Simplifying Health Care: The Body Heals Itself, Part I: The Human Genome Is Contolled

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Simplifying Health Care: The Body Heals Itself

Part I: The Human Genome Is Controlled

Patricia A. Daniels

INTRODUCTION/RATIONALE seemingly impossible task; that is, to take research to

Can you imagine what it would mean if our body could another level. To those who have preceded me, I wish to
heal itself? If it could regenerate, repair, and maintain a express my gratitude.
state of constant health? If the body could manufacture
and utilize whatever it needed including food your body BACKGROUND
could assimilate and medication tailored for your needs? For years I had studied as many as I could of the
alternative, complimentary and integrative approaches to
The premise of this paper is about the seeming inability of traditional allopathic medicine including the medical
the body to heal itself. If the body is able to heal a wound, practices of other cultures, hoping all the while that I
mend a broken bone, or create new pathways in the brain, would find the reason why it is that we are unable to heal.
etc., why is this same body not able to heal its entirety? But success had evaded me. By March of 2001, several
By this, I am referring not to managed illness, but to a things had become apparent.
state in which the body is able to regenerate, repair, and 1. I realized that I had been running in circles.
maintain itself. 2. That control of our own body no longer
appeared in our own hands.
My hypothesis: Something is interfering with the ability 3. That the answers to which I had been seeking
of the ability of the body to heal itself. The following were not going to be found in the physical plane.
questions helped guide me as I delved deeper and more 4. That we have the ability to manage illness, but
intensely into my search: not to heal it.
 What is going on? And why? 5. That we have the where with all to prolong life,
 Who/what is involved? but it is the disintegration of the quality of life
 How is this being done? that remains the challenge.
 How far back does this go? 6. That the cost to the individual and society is
 Is this a control issue? mind-boggling.
 Why is medical science still stymied? 7. That traditional allopathic medicine is too big to
 Why does this appear to be a losing battle? fail us; but it has.
 Why have we been so willing to accept less? 8. Yet, we accept this.
 What changes need to be made to shift the
balance of power back into our hands?
In the paper which I published September 8, 2010 entitled,
METHOD OF REPORTING The Big Bang, a Black Hole and the Last Echo, I spent
Personal research over the past ten years has led me to much time addressing the need to use all of our senses,
open new vistas making discoveries at almost every point. not just half of them. When one uses only some of his
The following represents but a small portion of the senses he sees only a portion of our existence. Because of
preparatory work, planning, analyzing, research, and these personal and societal imposed limitations, we too
discoveries I have made. Because of its nature, I have had often miss those items for which we have been searching.
to dispense with traditional design, traditional reporting This applies to the entire medical field from research to
procedure, traditional structural format, and traditional treatment.
analysis simply because this material does not lend itself
to anything in existence. The methodologies I have As the answers to the health care issue were not
employed are as ground breaking as are the results. forthcoming on the outer plane, traversing the inner plane
was the only other option. This was a procedure I had
Of major importance to me are all those whose been using with my clients for the past fourteen years.
contributions have made it possible for me to take on a Thus, my journey continued.

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A NEW FRONTIER eluding detection and wresting control of as
Having treated the realm of the inner plane, the much of the Human Genome as is needed to
accomplish dominion. Because of this strand,
subconscious, with the utmost respect, I was surprised
the body has been unable to regenerate, repair,
when the format seemed to shift. Unlike previous and maintain itself.
experiences, I found myself in an area of the subconscious
I had never known existed. Even my genetic trail, A DECADE LATER
reflecting this experience, had shifted. I soon found that Extremely frustrated by the seemingly endless circles in
my genetic code was triple tiered, layered and fraught which I had been traveling, but without a viable
with complications. In retrospect I realized that I had alternative, I continued to play along. After all it had been
opened a new portal, crossed a boundary, the Big Bang, and continued to be an experience of discovery.
and moved into a territory that we had kept hidden from Intuitively, I knew that this “endless” journey was a part of
ourselves. We had a secret past. the process and represented what I needed in order to
understand the goals and strategies of what I now call
What had happened? Why the secret? What are the CGS1614.
implications? How does this play a role in the body’s ability
to heal itself? THE DISCOVERY OF CGS1614
Then I saw it. As I was an adept clairvoyant, my field of
MORE VARIABLES vision was suddenly filled with three strands of genetic
It is important to note that the dimension of time did not material, joined as if it were a pinwheel. As I studied this
exist in our first plane of existence. As such there was no unusual genetic configuration, my visual field shifted once
physical expression, no “cause and effect” nor any “if, again allowing me to see each of the three strands
then” relationship. Things happened, but seemingly all at independently. I was also able to see that each of these
once. In order to understand much of what I am writing, I strands was comprised of a liner sequence of cells. It was
have had to play and replay this experience until I was able no surprise when next a single genetic strand filled my
to wrap my consciousness around it. From conception to screen. I had been witnessing the mysterious and complex
the Big Bang not even a split second took place. means by which CGS1614 is able to disguise itself.

Once again, this history or this piece of our genetic code is As the first plane of our existence had but a simple history,
not missing from the Human Genome; it just cannot be one without the dimension of time, the genetics were
seen with the physical eyes. Then again we really do not simple. No complicated structure. No genes, nor
want to see it. chromosomes. This previously unseen, highly adaptable
compound genetic strand was part of my genetic code and
DEFINITIONS the genetic code of each of us. CGS1614, which I had just
To avoid any misunderstanding I have chosen to discovered, was the long sought missing link as the current
define the following terms: structure of the Human Genome has raised questions that
 DYNAMIS only it could address. It might not have been seen, but its
From the Greek meaning movement from effects have been.
potential to actual. The restoration of the
body’s ability to communicate with all parts HOW DOES CGS1614 OPERATE?
of itself without interference. The body is The obsessive need for power and control that began in
now able to heal itself. The state of health. the first plane of our existence is being played out once
 HEALTH again in the physical realm; only this time it is happening
Health is a state in which all parts of the genetically. We are and have been under siege since the
body are able to communicate with each human form came into existence. CGS1614 is the
other without interference. Because of that commander in charge; the quarry is our genetic code or
state the body is able to regenerate, repair, Human Genome.
and maintain itself. The state of Dynamis.
 CGS1614 And that is only the beginning. Not only does it have the
The name given to the Compound Genetic
ability to shape shift, but it also has the power to plant
Strand that up until now had been successful in

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suggestion; thereby making us our own worst enemy. Not SUMMARY
only are we being victimized, but a part of us has been If we deny the fact that we had an existence prior to the
aiding and abetting the process. In the truest sense it is advent of the physical world, how can we accept the newly
the perfect oppressor. discovered CGS1614, an aggressive genetic strand from
that past responsible for the oppressive state in which we
Thus, CGS1614 is able to control us via our genetics. find ourselves? As we have not been able to see it, we
Wielding power in that manner also enables CGS1614 to have labored under the impression that it did not exist,
destroy that which it cannot conquer. once again fooling ourselves. Ever since the advent of
1. As it is without a moral base, it operates by any mankind, CGS1614 has been diligently at work, controlling
means at its disposal. us by holding the rest of our genetic structure hostage.
2. If it can control with minimal effort, a symbiotic Yet, denial remains an option. And nothing new.
relationship is established. For many this is the
only option. Perhaps we need to call this “the era of genetic
3. As its structure permits, it is able to operate as a oppression” as this phrase best describes the situation in
single unit, as a collective or as three which we now find ourselves. Enmeshed in conflict and
independent units all of which enable it to confused by the messages it receives, the ability of the
switch its governing mode as needed. Its ability body to heal or to achieve the state of Dynamis has been
to disguise itself or simulate any other genetic thwarted.
unit makes it virtually impossible to find or
identify. Still remaining is the question as to whether or not the
4. It is no challenge for CGS1614 to activate an majority of us want to heal. If we want the balance of
existing illness from our genetic inventory. power to shift, returning to us the ability to heal ourselves,
5. With regard to illness it controls the onset and we not only have to want it more than anything else, but
the resets. we also have to be willing to move beyond the resistance
6. It can determine whether or not a prescribed that lies within each of us. Part II of this series will present
medication will be effective. the rationale and the means by which Dynamis, the ability
7. As its prime target is genetic control, disabling of the body to heal itself, is set free.
the body’s ability to regenerate, repair and
maintain itself is easily accomplished. NOTE
8. Essentially CGS1614 controls life, its quality, the The attempt was made on my part to make this paper,
aging process, and death. Simplifying Health Care: The Body Heals Itself, a stand-
alone paper by summarizing material I deemed necessary
MEDICAL IMPLICATION for understanding from my first paper. Those still wishing
What better way to control us, if not by illness? How do to read that paper, The Big Bang, a Black Hole, and
we stop something we cannot find, is almost impossible to the Last Echo, can read or download it at the link:
identify, and laughs at our seeming incompetence? As
such, the implication for the field of medicine is quite Black-Hole-And-the-Last-Echo or at and
challenging. The only way to stop CGS164 would be by the typing in Patricia A. Daniels.
body’s ability to heal itself. Unfortunately that function
has been compromised.
Simplify, Healthcare, Health Care, Human Genome,
Genetic Control, alternative, complimentary, integrative,
If we heal, we can no longer hide from our choices.
Allopathic Medicine, Genetic Strand, Genetic Oppression,
Because of that we live in fear, even terror. It can be the
CGS1614, Compound Genetic Strand, Dynamis, pinwheel,
fear of dying or the process of dying. It can be the fear of
secret past, Black Hole, Big Bang, Last Echo, illness,
confronting the past. It can be the fear of suffering,
control, power, regenerate, repair, plane, heal itself, shape
helplessness, guilt, or shame. It can be the fear of
shift, hostage, heal itself, resistance
judgment or retribution. Or it can be the fear of God. The
list is as endless as are our perceptions.

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