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HOME Infant/Toddler Assessment

Mariana Hansen
Infant and Toddler Development
Brigham Young University – Idaho

The HOME Instrument

The HOME instrument is a tool to determine how beneficial a child’s environment is for

them. The instrument is a great way to see where a family’s home can be improved. The sooner

parents understand what can be changed to help their child’s development, the sooner their

child can start building their motor skills or reading skills. I am a huge advocate for parents

allowing children to learn in their own time, but I think their basic human skills can be

developed faster in a setting that aligns with the HOME instrument. The process with the

instrument is by providing a series of interview questions for the parents and depending on

their scores, we can assess where the parents can improve their household. I think this would

be extremely useful for first-time parents. They are discovering what works best for them, and

if they were able to understand what areas need more help, their child could expand in all

levels of development.

In the Totsika and Sylva’s article The Home Observation for Measurement of the

Environment Revisited, they share several examples of how the HOME instrument has been

helpful in several families. There was an obvious change in families who used the instruction.

Part of that change was the parents and the infants were able to create a better relationship.

It’s not to say that parents who do not use the instrument do not have a wonderful relationship

with their children. It simply means, the bond was strengthened by using the HOME

instrument. I also admired how the observation was not limited to families with both parents

and children. The research was applied to those dealing with poverty, medical issues, preterm

infants, and more. I believe if a tool can be used for families of all kinds then it is a fairly

accurate and extremely beneficial for any family.


Administering the HOME Instrument

I unfortunately could not interview a family in person. I do have an aunt and uncle who

recently have a baby, and I did ask them how they were adjusting and if they had changed

anything in their house since the last time I visited. They shared how there is a designated play

area for their newborn son and their 3 year old. They also explained how they have placed

blankets and handheld toys for the newborn. I think this is a great way to help the child

constantly be working on something. Moving onto the video, the family was a mother and

father and a little boy. I believe his name was Chase, and he looked about six to eight months

old. The mom mentioned how he was starting to finally sit up on his own, so he would roughly

be around the age when an infant starts developing that skill.

There were photos shown in the home, and I am not sure if the place was actually their

home. The pictures had several photos of other children and a family that did not resemble the

mother speaking in the video. They may have a situation where they rent out the basement

from a family. Although, very similar to my aunt and uncle, the parents had placed toys and

blankets for their son, which makes me want to believe it their house. In my opinion, it was

puzzling. The mother did mention that the husband’s siblings lived nearby, and they also

facetimed with each other’s families quite often. I think it can be obviously seen that

relationships in the family are highly important to the parents.

Besides my confusion on the house, I thought the mother was very sweet with her son.

Even though, I did not interview the mom personally, I felt like she was displaying her real

relationship with her son. Every time the interviewer asked a question about her husband, the

mother was always cheerful and grateful about the kind of father he is and how helpful he is. I

think the mom seemed very comfortable and in her element during the interview. There were

questions that did make the mom become a little anxious, but the interviewer and she worked

through them. Overall, I believe the mom and the son have a great relationship. The family

seems to be working, enjoying life, and progressing together. They try to be around each other

as often as possible. I think being surrounded by family is helpful and vital in building the

relationship with the infant. Simply being that the child will recognize his parents, and he will be

able to grow to love them more.

Summary of Data

After watching the interview, it seemed as though the environment the mother and

father created has been well thought out. The house has been acclimated to having an infant in

the home. The parents have truly adjusted their schedules to provide what they believe is best

for the baby. The interviewer and the mom were able to discuss through ideas and questions

for the home and the infant. They were able to share with each other stories about toys and

what the baby enjoys. They also chatted about the baby and his interaction with the

interviewer and the mom. He was obviously a very cheerful, happy baby. From my first

impression, the family seemed to get along very well and be adjusted to having an infant in the


During the interview, the idea was to determine where the family can improve. From

the HOME instrument and scores, I came to the conclusion that the parents either exceeded

the median or were right below the median. They were never too low in any of the aspects that

were being studied. The parents beat the median score dealing with involvement and variety. I

think as the mother was sharing her experiences, she truly exemplified those qualities. She was

constantly playing with her son and sharing stories of where she and her husband make sure to

be with him as much as possible. The mom also discussed how their families were involved as

well. With variety, I think the mom did a great job of that by taking the son outside and to other

environments like the grocery store or the library. I think providing different scenery for the

infant is an important aspect to implement with families. It is too easy now a days to sit at

home and let the child be entertained by movies or other types of technology. The importance

of different environments helps the infant discover the world in new ways besides the home.

The rest of the areas involved with the HOME instrument are responsivity, acceptance,

organization, and learning materials. The family from the video scored either right at the

median or right below the median in those areas. I truly felt that the mother and father were

doing everything they could to the best of their abilities. Their son is also fairly young, so some

learning materials did not have to be necessarily in use till maybe a few months later. I think

organization would be the most important to improve if the parents were to pick one area. Paul

C. Quinn and Ramesh S. Bhatt did some research where they were able to understand how

organizing can benefit three to seven month old infants. I believe some of their tools could be

beneficial for the family from the video.

A couple of recommendations I developed from their article involved more organization

in their lives. The mother mentioned how they recently started reading to the baby, and I

believe if they put that into their schedule the baby may find it more enjoyable. This could be

reading before the baby’s nap time or reading before bed. I do not think they have to be very

long books if they do not fit into the family’s schedule. They can be mostly picture books, so the

parents can create the stories on their own too. Another way to involve books would be having

them placed in more places than one. This way the infant can notice that they are popular and

useful as toys are. Another recommendation would be involving the son more during their meal

times. I know she said he sits with them, and sometimes he will eat. Maybe they can play a

game while they eat or let the time during the meal be a way for him to develop more in other

aspects while they are together. I believe if the parents take the HOME instrument and use it in

their house, they will be able to help their son to the best of their abilities.

Limitations to the HOME Instrument

I am not entirely sure of the nursery age, but depending if he is involved with that, the

environment provided there should be studied there as well. I do not think we talk about that

much because it is simply a place where parents place their infants and toddlers during church.

I think whatever activities the infant participates in should be studied with the HOME

instrument as well. I do not know how much input the parents could suggest for those

programs, but they could ask the leaders of those activities to improve here and there a little

from time to time. I believe the HOME instrument could be used with other members in the

family as well. I probably would not mention it to them because often people do not like advice

about raising or taking care of children. Although, the parents could again suggest here and

there where they believe the child may need more attention on like organization or learning

materials. I believe the parents from the video are doing a great job, and they seem to have a

good head on both of their shoulders to raise their son.



Paul C. Quinn, & Ramesh S. Bhatt. (2009). Transfer and Scaffolding of Perceptual Grouping Occurs

Across Organizing Principles in 3- to 7-Month-Old Infants. Psychological Science, 20(8), 933. Retrieved



Vasiliki Totsika & Kathy Sylva. (2004). The Home Observation for Measurement of the

Environment Revisited. Department of Educational Studies.


I am not sure how to embed my interview questions here, so I will attach it to my submission of

the assignment. I am extremely sorry for the inconveince.

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