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Frequently asked questions

Who can I nominate as verifiers?

Anyone you have worked with in the past, colleagues, supervisors and managers etc. You will
be asked for details of how you know them and you must supply an authentic oil company
email address (not a Hotmail or Google mail address) Please have these detail to hand before
you nominate a verifier
How many verifiers can I nominate?
You can have one or more, there is no limit. Choose people you have worked with and who will
have experience of your abilities and are able to confirm this.
How long does it take to get my verifiers approved?
Between 24 hours and a week. Avoid delay or rejection by providing all the details requested in
the "Add verifier" screen
Why won’t you approve my verifier?
You may not have provided a recognisable company email address or we may not be able
authenticate that they are genuine. You may not have provided all requested details.
Does Oil Consultants send my questions to be verified?
No. You select which answered questions to send to which verifier and then send them
yourself when you are ready.
How do I send my questions to be verified?
All answered questions are ticked "Send to verifier".  Select a verifier and then click on "Send
to Verifier". You can untick any you do not wish to send at that time.
Can I send the same questions to more than one verifier?
Yes. You may improve your chances of getting them verified. Ensure that the questions are
ticked "Send to Verifier". Select a second verifier and then "Send to Verifier" again
Can I resend questions to the same verifier?
Yes if they have not responded by verifying previously sent questions within a reasonable time.
Why won't my verifier respond?
You may not have sent your questions. You may have supplied an incorrect email address.
The verification email may have been stopped by a company firewall or gone to a spam folder.
What should I do if I can't get my questions verified? 
Check that you supplied the correct email address. Resend them to the same verifier. Send
them to a new verifier who has been approved. You can add a new verifier at any time.
How can I see my progress?
Questions which have been sent and verified are locked and marked as verified. You can see
the percentage you have achieved at each level and which questions still require verification.
How is competency achieved?
When you have satisfactorily answered and had a certain percentage of questions verified at
each level then you are awarded competency at this level. Oil Consultants will review the
verification before granting competency.
Can I not bother with the Health and Safety competency scheme and go straight to my
You must complete the questions fully in the Health and Safety scheme before you can start
on your own discipline. However you do not have to wait to have them verified. You can
progress to your discipline immediately.
What if there is no competency scheme in my discipline?
Clients treat Health and Safety very seriously. We strongly advise that you do the Health and
Safety scheme anyway. Other disciplines are being developed and will be added when
Do I have to do all levels in my discipline?
You can choose to do the level you consider most appropriate like Senior Operator, or you
may choose to do all levels. You could do one level now and then do other levels at a future
date. Remember you may be selected for jobs at more than one level; it will always help if you
have completed the relevant competency
Do I get a certificate?
Certificates are available at each level of each discipline at which you have been approved as
competent. These can be downloaded from your website account.
Does the competency scheme cost me anything?
The scheme is free to all registered consultants. We have designed it to be as simple as
possible in order to be able to offer it at no cost.
Is it externally accredited?
No. This would involve undue cost. However it is recognised by, and has been developed in
conjunction with a number of our major clients

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