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...en donde ser persona es tan... tan, pero tan importante...

Name of the student:
Date: Grade: 9th
Subject: Score:
Teacher´s name: Paula Andrea Torres Torres
Observations: Mid term exam second term


PART 02: You will hear some people given their opinion about if male and females
can be best friends. Mark with “X” your answer.

Instrucciones para la elaboración de la evaluación.

1. Debes leer atentamente la evaluación para hacerte una idea de esta y así distribuir
adecuadamente tu tiempo.
2. Lee cada pregunta hasta estar seguro de comprender no solo lo que se pide, sino cómo
debes realizarlo.
3. Debes marcar la respuesta adecuada a cada pregunta
4. Las respuestas deben estar marcadas, con bolígrafo (Respuestas a lápiz no son objeto de
reclamación por parte del estudiante)
5. Debes tener cuidado al marcar la respuesta, respuestas dobles o con tachones no serán
tenidas en cuenta y se contarán como erradas.
6. Antes de entregar la evaluación, revisa de nuevo todas las respuestas.
7. No se permite el uso de ninguna ayuda digital, documental, audiovisual, entre otras.
8. Todo fraude será manejado según el Manual de Formación y Convivencia Humana y la
nota será la mínima de la escala.
9. La evaluación está programada para una hora no entregues de afán ni la resuelvas a la

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) Lindsay says her best friend is a _______ . 

 a) male
 b) female

2) Katia thinks it is _______ for men and women to be best friends. 

 a) an issue
 b) alright

3) Matt says they can be _______ . 

 a) if they are married to each other

 b) unless they are married

4) Warren thinks it is _____ . 

 a) not an issue

 b) unlikely

5) Sarah thinks they can be best friends ______ . 

 a) only for a short time

 b) for life

6) Sunny thinks it is difficult because of _______ . 

 a) jealousy
 b) traditions

7) Most people think that it is _____ . 

 a) not a problem

 b) not a good idea
 c) not legal these days
Taken from



Put the sentences given in the correct group.
It stared in California.
There are more guys than guys doing it.
A big event for this sports is held in wales,
This sport involves doin tricks in the air.
There are strong influences from other, similar sport.


It´s becoming popular I UK.
This sport began in the 1930s.
There are more girls than guys doing it.
When you complete, you score points for your team.
The clothes people wear for this sport have changed.

Multiple choice questions: Based on the interview, answer the following questions,
mark with “X” the right answer:

a. People are talking about these sports because .

they are becoming more and more popular
they might be included in the 2020 Olympics
a lot of people are getting injured doing them

b. In wakeboarding the rider is attached to ________.

the board
another rider
a speed-boat

c. In wakeboarding 1260 degree spins are ________.

surprisingly easy

d. Wakestock festival in Wales ________.

has a similar feel to California

is a good place to see the best riders
is really cool but not many people know about it yet

e. Wakeboarding tricks ________.

are unique to the sport

have different names to skateboarding and surfing moves
are often the same as skateboarding and surfing ones

SECTION 02. READING: In this section of the test, you will find a couple of
readings related with the topics studied. Read carefully and mark with an “X” the
correct answer.

In this part, you must match five people to eight texts.

The people all want to attend a course. Read the descriptions of eight
courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for each person. For
Questions 1-5, select the best course.

A - Form and Colour This is year-long course is perfect for people who
want to learn about how to use a camera and who want to take it up as a
profession.  Students will learn how to use light and shade, colour and different
shapes.  The course will also teach students to change their work using computer
technology.  Tips will be given on how best to get started in the profession.
B - Practice makes Perfect Learn about how to use computer software to
make your work life easier.  This course is designed for people who use computers
regularly as part of their career, but who feel they are unable to make the most of
the technology.  Learn about new software for storing documents and photographs
and keeping records.  This evening class runs for ten weeks from September to
C - Armchair Explorer This is a series of daytime lectures by people who
have lived and worked in wild places.  Each of the six talks will focus on a different
continent.  Lecturers will show photographs of the animals and plants, and explain
why they are only found in one area.  Lecturers will include Leo Holland, a scientist
from the Antarctic project, and Milly Oliphant, who researches birds in the Amazon
rainforest.  Tea and Biscuits provided.
D - Art Starter Are you interested in a career in art?  If so, this full-time,
eight-week course will be perfect for you.  Learn about different methods used by
artists, including painting, drawing, photography and computer design.  Artists will
create work for an exhibition which will be displayed in the Town Hall for one month
in September.  Top businessmen and women from the design industry will be
invited to attend the exhibition, so this could be a great start to your career!
E - Wild Design Whether you want a career in art, or you just want to enjoy
your hobby, this holiday course is for you.  Wild Design is a two-week summer
course situated on the wild coast of South Wales.  We teach all kinds of art,
including photography and painting, and the wild sea, beautiful flowers and great
wildlife will definitely give you lots of creative ideas.  Even if you already have a
good understanding of art, you are sure to learn something new from our team of
professional tutors. 
F - Explore your Imagination Do you want to show your friends a
photograph of you beside the Egyptian pyramids or in the jungles of Borneo?  Well
now you can tell your friends that you have travelled the world without actually
leaving the country!  Join this evening class and learn how to use the latest
technology and software to change photographs to a professional standard.  You
will also learn how to make your own computer designs using the computer
programmes used by professionals.
G - Technology for You Do you feel as if everyone is using a computer
except you? Join in this five-day course and learn the basics.  You’ll learn how to
store your personal files, send emails and use simple programmes to write and
print letters.  In the afternoons you will have the choice of either learning how to
make Birthday Cards and other designs on a computer, or you can join our ‘Basic
computers for Work’ class.
H - Wildlife Photographer Travel to a different wild place every week and
learn how to take photographs of animals, plants and scenery.  Our expert teachers
will advise you how to take the best pictures.  This course will run for six weeks on
Saturdays.  Students should already have a good understanding of photography
and their own equipment.  The class is suitable for everyone, as there is very little
walking involve.
Question 1: Harriet is 71, and is interested in painting and drawing. She would like
to go somewhere in the summer where she can learn new tips and paint attractive
 A - Form and Colour
 B - Practice makes Perfect
 C - Armchair Explorer
 D - Art Starter
 E - Wild Design
 F - Explore your Imagination
 G - Technology for You
 H - Wildlife Photographer
Question 2    Belinda works for a large Art Company and she feels she needs to improve
her computer skills. She already has a basic understanding of some common computer
programmes, but she wants to learn how to organise her work and store information.

 A - Form and Colour

 B - Practice makes Perfect
 C - Armchair Explorer
 D - Art Starter
 E - Wild Design
 F - Explore your Imagination
 G - Technology for You
 H - Wildlife Photographer
Question 3    Jenny is interested in a career in design, and wants to learn how to create
art and change photographs using special computer programmes. She wants a course
that will fit into her normal school day.

 A - Form and Colour

 B - Practice makes Perfect
 C - Armchair Explorer
 D - Art Starter
 E - Wild Design
 F - Explore your Imagination
 G - Technology for You
 H - Wildlife Photographer

Question 4   George is unable to travel because he has difficulty walking, but he wants to
learn more about the wildlife and scenery in different parts of the world.

 A - Form and Colour

 B - Practice makes Perfect
 C - Armchair Explorer
 D - Art Starter
 E - Wild Design
 F - Explore your Imagination
 G - Technology for You
 H - Wildlife Photographer
Question 5    Chris wants a change in career, so he’s looking for a full-time
course in which he can learn everything there is to know about photography and how to
use computers to change and sell his work.

 A - Form and Colour

 B - Practice makes Perfect
 C - Armchair Explorer
 D - Art Starter
 E - Wild Design
 F - Explore your Imagination
 G - Technology for You
 H - Wildlife Photographer


What is special about the mall:

As they already tell us at the beginning, it is the largest shopping center in the world in addition
to a few other characteristics mentioned, such as that there are many types of stores for all
types of people.______________________________________________________________
Five sentences have been removed from the previous text. For each question choose the
correct answer. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to use. Write your
answers in the text.

a. You can get anything you like.(3)

b. They charge a lot of money to do this.
c. We can´t afford to buy much there, even when there are discounts or promotions,(1)
d. That´s just outside the mall, too.(5)
e. Sometimes my friends an I share one.(4)
f. My favourite one is a new skirt I bought.
g. I don´t buy my friends sometimes do.
h. There are customer service desks, too, where you can ask for directions.(2)

In this part of the test you will find several grammar exercises. Please read
carefully before you answer.

Mark with “X” the correct answer.


 1.Tom dislikes ____ football with his brother.

 to play
2 My father can't afford ____ a new house.
to buy
3 Elise agreed ___ Chinese for six months.
To study
4 We didn't enjoy ___ at the karaoke bar.
to sing
5. I have considered ____ in New York for a year.
to live

PART 02:Modal verbs. Complete the following chart. Write your own
ABILITY could When I was 5 I could
to tack very well.
PERMISSION May May I go to the
ADVICE Ought to You ought to attend
the bar
OBLIGATION must You must answer

3.charge shopping
In a few lines write down what you remember about HUMAN ISOLATION
I remember that being alone can sometimes be normal but if you spend a lot
of time you can only have personality problems

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