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Oil Consultants Competency – What do I have to

 Answer the questions
 Nominate verifiers – who Oil Consultants will approve
 Select and send your answered questions to your approved verifiers
 When enough questions have been verified you will be approved as competent at that

Health and Safety Competency

 This is open to all consultants. It must be completed before starting the scheme in your
own discipline if available
 There are 3 modules (1-3) and you must answer all questions in each module even if
some answers are `No` before proceeding to the next level.

Competency schemes by your discipline

After completing the Health and Safety modules, you can choose to do competency schemes
in Well Testing, Coiled Tubing, Slickline or Bolting. Cementing will be added soon and other
disciplines will follow when they are developed.

Braided Line

All claims to general and discipline specific experience must be substantiated on your
accompanying CV. Otherwise they may be disregarded. Failure to provide this information will
delay or prevent you being offered suitable jobs by Oil Consultants.

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