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Test 10

Time 40 minutes

Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so.
Read the instructions for each part of the paper carefully.
Answer all the questions. Write your answers on the question paper.


There are five parts to the test.
Part 1 is a listening part.
All questions carry one mark.
There are 40 questions.

© UCLES 2015

Part 1

Questions 1 – 8

You will hear eight short sentences. For each one, choose the best reply.
You will hear each sentence twice.

1 A Well, it’s supposed to be interesting.

B I’m not sure about that.
C You’ve got nothing to worry about.

2 A That’s definitely not going to happen.

B Can you do something for me?
C You’ll never guess what happened.

3 A I’m glad to hear that.

B I’m sure it’ll be OK.
C I don’t believe it!

4 A You’ll never guess what she said.

B You’ll be fine.
C That’s a good idea.

5 A I’m sure you’ll be OK.

B You could try that.
C Can you give me a hand?

3 Turn over ►
6 A Have you tried phoning?
B OK. Oh, by the way, I’ve changed my number.
C If you ask me, you’ve got the wrong number.

7 A Wow!
B Why not?
C It’ll be alright.

8 A Have you tried this new recipe?

B That reminds me, I need to buy a cake.
C It’s worth adding more sugar.

Part 2
Questions 9 – 16

Read the sentences about opportunities.

Choose the missing word (A, B, C or D) for each space.

9 A high level of fitness is ............ for people who want to do mountain biking.

A realistic B general C correct D essential

10 If that team want to win this game, they have to come forward and ............ more.

A order B attack C practise D include

11 We’ll have to ............ some very good teams to get to the top of our group.

A beat B reach C satisfy D threaten

12 I’m worried ............ my son – he’s not doing very well in the team.

A with B of C at D about

13 If you want to make lots of money in business, you’ll have to ............ a risk.

A make B do C take D have

5 Turn over ►
14 Before I buy a new car, I’m going to ............ some research on the internet.

A do B make C put D get

15 If you joined that club, you could ............ friends with other people who like table tennis.

A take B have C make D bring

16 Is he planning to ............ part in the next Olympics?

A take B be C make D have

Part 3
Questions 17 – 24

Read the sentences about opportunities. What are the missing words?
The first letter is already there. There is one space for each other letter in the word.

For questions 17 – 24, write the words.

17 They were very p _ _ _ _ of their success after winning every match they played.

18 If you want to do a dangerous sport, you can’t be a _ _ _ _ _ of hurting yourself.

19 I’d love to have the opportunity to do e _ _ _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _ _ like paragliding,

snowboarding or diving.

20 We nearly won, but the final s _ _ _ _ was 24-22 to the other team.

21 We need to make a d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ soon about which car to buy.

22 Take a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of this opportunity to travel abroad – you won’t regret it.

23 My team’s made p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and we might get to second place in the group soon.

24 You should use the summer holiday as a chance to relax and take it e _ _ _ .

7 Turn over ►
Part 4
Questions 25 – 32

Read the article about a young woman’s opportunity.

Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) for each space.

An opportunity

I'd always dreamed of being a famous singer. If my parents had been richer, I could (25) …………
gone to music school. And if I (26) ………… done that, I could have had a professional music
teacher. But if I had studied at a music school, I (27) ………… had much free time for other things.
One day, at school, a music company manager came to talk to my class. If I'd taken one of my
recordings, I could (28) ………… it to him that day. Instead, I sent him one later.
Guess what? He loved my singing and wants me to do it as a full-time job. My friends all say, 'If I
(29) ………… you, I'd definitely take the opportunity. If you went on tour, (30) ………… see some
amazing places.' But I'm not sure what to do. If I (31) ………… the job, I'd have to move to another
city. So I mightn't be able to see my friends – and they'd (32) ………… to university without me. If
I'd never met that manager, I wouldn't have had so many sleepless nights trying to make a

25 A have B had C has D having

26 A was B did C have D had

27 A hadn’t had B wouldn’t have C didn’t have D won’t have

28 A had given B give C have given D gave

29 A had B were C am D be

30 A you’ve B you’ll C you’d have D you’d

31 A took B had taken C have taken D will take

32 A go B went C gone D going

Part 5
Questions 33 – 40

Here are some sentences about opportunities.

For each question, complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.
Use no more than three words.

33 I think you should accept the salary they’re offering.

If I ……………………………………….. , I’d accept the salary they’re offering.

34 If I got the opportunity to work in the New York office, perhaps I’d take it.

If I got the opportunity to work in the New York office, I ……………………………………..

take it.

35 I’d love to buy those shoes but I don’t have enough money.

If I ……………………………………….. enough money, I’d buy those shoes.

36 He’s only marrying her because she’s got lots of money.

If she didn’t have lots of money, he ……………………………………….. marry her.

37 Maria didn’t practise enough, so she didn’t win the match.

If Maria ……………………………………….. more, she would have won the match.

9 Turn over ►
38 It rained all day, so Marco stayed at home.

If it hadn’t rained all day, Marco ……………………………………….. stayed at home.

39 We couldn’t go to the party because my husband was ill.

If my husband hadn’t been ill, we could ……………………………………….. to the party.

40 I’m glad I chose to go to Bristol University – I met my future wife there.

I wouldn’t have met my future wife if I ……………………………………….. to go to Bristol





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