 and EAE in parallel
with the reaction of CO2 with NMP. Therefore, the specific
rate of absorption of CO2 in formulated solvent can be
expressed as:
RCO2 ¼ ðCO2 Þ DCO2 ½kEAE ðEAEÞ þ kNMP ðNMPÞ ð48Þ

RCO2 ¼ ðCO2 Þ DCO2 kapp ðEAEÞ ð49Þ

Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

kapp ¼ kEAE þ ð50Þ

After investigating the CO2–aqueous NMP system, the

absorption of CO2 in formulated solvent was studied over
the range of various EAE concentrations (0.5–2 kmol=m3)
and temperatures (303–318 K). It was observed that the
FIG. 8. Plots of kobs vs. a) (EAE)0 at 303 K and b) T at (EAE)0 ¼ agitation speed in the range of 60 to 100 rpm does not yield
2 kmol=m3.
any change in the CO2 absorption rates. These findings
suggest that the CO2–formulated solvent system also
and the reaction rate can be expressed with the help of belongs to the fast reaction regime and therefore, all
Eqs. (15) and (16). Furthermore, using these equations kobs further experiments were conducted at a speed of 80 rpm.
can be formulated as: The variation in the rate of absorption of CO2 in formu-
lated solvent at 303 K with respect to the change in EAE
_ concentration was examined and the results obtained are
kobs ¼ k ðEAEÞ ð47Þ listed in Table 1. With the increase in the concentration
from 0.5 to 2 kmol=m3, the absorption rate was increased
Equations (46) and (47) agrees reasonably well with each by a factor of 1.56. The parameters, Ha and Ei for the
other and hence, the CO2–aqueous EAE system can be signi- CO2–formulated solvent system were estimated and also
fied evenly by both zwitterion and termolecular mechanisms. reported in Table 1. These calculated parameters satisfy
the conditions given by Eq. (36), which provide added con-
CO2–Formulated Solvent System firmation that this system also belongs to the fast reaction
Similar to CO2–aqueous EAE system, kinetics of the regime.
absorption of CO2 in formulated solvent was also investi- The impact of temperature on the rate of absorption was
gated by using the stirred cell reactor shown in Fig. 1. similarly studied and the results obtained (Table 2) indicate
The role of NMP towards CO2 absorption in a mixed sol- increase in the rate of absorption and kapp with tempera-
vent comprises of MEA þ NMP þ DEG was recently stud- ture. The temperature dependency of kapp was further
ied by Vaidya and Mahajani (7). These authors observed investigated by using the Arrhenius-type expression and
some sort of chemical reaction between CO2 and NMP with the activation energy for CO2–formulated solvent system
kNMP equal to 190 and 536 m3=kmol s at 303 and 308 K, was estimated to be 88.95 kJ=mol (Fig. 7b). The results also
respectively. To confirm these outcomes, two experiments reveal that at all experimental conditions, the rate of
were performed to examine the reactive absorption of absorption of CO2 in formulated solvent is approximately
CO2 in an aqueous solution containing 50 wt% NMP at 20% more as compared to that of the aqueous EAE
313 and 318 K. The experimental findings indicate that (Fig. 9a). Likewise, kapp was also observed to be higher
the CO2 absorption rates were higher in comparison with in comparison with kEAE (Fig. 9b).
the rates expected solely on the basis of physical absorption, The kinetic expressions for the specific rate of absorption
thereby suggesting that the aqueous NMP is active towards of the CO2–aqueous EAE [Eq. (40)] and CO2-formulated

RCO2 ¼ PCO2  HCO2 DCO2 kapp ðEAEÞ ð54Þ

The experimental and predicted rates were compared and

observed to be in well agreement with each other. As
mentioned by Vaidya and Kenig (47), in industrial CO2
absorption packed columns, a fast reaction regime met in
the major portion of this apparatus and hence, the column
design will therefore directly depend on the combined
parameter, for instance, HCO2 ðDCO2 kEAE Þ, which thereby
suggest that the emphasis should be given to the accurate
determination of this lumped parameter.
The end result of this investigation indicate that the
aqueous EAE and formulated solvent are promising
towards bulk removal of CO2 and therefore can be con-
sidered as the substitutes for aqueous MEA in industrial
CO2 absorption packed columns. However, we strongly
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

believe that, in addition to the CO2 absorption rates, all

kinds of other properties such as loading capacity, heat of
reclamation, resistance to thermal and chemical degra-
dation, corrosion to carbon steel, solvent recovery from
degraded solution, effluent treatment of the degraded
material, etc., must be taken into account for the best choice
of the effective CO2 absorbents for commercial application.
FIG. 9. Plots of (a) RCO2 vs. (EAE)0 at 303 K and (b) Rate constant vs. T In this prospective, efforts are underway to study and
at (EAE)0 ¼ 2 kmol=m3.
compare the degradation of various aqueous solutions of
alkanolamines and their blends in presence of O2 and CO2
solvent system [Eq. (49)] can be re-written as: and the effect of addition of hydroxyl radical scavengers
towards solvent stability.
PCO2 1
¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð51Þ
The kinetics of the reactive absorption of CO2 in aqueous
PCO2 1 EAE and formulated solvent was investigated at various
¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 ð52Þ experimental conditions using a stirred cell reactor. The
RCO2 H DCO2 kapp ðEAEÞ0
CO2 reaction of CO2 with aqueous EAE was represented equally
well by both the zwitterion and termolecular mechanisms.
By using Eqs. (51) and (52), plots of ðPCO2 =RCO2 Þ vs. The HCO2 and DCO2 in aqueous EAE and formulated sol-
1= ðEAEÞ0 were drawn for both CO2–aqueous EAE and vent was determined using N2O analogy. The value of kL
CO2–formulated solvent systems at 303 K, respectively. was also estimated and found to be in line with those typical
The plot yields in two straight lines passing through the for stirred cell reactor. The effect of EAE concentration on
origin and would enable calculation of the combined para- the rate of absorption of CO2 in both these solvents was
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
  examined at 303 K and the obtained results indicate
meters HCO2 ðDCO2 kEAE Þ and HCO2 DCO2 kapp . From increase in the absorption rate with the increase in EAE
the slope of the straight line drawn for CO2–aqueous concentration. Furthermore, the reaction of CO2 with aque-
EAE system, the value of HCO2 ðDCO2 kEAE Þ was found ous EAE was observed to be of overall second order, that is,
to be 1.077  106 kmol1=2=m1=2 s kPa. Analogous to this, first orders with respect to both CO2 and EAE concentra-
  tions. At all experimental conditions, the rate of absorption
the value of HCO2 DCO2 kapp was observed to be equal of CO2 was observed to be always higher in formulated
to 1.349  106 kmol1=2=m1=2 s kPa. From these estimated solvents as compared to that of the aqueous EAE solution.
values the reaction rates for the absorption of CO2 in aque- Likewise, the kinetic rate constant kapp was observed to be
ous EAE and formulated solvent can be predicted using the 1.25 times higher in comparison with kEAE during all
following correlations: kinetic measurements. Furthermore, the temperature
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi dependency of kEAE and kapp indicate activation energy
RCO2 ¼ PCO2  HCO2 DCO2 ½kEAE ðEAEÞ ð53Þ equal to 80.2 and 88.95 kJ=mol for CO2–aqueous EAE

and CO2–formulated solvent system, respectively. This (NMP) concentration of NMP, kmol=m3
investigation further highlights the importance of the n order of the reaction with respect to EAE
aqueous blend of chemical and physical solvents towards PCO2 partial pressure of CO2 in bulk gas phase, kPa
gas purification application. r rate of reaction
RCO2 specific rate of absorption of CO2, kmol=m2 s
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS R1R2NH ethylaminoethanol
Dr. Rahul R. Bhosale wishes to acknowledge with T temperature, K
thanks the University Grants Commission, Government t time, s
of India, New Delhi for the financial assistance provided VL volume of liquid phase, mL
during the course of this investigation. VG volume of gas phase, mL
Y slope of the curve used for the estimation of kL
NOMENCLATURE Z stoichiometric coefficient
A interfacial surface area, m2
B base assisting in zwitterion deprotonation
(B) concentration of the base B in bulk liquid, ABBREVIATIONS
kmol=m3 DEA diethanolamine
(CO2) concentration of carbon dioxide, kmol=m3 DEG diethyleneglycol
Downloaded by [University of Qatar] at 01:45 29 September 2013

DEAE diffusivity of EAE in liquid phase, m2=s DEAE diethylaminoethanol

DCO2 diffusivity of CO2 in liquid phase, m2=s DGA diglycolamine
DN2 O diffusivity of N2O in liquid phase, m2=s DIPA diisopropanolamine
E enhancement factor due to chemical reaction EAE ethylaminoethanol
Ei enhancement factor for instantaneous chemical FS formulated solvent
reaction MEA monoethanolamine
EA activation energy, kJ=mol MDEA methyldiethanolamine
(EAE) concentration of EAE, kmol=m3 NMP N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
(EAE)0 initial concentration of EAE, kmol=m3 N 2O nitrous oxide
HCO2 Henry’s law constant (for CO2), kmol=m3 kPa Greek Symbols
HN2 O Henry’s law constant (for N2O), kmol=m3 kPa
l viscosity, m Pas
Ha Hatta number
q density, kg=m3
(H2O) concentration of water, kmol=m3
c ratio of solubility parameter
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