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ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) | 978-1-7281-7605-5/20/$31.

00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICASSP39728.2021.9413584


$W = \begin{bmatrix}
\mathbf{w}_0 \\[0.em]
]∗ [
Yu Wang Nicholas J. Bryan
\vdots \\[0.em] Mark Cartwright] Juan Pablo Bello] Justin Salamon[
\mathbf{w}_N \\[0.em]
\rule{.75cm}{0.5pt} \\
Music and Audio Research Laboratory, New York University, NY, USA
$ Adobe Research, San Francisco, CA, USA

ABSTRACT Multi-label
Test Sample
Supervised learning for audio classification typically imposes a fixed Predictions
class vocabulary, which can be limiting for real-world applications
where the target class vocabulary is not known a priori or changes Feature
dynamically. In this work, we introduce a few-shot continual learn- Extractor
ing framework for audio classification, where we can continuously
expand a trained base classifier to recognize novel classes based on Novel Class
only few labeled data at inference time. This enables fast and inter- Examples
active model updates by end-users with minimal human effort. To do
so, we leverage the dynamic few-shot learning technique and adapt Feature Weight Generator
it to a challenging multi-label audio classification scenario. We in-
corporate a recent state-of-the-art audio feature extraction model as Fig. 1. Few-shot continual learning for multi-label audio classifica-
a backbone and perform a comparative analysis of our approach on tion. A sample (grey) is labeled with one or more base classes (red)
two popular audio datasets (ESC-50 and AudioSet). We conduct an defined at train time and novel classes (blue) defined at inference
in-depth evaluation to illustrate the complexities of the problem and time without retraining, using only few examples per novel class.
show that, while there is still room for improvement, our method out-
performs three baselines on novel class detection while maintaining
its performance on base classes. Continual learning (never-ending learning, incremental learning,
Index Terms— Continual learning, few-shot learning, super- lifelong learning) [20–22], in contrast, is an online learning strat-
vised learning, audio classification egy where an algorithm seeks to continuously adapt to a sequence
of tasks and perform well on all tasks without forgetting. It has
been proposed for sound classification [23] and sound event detec-
1. INTRODUCTION tion [24] to learn new sound events without forgetting the previ-
ously learned ones. However, continual learning approaches typi-
Audio classification is a well-studied research field [1–5] with a wide cally require retraining when introducing novel classes, complicated
variety of applications such as multimedia search and retrieval [4], training procedure, or large amounts of labeled data of the novel
urban sound monitoring [6], bioacoustic monitoring [7], and audio classes, which are not ideal for practical application with resource-
captioning [8]. Most recent audio classification methods employ a constrained computing environments or audio domains.
standard supervised learning approach applied to deep neural net- Recently, the novel research field of few-shot continual learn-
works. While successful, this approach has two significant draw- ing (few-shot incremental learning, low-shot learning) combines the
backs: it requires large quantities of labeled data and can only detect strengths of the aforementioned approaches and aims to continu-
classes that were included in these data, i.e., it imposes a fixed class ously expand the capability of a classifier based on only few data
vocabulary. These requirements, while seemingly innocuous, can at inference time [25–28]. This enables fast and interactive model
make a majority of audio classification methods unusable for appli- updates by end-users. In this work, we (1) introduce a few-shot con-
cations where the target class vocabulary is not known a priori. That tinual learning audio classification framework by leveraging the pre-
is, many real-world scenarios require us to customize the class vo- viously proposed dynamic few-shot learning technique (DFSL) [25]
cabulary, such as adding new classes, for example, to personalize as shown in Figure 1. Initially, we train a classifier on base classes
the wake-up-words on smart devices, to monitor new bird species at with abundant examples and extend it at inference time to recognize
different locations, or to transcribe rare musical instruments. previously unseen novel classes based on few labeled data while not
As an alternative, few-shot learning [9–14] has been applied forgetting base classes. We tackle audio specific challenges includ-
to audio classification [15–17] and sound event detection [18, 19], ing multi-label and weak labels by (2) updating the problem def-
where a classifier must learn to recognize a novel class from very inition and loss in DFSL, and (3) incorporating a recent state-of-
few examples. Among different few-shot learning methods, metric- the-art audio feature extraction model [29] as a backbone. We con-
based prototypical networks [12] have been shown to yield excellent duct a comparative analysis of our approach on two popular audio
performance for audio [15, 18, 19]. However, few-shot methods do datasets, (4) provide in-depth evaluation of base and novel class per-
not maintain the training data class vocabulary, requiring manual la- formance to elucidate the difficulties of the problem, and (5) show
beling of all novel classes for deployment, which can be overwhelm- that our method outperforms three baselines on novel class classifi-
ing for large vocabulary problems. cation while maintaining performance on base classes. To the best of
∗ This work was performed while interning at Adobe Research. This work our knowledge, this is the first work introducing few-shot continual
is partially supported by National Science Foundation award 1544753. learning to the audio domain.

978-1-7281-7605-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE 321 ICASSP 2021

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2. METHODS cross-entropy loss to train a model that can predict multiple concur-
rent classes. In addition, we use a powerful 14-layer CNN, which
2.1. Dynamic few-shot learning (DFSL) achieved state-of-the-art audio tagging results [29], as the feature
extraction backbone. A global temporal pooling is applied after the
Dynamic few-shot learning (DFSL) [25] is a classification approach
last convolutional layer to summarize the features, which is critical
that aims to learn novel categories from only a few labeled data
for training with weakly-labeled audio data.
points while not forgetting the base categories on which it was ini-
tially trained. To classify a given audio input, a typical supervised
convolutional neural network (CNN) classifier extracts a feature vec- 3. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN
tor z ∈ Rd from the audio signal and compute per-class likelihoods
by applying a set of classification weight vectors w ∈ Rd , one per To evaluate our proposed few-shot continual learning via DFSL ap-
class, to the features. In this context, DFSL extends a typical clas- proach for audio classification, we apply it to two audio datasets,
sifier with an additional module, the few-shot classification weight ESC-50 and AudioSet, and compare its performance against three
generator, which can generate a classification weight vector for a baseline methods under a realistic evaluation setup where the test set
novel class. The weight generator takes only K labeled examples of includes samples of both base classes and novel classes.
a novel class as input (typically K ≤ 5), and exploits past knowl-
edge by incorporating an attention mechanism over the existing clas- 3.1. Datasets
sification weight vectors of N base classes as shown in Figure 1,
where ESC-50 consists of 2000 five-second environmental audio record-
0 0
wN +1 = φavg zavg + φatt watt . (1) ings [30]. Data are balanced between 50 classes, with 40 exam-
The resulting novel classification weight vector wN +1 is a weighted ples per class, covering animal sounds, natural soundscapes, human
sum of the averaged feature vector zavg and the attention-based sounds (non-speech), and ambient noises. ESC-50 is small, with a
weight vector watt0
, where φavg , φatt ∈ Rd are learnable weights, single sound source per clip, minimal background noise, and vali-
is the Hadamard product, zavg = K 1
PK 0 dated labels, making it high-quality but also simple and unrealistic.
i=1 zi , and watt is given
by Note, while clips in ESC-50 are originally single-labeled, in our ex-
K N periment, we treat them as multi-labeled to directly compare it with
0 1 XX AudioSet by converting each class label to a one-hot vector.
watt = Att(Φq zi , kb ) · wb , (2)
K i=1 AudioSet is a large-scale collection of over 2M human-labeled
which can be viewed as a linear combination of the base classifi- ten-second sound clips drawn from YouTube videos [4]. It pro-
cation weight vectors Wbase = {wb }N vides comprehensive coverage of real-world sounds spanning 527
b=1 . The weighting of each
vector is computed via an attention kernel Att(.,.), which is a cosine sound classes organized in a hierarchical taxonomy. Despite its large
similarity function followed by a softmax over the base classes. zi size, AudioSet is a challenging dataset due to its incomplete label-
is the feature vector of the ith novel example, Φq ∈ Rd×d is a learn- ing (missing labels), weak labels (no timing information), and label
able matrix for query vector transformation, and {kb ∈ Rd }N noise. Each clip in AudioSet can be labeled with multiple sound
b=1 is
a set of learnable keys for memory indexing. Combining the gener- events, but not all events within a clip are guaranteed to be labeled.
ated novel weight vector wN 0 A quality assessment showed that a substantial number of classes
+1 with the original base weight vectors
Wbase , we can jointly predict base and novel classes in one unified have poor annotation accuracy1 . Since label noise is not the focus of
framework. Note that there can be more than one novel class. this study, to mitigate its impact on our evaluation, we use a subset of
accurately-labeled leaf classes. To this end, we only use leaf-classes
with an annotation quality of 80% or above1 , resulting in 140 classes.
2.2. Training the few-shot classification weight generator
Following past work [25], given a training set with N base classes 3.2. Baselines
and a standard classifier pre-trained on these base examples, we train
the attention-based few-shot classification weight generator as fol- We compare our proposed approach against three baseline methods:
lows. In each training iteration, we first sample M “pseudo” novel Retrain, Prototypical Network, and Base classifier + Prototype. In
classes from the base classes, simulating the novel classes we see at the first baseline, we simply combine the base training data with
inference time. For each pseudo-novel class, we sample K training the few additional novel class examples to update the training set
examples to generate its new weight vector via the few-shot weight and retrain the classifier. While conceptually simple, this approach
generator. This results in a new classification weight matrix W ∗ , requires us to indefinitely store all the training data (original and
which is a union of the generated pseudo-novel weights WM and new) and repeatedly retrain whenever we encounter a new class.
the original weights for the remaining base classes WN −M . We can Our second baseline is a pure few-shot learning approach based
then update the weight generator parameters and base classification on a Prototypical Network [12]. The model is trained on the base
weight vectors to minimize the classification loss on a batch with classes to learn a discriminative feature space. Given this space, a
both base and pseudo-novel classes. Note that the feature extraction prototype representation can be computed for a novel class by av-
model is fixed after pre-training. eraging the feature vectors of a few novel examples. The distance
between these class prototypes and a test datum in feature space en-
2.3. DFSL for multi-label, weakly-labeled audio classification codes similarity. To recognize base classes at inference time, we
compute a prototype for each base class by averaging the feature
DFSL was originally proposed for multi-class (single-label) object vectors of all the training data available for that class. Note that here
recognition in images. A critical characteristic of audio data is that too we replace the cross-entropy loss with a binary cross-entropy
multiple sounds can overlap in time, making real-world audio clas- loss, to support multi-label classification.
sification a multi-label problem. To adapt DFSL to the audio do-
main, we replace the (categorical) cross-entropy loss with a binary 1 https://research.google.com/audioset/dataset/index.html


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Our third baseline, introduced in [25], combines a supervised Note that in the previous work, when DFSL was evaluated on
model for the base classes with a simple approach for generating jointly classifying a mixture of samples from both the base and novel
classification weights for novel classes: computing feature vectors classes in a joint label space, only the final metric aggregated across
for the novel class examples using the supervised model, and treating all classes was reported [25]. To add insight, we look at classifica-
their average as the weight vector for the novel class: wN +1 = zavg . tion performance on base and novel classes separately to show how
This Base classifier + Prototype approach is a naive way to extend a vocabulary expansion affects base and novel class recognition along
pre-trained classifier to novel classes that relies solely on its feature with the confusions between them.
extraction layers without leveraging its classification weight matrix.
3.3. Training
4.1. ESC-50
We partition the classes in each dataset into three splits: base, novel
(val), and novel (test) with a ratio of 30:10:10 for ESC-50, and In Table 1 we present the classification performance on the test set
100:20:20 for AudioSet. In ESC-50, we split samples in each base for our proposed approach and the baselines. For reference we also
class into 24:8:8 for training, validation, and testing. For AudioSet, include the performance of the supervised Base classifier that is
we use base-class samples from its released unbalanced train set for trained on base classes only.
training and validation with a 10:1 ratio. We downsample each audio We see that retraining the supervised model with the few addi-
clip to 16 kHz and compute a 64-bin log-scaled Mel-spectrogram as tional novel examples yields the highest mAP on both base and novel
the input to the model using librosa [31] with a window length of 25 classes and an F-measure comparable to other approaches. This may
ms, hop size of 10 ms, and a fast Fourier transform size of 64 ms. be due to our use of transfer learning (pre-training on AudioSet).
For our approach, we first train a supervised base classifier com- Given that ESC-50 is a relatively easy dataset, fine-tuning with few
prising a feature extraction model and a base classification weight examples appears effective. For real-world applications, however,
matrix. Note that for ESC-50, since it only has 24 training samples retraining may not be an option as it requires on-device optimization,
per base class, we pre-train the feature extraction model for all meth- dataset storage, and a heavy computational cost, making it either in-
ods (except Prototypical Network) on AudioSet, and only fine-tune feasible or impractical for, e.g., mobile devices.
the last linear layer (the weight matrix) on ESC-50. Then we train On the other hand, DFSL achieves the highest F-measure on
the attention-based few-shot weight generator following the steps novel classes with only a slight drop in base class performance com-
in Section 2.2, where (M, K) = (5, 5), on batches of 100 sam- pared to the original base classifier. That is, it is able to learn to
ples of pseudo-novel classes and 100 samples of the remaining base classify novel classes by only seeing a few examples per class, while
classes. We implement models in PyTorch [32] and use the Adam not forgetting the base classes. Unlike retraining, it does not require
optimizer [33] with a learning rate of 0.001 for 60,000 batches with storing the base training data or any additional training. DFSL also
early stopping. A validation batch is similar to a training batch but outperforms the Base classifier + Prototype method on novel classes
replacing the pseudo-novel classes with classes in the novel (val) by a large margin, showing that given few novel examples, using the
split. The baselines are trained using the same input representation weight vector generated by the few-shot weight generator for classi-
and feature extraction architecture. We train the prototypical net- fication is notably more effective than using the feature averages.
work using standard 5-way 5-shot classification tasks [12] sampled The prototypical network does not work well under our evalua-
from the base training set. tion scheme. When we take a closer look, we see that it does not out-
put likelihoods over 0.5 and therefore requires threshold tuning for
3.4. Evaluation meaningful F-measures. Threshold tuning, however, defeats the pur-
pose of working with only a few data points per novel class. There-
For evaluation we use actual novel classes as opposed to the pseudo- fore, we only present the mAP scores for the prototypical network.
novel classes used for training. We sample 5 labeled examples from The feature space learned from scratch on 5-way 5-shot classifica-
each class in the novel (test) split to infer novel classification weight tion tasks using base classes is not discriminative enough to classify
vectors, and combine them with the base weight matrix to extend 30 base classes and 10 novel classes when combined. This shows
the classification vocabulary. We evaluate the updated classifier on that the standard few-shot learning approach would require further
a test set of samples from both base and novel classes. We run 100 modification for continual learning.
iterations of this process to account for sampling randomness and re- Lastly, as a sanity check, we compute the performance of the
port the averages for the following metrics: per-class mean average base classifier and DFSL model trained and evaluated on ESC-50
precision (mAP) and F-measure (using 0.5 as the threshold), which under its original single-label, multi-class setup, reported at the bot-
we aggregate separately across base and novel classes. mAP sum- tom of Table 1. As expected, performance increases under this for-
marizes the quality of a model’s precision-recall curve, while the mulation.
F-measure indicates model performance for a fixed threshold.
The ESC-50 test set has 320 examples, 8 examples for each class 4.2. AudioSet
in the base and novel (test) splits. Since we use most base class
samples for training, we are only left with 8 samples for testing, and Next, we perform the evaluation on our 140-class subset of Au-
so we use the same number of test samples for the novel classes dioSet. Here the feature extraction model for all methods is trained
for a balanced evaluation. For the AudioSet test-set we use samples from scratch since we have a large amount of data for all base
corresponding to the base and novel (test) classes from AudioSet’s classes. The results in the upper section of Table 2 show that DFSL
released evaluation set. While it is maximally-balanced with at least outperforms all baselines on novel classes, especially on F-measure,
50 positive examples for as many classes as possible, some classes and again with only a slight drop in performance for the base classes.
occur more frequently. We do not discard any samples from this test AudioSet is a much more challenging and realistic dataset compared
set to maintain comparability with previous studies. to ESC-50, with a larger vocabulary, label noise, incomplete and


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(A) (B) (E) (F)
Method Vocab mAP F-measure
Base Novel Base Novel

Base clf. 30 0.78 – 0.62 –
Retrain 30 + 10 0.82 0.74 0.59 0.52
Proto. Net 30 + 10 0.17 0.21 –2 –2
Base clf. + Prototype 30 + 10 0.78 0.64 0.62 0.26
DFSL (Ours) 30 + 10 0.78 0.67 0.59 0.53
(C) (D)
Base clf. (single-labeled) 30 – – 0.72 –

DFSL (single-labeled) 30 + 10 – – 0.71 0.65 (G) (H)

Base Novel Base Novel

Table 1. Test performance on ESC-50 on predicting 30 base and 10
novel classes with only 5 labeled examples for each novel class.
Fig. 2. ESC-50 (leflt) and AudioSet (right) confusion matrix from
DFSL models, where y axes represent ground truth labels and x axes
Method Vocab mAP F-measure represents model predictions. All axes are split into a set of base
Base Novel Base Novel classes and a set of novel classes. (A, E) Base confused as base, (B,
F) base confused as novel, (C, G) novel confused as base, and (D,
Base clf. 100 0.55 – 0.50 –
Retrain 100 + 20 0.51 0.15 0.44 0.06 H) novel confused as novel. Darker colors represents higher counts.
Proto. Net 100 + 20 0.19 0.07 –2 –2
Base clf. + Prototype 100 + 20 0.55 0.19 0.50 0.08
DFSL (Ours) 100 + 20 0.56 0.20 0.48 0.21 are likely to exist in similar acoustic scenes. This type of confusion
resulting from label co-occurrences is specific to multi-labeled data.
Base clf. 50 0.58 – 0.53 –
DFSL (pseudo-novel) 50 + 20 0.59 0.22 0.54 0.24
DFSL (novel) 50 + 20 0.59 0.24 0.49 0.26 4.4. Training with novel instead of pseudo-novel classes
To bring DFSL performance on novel classes in AudioSet closer to
Table 2. Test performance on AudioSet on predicting 100 base and
its base class performance, we experiment with several training vari-
20 novel classes with only 5 labeled examples for each novel class.
ations such as using a weighted loss, adding regularization, using a
smaller feature extraction model, and varying the number of pseudo-
novel classes as well as the number of labeled examples per class for
weak labels, and multiple sound sources per clip. We see that re- training. However, most of these variations did not lead to significant
training or using prototype features with only 5 labeled data points improvement. The most impactful variation we have identified so
per novel class fails to generalize. With the larger vocabulary, the far is to better match the train and test scenarios by training the few-
prototypical network performs even worse on novel classes com- shot weight generator on actual novel classes, i.e., classes the model
pared to ESC-50. We see that not only can DFSL achieve continual has never seen before, as opposed to pseudo-novel classes that are
learning based on just a few examples per novel class at inference sampled from the base classes the model has already seen. To exper-
time, but it can also work under challenging and practical conditions. iment with this idea, we split the 100 base classes in half, train the
base model on the first 50 classes, and train the few-shot weight gen-
4.3. Error analysis erator by sampling novel classes from the remaining 50 classes. The
results at the bottom of Table 2 show that training with actual novel
In Table 2, we see that while DFSL outperforms all baselines on classes improves performance on novel classes compared to training
novel classes, there is still a large gap between its performance on with pseudo-novel classes, albeit at the cost of slightly lower base
base and novel classes. To gain further insight, in Figure 2 we show class performance. As part of future work we plan to investigate im-
the DFSL confusion matrices for both ESC-50 and AudioSet. To provements to the attention mechanism of the weight generator as
build a confusion matrix for multi-labeled data, given a test data well as entirely replacing the weight generator with a discriminator
point, we first count all correctly predicted labels, then we attribute that directly predicts the novel class likelihood.
each false prediction evenly across all ground truth labels. We nor-
malize each row by the number of examples with the corresponding
label. 5. CONCLUSION
We note an asymmetry between novel classes confused as base
versus base confused as novel, indicating that novel classes are over In this paper we propose a few-shot continual learning framework
predicted in both datasets. With DFSL, we can generate reasonable for audio classification, which can expand its base classification vo-
classification weight vectors for novel classes, but, since they are cabulary to novel classes at inference time given just few labeled
based on just a few labeled data points, they fail to fully discrimi- examples. To this end, we adapt the dynamic few-shot learning
nate between acoustically similar classes. For example, in ESC-50, technique (DFSL) to multi-label audio classification, which extends
the novel class Sea waves often gets activated by samples labeled a standard base classifier with an attention-based few-shot weight
as Rain, Train, Airplane, or Washing Machine. In AudioSet, the generator. We evaluate the proposed approach on two audio datasets,
novel class Banjo often gets activated by samples labeled as Acous- ESC-50 and AudioSet, comparing its performance with several base-
tic Guitar, which is acoustically similar, but also by samples labeled lines, and conduct an error analysis to gain further insight. We also
as other musical instruments such as Cello, Tabla, and Accordion. propose a training variation to further improve performance on novel
These instruments do not necessarily sound like a banjo, but they classes. While there is still room for improvement, our results show
that DFSL is able to achieve few-shot continual learning under chal-
2 Requires threshold tuning to compute meaningful F-measures. lenging and practical conditions without requiring any re-retraining.


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