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City Planning Lab Practice

Mauricio Mercedes

Samantha Garcia

Mattia Bellinello

Jean Mateo

In this work, we created a city in our own way, we were the architects for a day and
we made the decision about where each thing was going to be placed at times of
choosing where each thing would be built, it was difficult to choose since there has to be
a housing, security valance and etc, so we put our ideas together as a group and our
city emerged and that is why in this work we are going to explain, why we decided to put
everything where it is.

We are going to start explaining about the government office that we decide to place
there. It is located in the corner of the city so it would be a safer place for the governor
and other politics than in a central place. We decided to locate the schools in three
different places for the children, one next to the governor, the other next to the fire
department and the other in the center by the library and the park. The jail decided to
put it almost on the outskirts of the city next to the police office for more security in the
city. The library is located near the school so when the children leave they have places
to rest and clear their minds and the fire department located it in an almost central place
for any emergency that happens in the city. The Landfill is located on the outskirts of the
city because it produces many toxic gases that are harmful to society, as well as the
creation of pests such as rats that would be bad to have spread throughout the city.

Businesses were located in certain areas because they were needed in certain areas.
We believe that every business has a purpose for its location and they were very
important decisions. For example we need to keep in mind that if we have a restaurant
we need a fire department close enough just in case something goes wrong in the
kitchen. This is why we have the fire department next to restaurants and to a school.
The social bonds that people create at community recreation centres have strong
benefits; they improve lives and help build strong, safe and inclusive communities;
social interaction, volunteerism, civic pride and aesthetics all play a role. We thought
that the most important variable in a community is interaction, that all neighbours can
have a good relationship with each other. We located all recreational areas near
apartments and houses so in that way when a person is with his family happily shopping
in the mall, it can be fun with the other families too.

Location is key to valuable real estate. Homes in cities that have little room for
expansion tend to be more valuable than those in cities that have plenty of room.
Consider the accessibility, appearance, and services of a neighborhood as well as plans
for development. We wanted all our citizens to feel safe and have multiple
accessibilities just like the golf court we located in the center of all the housing. We also
wanted them to feel safe and get them as far as possible from jail, they also have a way
out because both ways they go they will find the street.

Two main streets were placed so that traffic does not accumulate and two streets that
cross the city from side to side. This improves traffic since there are no small streets, all
serious highways.

This new city will be convenient for humans, preserves the environment, and
maintains a quality of life for both animals and humans because it is well organized. An
organized city means a clean and civilized city which means it’s convenient for us to live
in peace. Everything is located where they need to be and benefits not only us, but
animals too. Not only do we have reasons for each and every area and why they are
located where they are, but we also claimed the benefits of their locations. Having
everything in place makes it easier for everyone because people don't need to litter,
there's no need to spend a lot of gasoline because everything is close enough, people
could just walk because it's so clean and lastly everyone will live without worries in this
city because it has everything you need.

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