Chapter 1-: Suresh Babu Adiandhra

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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, MTU, Tepi.

Introduction to Power Systems- ECEG-3154

Chapter 1- Fundamentals of power systems
Chapter 1- Fundamentals of power system
 An electric power system is one of the tools of converting and transporting energy.
 Electric energy is an essential ingredient for the industrial and all-round development of any
 It is a converted form of energy
 It is generated centrally in bulk
 It is transmitted economically over long distances.
 It can be adapted easily and efficiently to domestic and industrial applications, particularly for
lighting purposes and mechanical work
 In early days, there was a little demand for electrical energy so that small power stations were
built to supply lighting and heating loads.
 However, the widespread use of electrical energy by modern civilization has necessitated
producing bulk electrical energy economically and efficiently.
 The increased demand of electrical energy can be met by building big power stations at
favorable places where fuel (coal or gas) or water energy is available in abundance. This has
shifted the site of power stations to places quite away from the consumers.
 There is a large network of conductors between the power station and the consumers. This
network can be broadly divided into two parts viz.,
 transmission and
 distribution
 The study of electric power systems is concerned with the generation, transmission, distribution and
utilization of electric power
 An electric power system consists of three principal components:
The generation stations
The transmission lines
The distribution systems
 1st complete power system (Gen., underground cable, fuse, meter and lighting loads) was built
by THAMOS EDISON in New York city in September 1882- DC system (Steam engine-Dc
generator- 59 customers) within area around 1.5km in radius at 110V.
 In 1884 motors (Frank Sprague) were added as loads.
 This DC system was almost completely supressed by AC system by 1886 due to the limitation
of DC system such as
i. High I2R loss (Transmission loss)
ii. High Voltage drop
 L.Gaulard and JD Gibbs of Paris, France developed Transformer and AC power system-
Westinghouse secured rights
 In 1886, William Stanely (Associate of Westinghouse) developed and tested a commercially
practical Transformer and AC distribution system for 150 lamps at Great Barrington,
 In 1889, 1st AC transmission line in North America was put into operation in Oregon b/n
Willamette falls and Portland [1-phase, 4000V, 21 km].
 In 1888, Tesla held several patents on AC motors, generators, Transformers and AC
transmission system and also developed ploy phase systems.
 In 1890s, there was considerable controversy b/n DC and AC
 DC was supported by Edison and AC was supported by Westinghouse.
 At the beginning of 19th century AC won over DC due to the following reasons

Suresh Babu Adiandhra
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, MTU, Tepi. Introduction to Power Systems- ECEG-3154
Chapter 1- Fundamentals of power systems
 Voltage levels can be easily transformed in AC
 AC generators and motors are simple and cheaper than that of DC.
 1st 3-phase line developed in 1883 in North America and 2300V, 12km in Southern California.
 In early days frequency was- 25, 50, 60, 125 and 133 Hz; was standardized as 60Hz and 50Hz in
rest of the world.
 In early days Voltages were- 12, 44 and 60kV; later raised to
 35kV-1966--- in US-1969
 The industry has standardized the voltage levels to
115kV, 138kV,161 kV and 230kV- H.V.
345kV, 500kV and 765kV---E.H.V.
>735kV ----- U.H.V.
 Generating stations and distribution systems are connected through transmission lines
 The transmission system of a particular area (e.g. state) is known as a grid
 Different grids are interconnected through tie-lines to form a regional grid (also called power
 Different regional grids are further connected to form a national grid
 Interconnected operation is always economical and reliable
o Economic advantage of interconnection is to reduce the reserve generation capacity in
each area
o If there is a sudden increase of load or loss of generation in one area, it is possible to
borrow power from adjoining interconnected area
o To meet sudden increases in load, a certain amount of generating capacity ( in each
area) known as the “spinning reserve” is required. This consists of generators running at
normal speed and ready to supply power instantaneously
 Cooperative assistance is one of the planned benefits of interconnected operation
 Interconnected operation also gives the flexibility to meet unexpected emergency loads


 Generation, transmission and distribution are the main components of an electric power system
 The large network of conductors between the power station and the consumers can be broadly
divided into two parts viz.,
 Transmission system and
 Primary transmission
 Secondary transmission
 Distribution system.
 Primary distribution system
 Secondary distribution system
 Transmission lines implies the bulk transfer of power by high voltage links b/n main load
 Distribution system is mainly responsible for the conveyance of this power to the consumers by
means of lower voltage networks
Generating station/Power plants:
 Power generated by 3-phase synchronous generators which are in parallel at 11kV
 Very next to the power plant this voltage stepped up to 132kV or 220kV or 400kV or more
(depends on the amount of power to be transmitted) by 3-phase power transformers.
Suresh Babu Adiandhra
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, MTU, Tepi. Introduction to Power Systems- ECEG-3154
Chapter 1- Fundamentals of power systems
Primary transmission:
 The power transmitted at 132kV or 220kV or 400kV or more (depends on the amount of
power to be transmitted) by 3-phase overhead transmission lines.

Secondary transmission:
 The primary transmission terminates at Receiving station where the voltage reduced to 33kV or
66kV (depends on the amount of power to be transmitted).
 From this receiving station the transmitted to large consumers by 3-ph,3-wire overhead
transmission lines and this forms the secondary transmission.
Primary distribution:
 The secondary transmission line terminates at the sub-station (SS)
where voltage is reduced from 33 kV to 11kV, 3-phase, 3-wire. The 11 kV lines run along the
important road sides of the city. This forms the primary distribution. It may be noted that big
consumers (having demand more than 50 kW) are generally supplied power at 11 kV for further
handling with their own sub-stations.
Secondary distribution:
 The electric power from primary distribution line (11 kV) is delivered to distribution sub-
stations (DS). These sub-stations are located near the consumers’ localities and step down the
voltage to 400 V, 3-phase, 4-wire for secondary distribution.
 The voltage between any two phases is 415 V and between any phase and neutral is 230 V.
 The single-phase residential lighting load is connected between any one phase and neutral,
whereas 3-phase, 415 V motor load is connected across 3-phase lines directly.
 The secondary distribution system consists of feeders, distributors and service mains.
 Fig. shows the elements of low voltage
distribution system. Feeders (SC or SA)
radiating from the distribution sub-station (DS) supply power to the distributors (AB, BC, CD
and AD). No consumer is given direct connection from the feeders.
 Instead, the consumers are connected to the distributors through their service mains.

Suresh Babu Adiandhra
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, MTU, Tepi. Introduction to Power Systems- ECEG-3154
Chapter 1- Fundamentals of power systems


DC Transmission System AC Transmission System
It requires only two conductors for transmission as An a.c. line requires more copper than a d.c.
compared to three for a.c. transmission line
Ground may be used as return The construction of a.c. transmission line is
more complicated than a d.c. transmission line
No inductance, capacitance and phase displacement An a.c. line has capacitance. Therefore, there is
problem in d.c. transmission a continuous loss of power due to charging
current even when the line is open
There is no skin effect in a d.c. system. Therefore, Due to skin effect in the a.c. system, the
entire cross section of the line conductor is utilized effective resistance of the line is increased
A d.c. line has less corona loss and reduced Corona loss and proximity effect are present.
interference with communication ckts
For the same working voltage, the potential stress
on the insulation is less in case of d.c. system than
that in a.c. system. Therefore, a d.c. line requires less
The high voltage d.c. transmission is free from the
dielectric losses, particularly in the case of cables
In d.c. transmission, there are no stability problems
and synchronizing difficulties
Greater power/conductor and simple line
Electric power can not be generated at high d.c. The power can be generated at high voltages
voltage due to commutation problems
The d.c. voltage can not be stepped up for The a.c. voltage can be stepped up or stepped
transmission of power at high voltage down by transformer easily and efficiently. This
permits to transmit power at high voltages and
distribute it at safe potentials
The d.c. switches and ckt breakers have their own The maintenance of a.c. substations is easy and
limitations and are costly cheaper
Require Convertors which need reactive power Distribution by a.c. system is undoubtedly
support and filters for harmonic elimination superior to that by d.c. system as in a.c. system
voltage control is easy by means of
**Electrical energy is almost exclusively, generated, transmitted and distributed in the form of a.c.

Suresh Babu Adiandhra

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