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Test 10 Version B

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2017

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply.
You will hear each sentence twice.

1 A It’s meant to be great.

B You should really take a smaller bag.
C That’s definitely not going to happen.

2 A You’ll be fine.
B I don’t believe it!
C Let me check for you.

3 A It’s worth adding more cream.

B Why don’t you try this new recipe?
C That reminds me, I need to buy a cake.

4 A It’ll be alright.
B Why not?
C You’re kidding!

5 A I’m not so sure about that.

B You’ve got nothing to worry about.
C Well, it’s supposed to be really good.

6 A Speaking of flying, I’m going to Spain next week.

B To make matters worse, it rained.
C As a result, we went to the beach.

3 Turn over ►
7 A You could try that.
B I’m sure you’ll be fine.
C Can you give me a hand?

8 A It’ll be alright.
B I’ll give it a try.
C Anyway, as I was saying – the wedding was fantastic.

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about opportunities.

Choose the missing word (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 Is sport more exciting for you if you are ............ to win a big prize?

A competing B treating C scoring D beating

10 If you want to succeed, sometimes you have to ............ a risk.

A make B do C take D put

11 Andrea’s new job is ............ to her old one.

A agreed B certain C following D similar

12 It’s more important to ............ your best than to win the competition.

A show B get C do D make

13 Teams which come forward and ............ during their games are more likely to win.

A practise B order C include D attack

14 When you try something new, it’s often a chance to ............ some new friends, too.

A do B make C take D like

5 Turn over ►
15 My friend is worried ............ playing this week because her foot is hurting.

A of B about C with D at

16 While they’re talking about what to do next, sit down and ............ a rest.

A take B be C make D do

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about opportunities. What are the missing words?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 If you want to b _ _ _ the other team, you’ll have to attack more.

18 I hope I’ll have time to go to the gym for a good w _ _ _ _ _ _ later.

19 Dr Wilson hopes to do r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ into why some people succeed more than others.

20 I had to make a difficult d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about whether to take the job.

21 I have no plans for this weekend, so I’m just going to t _ _ _ i_ e_ _ _ .

22 I don’t know what the final s _ _ _ _ is – I hope our team won!

23 I can’t understand this job advert – it doesn’t m _ _ _ s_ _ _ _ .

24 I’m so p _ _ _ _ of my brother – he’s been asked to join the national team.

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read an email about a difficult decision.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

Hi Lily

Last week was crazy! A famous footballer surprised us with a visit to our school but I wasn’t there
because I was at home in bed with a cold. Can you believe it? If I had known he was coming, I
(25) ………… stayed at home, that’s for sure. If I’d seen him, I could (26) ………… shown him my
football skills, and maybe, if I (27) ………… done that, he’d have seen how amazing I am. He
might (28) ………… me a part-time job, helping out with the national team.

But anyway, my teacher saw how disappointed I was and she contacted the footballer for me. And
guess what? He offered me a place on a training course in the summer! It’s in Spain and it lasts
two months. It’s a great opportunity, and I know that if I went, (29) ………… an amazing
experience, but I’m not sure. If I (30) ………… the course, I’d miss my friends and they’d
(31) ………… on holiday without me. I’ve told everyone, and they all say, ‘If I (32) ………… you,
I’d go.’ What about you? Do you think I should go?

Please help me decide!


25 A didn’t have B won’t have C wouldn’t D hadn’t had

26 A had B have C having D has

27 A did B had C was D have

28 A have given B give C had given D gave

29 A I’d B I’ve C I’d have D I’ll

30 A will do B did C had done D have done

31 A gone B going C went D go

32 A am B were C be D had

9 Turn over ►
Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about opportunities.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.

33 I’m not fit enough to play for the local football team.

If ……………………………………….. , I could play for the local football team.

34 Nina earns a lot because she works hard.

If Nina didn’t work so hard, she ……………………………………….. so much.

35 They only win their matches because they have Simon on their team.

The team wouldn’t win their matches if they ……………………………………….. Simon.

36 We didn’t go to Sarah’s party because she didn’t invite us.

We would have gone to that party if Sarah ……………………………………….. us.

37 I had my phone with me so I didn’t get lost.

If I hadn’t had my phone with me, I ……………………………………….. lost.

38 She’d love to travel to India, but she doesn’t have enough money.

If she ……………………………………….. enough money, she’d travel to India.

39 The team didn’t work hard enough in training, so they didn’t beat their opponents.

If the team ……………………………………….. harder in training, they would have

beaten their opponents.

40 I couldn’t go to football practice because I was busy at work.

If I hadn’t been busy at work, I could ……………………………………….. to football




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