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Stephanie Seaman Boys Don’t Knit (In

Professor Danielle DuPuis

SLM 504: Literature for Young Adults Public) by T.S. Easton
31 March 2019 Works Cited
Summary: Seventeen year old Ben gets him-
“Boys Don’t Knit (In Public) cover.”
self in trouble and has to do community ser-
Macmillan, https://
vice and take up a hobby to make up for the
hijinks. Ben’s activity of choice is to sign up
for knitting, as he thinks it is taught by the
Easton, T.S. Boys Don’t Knit (In
beautiful Miss Swallow. But it is not and that is when the story
Public). Feiwel & Friends , 2015.
starts to move from funny to hilarious. The story is told diary style
and as Ben finds he is a “natural” at knitting, he also finds that
Shesman, Jennifer. Stages of Literacy
keeping the secret of his new hobby becomes harder and harder.
Appreciation. PowerPoint. Web 26
Ben eventually comes clean and discovers he needs to take life one
Mar. 2019.
stich at a time.

Reading Promotion Strategy Young Adult Library Services. Quick

Picks for Reluctant Young Adult
The knitting is such an important part of this story, so a knitting
Readers ALA, 2016. Web. 17 Mar.
class to go along with this book would be a perfect match. But so
too would be a discussion on the moral of this story. Like Ben,
many teens try to do it all and find themselves stressed out and
worried. Ben learns to take things one at a time and this is a good
jumping off point for a conversation on how to manage stress. Awards:
Learning to knit would be a nice bonus. YALS A Quick Picks for Reluctant
Young Adult Readers 2016
AASL Standard II. Include: Demonstrate an understanding of and
Kirkus Best Teen Books of the Year
commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the
Kansas State Reading Circle
learning community. C. Share. Learners exhibit empathy with and
tolerance for diverse ideas by: 1. Engaging in informed conversa-
tion and active debate.

Genre: Contemporary Fiction Grades: 8-12

This British story takes the reader on a farcical ride. From the attempted heist of a bottle
of wine to the innuendo laced dialogue by Ben’s parents, this book will make you laugh
out loud. Ben is a worrier and he can’t seem to catch a break. The knitting class ends up
being a blessing in disguise. Ben learns how to knit, but he also makes new friends and
finds the girl he has been hoping for along the way. Some American readers may strug-
gle a little bit with some of the British language, but most of the story is clear. Ben tri-
umphs over his situation and the book offers a gentle message to not let yourself get
stressed out.
Stephanie Seaman
Professor Danielle DuPuis Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
SLM 504: Literature for Young Adults
31 March 2019 love and have to balance these
new feelings with the need to
Summary: Eleanor is the new girl at please/survive their families.
school and she is teased for being
overweight and dressing different-
ly. Chance seats her on the bus Works Cited

next to Park, an outsider for multi-

“Eleanor & Park cover.” Rainbow “A
ple reasons (he is half Korean, likes Writer”, https://
comics and wears all black). De-
spite their differences (in family, -park. Accessed 26 Mar. 2019.
backgrounds) they find they enjoy
each others company. They fall in Rowell, Rainbow. Eleanor & Park. St.
Martin's Griffin, 2013.

Reading Promotion Strategy Shesman, Jennifer. Stages of Literacy

This book takes place in 1986, but it resonates with con- Appreciation. PowerPoint. Web
26 Mar. 2019.
temporary readers, because the themes are universal. On
the author’s website she displays fan art she has been sent. Young Adult Library Services.
Offer students an opportunity to create and display in the Michael L. Printz Honor Book
library their own fan art based on the book. ALA, 2014. Web. 17 Mar. 2019.

AASL Standard III. Collaborate: Work effectively with others Awards:

Michael L. Printz Honor Book 2014
to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
A New York Times Notable Book
B. Learners participate in personal, social, and intellectual Goodreads Choice Award, Best Young Adult
Book of the Year 2014
networks by: 1. Using a variety of communication tools and Amazon Editors’ Top 10 Books of the Year
resources . Audible’s Best Teen Audiobook of the Year
International Reading Association Award for
Young Adult Fiction
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Romance, Coming of Age Grades: 9-12

I really loved this story and had a hard time putting it down. The competing pressures that Rowell builds as
the story progressed hooks the reader. The social, academic and family responsibilities of both young adults
felt realistic. The dichotomy of wanting to be "grown-up" and independent, but at the same time wanting your
parents to be proud of you was a central theme in the book. Balancing family with first love and friendship can
be difficult.
Despite this book taking place in 1986, I think teens of both genders would enjoy this book. The book speaks
to the need for independence teens experience and the simultaneous feeling of being embarrassed by just
about everything. It is written in way that feels authentic and real. Despite the knowledge that most teen ro-
mances end in sadness, you are routing for Eleanor and Park to be the exception to the rule.
Stephanie Seaman Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist by Rachel Cohn
Professor Danielle DuPuis
and David Levithan
SLM 504: Literature for Young Adults
31 March 2019 Works Cited

Summary: Nick asks a perfect stranger in a Cohn, Rachel and Levithan, David. Nick &
club to pretend to be his girlfriend for five Norah’s Infinite Playlist. Ember, 2007.
minutes when he sees his ex-girlfriend across
the room with someone else. Not sure why she Letcher, Mark, et al. “Off the Shelves:
Collaboration in Young Adult
says yes, Norah plays along and hopes for a
Literature: Examples and Practical
way to get her drunk friend safely home. Nick and Norah spend
Applications.” The English Journal, vol.
the rest of the night on madcap romp through New York City. The
99, no. 5, 2010, pp. 103–106. JSTOR,
entire time they are grappling with the question: am I ready to give
love another chance? The plot is pretty straight forward, but the
dialogue back and forth is smart and flows well. A great read with “Nick & Norah’s Infinite Playlist cover.”
two distinct voices, one from each co-author. Penguin Random House, https://
Reading Promotion Strategy books/29606/nick-and-norahs-
This book’s two co-author’s each have a distinct style that is
showcased in the alternating-voice style of the novel. In that vein, paperback/Accessed 26 Mar. 2019.
I would suggest having a book club with both genders where the
Shesman, Jennifer. Stages of Literacy
students compare and contrast their reactions to event in the book
Appreciation. PowerPoint. Web 26 Mar.
and how they connected to the two main characters. As a culmi- 2019.
nating activity, a viewing of the movie adaptation could be held.
Young Adult Library Services. Margaret A.
AASL Standard I. Inquire: Build new knowledge by inquiring, think- Edwards Award, ALA, 2016. Web. 17
ing critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies for Mar. 2019.

solving problems.
A. Think. 1. Formulating questions about a personal interest or a Margaret A. Edwards Award for
Realistic Fiction 2016
curricular topic .
ALA Best Books for Young Adults 2007
ALA Quick Pick for Young Adult
Evaluation Reluctant Readers 2007

Genre: Realistic Fiction, Alternating-Voice Grades: 9-12

When reading this book, it is very obvious when the narrator switches from Nick to Norah or vice-
versa. To readers who are unaware that the authors switched off writing from chapter to chapter, the
book can seems a little confusing at first. Once the first few chapters pass, the format becomes more
familiar and the story takes off. Both main characters live in a world with a variety of colorful charac-
ters, like Nick being the only straight member of a gay indie rock band. And Norah is the daughter of
a big-shot music producer looking for “something” and questioning everything. Getting the story
from those contrasting viewpoints starts off a little bumpy, but smooths out into an easy read that will
appeal to many. It is clever and the plot moves quickly; with teen characters who are cooler than
most and still manage to seem real.
Stephanie Seaman Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson
Professor Danielle DuPuis
SLM 504: Literature for Young Adults
31 March 2019 Works Cited

Summary: When Emily’s best friend Sloane dis- Matson, Morgan. Since You’ve Been Gone.
appears one day without a trace, at first she is Simon & Schuster Books for Young
not worried. But then as days pass, Emily Readers, 2015.
starts to wonder and worry. She misses Sloane,
Shesman, Jennifer. Stages of Literacy
but more than that she misses what they had
Appreciation. PowerPoint. Web 26 Mar.
together. One day a letter arrives from Sloane with a list of things
Emily should do before she comes to find her; things that are not
exactly Emily’s normal style. As Emily starts to cross things off the “Since You’ve Been Gone cover.” Simon
list she discovers that she is more than just “Sloane’s friend”. Emily and Schuster, https://
start to blossom and find herself as she completes each item. The
question of finding Sloane is almost secondary. Since-Youve-Been-Gone/Morgan-
Matson/9781442435018 Accessed 26
Reading Promotion Strategy Mar. 2019.

Emily stepped outside her comfort zone with Sloane’s list. Have students
Young Adult Library Services. Teens’ Top
create a bucket list of things to do over the summer; encourage them to
Ten, ALA, 2015. Web. 17 Mar. 2019.
try something new like reading a genre of book they have never tried be-
fore. Use a bulletin board or poster to have each student write few things
they want to do or wish they could do over the summer. When school re-
turns, have students share picture, drawings and short stories about their Awards:
summer “bucket lists”. YALSA Teens’ Top Ten 2015
ILA Young Adults' Choices
AASL Standard II. Include: Demonstrate an understanding of and commit-
Kansas State Reading Circle List High
ment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
School Title
D. Grow: Learners actively participate with others in learning situations by:
1. Actively contributing to group discussions

Genre: Romance Grades: 7-12

The story starts off seemingly as a mystery and that immediately catches the reader’s interest.
Soon it becomes apparent, that while Sloane is gone there is a bigger story. Emily is at first
lost without her friend. Then she starts to look a bit deeper at herself and others, like Frank,
and discovers that she is more than what she believed she was. She is not just “Sloane’s
friend”. She is Emily and that is okay too. I think the theme of self-acceptance is cleverly
wrapped up in this book. The message is delivered with humor and wit. Emily’s internal dia-
logue is awkward and unsure at first, but grows stronger as the book progresses. This is a
perfect summer read, even if it is a bit heavy on clichés.
Stephanie Seaman Trouble is a Friend of
Professor Danielle DuPuis
Mine by Stephanie Tromly
SLM 504: Literature for Young Adults
31 March 2019 Works Cited
Summary: Zoe's parents are divorced and she
Shesman, Jennifer. Stages of Literacy
has moved from Brooklyn to River Heights, NY.
Appreciation. PowerPoint. Web 26
She is the "new girl" at her high school and is
Mar. 2019.
trying to survive a year in public school while
her father works on getting her into a prestig-
Tromly, Stephanie. Trouble is a Friend
ious prep school that will ensure her admittance to Princeton. Phil-
of Mine. Kathy Dawson Books,
lip Digby is the last person Zoe wants to meet, until he shows up on
her doorstep in his brilliant and rude way. Zoe finds herself
dragged into a dangerous and funny web of schemes and investi-
“Trouble is a Friend of Mine cover.”
gations. Zoe, Digby and an odd assortment of allies try to solve the
Penguin Random House, https://
mysteries and navigate the pitfalls of high school attraction.

Reading Promotion Strategy books/317766/trouble-is-a-

This book is a breezy, quick-paced read that keeps the reader en-
gaged. For readers new to the Mystery & Suspense genre or reluc-
26 Mar. 2019.
tant readers, this book’s wit is a good hook. A large lobby poster
display with the book, it’s two sequels and other similar titles Voice of Youth Advocates . VOYA
would be a good way to encourage checkouts. Catch teens’ eyes by Perfect 10 Voya Magazine, 2015.
Web. 17 Mar. 2019.
using QR codes (to more information) and colorful books covers.

AASL Standard V. Explore Discover and innovate in a growth

mindset developed through experience and reflection. Awards:
VOYA Perfect 10 Book 2015
A. Learners develop and satisfy personal curiosity by: 1. Reading Arthur Ellis Award – Best Juvenile/
widely and deeply in multiple formats and write and create for a Young Adult Crime Book 2016
American Library Association’s YALSA
Reluctant Reader Award 2016

Evaluation Publishers Weekly Flying Start Author


Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Mystery & Suspense Grades: 8-12

This story was laugh out loud funny. Some of the things that come out of Digby's mouth were so ab-
surd, yet so witty at the same time. Poor Zoe, she was always one fuming step behind him-until the
end when she seemed to catch up. All she wants to get through school. The mystery itself was pretty
straight forward, but the twist is that not all the questions are answered and tied up neatly with a
bow. This aspect speaks to the author’s understanding that not everything needs to explicitly an-
swered. This book does have a sequel and a third volume coming soon; it is a great way to hook re-
luctant readers. By itself it ended nicely, there were still some surprises that were tied into details
from early in the book. Readers might want to go back and read the first half again if some clues
were missed.

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