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1 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis


RBH – 4.1 Authorized By: Ver. 01
Date: Feb. 20, 2019 Mr. Ronnie B. Hernani Page 1

Strengths Weaknesses
Electrical, electronics, plumbing, fire High percentage of bidding loss
protection, and civil works expertise
Fourteen (14) years of service in the Sustainability of implemented procedure
engineering and contractor services
development industry
Competent and dynamic professional Insufficient investment funds
Diversity of experienced personnel Delayed material supplies
Compliant to client design project and Lack of estimator and field expert engineer
services standard
Expert in electrical works from low-voltage Lack of expert bidding staff
to high-voltage for low storey to high rise
Expert in trouble shooting in any Unstable workers relationship
electronics component such as TV,
appliances, tower communication cabling,
and general termination of cable
Expert in pipe laying installation, mounting Undocumented operational procedures
of lavatory, sanitary lines, etc.
Expert in installation of welding work, Interrupted project timeline
fittings, testing, and commissioning
Giving out bonus to employees Delayed Salary
Extensive experience of many electrical and No established Terms and Conditions of
industrial construction services including sales/service
Telecommunication infrastructures
Poor payment collection management

Opportunities Threats
Poor service of competitors Bad comments in social media

Opportunities Threats
To engage in government projects Entrants of new engineering and
contractor service provider
Direct projects from clients Poor customer agreements
New industry market such as banking, LGU,
Competitor’s lower price and MOQ
school, and hospital
Advertisement in social media Fortuitous events

Partnership with key industry players Development in the technology may

WHEN market beyond our ability to
RBH – 4.1 Authorized
adopt By: Ver. 01
Date: Feb. 20, 2019 Mr. Ronnie B. Hernani Page 2
Application for ISO certification Giving in to Customer’s whims

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