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NAME:​ Atindra Nath Sarkar

ROLL: ​11705517051 (AEIE2017/056)

YEAR:​ 3rd Year ; ​SEMESTER:​ 6th Semester
DEPARTMENT:​ Applied Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering

Experiment NO.: 05

AIM​: To understand working of PID function block.

● To understand proportional, integral and derivative control actions
● To study working of PID instruction using PLC simulator
● To observe the effect of change in Proportional Band, Integral gain and Derivative
gain values on PID performance

Study of PID controller instruction for a pilot plant

Programmable logic controller, were originally designed to implement discrete or logical

control. But it has limited capability of handling analog input and outputs as well as analog
control. PID control is available in PLC as a function.

PID: Continuous Control

There are 3 basic actions in PID.
● Proportional
● Integral
● Derivative

Proportional mode​: -
In this mode the controller output varies linearly with respect to the error.
The equation for P mode is

m = Kp * e + Po

m is the controller output.
Kp is the gain of controller
e is the error in %
Po is the proportional Bias. (Value of m, at e =0)
Due to addition of proportional bias, positive as well as negative errors are handled.
Generally Po is set at 50% to handle equal positive and negative error range. Higher is the
gain lower is the band to control.
Integral mode​: -
Integral mode is used to remove the offset produced due to P mode. Offset can either be
positive and negative.
Equation for Integral mode is

Ti is the integral time setting and t is the time.
When this action is used alone due to integral effect the action becomes too slow. When
combined with Proportional, the action may go into saturation which is called as Reset
Windup. To overcome this, controller output is limited at lower and higher end. This is called
as Anti reset windup. But due to addition of Integral action Offset is nullified.

Derivative mode​:-
This action is used to increase the speed of response of slow processes. It anticipates the
rate of change of error and takes the control action.
Equation for Derivative mode is

Td is the derivative time.
Set Point can be achieved quickly by using D mode. In noisy environment this action is not
used as the output goes into saturated condition. Even for constant error D action provides
no correction, hence not preferred alone. It is always combined with P action.
Composite controller, i.e. P, I and D adds advantages of all the three modes.
The Equation for the combined controller depends on how P, I, D blocks are combined.
There are two commonly used configurations, Non-interacting and Parallel.

Non-interacting PID controller algorithm​:

The equation for non-interacting controller is

Parallel PID controller algorithm​:

The equation for parallel algorithm is

Loop tuning time can be optimized by using proper combination of PB, Ti and Td

The process parameter analog value (PV) is given as input to the block. Various settings
such direct or reverse action, Proportional band setting, Set point value, Proportional band,
Proportional gain, Derivative gain, Integral gain etc. are configurable parameters available in
PID function.


PART 1​: Configuring the PID Controller.
PART 2:​ Here, the Input Level Value given is 25. (Before Toggle Condition)
PART 3:​ After toggling, that is, when the Switched turned ON, the Output of the PID
Controller came out to be 97.75

This process can be repeated several times, with several other input values and
different manual tuning configuration of PID Controller, to know how PID Controller
actually functions.


Q1. Explain necessity of controller in feedback control loop.

Answer: -

A feedback controller measures the output of a process and then manipulates the input as
needed to drive the process variable toward the desired set-point. A controller reacts to
set-point changes initiated by the operators as well as random disturbances to the process
variable caused by external forces. It repeats this measure-decide-actuate sequence over
and over until the process variable matches the set-point.

Q2.​ ​What is PID Tuning?

Answer: -

PID tuning is the process of finding the values of proportional, integral, and derivative gains
of a PID controller to achieve desired performance and meet design requirements.
When a PID controller is tuned optimally, the device minimizes deviation from the set point,
and responds to disturbances or set point changes quickly but with minimal overshoot.
There are three PID Tuning Methods
● Manual Tuning
● Tuning Heuristics
● Auto Tune

Q3. What do you understand by the terms interacting and non-interacting system?

Answer: -

Non-Interacting System: For a Non-Interacting System the input may directly relate to an
intermediate variable which can be related to one or more other intermediate variables in
perfect succession until it reaches the output variable Y.
This we can see in the System, which are in pure series.
For example: ​X A B Y
X = Input
A, B = Intermediate variables
Y = Output.
Here, at each stage of variable the input gets affected and ultimately output Y is obtained.

Interacting System: For an Interacting System there also persist several intermediate
variables, before the process reaches the output Y, but, there are some variables in the left
or in the beginning is the function of the variable that comes afterwards.

For example: ​X A B Y
X = Input
A, B = Intermediate variables
Y = Output.
Now, here, if the variable ​B​ is the function of ​A​, this creates an interaction between all of the

Q4. Explain merits and demerits of P, I and D actions.

Answer: -

Advantages of P (Proportional) Controller:

● The proportional controller helps in reducing the steady-state error, thus makes the
system more stable.
● The slow response of the overdamped system can be made faster with the help of
these controllers.
Disadvantages of P (Proportional) Controller:
● Due to the presence of these controllers, we get some offsets in the system.
● Proportional controllers also increase the maximum overshoot of the system.

Advantages of I (Integral) Controller:

● Due to their unique ability, Integral Controllers can return the controlled variable back
to the exact set point following a disturbance that’s why these are known as reset

Disadvantages of I (Integral) Controller:

● It tends to make the system unstable because it responds slowly towards the
produced error.

Advantages of D (Derivative) Controller:

● The major advantage of a derivative controller is that it improves the transient
response of the system.

Disadvantages of D (Derivative) Controller:

● It never improves the steady-state error.
● It produces saturation effects and also amplifies the noise signals produced in the

Q5. What is ‘Reset windup’ and ‘Anti Reset Windup’?

Answer: -

Reset Windup​: Integral windup, also known as integrator windup or reset windup, refers to
the situation in a PID feedback controller where a large change in set point occurs (say a
positive change) and the integral terms accumulates a significant error during the rise
(windup), thus overshooting and continuing to increase as this accumulated error is
unwound (offset by errors in the other direction). The specific problem is the excess

Anti-Reset Windup​: The integral windup problem is recognized when the feedback (error)
falls down and get back into the controller effective zone. The controller signal will take
longer time to fall down and no more following the feedback.
To solve this problem, you have to stop the integral controller from accumulating when the
controller reaches its limits. There are several anti-windup methods. For example,
Back-calculation method ​simply limits the controller output (using its saturation values),
then as long as the controller is out of range, it internally discharges the integral term using
an internal feedback.

The above experiment is conducted successfully. All the values are noted. A knowledge
about PID Controller action is obtained.


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