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Identifying the Religious Spirit (Mindset)

Living Water Christian Fellowship Notes

April 27th 2008

I. Introduction: (Rom 12:1-3) (Matt 23)

II. Definition:

A religious spirit (mindset) seeks to substitute religious activity for the

power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God in the believer’s life. The
primary objective of a Religious Spirit (mindset) is to have the church
“maintain an outward form of Godliness, while denying the power of
the Holy Spirit. (1 Tim 3:5) This is accomplished by seeking to replace
true repentance and grace, with religious performance and works

In summery

• Performance oriented with self and others

• Relies on religious activity rather than the Holy Spirit
• High on truth and low on grace
• Rooted in religious competition and pride
• Thrives on legalism

III. The Symptoms of a Religious Spirit (mindset):

1. It is more committed to religious tradition (rules) rather than
obeying the scripture (Mat 15:2-9)

2. Routinely confuse their individual preferences (things of

men) for biblical precepts (things of God) (Mat 16:21-23)

3. Legalism: Focuses on external formulas as a way to gain

God’s approval (Gal 5:1-6)

4. Perfectionism: Has a ridged idealistic view of the way things

or people should/ought to be. (Mat 23:1-4)

5. Judgmentalism: Will choose to reject and not join anything

that he or she does not deem as being perfect and is
constantly looking for something/someone to correct (John

6. Idealism: Will often see as his/her primary mission as

correcting what is wrong with ministries and individuals
rather than seeing what is right (Luke 7:37-39)

7. Agnosticism: Dismisses spiritual manifestations and realities

as untrue, emotional, or fanatical (Eph 1:17-18)

8. Fanaticism: Views the will of God through external

manifestations rather than on Kingdom principles
9. Elitism: Believes that he/she is closer to God than other
people and on the cutting edge of what God is doing.
Believes that their church is superior to others

10.Existentialism: Rejects God-given authority, (protection)

structure and institution (1 Pet 2:13-16) Notes
11.Will have the tendency to resist and oppose anything new in
the church

12.Will adopt a philosophy that will not listen to men, but “only
to God”

13.Will resist a Godly rebuke from individuals that they judge

less “spiritually” mature

14.Thrives on recognition and the approval of men (Mat 6:5)

15.Believes that he/she can never measure up to the Lord’s

standards. Creates a performance mindset that keeps a
religious scorecard

16.Will Glory more in what God has done rather than what God
is doing

17.Will make excuses that none of this list applies to them

18.Will think of other individuals while reading this list

IV. How to be delivered from a Religious Spirit:

1. Ask God to reveal places of sin in you

2. Repent and confess it to God

3. Look for ways to minister and serve in the secret places

4. Actively serve the community and ministries. Pursue Unity!

5. Do not resist the move of the Spirit if it does not fit your
tradition or preferences. Embrace the ministry of the Spirit

6. Refuse to judge self/others/ministries by the outward


7. Purpose to see other people and churches as better than

yourself in the humility of Spirit
8. When problems arise… intercede

9. Embrace optimism and reject criticism/negativity

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