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English I for Educational Psychology

Technical English applied to Educational Psychology

Prepared by
Willian Peguero
Mota M.A.
Department of
La Romana,


Basic English I for the undergraduate subject Educational Psychology is a didactic material prepared for
students to be able to create communicative contexts in different communication situations, especially in those
contexts that involve all the activities in which they can develop in the world of his career.
This material basically points to the application of the English language to the accounting career without
forgetting other contexts that include aspects of daily life.
This material is prepared with the purpose that students2develop the four skills of the language, namely: oral
production, oral comprehension, written production, and written comprehension. To these four skills we add
the intercultural component.
It is a written work characterized by being restricted to the analysis of a problem that will be addressed from
basic texts and supported by complementary texts. It allows developing skills to expose, describe, explain,
analyze, interpret and argue.
It consists of the real or hypothetical representation to show a problem or information relevant to the course
content. Facilitates flexibility of thought in problem solving, also shows the practical utility of specific
We hope that this work will be of use to you in your professional life.
Thank you.

The Author.



Prepared by: Willian Peguero Mota

Department of English
OyM University



Warming up:
Listen and repeat

A: What is education?

B: It is a process of socialization of individuals.

A What does the student assimilate and learn?

B: The student assimilates and learns knowledge.

Conversation 1A:
Listen and repeat: 5
A: What is education?

B: It is a process of socialization of individuals.

A What does the student assimilate and learn?

B: The student assimilates and learns knowledge.


Write the term according to the picture:



knowledge individuals




Classify the grammatical elements of Conversation A in this table. Then listen and Pronounce them.


to be: it is to. individual a and
to asimilate: the process of
student asimilates
to learn the student students the
presente simple


Translate into Spanish conversation A

R: ¿Qué es la educación?

B: Es un proceso de socialización de los individuos.

A ¿Qué asimila y aprende el alumno? 7
B: El alumno asimila y aprende conocimientos.


Read conversation A. Then complete the sentence with the correct term that corresponds.

1.- Education is process of socialization of individuals

2.- In education, the students assimilate and learn: knowledge

The Students will play role in conversation 1A.


Find 3 definitions of Education and write them below.

1.- _education is training

2.- education is instruccion

3.- education is beeding

tical Thinking
Write your own definition of Education

education is a process of formation and training that every human being acquires during its

Conversation B
Listen and repeat.

A: Hi. In our previous class we were talking about education.

B: Yes. Education has several implications

A: What does education also imply?

B: It implies a cultural and behavioral awareness.

A: What do new generations acquire?

B: The new generations acquire the ways of being of previous generations.

A: Oh, so educating is a very important process¡


Write the term according to the picture:



__ new generations 10




Classify the grammatical elements of Conversation A in this table. Then listen and Pronounce them.


Translate into Spanish the conversation B

hola. En nuestra clase anterior hablábamos de educación.

B: Sí. La educación tiene varias implicaciones
R: ¿Qué implica también la educación?
B: Implica una conciencia cultural y conductual.
R: ¿Qué adquieren las nuevas generaciones?
B: Las nuevas generaciones adquieren las formas de ser de las generaciones anteriores.
R: ¡Oh, entonces educar es un proceso muy importante!


Read conversation B. Then complete the sentence with the correct term that corresponds.

1.- Education implies: it implies a cultural and behavioral awareness.

2.- The new generations acquire: the new generations acquire the ways of being of previous generations.
3.- Education has several: implications.

Students will play role conversation B.

The Present simple tense:

The present simple tense is used to describe habits, unchanging situations, general truths, and fixed
arrangements. The simple present tense in English is used to describe an action that is regular, true, or

In general, in the third person we add 'S' in the third person. Example:

The student assimilates values and knowledge. (Affirmative)

The student does not assimilate any. (negative)

Does the student assimilate it ? (interrogative)

Short answers:

Yes, ( he, she) does. No, (he, she) doesn´t.

The spelling for the verb in the third person differs depending on the ending of that verb:

1. For verbs that end in -O, -CH, -SH, -SS, -X, or -Z we add -ES in the third person.

To do To watch To wash To process To buz To fix

You do. Watch Process
They 14

does watches Processes

2. For verbs that end in a consonant + Y, we remove the Y and add -IES.
To marry To study To carry To worry Identify Classify

WE marry Study Carry Worry Identify Classify


She marries Studies Carries Worries Identifies classifies

NOTE: For verbs that end in a vowel + Y, we just add -S.

To play To enjoy To say

I, you, we, they play Enjoy Say

He, she, it plays Enjoys Says

Read this text and socialize it with your classmates.

Materialization in the educational process

The educational process materializes in a series of skills and values. Those skills and values produce
intellectual, emotional, and social changes in the individual. According to the degree of awareness achieved,
these values can last a lifetime or only a certain period. In the case of children, education seeks to promote the
process of structuring thought and forms of expression.
The educational process helps in the sensory- motor maturation process and it stimulates group integration.


translate the reading into Spanish

El proceso educativo se materializa en una serie de habilidades y valores. Esas habilidades y valores

producen cambios intelectuales, emocionales y sociales en el individuo. Según el grado de conciencia

alcanzado, estos valores pueden durar toda la vida o solo un período determinado. En el caso de los niños,

la educación busca promover el proceso de estructuración del pensamiento y las formas de expresión.

El proceso educativo ayuda en el proceso de maduración sensorial-motora y estimula la integración

Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses:

The educational process Materialize (materialize) in a series of skills and values. Those skills and values

produce (produce) intellectual, emotional, and social changes in the individual. According to the degree of

awareness achieved, these values can last a lifetime or only a certain period. In the case of children, education

seek (seek) to promote the process of structuring thought and forms of expression.

The educational process help help (help) in the sensory- motor maturation process and it stimulate (stimulate)

group integration


After filling out the text B, answer these questions from it.

1.- What does the educational process materialize? in a series of skills and values

2.- What do those skills and values produce? intellectual, emotional, and social changes in the


3.- How long can these values last? these values can last a lifetime or only a certain period.

4.- In the case of children, what does education seek? to promote the process of structuring thought and forms

of expression.
5.- What does the educational process help? in the
17sensory- motor maturation process and it stimulate
(stimulate) group integration.

6.- What does the educational process stimulate? it stimulate (stimulate) group integration.


Conversation C
Listen and practice

A: What does the formal education consist of?

B: It consist of the systematic presentation of ideas, facts, ant techniques to students.

A: How does one person exert influence on another?

B: with the intention of training him.

A: What is the School System?

B: It is the way in which a society transmits and preserves its collective existence among the new generations.

Translate into Spanish the conversation C
R: ¿En qué consiste la educación formal?

B: Consiste en la presentación sistemática de ideas, hechos, técnicas de hormigas a los estudiantes.

R: ¿Cómo influye una persona sobre otra?

B: con la intención de entrenarlo.

R: ¿Qué es el sistema escolar?

B: Es la forma en que una sociedad transmite y preserva su existencia colectiva entre las nuevas generaciones.


Write sentences in present simple tense in affirmative form with these verbs:

Achieve ___ we will be able to pass this subject__________________________

Transmit ___ we are going to broadcast the class tonight

Preserve _ you always have to persevere___________

Exert __ I am going to pursue my university degree_______________

Consist of ______ our duty is to do our best________________

Critical thinking:

What do you think about Dominican Educational System?

The Dominican educational system is fine in these times but I think it can improve, look for new techniques so

that students are better trained.


What is the impact of Coronavirus in the Dominican Education?

The impact of the coronavirus on education has been affecting students, we are disoriented and wanting to

return to our education in the study centers again.

Do you think that the MINERD proceeded adequately in handling the crisis?

With the coronavirus in our country, neither minerd nor any other institution was prepared for this health crisis,

but I think that I handle the situation well.


Basic English II For Educational


Prepared by Willian Peguero Mota M.A.

Department of English OYM University
Campus: La Romana, Dominican Republic

At the end of this unit the students will be able to:

1.- Define the concept of Psychology. 21
2.- Explain the object of study of Psychology.

UNIT 1: Fundamentals of Psychology.

At the end of this unit the students will be able to:

1.- Define the concept of Psychology.
2.- Explain the object of study of Psychology.

Warming Up

Conversation A:
Listen and Practice.

A: How is Psychology defined today?

B: Psychology is defined as the science that studies behavior and mental processes.
B: What is the object of study of Psychology?
A: Its object of study is the behavior of the individual from the individual and group point of
B: Exactly, you can say, the interaction that forms between individual organisms with their
environment and with other organisms.

Classify the vocabulary in:
can say Psychology Mental Of possesives
Is defined science with the
is today other
study is behavior and
Processe 23 from
the interaction

A: ¿Cómo se define la Psicología hoy?
B: La psicología se define como la ciencia que estudia el comportamiento y los procesos
B: ¿Cuál es el objeto de estudio de la Psicología?
A: Su objeto de estudio es el comportamiento del individuo desde el punto de vista individual y
B: Exactamente, se puede decir, la interacción que se forma entre organismos individuales con
su entorno y con otros organismos.

Listen and practice.

A: What are the topics that psychology studies?

B: The topics that psychologist’s study are numerous, such as development, physiological bases
of behavior, learning ………
A: Yes, and thinking, motivation, emotion, social influences, social behaviors, among others.
A: What does psychology do?
B: What Psychology does is identify processes to incorporate changes, with the hope that these
will generate results.
Classify the vocabulary in:


studies emotion the
Study are motivation With
is influences That
do psychology
does behaviors
To incorporate development,
Will generate topics

Translate into Spanish the conversation B
¿Cuáles son los temas que estudia la psicología?
B: Los temas que estudia el psicólogo son numerosos, como el desarrollo, las bases
fisiológicas del comportamiento, el aprendizaje ……… A: Sí, y el pensamiento, la
motivación, la emoción, las influencias sociales, los comportamientos sociales, entre otros.
R: ¿Qué hace la psicología?
B: Lo que hace la Psicología es identificar procesos para incorporar cambios, con la
esperanza de que estos generen resultados.

Choose the correct term according to each definition.
1.- Psychology studies…….. 25
a) anatomy b. shapes c. behavior d. bones e. mental processes f. c and e
2.- The object of study of the psychology is:
a. attention b. the behavior of the individual from the individual and group point of view
c. the action between groups d. anyone
3.- The interaction involves:
a) individual b. organisms c. environment d. other organisms e. all
4.- They are topics that psychology studies……
a. development b. psychology bases of behavior c. learning d. motivation e. all
5.- What psychology does is…….
a.- identify business b. identify processes c. identify companies d. anyone.
6.- Psychology incorporates:
a. business b. accountability c. changes d. all
7.- Psychology hopes that these changes:
a. will generate results b. will generate business c. will generate contract d. all

LESSON 2: Prescientific stage of psychology


At the end of this lesson the student will be able to:

a) Explain in English the prescientific stage of psychology.

CONVERSATION C. Listen and repeat:
A: Who are the forerunners of the psychology?
B: They are the Greeks, trying to explain the relationship between mind and body, innate ideas
and personality.
A: What was born in the seventeenth century?
B: The philosophical current called Rationalism is born, which gives importance to reason over
human faculties.
A: What sustains this philosophical current?
B: It maintains that our valid and true knowledge about reality does not come from the senses
but from the reason of the understanding itself.
A: Who is the representative of rationalism?
B: The representative of rationalism is Rene Descartes, considered the father of modern and personality.

Classify the vocabulary in:

Translate into Spanish the conversation


CONVERSATION D Listen and practice

A: What does Rene Descartes unlink?
B: He disassociates philosophical from theological thought.
A: What worries him the most in philosophy?
B: What worries him most in philosophy is knowledge, he is convinced that in man there is the
possibility of arriving at valid knowledge.
A: What does Descartes create for the search for such knowledge?
B: Descartes creates methodical doubt, so he doubts everything that can be doubted.
A: Yes, he thinks that in this way he will arrive at the unassailable truth.
B: How did Descartes formulate that unassailable truth?
A: I think, therefore I exist. And the criterion of impregnable truth is: we must only accept as
true that knowledge that is evident, clear and different.

Classify the vocabulary in:

Translate into Spanish the conversation


Choose the correct term according to each definition:
1.- The forerunners of the psychology are:
a. Indians b. Egyptians c. Greeks d. American e. all of them
2.- The Greeks tried to explain:
a. the relationship between mind and body, innate ideas, and personality.
b. The discrepancies between human and soul
c. the relationship between animal and water.
3.- In the seventeenth century was born:
a. The philosophical current called Rationalism.
b.- the philosophical current called romanticism.
c.- the philosophical current call idealism
4.- It gives importance to reason over human faculties:
a. romanticism b. idealism c. Rationalism d. socialism
5.- It maintains that our valid and true knowledge about reality does not come from the senses
but from the reason of the understanding itself.
a. romanticism b. classicism c. romanticism d. rationalism
6.- He is the representative of rationalism:
a. Simon Drake b. Shakespeare c. Rene Descartes
30 d. Juan Ruiz de Alarcón
7.- He is considered the father of modern thought and personality:
a. Simon Drake b. Shakespeare c. Rene Descartes d. Juan Ruiz de Alarcon

Write about all you have learn in this part.

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